Accord notes lack of progress in transition in Bangladesh
Ahead of today’s #CEDAW discussion on #Myanmar’s Exceptional Report demonstrating #Myanmar’s reluctance to acknowledge & account for crimes against #Rohingya, @GlobalJusticeC, @ECCHRBerlin & @4GenderJustice submitted a #JointLetter outlining concerns:
— Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice (@4GenderJustice) 22. Februar 2019
“The only reason why fire accidents in the garment industry (have) decreased is because Accord has constantly monitored the factories since 2013,” he said. #ProtectProgress#RanaPlazaNeverAgain
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 23. Februar 2019
Accord notes lack of progress in transition in Bangladesh
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 22. Februar 2019
Why moving to a worker-led CSR strategy makes sense via @juststyle
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 22. Februar 2019
We’re the first apparel company to be living wage verified. Just saying. Ahem.
— Alta Gracia Apparel (@wearealtagracia) 22. Februar 2019
“Sadly, none of this is new. In Bangladesh, fire and safety disasters come one after the other.”
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 22. Februar 2019
Syrian torture cases filed in Germany #Justice4Syria
Learn more ab/ our #Justice4Syria work & the criminal complaints ag high level official of #Assad’s security apparatus we filed in #Germany, #Austria & recently in #Sweden
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 22. Februar 2019
Do U speak Swedish? Then check out this article on our new complaint on #torture in #Syria, that we filed in #Sweden together w/ torture survivors, activists & lawyers @anwaralbounni@SyrianCenter@IBRAHIMALKASEM#CaesarFilesGroup@crd#Justice4Syria
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 20. Februar 2019
Moving moment in #Stockholm today:#Syria torture survivor, @MansourOmari, -w/ @ECCHRBerlin’s @pkroker2– presents fabric smuggled out of prison w/ the names of 82 detainees as evidence in a large criminal complaint filed in #Sweden against high level #Assad regime officials.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 21. Februar 2019
„Dass die Hauptaufgabe faktisch darin bestand, Menschen zu retten, war für die Besatzung positiv, weil man das Gefühl bekam, etwas Gutes zu tun.“ Erstaunliche Statements von Bundeswehrsoldaten, die jetzt im Mittelmeer niemanden mehr retten dürfen. #Monitor
— Georg Restle (@georgrestle) 22. Februar 2019
„Our work shld save time for investigations. It also helps to preserve evidence for the future. It will not be necessary to start from scratch when the political situation allows int’l trials to be opened or even, one day, in #Syria“
Catherine Marchi-Uhel— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 22. Februar 2019
The bridge we are building between commissions of inquiry and the various avenues of justice available is based on our preparatory work, which is very strongly rooted in criminal methodology. Moreover, the Human Rights Council has decided to establish a similar mechanism for Myanmar to address the crimes against the Rohingya.
Judiciary initiatives in #Europe related to intl crimes committed in #Syria since 2011: effective trials, investigations, prosecutions against companies and their executives, filing of complaints by victims and NGOs, issuance of int’l arrest warrants.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 22. Februar 2019
Big thanks from Lower #Austria who visited @UN_Vienna
Big thanks to the 70 school principals from Lower #Austria who visited @UN_Vienna to join a workshop on Teaching the #GlobalGoals and how to promote the #SDGs among teachers and students
— UN Vienna (@UN_Vienna) 20. Februar 2019
Happy #InternationalMotherLanguageDay! You can find out more about @unikonstanz research on mothers, babies and their languages here:
— Konstanz Linguistics (@KonstanzLing) 21. Februar 2019
Please follow my amazing @ECCHRBerlin colleague @pkroker2 for more details concerning efforts by Syrian lawyers and brave torture survivors to bring perpetrators of atrocity crimes to justice.
W/o justice, war crimes will continue in #Syria.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 20. Februar 2019
The complaint in #Sweden follows similar legal interventions already taken in #Germany & #Austria.
