#ICC Refuses to Investigate Crimes in #Afghanistan, U.S. #Torture:
My second post @opiniojuris on the #ICC and #Afghanistan: why the PTC did not act ultra vires by reviewing the interests of justice. (Even though it completely botched the analysis.) https://t.co/gK0h618y1I
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 12. April 2019
I’ve updated my Afghanistan post with the reason why I disagree with @kevinjonheller on the issue of appeal. So we still managed to disagree on the decision after all https://t.co/P4E3O2ghNIhttps://t.co/XlAHBpIwz2
— Dov Jacobs (@dovjacobs) 12. April 2019
#ICC judges‘ decision to reject #Afghanistan investigation is an affront to the victims of atrocity crimes.
The judges‘ logic sends a dangerous message to perpetrators that they can put themselves beyond the reach of the law just by being uncooperative.https://t.co/1Rlcbd4QSW
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 12. April 2019
#ICC judges‘ decision to reject #Afghanistan investigation is an affront to victims who have suffered grave crimes w/o redress.
The judges‘ logic sends a dangerous message to perpetrators that they can put themselves beyond the reach of the law just by being uncooperative. https://t.co/KNX1giJ4LR
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 12. April 2019
(2/2) Judges‘ decision sends the message that states will be rewarded for hampering the ICC’s work – a dangerous precedent to set. pic.twitter.com/9qJ62Kjhye
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 12. April 2019
My God — the PTC’s comments on the scope of NIAC, made to reject investigating CIA black sites, is a horror show. #ICC #Afghanistan
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 12. April 2019
Bankrotterklärung der Richter des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs. Mit der Entscheidung, keine Ermittlungen zu #Afghanistan zu genehmigen, nimmt sich Gerichtshof seine eigene Legitimität für andere Verfahren. Ein schwarzer Tag für die internationale Strafjustiz! @ECCHRBerlin
— Andreas Schueller (@schueller_a) 12. April 2019
How are we all feeling today about the Presidency’s decision in March 2018 to reassign two of the PTC judges assigned to the #Afghanistan request and start over with newly-elected ones? https://t.co/ox1tMfHm35 #ICC
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 12. April 2019
That’s a whacking broad judgement of what victims in #Afghanistan want. They were given 6 weeks to share their views and submitted 1.17 millions claims to the #ICC. Now after 1.5 years, judges tell them that an investigation would be “far from honouring the victims’ wishes”… https://t.co/IFpPvzOoLF
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 12. April 2019
Tell DFID to help victims of military abuses in Burma
British aid to Burma is almost £90 million a year, but not enough of it is reaching people from ethnic minorities who have fled attacks by the Burmese military. Tell DFID to help victims of military abuses in Burma https://t.co/UMc5dqxdzU
— Anna Roberts (@anna_c_roberts) 11. April 2019
In eastern Burma, around a quarter of a million people from ethnic groups are living in camps. They have lost everything. And yet they are still not a priority.
