Will those responsible for atrocities in #Syria be brought to justice?
Where Will the Money to Rebuild Syria Come From? – The Atlantic https://t.co/5sMNohW57Z
— Steven Heydemann (@SHeydemann) 16. März 2019
Pursuing Syrian regime war criminals, could @GuernicaLaw37 secure a breakthrough with the International Criminal Court, following an earlier breakthrough on Myanmar and the Rohingyas. @tobycadman speaks to #abcPM@abcnewshttps://t.co/fPNGMWyU23
— Linda Mottram (@LindaMottram) 7. März 2019
1/2 Will those responsible for atrocities in #Syria be brought to justice? @tobycadman at @GuernicaCentre explains the case for jurisdiction by the @IntlCrimCourthttps://t.co/ZNpfJ9TwWO via @radiofm4
— Joanna Bostock (@joannabostock) 11. März 2019
It is truly appalling that we are entering the ninth year of the Syrian conflict. With half the pre-war population killed or displaced we now must call on the @IntlCrimCourt to ensure #justice to the millions of Syrians and ensure we say #neveragain now @GuernicaCentre
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 15. März 2019
Very hard to fathom what’s happening in the world from #Syria to #Myanmar from the brutality of #Sisi to #MBS and now the numbness of yet another pointless terror attack resulting in loss of life #ChristchurchMosqueShooting what are we leaving for our children
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 15. März 2019
Man sollte vielleicht noch dazu sagen, dass der Berichterstatter im Europaparlament, der die jetzt so kritisierten Details der #Urheberrechtsreform maßgeblich ausgehandelt hat, der CDU-Politiker Axel Voß ist. https://t.co/erGfDlQUmZ
— Birgit Schmeitzner (@BSchmeitzner) 16. März 2019
Happening today in #Geneva: Event on protecting fundamental freedoms in #Xinjiang
China’s tech companies are using AI for harassing sales calls campaigns https://t.co/WUrm83eEJx
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 16. März 2019
Video of the opening remarks during the Geneva press conference on Xinjiang involving US ambassador Currie and yours truly, photo (c) epa https://t.co/guFwM6GXHxpic.twitter.com/nWHgwcMuJZ
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 16. März 2019
Bunch of my cyclist friends, mostly foreign nationals, just got pulled over by traffic police in Shanghai for riding on motor vehicle lane. None was carrying an ID, but all got identified via facial recognition and each fined 30 RMB paid on spot thru wechat. Welcome to the future
— Benjamin Qiu (@benjaminqiu) 15. März 2019
On Tuesday, speaking on country situations that require the Human Rights Council’s attention, Australia, Canada, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland and the European Union all expressed deep concern regarding the situation in #Xinjiang: https://t.co/rjWC1qqHYj
— Ye Shiwei 葉詩蔚 (@swye105) 14. März 2019
Germany persists in calling on China to allow independent observers into Xinjiang. #ChinaUPRhttps://t.co/i7Bt93bMZ9
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 15. März 2019
If true then my advice to you is: if you are from a country that spoke out against the Xinjiang Camps, think twice before traveling to China. Arbitrary detentions have become an established foreign policy tool. https://t.co/8omJFrhQeS
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 15. März 2019
Strong remarks from @AdrianZenz at the #HRC40 side event focusing on the situation in the Uyghur region:
„From an academic standpoint, what we are witnessing in Xinjiang is nothing less than a systematic campaign of cultural genocide.” pic.twitter.com/7TNp5u2MMs
— WorldUyghurCongress (@UyghurCongress) 13. März 2019
NEWS: Today’s event in Geneva is now also being co-sponsored by the gov’t of Canada. https://t.co/TQJ0ezgNsk
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 13. März 2019
Hot job alert! ISO a stellar Research Assistant for the Korea Chair at Brookings. Please retweet and encourage folks to inquire and apply. https://t.co/0p0jDPiRqp
— Jung H. Pak, PhD (@junghpak1) 13. März 2019
So proud that all the speakers are now confirmed for my Diversity in Law conference.
We’re bringing together a vast range of knowledge from the practitioners who have agreed to come and share their experience!