This time we worked together w/ @crd and our longtime #Syrian partners @anwaralbounni@SyrianCenter@IBRAHIMALKASEM#CaesarFilesGroup#Justice4Syria— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 20. Februar 2019
The way to #Justice4Syria also leads through #Sweden: Together with 9 #torture survivors, @anwaralbounni, @SyrianCenter, @IBRAHIMALKASEM, @crdefenders and @ECCHRBerlin demand the end of impunity in #Syria.
Learn more about the case:— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 20. Februar 2019
„I survived #torture in 2 detention centers of the General Intelligence Service. But to this day thousands of prisoners in #Syria face death by torture. We file this criminal complaint to help put an end to this system”, says Abdulnaser, plaintiff in
— Wolfgang Kaleck (@WolfgangKaleck) 20. Februar 2019
Together w/ #Syrian#torture survivors we filed a criminal complaint in #Sweden ag #Assad’s Intelligence Chiefs. Swedish judiciary must issue international arrest warrants. @crd@anwaralbounni@SyrianCenter#CaesarFilesGroup@IBRAHIMALKASEM
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 20. Februar 2019
EU-trained Burma police attack peaceful protesters
UNISON backs @burmacampaignuk EU to stop training the military-controlled Burmese police force who continue to open fire on peaceful protesters.
— UNISON International (@UNISON_global) 19. Februar 2019
Pleased to share my new op-ed for The Age on China’s „reeducation“ camps in Xinjiang
China borrows from totalitarian playbook with Xinjiang camps via @theage— Michael Clarke (@meclarke114) 20. Februar 2019
This is #Myanmar, 2019!
Journalism is NOT a crime.#AungSanSuuKyi, you can end this terrible injustice now.
Please do what’s right; #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 20. Februar 2019
Today, we call on the European Union to stop training Burma’s military-controlled police force. “The EU is training part of a genocidal institution and using aid money to do it,” said our Director @MarkFarmaner
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 15. Februar 2019
EU-trained Burma police attack peaceful protesters with rubber bullets and tear gas. TAKE ACTION: Tell the EU to stop training Burma’s military controlled police force.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 15. Februar 2019
Xinjiang party secretary Chen Quanguo’s PhD thesis reportedly shows heavy signs of plagiarism, with over 80% of intro and large parts of text body directly copied from other works. Analysis by @AirMovingDevice
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 18. Februar 2019
Provides a glimpse of just one aspect of the truly Orwellian surveillance that people in Xinjiang (and increasingly in all of China) are subjected to.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 16. Februar 2019
CRAZY: private Chinese surveillance firm leaves sensitive personal data of nearly 3m Xinjiang residents on open online database, which tracks people’s GPS coordinates. Surveillance data streams showed 6.7m GPS coordinates in 24hrs. via @ZDNet & @campuscodi
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 16. Februar 2019
Malaysia and Singapore May be Near Deal on Port Limits
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 16. Februar 2019
The supportive statement of 190 investors earlier this week is a great reminder of how broad the support for the continuation of the Accord is. We updated our overview with some great statements of support from 2019!
— Clean Clothes (@cleanclothes) 15. Februar 2019
Nearly 1 million Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic group, are currently living in the refugee camps in Bangladesh visited by @PWRDF.
— anglicanjournal (@anglicanjournal) 14. Februar 2019
Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, welcomes visit by #ICC investigators as part of preliminary examinations into the deportation of 700.000+ #Rohingya Muslims from #Myanmar, and ensures the @IntCrimCourt of #Bangladesh’s full cooperation.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 16. Februar 2019
This is the tune of a new Europe! #YourVoteOurFuture
so klingt das neue Europa.
Am 26. Mai sind EU Wahlen. Also wählt und wählt sorgfältig aus wen ihr wählt. Wir werden uns im Rahmen dieser Kampagne genau anschauen, wofür die Parteien, wofür die einzelnen KandidatInnen stehen. Und wir werden uns auch erlauben, sie zu beurteilen wie weit sie für unsere Ziele einstehen.