Tell @DFID_UK to increase funding for victims of conflict and military abuses in Burma. 👇https://t.co/XPtxoeE0LT
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 11. April 2019
Master’s students from @univienna have been taking part in a special simulation of the #humanrights council at the #UNVienna. They discussed the dire situation in #Yemen and the #Rohingya refugees. #StandUp4HumanRightspic.twitter.com/6mAOFHPwyW
— UN Vienna (@UN_Vienna) 11. April 2019
Grande victoire dans la lutte contre l’impunité des sociétés transnationales: les victimes zambiennes des activités de #Vedanta peuvent agir en réparation devant les tribunaux britanniques. La prochaine étape: un traité international sur les entreprises et les droits humains. https://t.co/3rvMZnwbj6
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterUNSR) 10. April 2019
CCHR is #hiring! We are seeking a Consultant to work in the area of fundamental freedoms and fair trial rights. If you know anyone who might be interested, please pass on this #jobopportunity. Deadline for applications is 30 April. pic.twitter.com/OANiF7ysHv
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 11. April 2019
New report exposes #WorldBank links to destructive coal mining in #Indonesia | @BICEuro@FrontLineDefendhttps://t.co/ozU5CVRo5Lpic.twitter.com/f6GLSfN6Fy
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 11. April 2019
Stalling continues: Bangladesh Accord remains in limbo https://t.co/yID258b0Sj#RanaPlazaNeverAgain
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 10. April 2019
.@SCOTUS rules against IFC’s claim to absolute immunity in case brought by Indian fisherfolk & @EarthRightsIntl, opening the path for more effective #accountability
Learn more in our #ObserverSpring19: https://t.co/b59miBySuvpic.twitter.com/fszWym2y8S
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 11. April 2019
As @IMFnews reveal US$1 trillion in tax revenues lost to #corruption each year, Transparency International’s @MoreiraTricia discusses the importance of anti-corruption work with @lagarde. #IMFMeetingspic.twitter.com/BJZUvEMQPH
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 11. April 2019
“Workers are paid sub-poverty wages to begin with, and on top of that they get ripped off when the factories close. This is organized theft on a massive scale.” –@4WorkerRights in @newrepublic. Urge @blackstone to pay up to #JabaGarmindo workers: https://t.co/ZRORJAFni8 pic.twitter.com/RasEYG3nQ3
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 11. April 2019
On April 1st, Shen-An Chang joined P5 on “Self-addressed questions”. Shen-An has recently passed her MA in Anglistik at the University of Tübingen and plans to work on self-addressed questions in her native language, Taiwanese Chinese. Welcome!
— Konstanz Linguistics (@KonstanzLing) 10. April 2019
The regional government of #Xinjiang has launched its first ethylene production project, a core substance needed in #oil refining, in a move that will drive local economy and increase employment. https://t.co/X4Yi6L8EeHpic.twitter.com/bN1BhHVSvp
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) 11. April 2019
Disappointing that World Bank CEO avoided engaging with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights‘ remark that integration of human rights is pivotal to address fragility. When will @WorldBank adopt a human rights approach? #WBGMeetings
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 11. April 2019
REMINDER: Join us and @eurodad today for this event on „75 years of IMF Governance“ https://t.co/4EKGgzrxiW
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 11. April 2019
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 11. April 2019
‚The IMF and World Bank have lost all legitimacy. We need new alternatives‘
Check this piece as part of our joint project with @openDemocracy: https://t.co/N5M2MbZYjF
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 11. April 2019
The Mask of Sorrow is a monument perched on a hill above Magadan, Russia, commemorating the many prisoners who suffered and died in Soviet Gulag prison camps in 1930s-50s. Inside the monument is a replication of a typical Stalin-era prison cell. pic.twitter.com/67O1fSiIg5
— Soviet Visuals (@sovietvisuals) 10. April 2019
Please stop doing this, @YouTube. Understanding North Korean propaganda — and by implication North Korea itself, is an important part of avoiding a nuclear war. Thank you.https://t.co/8qqZtJALPX
— Jeffrey Lewis (@ArmsControlWonk) 10. April 2019
#News Lens: World Bank reforms found ineffective, bank shuffles senior staff https://t.co/lkhm1LO76E
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 11. April 2019
No one should be imprisoned for staging a peaceful protest. Write to Aung San Suu Kyi calling on her to release political prisoners and repeal oppressive laws. ✍https://t.co/6aX2F98NjX
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 8. April 2019
Job opening @ICJ_org : International Legal Adviser – Myanmar ; applications close on 29 April 2019 – https://t.co/HPGtP0Fht6pic.twitter.com/2eM6Asx7MC
— icj (@ICJ_org) 10. April 2019
Must read if interested in #bizhumanrights: UK Supreme Court judgment on #Vendanta v Lungowe https://t.co/uZoOUqjNAx#business#humanrights
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 10. April 2019
Make sure to read Part 1 of the @ICJ_org’s @SZarifi and @AbbottKingsley’s two-part take @opiniojuris on whether the international community should create a standing independent investigative mechanism. (I think it’s an excellent idea.) https://t.co/XT0wjr57BV