Grab yours at:https://t.co/QrPfpfTu9q@UWELS_@UWELaw@UWEBristol— Sam Louwers (@sam_louwers) 8. März 2019
德国独立ä家Adrian Zenz周ä表示,根据卫星图、关押设施支出、证ä证词等,ä计目前新疆被关押的ä士超过150ä,六分ää的新疆穆斯成年被关在各种营ä集、所谓的教育ä心等,该数字ä包括关押在监狱的正式ä数。https://t.co/91cffQEDHM
— Stimme Deutschlands 德国ä音 (@SDeutschlands) 14. März 2019
‘The Chinese government is at war with faith.’ U.S. diplomat Samuel Brownback denounces China’s treatment of Uighurs https://t.co/H8EJ5hkQXA
— CRCS at Purdue (@CRCS2020) 13. März 2019
How are „Authoritarian cities go[ing] global“? See my new book review essay of great new books by Koenraad Bogaert and Natalie Koch in Geopolitics @geopol_jlhttps://t.co/P9tfCHUNsv
— Andrew Grant (@angrant_1) 13. März 2019
#US State Department Decries #China’s ‚Remarkably Awful‘ Treatment of #Uyghurs
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 14. März 2019
Attacks on hospitals, schools&civilians shld never be the ’new normal‘!
At #SyriaConf2019 states shld reaffirm their justice pledge by:
-making it clear that perpetrators of war crimes will face justice
-securing full funding of #UN #IIIMW/o justice, atrocities will continue https://t.co/sXFfIMOD3e
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 13. März 2019
Short new post @opiniojuris: “What is Happening with the #Philippines Preliminary Examination?” The same issues that arose regarding Burundi’s withdrawal from the #ICC are in play here. https://t.co/clqARdDxHd @dovjacobs@sevslv
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 13. März 2019
Very good point: “There is also the issue of Bemba’s final conviction for interfering with the administration of justice. That conviction alone is probably enough to reject his claim of a “a grave and manifest miscarriage of justice” in the main case.” #ICC#Bemba@kevinjonhellerhttps://t.co/FxULOJsOsC
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 13. März 2019
In first, U.S. drops ‚occupied‘ from report on West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights – U.S. News – https://t.co/USTpiuMzGxhttps://t.co/X19yllb8GV
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 13. März 2019
„I know that too many of your friends, colleagues, relatives are in jail for the only reason of having sought justice. I know that too many are still missing. We know that reconciliation needs justice & you can count on us to work on accountability“ @FedericaMog at #SyriaConf2019pic.twitter.com/N6oYXFU4RF
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 13. März 2019
#News Lens: No longer above the law, the World Bank faces fight of its life https://t.co/D3L1GThJoa
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 13. März 2019
NEW: Trump pick for World Bank, David Malpass, is on track to be next president after no other countries submitted candidates to challenge his choice, sources tell @amayeda, @margarettalev, me.
Countries have til 9a ET Thurs to nominate candidates to lead the development lender.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) 13. März 2019
What’s Happening with the Philippines Preliminary Examination? https://t.co/gQX2ORDrHo
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 13. März 2019
More recognition of my fabulous partner. https://t.co/xS09c0ids1
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 13. März 2019
How does #privatisation undermine women’s right? And what does the @WorldBank have to do with it? Check out our new booklet:https://t.co/CEiDqMOrXL#taxjustice#womensrights#CSW63pic.twitter.com/cIy14FErbf
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 13. März 2019
OGP members should ensure gender inclusion and help prevent #corruption from harming gender groups. #OpenGovWeek. Read more here >> https://t.co/IOZujPHhyG @opengovpart
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 13. März 2019
Great to hear @StylianidesEU once again strongly support Education in emergencies as a „basic need human like water, food and shelter“. ECHO supporting 410,000 Syrian children to go back to school through additional cash to their households. https://t.co/I0AYbarEoF
— Jacqueline Hale (@JacquiHale) 13. März 2019
We need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. There is no reason to give a single day of extension if the #UK cannot tell us what they want with #Brexit. We cannot see any perspective for this clarity at the moment. 2/3
— Manfred Weber (@ManfredWeber) 13. März 2019
Errors and Omissions May Have Weakened India’s @CIJ_ICJ Case on Kulbhushan Jadhav – https://t.co/lfscgu7VuX #