Besonders richten wir uns an jene Freundinnen und Freunde, an jene „neuen Europäer*innen“, die vielleicht zum ersten Mal wählen dürfen: Nehmt euer Wahlrecht wahr, nehmt unsere gemeinsame Zukunft in die Hand!
und im Rahmen der #yourVoteOurFuture Kampagne ist dieses tolle Video entstanden. Schaut es euch an und schaut, wer da alles so dabei ist – Herbert Langthaler
Tibet Gets Awesome Anonymous Support
Further analysis would require to compare these new sites with existing ones and to take location into account, etc. I personally would not be surprised to see re-education spread beyond Xinjiang (but likely not with same intensity). @dktatlow @niubi @GJosephRoche
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 14. Februar 2019
#China’s two-child policy under fire as parents’ bank account frozen for having third child
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 14. Februar 2019
150 pastors, elders, and leaders from Henan Province’s #China Gospel Fellowship ,a network of house churches and one of the most significant evangelical #Christian movements in China,were arrested on the morning of January 15, when their meeting had barely begun.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 14. Februar 2019
Archive footage of Ashgabat in 1987
— Koryo Tours (@KoryoTours) 14. Februar 2019
#Germany arrests #Assad regime ex-officials on suspicion of torturing detainees
#Germany arrests Senior ex-officials from #Syrian intelligence services.
“The arrest shows once again that Germany is taking the fight against impunity for torture in Syria seriously“ – @WolfgangKaleck#Justice4Syria
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 13. Februar 2019
#Germany arrests two suspected #Syria ex-secret police members.
Very important development made possible by incredibly brave torture survivors, & the tireless work of Syrian lawyers & the @ECCHRBerlin.
W/o justice, atrocity crimes will continue.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 13. Februar 2019
Breaking news: Former #Assad regime senior intelligence official Anwar R, arrested in #Germany accused of atrocity crimes against detainees.
This first high-level arrest was made possible by brave torture survivors & the tireless work of #Syria lawyers & @ECCHRBerlin. Amazing!
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 13. Februar 2019
Bangladesh Government set to throw away @Banglaccord achievements
Our team together with Karen grassroots delegation Wah Ku Shee and @HsaMoo10 Thank you for a productive meeting
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 14. Februar 2019
11,600+ workers have lost their jobs, after striking for higher wages
(in factories supplying H&M, Tesco, M&S, Lidl, Aldi, according to @IndustriALL_GU)And is #biometric data the new tool of blacklisting & labour repression?
— Alice Evans (@_alice_evans) 13. Februar 2019
Today’s the first day of the @OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment & Footwear Sector, so we’re releasing our latest paper, „Future of Fashion: Worker-Led Strategies for Corporate Accountability in the Global Apparel Industry“ – read more: #OECDrbc
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 13. Februar 2019
Bangladesh Government set to throw away @Banglaccord achievements | IndustriALL
— IndustriALL (@IndustriALL_GU) 13. Februar 2019
Global investors representing over US $3 trillion call on Bangladeshi government to retain the @banglaccord to protect garment workers and prevent tragedies like the 2013 #RanaPlaza collapse. Read the statement and letter to Prime Minister
— ICCR (@ICCRonline) 12. Februar 2019
It’s my brother’s Marriage anniversary, but he is not with us yet. WE DEMAND HIS RELEASE AND LET US KNOW HIS WHERABOUTS.
— sumaiya rabeya (@sumaiyarabeya) 12. Februar 2019
Our affiliate in Bangladesh, the @ngwfinfo, demonstrated in Dhaka this morning to demand the release of imprisoned garment workers and the reinstatement of 11,600 who were sacked.
— IndustriALL (@IndustriALL_GU) 13. Februar 2019
Foundation stone laying ceremony of Gorkha Welfare Centre at Saket, New Delhi
I am proud of my hill brothers and sisters. My best wishes to all of them
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 13. Februar 2019
#News Lens: WB watchdog flays failure to deliver on commitments to TE workers
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 12. Februar 2019
Serving a seven-year sentence for a crime he didn’t commit hasn’t stopped our Reuters colleague Wa Lone from sending flowers to his beloved wife Pan Ei Mon. She has just posted this photo with the words: „Valentines Present from My Hubby.“
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 13. Februar 2019
New @opiniojuris: a short, unassuming post about two very different governmental narratives — one American, one Australian — of the invasion of #Cambodia in 1970. #IHL#VietnamWar
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 13. Februar 2019
„Future of Fashion: Worker-Led Strategies for Corporate Accountability in the Global Apparel Industry“ calls attention to the failures of #CSR initiatives to remedy the exploitation of millions of apparel workers. #OECDrbc#futureofwork
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 13. Februar 2019
Some interesting reading for me on #Brexit and the future status of EU bilateral #investment treaties! Thanks to @NoelleQuenivet1 for putting it on my radar.