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 10. April 2019
Question to the panel: we’re told at the Human Rights Council it is not the place to discuss debt and human rights. Now we’re told here in DC the IMF is not the forum to discuss debt and human rights, so, where can we talk about it? #TackleDebtCrises @IMF_atUN @AFRODAD
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 10. April 2019
#Microsoft worked with #Chinese military university on AI
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 10. April 2019
Join ILRF’s China Program Officer at a free symposium at Cornell Conference Center in #NYC on 4/12 to explore the context, causes, and consequences of the #Jasic conflict & repression against labor NGOs in China. https://t.co/eSmFZz5jcK
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 9. April 2019
‚Race, Islam and Power: Ethnic and Religious Violence in Post-Suharto Indonesia‘
New book by my @HRW colleague @andreasharsono who spent five years travelling around #Indonesia, incl to the sites of state or communal violence.https://t.co/LWlkA9fLRwpic.twitter.com/FZF3C4jn2I
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 10. April 2019
Today @tunkhin80 will testify before the U.S. Senate on the ongoing #genocide against #Rohingya in #Myanmar. He’s expected to recommend new targeted sanctions against military leaders and the establishment of an ad hoc tribunal, among other areas. https://t.co/8ggPsypi1a
— Matthew Smith (@matthewfsmith) 9. April 2019
Quite incredible to only state that this is something the NLD will face, without reference to the fact the the NLD led government, through its control of state media and own social media, it’s one of the biggest purveyors of fake news and encouraging hate and prejudice. https://t.co/0gIVrm4TS9
— Mark Farmaner (@MarkFarmaner) 6. April 2019
Wonderful recognition of the work of @walone4, Kyaw Soe Oo, Myanmar bureau and all colleagues involved in the stories last year. #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOohttps://t.co/L9lvlWz6Ip
— Poppy McPherson (@poppymcp) 9. April 2019
Second part of the series „Asylum for sale“.
10. Second part of the series „Asylum for sale“. Whistleblowers say U.N. refugee agency does not always address corruption. https://t.co/Ki6bGwIulN
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 8. April 2019
4. You can read more about the first part of the series here 👉https://t.co/5PNpp9T9Rk
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 8. April 2019
2. This is the testimony of Gratien, a refugee #whistleblower from the Democratic Republic of Congo that reported corruption involving police and staff members of the UNHCR. >> https://t.co/WKGzUAkx75pic.twitter.com/03zKdt3PtH
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 8. April 2019
UN spokesman on revocation of ICC prosecutor’s US visa: „We expect the United States to live up to the agreement to allow for the travel of ICC staff members to do their work here at the United Nations.“ https://t.co/JFK1RQbCDx pic.twitter.com/T47ixhPmmm
— Balkees Jarrah (@balkeesjarrah) 6. April 2019
The False Premise Sustaining Israel’s West Bank Claim – Part II https://t.co/RBJh3yMP8P pic.twitter.com/VzOranZP95
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 8. April 2019
The False Premise Sustaining Israel’s West Bank Claim – Part I – By Victor Kattan https://t.co/OuPG4zsDKN
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 8. April 2019
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 7. April 2019
And as expected @DavidMalpassWBG was appointed new President of @WorldBank after the process was not „open, transparent nor democratic“
What will civil society demand from his presidency? Read our latest post: https://t.co/ANJPx2HQDG
— World Bank president (@worldbankpres) 8. April 2019
As the IMF and @WorldBank Spring Meetings start this week we publish our preview ‘2019 Spring Meetings Preamble: With ‚flood waters rising‘, World Bank & IMF answers to 21st century’s key challenges remain inadequate’ https://t.co/zfLJ6gD5cP#IMFMeetings#WBGMeetingspic.twitter.com/ze6ZaGxooH
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 8. April 2019
Book Review: Being Han in Xinjiang
…leaving Xinjiang rather than risking detention or re-education by publically voicing discontent. Yet in the long term, Xinjiang cannot be ruled without their support. An interesting conundrum.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. April 2019
They will make it look like a tragic accident and send their condolences… https://t.co/Iv8t8eZ690
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. April 2019
Authoritarianism „does not attempt to change the world and human nature.“ In contrast, a totalitarian regime attempts to control virtually all aspects of social life, including the economy, education, art, science, private life and morals of citizens.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. April 2019
Let’s read more and talk more about Xinjiang and Chen Quanguo. @adrianzenz wrote last year that Chen helped launch the CCP’s „de-extremification“ campaign, really an intense social engineering campaign driving at forced ethnic assimilation: https://t.co/J4eG64ZexGhttps://t.co/LhKfvim6a3
— Jamestown China Brief (@ChinaBriefJT) 8. April 2019
Note that the watchtower has the typical round shape of a detention center watchtower (different from „re-education“ camps).