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 13. März 2019
The UK has serious concerns about the human rights situation in Xinjiang and reports that over one million Uighurs and other Muslim minority groups have been detained in camps. The UN needs to be given access. pic.twitter.com/pnXgkRZsBb
— UK Mission Geneva (@UKMissionGeneva) 13. März 2019
Join us Saturday 3/23 for a special „Beyond the Headlines“ #AsiaNow panel at #AAS2019 on „The Future of Ethnic Autonomy in Xinjiang.“ The roundtable will feature @dtbyler@emilyrauhala@nuryturkel@jleibold@AndersonEliseM and Lauren Hansen Restrepo. https://t.co/xhfQXG6X3spic.twitter.com/fqwUuyQxPN
— AssocForAsianStudies (@AASAsianStudies) 13. März 2019
At Geneva side event, the German delegation officially joins in with calls for China to allow independent UN experts access to Xinjiang pic.twitter.com/50RdJimFrf
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 13. März 2019
… mit Beteiligung aus dem Fachbereich Philosophie an der Universität Konstanz: #unikonstanz#Philosophie#Schwarmverhalten#KünstlicheIntelligenz@uniinnsbruck@FAZ_NEThttps://t.co/CqCCkVl6WA
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 14. März 2019
Death notification delivery training for police cadets https://t.co/74MHrwGZCV@unikonstanz@ERC_Research#CulturalTheory#CulturalStudies
— Research in Germany (@ResearchGermany) 13. März 2019
At today’s press briefing in Geneva (Palais de Nations) I will provide a substantive refutation of Shohrat Zakir’s key assertions of the camps, made during yesterday’s Xinjiang press conference in Beijing, and also detail my updated total internment estimate of up to 1.5 million. https://t.co/UTENfSyspQ
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 13. März 2019
Why is Western Union doing business with Burma’s military? https://t.co/zg8Y4zanA7
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 6. März 2019
For the first time, a Rohingya refugee from the camps, Mohibullah, addresses the U.N. And he’s cut off (time limit is 2 mins) just as he starts to talk about how the U.N has had „countless discussions“ about their future without consulting them. pic.twitter.com/UqyjfxIBKo
— Poppy McPherson (@poppymcp) 12. März 2019
The most obvious example, which Mohibullah was going to mention before he was cut off, according to a transcript of his speech, is the secret deal signed between the U.N. and Myanmar governing their repatriation. https://t.co/H9Xz3WuMR9
— Poppy McPherson (@poppymcp) 12. März 2019
Meanwhile, in another part of the universe… https://t.co/mQDyomt4sS
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. März 2019
Accord signatories wrote to the #Bangladesh government requesting intervention in resolving the impasse around the Accord. Write your own letter to the government of Bangladesh: https://t.co/KHRsFPA9yA#RanaPlazaNeverAgain#ProtectProgress pic.twitter.com/7D61vJBBS9
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 12. März 2019
#China : Authorities have damaged and destroyed statues of #Laozi.Multiple #Daoist temples across regions are being cracked down on, with authorities banning religious activities, like the burning of incense. https://t.co/J0C0G0F47C
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 12. März 2019
BREAKING and unprecedented: the permanent missions to the United Nations of the USA, UK, Germany & Netherlands are holding a side event on XINJIANG during the 40th Human Rights Council in Geneva. Speakers include Omir Bekali & myself, moderated by ambassador Kelley Currie. pic.twitter.com/vV1H9Qd9TC
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. März 2019
T-shirts are all very well. But it’s unions that win rights for women | Janey Starling https://t.co/fTj65C9DMJ
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 12. März 2019
711 convenience stores in China now using face recognition payments. Reminds me of first time seeing mobile payments in 711 back in 2015. We’re past the PR demos and early adopter stage, this really might go mainstream. (This one not working for non-Chinese ID card holders yet) pic.twitter.com/s3uVyGrDMu
— Matthew Brennan (@mbrennanchina) 10. März 2019
Inauguration of new Circuit Bench of Calcutta High Court
Chalo Dilli: Tibetans call for Freedom – Delhi Post https://t.co/KOdI9ruQBr
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 8. März 2019
Why is Western Union doing business with Burma’s military?