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 12. Februar 2019
I was present in the foundation stone laying ceremony of Gorkha Welfare Centre at Saket, New Delhi being set up by GTA. This will indeed be a great facility for my Darjeeling & Kalimpong brothers and sisters when they will be coming to Delhi for studies, treatment, employment etc
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 13. Februar 2019
On #WorldRadioDay my best wishes to everyone associated with the radio industry. FM plays an important role in raising awareness among the people. May this vibrant medium continue to grow
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 13. Februar 2019
I’ve already spoken to @yadavakhilesh. We all condemn the arrogant attitude of the so-called #BJP ‘leaders’ who didn’t allow Akhilesh to address the students. Even @jigneshmevani80 was not allowed. Where is the democracy in our country? And they are giving lessons to everybody!
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 12. Februar 2019
সকল হাই-মাদ্রাসা, আলিম এবং ফাজিল পরীক্ষার্থীদের শুভেচ্ছা
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 11. Februar 2019
At ICJ trial, India to focus on denial of consular access
Fake passport, no evidence: How Pakistan plans to target India in defending Kulbhushan Jadhav’s death sentence at @CIJ_ICJ – India News
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 16. Februar 2019
At @CIJ_ICJ hearings, India to focus on denial of consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav –
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 11. Februar 2019
#News Lens: WB watchdog flays failure to deliver on commitments to TE workers
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 12. Februar 2019
Today, the Karen grassroots delegation had a productive meeting with Mr. Speaker John Bercow of the UK @HouseofCommons John visited Karen refugee camp on Thai border in 2004. He is a strong supporter of Burma. with Wah Ku Shee
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Februar 2019
Engie was included in the Burma Campaign U.K.’s “Dirty List” of companies linked to human rights violations in Myanmar in December but, according to BCUK, the company asked to have their name removed from the list due to concerns of reputation risk…
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 11. Februar 2019
Naw Hsa Moo and Naw Wah Ku Shee, Karen grassroots delegation, together with Karin Valtersson of Burma Campaign UK at the British Parliament.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 11. Februar 2019
Local Shans welcome Engie’s withdrawal from Upper Yeywa dam, urge other companies to follow suit
Local communities in northern Shan State are greatly encouraged that French company Engie has pulled out of the Upper Yeywa dam project
— SHRF (@shanhumanrights) 11. Februar 2019
The Warm and Cozy Relationship Between Israel and Myanmar
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 11. Februar 2019
#China : According to a #Buddhist who is in charge of a temple in Yangxin county under the jurisdiction of Huangshi city, more than 100 temples have been sealed off in that one county alone.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 12. Februar 2019
Campaign to Shut Down Temples Leaves #Buddhists Homeless . As #Chinese officials go on a demolition campaign, many Buddhists driven out of temples have been left destitute and impoverished.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 12. Februar 2019
#Bangladesh’s „lost city“ #PanamNagar, a ghost town with beautiful though crumbling Indo-European buildings which makes for a fascinating day trip from
— Jeremy Koh (@JeremyKohCNA) 11. Februar 2019
I take my hat off to you @Craig_Foster for putting your life on hold to #SaveHakeem. Proud to call you a friend. And to the thousands of people who showed support, no matter how great or small the gesture, you’re all champions in my eyes. 🙌🏻
— Andrew Orsatti (@AndrewOrsatti) 11. Februar 2019
Hakeem is coming home!