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. April 2019
Five #Australian children trapped in #China amid #Uyghur crackdown
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 8. April 2019
#China : Ancient #Buddhist Temple Suppressed in Shanxi Province . Authorities are harassing a once flourishing, more than 1,000-year-old temple and subject monks to increased control and indoctrination.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 8. April 2019
I agree with James that this kind of censorship should become a media story. It is completely inacceptable. @GroseTimothyhttps://t.co/43yqDZrHed
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 6. April 2019
Free Lum Zawng and Zau Jat
Good news- Kachin activist Nang Pu was released from prison, but Lum Zawng and Zau Jat remain in jail. Please write to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and ask her to release all political prisoners, and to repeal all repressive laws in Burma. Thank you! https://t.co/KmX2hsw6pfpic.twitter.com/98FsC933SV
— Zoya Phan (@zoyaphan) 6. April 2019
Quite incredible to only state that this is something the NLD will face, without reference to the fact the the NLD led government, through its control of state media and own social media, it’s one of the biggest purveyors of fake news and encouraging hate and prejudice. https://t.co/0gIVrm4TS9
— Mark Farmaner (@MarkFarmaner) 6. April 2019
Asylum for sale: Refugees say some U.N. workers demand bribes for resettlement
🔴 Breaking: @sallyhayd’s latest reports for @NBCNews detail allegations of widespread #corruption at UN @refugees camps in #Kenya + #Uganda. (Thread) https://t.co/JnN2yoHoaG
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
9. And for a practical guide, here’s our handbook on Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations >> https://t.co/1c4Ofvy7YK
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
7. Anti-corruption policies like #whistleblower mechanisms need to be applied through leadership, training and implementation measures, and adapted to the context. Direct reporting to senior management and HQ should be available. pic.twitter.com/uXvQEXVp48
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
5. Some national agencies, such as @NRC_Norway, are setting an example by taking a more honest and proactive approach. https://t.co/T3N8Fv6jni
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
3. Currently, there are 68.5m displaced people – more than at any other time. This global crisis creates major integrity and accountability challenges for everyone involved. https://t.co/eGE1p9pyeq
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
Thank you @ma_jose_romero & @GinoBrunswijck @Eurodad for your contribution to our #ObserverSpring19.
„The IMF and PPPs: A master class in double-speak“ https://t.co/DuwQemglUe
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 5. April 2019
30 April – 3 May in Geneva: Designated Expert on institutional arrangements + compliance procedures to draft a legally binding instrument on the right to development at 20th WG Session, UN OHCHR. Regulatory challenges to RTD in trade, finance, investment. https://t.co/fcUxtbc6rR
— ProfDrDianeDesierto (@DianeDesierto) 6. April 2019
Will Naomi Osaka Pick Japanese Citizenship or American? Her Deadline to Choose Is Looming – https://t.co/wY0fuE0Tu9
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 7. April 2019
🔴 Breaking: A seven-month investigation across five countries with significant refugee populations has found reports of widespread exploitation of #refugees in UNHCR camps. (Thread) pic.twitter.com/VlfeBjZBl1
— International Anti-Corruption Conference (@IACCseries) 6. April 2019
Jam v. IFC – what does it mean for accountability?