How #Cambodia celebrated #IWD2019 if it’s not okay for women to peacefully march 4 rights & 2 bring concerns heard to gov’t—it’s considered dangerous than how armed polices & security forces are here to hinder & intimidate us from exercising our rights to assembly & expression. pic.twitter.com/tJ49sIePXC
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 8. März 2019
Why is Western Union doing business with Burma’s military? https://t.co/zg8Y4zanA7
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 6. März 2019
Happy #InternationalWomensDay A big thanks to all the women whose everyday commitment makes a real difference in pursuit of justice and equality for Romani women. Continue resisting and continue to inspire! #IWD2019#RomaniWomen#ERRChttps://t.co/fQJsfzLqDWpic.twitter.com/vRVVnnjGiY
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 8. März 2019
Happy #InternationalWomansDay2019! Keep up the fight #RomaniWomen#ThinkEqual#IWD2019https://t.co/apwVWIfM6M
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 8. März 2019
International women’s day is a busy one for the ubiquitous flower stalls here in #Pyongyang. Busier than usual anyway. And just FWIW, one red rose: $1.50 pic.twitter.com/5ueJJUP7qJ
— eric talmadge (@EricTalmadge) 8. März 2019
JUST OUT: My 3rd chapter (in 2019) in this fantastic @IMISCOE book „Constructing Roma Migrants“ (eds. @tinailaria & S.Piemontese). With life histories of Roma mobile within EU, I offer a counter-narrative on ‚Romani Migration‘. Chapter available OA here: https://t.co/h5jSkt82DChttps://t.co/0vzqw7rEQQ
— Julija SardeliÄ (@JulijaSardelic) 25. Februar 2019
„…where Roma are subjected to ethic profiling, beatings & torture. @EURightsAgency concluded recently that the Race Equality Directive just doesn’t work for Roma, & called on Commission & member states to remedy this. We need it remedied before the new Roma Framework kicks in.“
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 5. März 2019
Romani actor and activist Alina Serban challenging racism through art! Here performing part of her feminist one-woman show, „I Declare at My Own Risk“ pic.twitter.com/7bgrRQ83mW
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 5. März 2019
#News Lens: Can public-private partnerships deliver on gender equality?https://t.co/OydUHBD44t
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 8. März 2019
Women Rights Day celebration comes with different forms here in #Cambodia. While some group could well arrange their event in private space, these are group of women from unions, workers, CSOs are planning to march to submit their petitions but the march was denied by city hall. pic.twitter.com/LlGAVMUV1p
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 8. März 2019
#IWD2019 pledge: Right to have a Gender Based Violence Free Workplace! @bgiwfpic.twitter.com/kPV7garzWt
— BCWS (@bcws1) 8. März 2019
On #InternationalWomensDay, CSOs including @cchrcambodia call on the Royal Government of #Cambodia to address systemic women’s rights violations #IWD2019#WomensDay#StandUpForHumanRightspic.twitter.com/zFfCrSLHCQ
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 8. März 2019
Happy International Women’s Day!@sopheapfocus, executive director of Cambodian Center for Human Rights l មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលសិទ្ធិមនុស្សកម្ពុជា (@cchrcambodia) and SEAPA board of trustees chairperson on women in media. #IWD2019 https://t.co/CV46NIN0cHpic.twitter.com/DRezUtt706
— SEAPA (@seapa) 8. März 2019
Ой! https://t.co/YSao1FRWTq#womensday
— Birgit Schmeitzner (@BSchmeitzner) 8. März 2019
Happening now, the peaceful women marchers were blocked and how security are here to interrupt, not to protect, our rights. pic.twitter.com/8zdlkwklGH
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 8. März 2019
On 15-16 February 2019, @CCHR representatives met with land & fishing #communities in #PreahSihanouk and #Kampot Provinces to gather updates on the state of respect for their #FundamentalFreedoms & #LandRights, and carry out needs assessments on how CSOs can best support them. pic.twitter.com/W5cEuyaQin
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 5. März 2019
@IntlCrimCourt on #SyriaJordan to establish a process of #TruthJusticeAccountability
“As long as [the Syrian conflict] is still going on, I will keep telling her story.”
Absolutely incredible to hear from the incredible Paul Conroy on the inspirational #MarieColvin. @UnderTheWireMov@CineONU@britishmuseum@UNESCO#UNCinema#InternationalWomensDay#IWD2019pic.twitter.com/ZmEBkoCd8c— Alexandra Matthews (@ANSMatthews) 9. März 2019
A sense of immense being mentioned by #PaulConroy @reflextv on the significance of the @gcij filing with @IntlCrimCourt on #SyriaJordan to establish a process of #TruthJusticeAccountability @GuernicaLaw37 @GuernicaLaw37 @almubernabeu @prisonlawyer66
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 8. März 2019
Attending the #UnderTheWire screening at the @britishmuseum with the extraordinary #PaulConroy@reflextv@uncinema@GuernicaCentre@GuernicaGroup@GuernicaLaw37pic.twitter.com/EuAkwIIrpI
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 8. März 2019
“I have a brain, just like any boy. I can think, I can create, I can be whatever I want to be just like a boy. There should be equality between us. My dream is to be an astronomer. I would be the first woman from Syria to go to the moon.” Bodoor, 17, refugee in Jordan. #WomensDaypic.twitter.com/Lkr8fzDVeN
— UNICEF (@UNICEF) 7. März 2019
Security state succeeded in silencing important contributor.