Safe travel Hakeem. #HakeemSaved #HakeemHome
Pic via @YahyaAlhadid.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 11. Februar 2019
CCHR releases its latest newsletter, covering the 3rd #UPR of #Cambodia, the #FairTrialRights of juveniles, and the 15th anniversary of union leader Chea Vichea’s death #NeverForget#NoImpunity. Read it here:
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 11. Februar 2019
#EU on #Cambodia: Last 18 months, deterioration of democracy, human rights and rule of law. #EU trade mission coming to #Myanmar🇲🇲 soon…🤞
— Kristian Schmidt (@EUAmbSchmidt) 11. Februar 2019
A wonderful good news‘ Monday!#HakeemSaved#HakeemHome
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 11. Februar 2019
#China’s actions in #Xinjiang are finally crossing a red line
#Uighurs to #China: Post a Video of My Missing Relatives, Too #MeTooUyghur
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 12. Februar 2019
Wiedner Gürtel
Vienna, Austria#austria🇦🇹 #vienna #wiednergürtel #myminolta #canoneos1300d #viennatouristboard #austriantourism #tram #colourbuilding #colourphoto #streetphotography #travelphotography #touristphotography #holiday #vacation #britishmanabroad
— Kim Ralls (@kim_ralls) 10. Februar 2019
Next stop Xinjiang for one of China’s rising political stars Wang Junzheng
Trusted senior cadre tipped for leadership role in implementing Beijing’s ‘stabilising measures’ in the Uygur region— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. Februar 2019
Turkish gov’t: video of Heyit contains no proof of his identity nor that it was filmed on Feb 10. If true, the video could open a constructive debate on the issue. For Turkey, this is not just about the treatment of one man (Heyit), but of the Uyghur people in general.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. Februar 2019
Prompted by China’s video of A. Heyit as proof that he is alive, Uyghurs worldwide start a #MeTooUyghur campaign. They demand video evidence that their beloved ones are also still alive.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. Februar 2019
OK – I just discovered Huang Xiangmo’s empirical basis for referring to Australia as a „giant baby“ whose growth will yet take a „long time“.
He explained his methodology in this way:
„I have lived in Australia for many years and I have some rough ideas about it.“— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. Februar 2019
„The Chinese are one of the earliest builders of this country and a part of this country that cannot be separated.“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. Februar 2019
They edit a lot in Forced TV Confessions, this one will be no different, many victims have now pointed out just how much is edited
— Peter Dahlin (彼得·达林) (@Peterinexile) 11. Februar 2019
Metadata of Heyit video released by PRC state media shows audio/video length discrepancy, which might explain an edit that may have removed sth. that Heyit had said.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 11. Februar 2019
That analysis is quite similar to my own thoughts.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 11. Februar 2019
China’s embassy in Turkey argues that Heyit is „alive and well“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 11. Februar 2019
Step 1: weaponize tourism
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 11. Februar 2019
Question: in this (unconfirmed) video, Heyit states that he is „being investigated“ for „allegedly“ breaking laws. In other reports, it was said that he was „sentenced“ to 8 years prison. Which one is true? Do we have clear evidence of a formal prison sentence handed to him?
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 11. Februar 2019
„…the reported death of Mr. Heyit … might have been the ‚drop in the bucket that caused the bucket to overflow.’”
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 10. Februar 2019
„It seems that #China’s actions in #Xinjiang are finally crossing a red line among the world’s Muslim communities” …
Now, states shld step up & launch an independent @UN#HRC investigation into the scale of the crackdown & abuses
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 10. Februar 2019
KiK evades legal responsibility for factory fire deaths
„Die Position der Kläger*innen im #KiK-Fall wäre mit einem solchen Gesetz besser gewesen“, meint unsere Kollegin @rotekatze78#BizHumanRights
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 10. Februar 2019
Our fresh ECCHR-#Newsletter – full of news on our work & upcoming events you shouldn’t miss: Looking back to #KiKonTrial & #ColoniaDignidad case; new #publication on #forcedlabor in #Qatar; open letter to #UN-Secretary General on #CARSV
Read & Sign up:
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 8. Februar 2019
Labor Upheaval in Bangladesh Prompts Solidarity Actions | Labor Notes
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 8. Februar 2019