„The premature lifting of 🇪🇺 sanctions despite the failure of set conditions to be met reduced international leverage.“
Read @burmacampaignuk’s written submission to @CommonsForeign on the future of UK sanctions policy post-Brexit: https://t.co/fBhdl00qmfpic.twitter.com/RJ0gtaQcpr
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 5. April 2019
#News Lens: Jam v. IFC – what does it mean for accountability? https://t.co/fDZMos9H9C
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 3. April 2019
Reform of ISDS: Matching Concerns and Solutions https://t.co/wz7eZzjQBV via @ejiltalk
— Christian J. Tams (@CJTams) 3. April 2019
.@burmacampaignuk published a “Dirty List” to “name and shame” & pressure international companies doing business with the military in #Myanmar, involved in projects violating #humanrights or destroying the environment. #BizHumanRightshttps://t.co/LcgqblAMsopic.twitter.com/5IAPa7Vwot
— Manushya Foundation (@ManushyaFdn) 3. April 2019
#News Lens: Nod for probe into World Bank-funded project in Jharkhand https://t.co/shkgqUjtUT
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 4. April 2019
Together with over 100 civil society organizations, @cchrcambodia urges the government of #BruneiDarussalam to immediately halt the full implementation of the Sharia Penal Code. #StandUpforHumanRights🏳️🌈https://t.co/eE4SplDqwj
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 4. April 2019
What an honour to pick up an @AmnestyUK Media Award on behalf of our jailed Reuters colleagues Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo. Congrats to the whole @Reuters team behind our “Myanmar Burning” series. #MediaAwards2019#FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo#journalismisnotacrime With @stecklow@jmaclondonpic.twitter.com/T5dIgLb0xm
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 3. April 2019
Nicholas Koumjian has been appointed head of the #UN’s Independent Investigative Mechanism for #Myanmar (IIM), mandated to prepare evidence & assist criminal prosecutions of perpetrators of atrocity crimes in Myanmar.
W/o justice, atrocities will continuehttps://t.co/9PKp7eJSxZpic.twitter.com/ymoWgcSnF1
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 3. April 2019
How #China turned a city into a prison – A surveillance state reaches new heights – or more to the point; new lows …
Important @nytimes#Xinjiang multimedia dispatch: https://t.co/3ukIAhA8T1pic.twitter.com/IUZKiZX2Ad
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 4. April 2019
The trial of #Malaysia’s former prime minister Najib Razak over #1MDB scandal started yesterday. https://t.co/EpzHkanthq
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 4. April 2019
Newtec: Stop Working for Burma’s Genocidal Generals
Burma Campaign UK ( @burmacampaignuk) published a “dirty list” of companies – including Facebook and Western Union – that continue to do business with the military in Myanmar even after its campaign of mass murder and rape against #Rohingya Muslims. https://t.co/P2UtfVQVV8pic.twitter.com/IKnZ4tPVNN
— The Bridge Initiative (@bridgeinit) 28. März 2019
#Bangladesh govt policy of tracking down & expelling #Rohingya refugee students instead of ensuring their right to education is misguided, tragic, and unlawful. Education is a basic human right also for refugees. https://t.co/bTwedtGtsj
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 2. April 2019
CCHR releases a new infographic on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) of land, fisheries and forests, promoting secure tenure rights. Read it in KH https://t.co/tbCdnrq5nd & ENG https://t.co/AJ8ExHVcsz#Cambodia#bizhumanrights#HumanRightspic.twitter.com/8JCyvpA8Bf