China’s modern development is framed as having been powered by urban industry and commerce. In this essay, Tamara Jacka proposes a different understanding of Chinese development as being underpinned and enabled by the exploitation of rural women. https://t.co/m0UHjM4GJ8pic.twitter.com/uquA5RbVnC
— Made in China Journal (@MIC_Journal) 7. März 2019
‚U.N. member states should quickly create a new mechanism to collect and preserve this crucial evidence to be used for future prosecutions.‘ Watch the video by @nytimes revealing footage that #Rohingya refugees have gathered, documenting the #genocidehttps://t.co/rCr11KinnS
— Human Rights & IHL (@GRC_HumanRights) 7. März 2019
Spoke to @ABC about @GuernicaCentre filing with @IntlCrimCourt on #Syria https://t.co/7iYAf5IpzM
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 7. März 2019
Lawyers trying to use the Myanmar precedent as a basis for ICC jurisdiction in Syria
https://t.co/7sztv5W9Yz— David Bosco (@multilateralist) 7. März 2019
Perhaps other Tibetan studies researchers can add their survival stories of the Tibetan Tent Death Syndrome, and we could publish that as a survival guide booklet for foreign correspondents? Not sure why the Tibetan authorities never talked to those of us who returned alive?
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. März 2019
And those foreign journalists who somehow escaped the Tibetan Tent Death Syndrome (TTDS) are known to have fallen headlong into public toilets, been impaled by icicles, or were mauled by yetis. https://t.co/GU5S2FKcKq
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. März 2019
Wow! UC Berkeley really turned out to hear about China’s Mass Internment of Uyghurs. Hundreds showed up. pic.twitter.com/a8D559guyx
— Darren Byler (@dtbyler) 7. März 2019
After he exposed politicians‘ academic plagiarism and used facial recognition to identify NPC delegates, China’s security state has succeeded in silencing this important contributor. https://t.co/MlAtdC7MU4
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 6. März 2019
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 4. März 2019
We’ll tell you what we want, what we really, really want: freedom, safety and a living wage for garment workers https://t.co/cf26qdDneH via @equaltimes@cleanclothes
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 1. März 2019
Will you write to the company chair of ATG Ceylon over their long list of workers’ rights violations? Take action for Sri Lankan workers in their urgent fight for justice! https://t.co/RUIcHiHjWlpic.twitter.com/3DGx4ae04w
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 5. März 2019
Workers are dying as a result of toxic exposure in the workplace at a rate of one every 15 seconds https://t.co/Xzyq9G1GcN via @qz
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 5. März 2019
‚Girl power‘ charity T-shirts made at exploitative Bangladeshi factory https://t.co/Kmor4IODBt
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 2. März 2019
Xinjiang re-education method sanctioned by Beijing.
This literally shows how important the Xinjiang issue is for China. Indicates that the Xinjiang re-education method has become a long-haul, core strategy sanctioned by Beijing. https://t.co/vZJDLjZFgA
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. März 2019
Key news from the IT expert who found the Xinjiang surveillance data leak. https://t.co/xxi51Lyqsd
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. März 2019
Fantasic news to hear that @ShawkanZeid is finally home after 5 years of hell! @GuernicaGroup@GuernicaLaw37https://t.co/Noa1bmWytI
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 4. März 2019
China threatens Turkey with economic consequences over Xinjiang row, closes one of its consulates there. https://t.co/BsKcN6OFDh
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 3. März 2019
My deep plunge into the origins of China’s mass internment strategy in Xinjiang & how it represents the leading edge of a more coercive/assimilatory approach to governing/transforming ethnocultural diversity in Xi Jinping’s China @CLMhttps://t.co/L8VVpVLbtV
— James Leibold (@jleibold) 1. März 2019
The Chinese regime resumes dialogue with the Buddhist communityhttps://t.co/t7DW72z61h
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 3. März 2019
FINALLY a foreign journalist who reports objectively about China, seeking truth from facts. Unbiased reporting on China is so easy: just FOLLOW THE SCRIPT! It’s all in there. Why do all the other western reporters keep deviating from THE SCRIPT?! https://t.co/5YY82zZdcd
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 3. März 2019
Insightful! The battle for the cultural and linguistic identity of the next generation is on. https://t.co/bSEhdFoaBC
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. März 2019
Singapore-based Visa ended its promotion of the military-owned Golf Resort in Burma.
Today, we call on @WesternUnion to stop doing business with the military in Burma. “Western Union are in business with a military which stands accused of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity,” said @MarkFarmaner, Director of @Burmacampaignukhttps://t.co/zQf4zvfCUU
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 28. Februar 2019
A heartfelt and well-reasoned call for sanity. We salute you, and all South Asians working for peaceful solutions to conflict, including @IPPNW affiliates in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. #nuclearban https://t.co/hHxWG8olzo
— IPPNW (@IPPNW) 1. März 2019
Interesting development in the recognition of state vs government issue: lawyers representing Venezuela change sides (to Guaidó). How would Australia manage this?https://t.co/DtuQXgMKXX@danielflittonhttps://t.co/z9H0z3yG50
— Alastair Davis (@athomasdavis) 2. März 2019
Was Bangladeshi photojournalist Shahidul Alam arrested for criticizing the gov’t, OR „spreading disinformation“?
FULL INTV between @mehdirhasan and Gowher Rizvi available online @AJEnglish: https://t.co/3p4IGVjY6fpic.twitter.com/dNgZ5DXGDB— Head to Head (@AJHeadtoHead) 2. März 2019
On @AlJazeera right now @mehdirhasan of @AJHeadtoHead questioning @albd1971 Foreign Affairs Advisor Gowher Rizvi on democracy in #bangladeshas well as enforced disappearances including that of my client #FreeArman ordered by @sheikhhasinahttps://t.co/kLl30h2Qpt
— Michael Polak (@MichaelPolakLaw) 1. März 2019
Read the @IPPNW statement on the current stand off between India and Pakistan and our statement on the devastating impact this conflict is having on the lives of people in the Kashmir Valley https://t.co/TM0ciYaTXcpic.twitter.com/SKVVKeb5Sp
— Medact (@Medact) 1. März 2019
CCHR launches a webpage on the #UPR of #Cambodia where you can find educational material explaining the UPR process, documents which formed the basis for the UPR review & recommendations received in each UPR cycle. #StandUpforHumanRightshttps://t.co/sgEVuEIfiepic.twitter.com/nJU1iUxhVE
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 27. Februar 2019
„Land seizure is the country’s biggest challenge. People have not been systematically informed that they must register their land. This is a ticking time bomb.“#Myanmar land ownership law could displace millions of farmershttps://t.co/cifJ2D80Xl
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. März 2019
ၿပီးခဲ့တဲ့ ႏို၀င္ဘာလကစၿပီး အခု ေဖေဖၚ၀ါရီလအထိ ႏိုင္ငံတကာကုမၸဏီ စုစုေပါင္း ငါးခုကေန ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္နဲ႔ ဆက္စပ္ေနတဲ့ စီးပြားေရးကုမၸဏီေတြနဲ႔ ပူးေပါင္းလုပ္ေဆာင္မႈေတြကို ရပ္ဆိုင္းခဲ့ၿပီးျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ @MarkFarmaner က ဗီြအိုေအကိုေျပာပါတယ္။ https://t.co/Y53IvaoNsU
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 28. Februar 2019
TAKE ACTION: Tell Western Union to stop doing business with Burma’s genocidal military. The same military accused by United Nations investigators of committing genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity against ethnic minorities. https://t.co/zg8Y4zanA7
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 28. Februar 2019
Burma Campaign UK today welcomed news from Visa that it has ended its promotion of the military-owned Okkala Golf Resort in Burma. We have now removed Visa from the ‘Dirty List’. https://t.co/LjQRlYXQqJ
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 27. Februar 2019
Please tell the EU to stop training Burma’s military controlled police force.https://t.co/yaW0DHt36wpic.twitter.com/g4zLVtJiru
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 26. Februar 2019
Endlich Friede! Bitte…
#News Lens: Teacher unions against privatisation of public education https://t.co/XsRAzny9nu
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 1. März 2019
A man convicted of recruiting smugglers who left 71 migrants to die in 2015 was sentenced to almost 5 years in prison. The migrants, including 4 children, were found dead inside a locked truck on an Austrian highway.