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 2. April 2019
Research support @unikonstanz is awesome: Dr. Johannes Dingler, Head of the International Office, is currently in #Yangon#Myanmar to continue my own and @felixgirke s longterm efforts to establish collaboration with #anthropology at #YangonUniversity + a #MoU + student exchange. pic.twitter.com/LT8rd80LMq
— Judith Beyer 🇪🇺 (@JudithBeyer) 1. April 2019
#News Lens: Mood set to be downbeat at IMF meetings https://t.co/VZtzSrzUUe
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 1. April 2019
In case you missed it, the @CA_Survey Special Issue (38:1) „Securitization, Insecurity & Conflict in Contemporary #Xinjiang“ is out! With articles by: @j_smithfinley,@Rachel_A_Harris,@AzizIsaElkun,@paoloadriano,@adrianzenz, @dibyeshanand and Reza Hasmathhttps://t.co/rsKofR1cgo
— Jo Smith Finley (@j_smithfinley) 29. März 2019
China thanks Kazakhstan for its support for its „de-radicalisation“ programme in Xinjiang, and says others should follow Beijing’s example. https://t.co/dUTHMTK28C
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. April 2019
Tell Newtec satellite communications company working for Mytel, a mobile phone company in Burma part-owned by the Burmese military. Doing business with the Burmese military is indefensible. Help @burmacampaignUK pressure Newtec https://t.co/hIFmmSOUgP
— UNISON International (@UNISON_global) 28. März 2019
#News Lens: The US Supreme Court judgment : a challenge to World Bank’s unfettered immunity https://t.co/DUVo74HLVi
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 1. April 2019
CCHR releases a new infographic on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) of land, fisheries and forests, promoting secure tenure rights. Read it in KH https://t.co/tbCdnrq5nd & ENG https://t.co/AJ8ExHVcsz#Cambodia#bizhumanrights#HumanRightspic.twitter.com/8JCyvpA8Bf
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 2. April 2019
#UN finally tells the truth about #Laos
UN Special Rapporteur on poverty and human rights plans to refer the reclusive authoritarian nation to the UN Human Rights Council for a host of abuses and failings https://t.co/wj5RMoaJkK
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. April 2019
#News Lens: Cambodian indigenous communities win back their sacred land from Vietnamese rubber developer https://t.co/eKum8ADiAK
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 1. April 2019
On Intl Day of Trans Visibility 2019, CCHR releases an infographic outlining the #right to legal gender recognition for transgender people under #Cambodian & international law. #TDOV#LGBTIQrights#Equality#StandUpforHumanRightshttps://t.co/KPnwAzMtRkhttps://t.co/ey2JmS6EyLpic.twitter.com/RSySh0PP8P
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 1. April 2019
On the occasion of the International Day of Transgender Visibility 2019, LGBTIQ activists are sharing inspiring stories about what being transgender in #Cambodia means to them. Join CCHR in sharing Kuy Thida’s story! #TDOVpic.twitter.com/9VZ8zDH5Oz
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 1. April 2019
Proud to see an Indonesian young diplomat shared his views in this very prestigious international law forum. @treaty_kemenlu@akjailanihttps://t.co/s847WfJ6c1
— damos agusman (@damos_agusman) 30. März 2019
One of Brexit’s Rare Winners: Big British Law Firms – https://t.co/6HmuFUuHuV
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 1. April 2019
Business and Human Rights in India: Can Investors Be Held Accountable?