4 of the smugglers were sentenced to 25 years last year. pic.twitter.com/olNrgsP36K
— AJ+ (@ajplus) 27. Februar 2019
If you are in #Berlin, you don’t want to miss this event:
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Syrian Archive and the Visual Documentation of Human Rights Violations
Bard College Berlin Lecture Hall, Platanenstr. 98a, Berlin – PankowPresented by Hadi Khatibhttps://t.co/UWdEO0cNaqpic.twitter.com/p3ooYRaArd
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. März 2019
Concerning allegations of chemical weapons use in #Douma#Syria, April 2018, the @OPCW finds „reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon has taken place on 7 April 2018. This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine.“ https://t.co/VhZE9q55Ns
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. März 2019
Today is the first day of Women’s History Month.
Lets not forget about the jailed Saudi women like @LoujainHathloul who pushed for years for the right to drive, and are now being tortured: https://t.co/eZz7w2UZUw
— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) 1. März 2019
Check out the piece by our colleague #VeraWriedt: „The Rights of Minors: #UN Condemns #Spain’s #PushBacks and Demands Legal Amendments“https://t.co/9G6iYdKCYI#FronteraSur#DevolucionesIlegales#StopPushBacks@f_raices@MXPichl@koppeu1@ProAsyl@BorderlineEuropehttps://t.co/hyCUm0JKU9
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 1. März 2019
Yeah 🎉: Unter den #Hochschulwettbewerb-Gewinnern ist ein 60-köpfiges Studierendenteam der Universität Konstanz, der @HTWG und der Musikhochschule Trossingen: https://t.co/elSviVKbCc@wissimdialog@w_jahr@Stadt_Konstanz@bv_hkom#unikonstanz#KünstlicheIntelligenzhttps://t.co/3JcNAmx2af
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 28. Februar 2019
Had a great meeting on #FakeNews with experts from @dw_innovation@IES_Brussels visiting @coe today. FakeNews bears a risk to #humanrights and democracy. I’m more and more convinced the best response is education and #digitalliteracy. https://t.co/RNZ2g8kCBU
— Daniel Holtgen (@CoESpokesperson) 28. Februar 2019
The UN Commission of Inquiry on the 2018 Gaza protests says that „Israeli soldiers committed violations of international human rights and humanitarian law“ that „may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity.” https://t.co/J5UVZLrjFy
— Simon Adams (@SAdamsR2P) 28. Februar 2019
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has ruled the Criminal Code article 368/2 on illegal enrichment unconstitutional, which may effectively invalidate the entire anti-corruption reform in Ukraine. More: https://t.co/Jgjdi3olTfpic.twitter.com/s8mBf57g2t
— TI Ukraine (@TI_Ukraine_eng) 27. Februar 2019
U.S. Supreme Court revives India power plant lawsuit
#News Lens: U.S. Supreme Court revives India power plant lawsuit https://t.co/O4ogJwZkkp
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 27. Februar 2019
So, a logical outcome in the current context for these highly over-leveraged industrialisation strategies, and it makes sense that some of the first casualties are in places like Qinghai given its heavy reliance on resource sector, hence highly susceptible to cycles, etc. 6/6
— Andrew M. Fischer (@AndrewM_Fischer) 27. Februar 2019
They claim it was a technical difficulty, but could there be underlying financial stress in this strategic minority region?
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 27. Februar 2019
In 2019, 10 years on, they will run AI checks on the last 50 million GPS co-ordinates stored in your personal movement profile, along with your purchase patterns and social media usage, to predict that you are likely to go there and take that photo, and intercept you on the way. https://t.co/iUCtJh637I
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 28. Februar 2019
Yes. I can totally picture my kids spontaneously singing love songs to our key technology company, and that „our homegrown chips are the most valuable ones“. Using small kids in the propaganda drive for technological supremacy is so touching. https://t.co/URano9y1iF
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 27. Februar 2019
Congratulations @EarthRightsIntl!
For the first time, a group challenging international institutions‘ absolute immunity won a case, paving the way for more accountable institutions https://t.co/Xh5oeg1KBL
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 27. Februar 2019
For those worried about the @UN’s immunities, fear not! US courts seem to treat the Convention on Priv and Immunities of UN as a self-executing treaty and have maintained the UN’s absolute immunity in US courts. But watch out IMF!
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) 27. Februar 2019
In theory, Congress could amend the federal law to give intl orgs like the World Bank absolute immunity again, but don’t hold your breath. Maybe WB considers relocating to Geneva?
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) 27. Februar 2019
Correction: 5 members of #SriLanka parliament from across party lines have published their declarations of assets and liabilities in the public domain. An earlier tweet included 6 MPs and their photographs.https://t.co/Fq2OZrVC6fpic.twitter.com/XlcvXumPA0
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 28. Februar 2019
@barandbench interviewed me on the rights of #POWs and the #GenevaConventions, relating to the capture of Wing Commander #Abhinandan. Also good to remember – you can’t cherry pick, and the convention protections apply in #Kashmir. #NoWarhttps://t.co/25yShMK0Bk
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 27. Februar 2019
Not sure about the use of force yet could easily be a border skirmish..we don’t have full picture/data only news reports
— Enrico Cossidente (@falleninlaw) 27. Februar 2019
Pakistan already violated Art 13 GC III by tweeting a picture, rank, and name of the captured pilot
— Ralph Janik (@RalphJanik) 27. Februar 2019
BREAKING: Today’s #SCOTUS decision affirms abusive corporations, governments, and banks are not above the law, no matter where they operate. The power of people and the law will prevail wherever @IFC_org and @WorldBank threaten lives and natural resources. https://t.co/E8pgKQbMvRpic.twitter.com/rjZXCDbGRX
— EarthRights Intl. (@EarthRightsIntl) 27. Februar 2019
White House press corps, which has been whingeing about losing their press area at Melia hotel due to North Korean demands, have themselves now had many non-WH credentialed journalists (inc NKNews) pushed out of their seats to make way for their hallowed presence here in Hanoi! pic.twitter.com/ZX5rTl4U2I
— Chad O’Carroll (@chadocl) 27. Februar 2019
Shea Cotton: ENDING THE KOREAN WAR (via peace treaty or unilateral POTUS declaration). https://t.co/87whnWFIqf
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 28. Februar 2019
Please tell the EU to stop training Burma’s military controlled police force.
Please tell the EU to stop training Burma’s military controlled police force. https://t.co/yaW0DHt36wpic.twitter.com/g4zLVtJiru
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 26. Februar 2019
Now or Never – Is time running out for the Rohingya to get citizenship? Read the full report here https://t.co/fPDz2iEH49pic.twitter.com/2AVdDYCA6N
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 26. Februar 2019
After months of whispers, good to know this is happening—a review of possible UN complicity in abuses against #Rohingya in #Myanmar. In 2015 we met the Resident Coordinator & shared warning info of #genocide. We were told the situation was “improving”… https://t.co/0OpQ5erlY0
— Matthew Smith (@matthewfsmith) 27. Februar 2019
Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, esteemed global leader in the fight against #childlabor and child slavery, speaking to @ChildLaborCLC and allies today. pic.twitter.com/ve5iPllEwK
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 26. Februar 2019
6 Years After Rana Plaza, Worker Safety Is Under Threat in Bangladesh Again https://t.co/qeZeey8Hyn via #ProtectProgress#RanaPlazaNeverAgain
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 24. Februar 2019
According to the findings of the investigative research project #GermanArms, the armies of the #UAE and #SaudiArabia are using #German weapons and technology in #Yemen for naval, ground and air operations. https://t.co/hzjJVX8jVp
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 26. Februar 2019
In Germany & elsewhere in Europe, incredibly brave torture survivors are working w #Syria lawyers & @ECCHRBerlin to bring #Assad regime perpetrators to justice -resulting in the first int’l arrest warrants & actual arrests of suspects.
W/o justice, atrocity crimes will continue. https://t.co/NIqFNtpTdS
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 26. Februar 2019
The weaponization of human trafficking as a justification by this Administration to propel a policy that has, and will continue to, cause actual human rights harms is both unacceptable and heartbreaking. https://t.co/kU1MHr8b61 via @ATEST
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 26. Februar 2019
If you are in Washington, D.C., today, join @k_satyarthi @NobelPrize winner & global leader in the fight against #childlabor, who will engage with the audience in a Q&A. @ChildLaborCLC
TODAY, Feb. 26
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
AFT, 555 New Jersey Avenue, Washington, DC, NW, 9th Fl pic.twitter.com/eTCvCC45Ij— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) 26. Februar 2019
@opiniojuris trivia: @julianku and I have been co-bloggers and friends for 14 years. This is the first time we have ever met in person. pic.twitter.com/dhwkSFzeb7
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 26. Februar 2019