Business and Human Rights in India: Can Investors Be Held Accountable for Human Rights Abuses? https://t.co/U3mZdOtCrH
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 29. März 2019
The long-awaited for judgement (2259 pages incl. Judge You Ottara’s separate opinion on #genocide) by #Cambodia’s #UN-backed #KhmerRouge Tribunal, #ECCC, in the case of #NuonChea & #KhieuSamphan – rendered last November – is now publicly available https://t.co/eAaq7GycR9
— Thijs Bouwknegt (@thijsbouwknegt) 28. März 2019
2/2 Personally, I find the moral/cultural relativism at the heart of Brumby’s worldview troubling. Universities/governments have a moral responsibility to publicly speak-out & criticise China for violations of int‘ norms, including the mass internment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
— James Leibold (@jleibold) 29. März 2019
How China Used the Swedish Ambassador to Threaten Angela Gui – Foreign citizens are increasingly being used to carry out the dirty work of the Chinese regime, by @jojjeolshttps://t.co/O3YjYRMOOB
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 29. März 2019
Another excellent report from @meghara, on Turkish Nationals detained in Xinjiang https://t.co/CJcWtcqxeC
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 28. März 2019
New @opiniojuris: “Judge Ozaki Must Resign — Or Be Removed.” https://t.co/qB64mhpz3w@ThomasVerfuss
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 29. März 2019
Call for papers! We’re teaming up with @TaxJusticeNet @WIL_inequality and @icrict for a workshop to develop a framework for a Global Asset Registry. More info >> https://t.co/FhhvSwkLpn
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 29. März 2019
„Given the intrinsic corruption and #moneylaundering risks with these schemes – and some of the oligarchs, criminals and corrupt elite we know have already used them – the UK’s #goldenvisa programme remains a serious concern.” – @Ava_L_, @Global_Witnesshttps://t.co/PV4ObFvxtM
— Mike Davis (@michaelpmdavis) 29. März 2019
Bangladesh PM #SheikhHasina urges #RAB a unit once described as a killing machine to respect #humanrights – the irony is outstanding and #SheikhHasina and her Government, responsible for hundreds of disappearances, clearly knows no bounds https://t.co/YU0d93Gctg
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 28. März 2019
The review into UN operations in Burma must be transparent.
The UN described doing business with the Burmese military as ‚indefensible‘.@Newtec_Satcom must have missed that memo because they’ve been caught filling the pockets of Burma’s generals. Click here to demand they stop. 👇https://t.co/Wj7B4fmpHe
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 29. März 2019
„You would think that imposing sanctions stopping companies doing business with the military would be a no-brainer, but not a single country has done so,“ said @MarkFarmaner. https://t.co/1ompSdLvx2
— Joshua Carroll (@JershCarroll) 28. März 2019
The review into United Nations operations in Burma must be transparent.
Along with 18 other orgs, @burmacampaignuk have written to UN Secretary General @antonioguterres demanding the review’s findings are made public. You can read the open letter here: https://t.co/L9zIhiz9mUpic.twitter.com/O8uIkWfzN2
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 26. März 2019
#HRD Alert (Update): 1 staff & 1 former staff from NGO @ponlokkhmer & 7 community members received summons for 2d time to appear in Court over Dec 2014 events associated with the Prame commune land dispute #LandDisputes#BizHumanRights#Cambodiahttps://t.co/v0E7fuRLnepic.twitter.com/OCFNUHdBbu
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 26. März 2019
.@WorldBank Your Research shows that communal land rights are more effective, yet #EnablingAgriBiz enables #landgrabs.
Time to listen to your experts & end the land indicator. Read more https://t.co/2FnbhGIWZP @KGeorgieva at #LandConf2019@Mittaloak@JoseLViveroPolpic.twitter.com/3DhJTV23PA— Oakland Institute (@oak_institute) 25. März 2019
Today, Myanmar’s Supreme Court can correct a serious miscarriage of justice and free our jailed colleagues Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, says @Reuters editor-in-chief @stephenjadler. „They are honest, admirable journalists who did not break the law.“ #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOopic.twitter.com/hR5b1n8suG
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 26. März 2019
The families of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have traveled to the capital for today’s hearing. 7-month-old Thet Htar Angel took her first plane ride to support her dad at Myanmar’s Supreme Court #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOopic.twitter.com/xAxw2TxheC
— Simon Lewis (@Simondlewis) 26. März 2019
Re-education „lite“ in Tibet https://t.co/lSlBqiWCOS
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 27. März 2019
Yet another terrible news story that begs the question ‘why won’t world university rankers factor in academic freedom?’ https://t.co/YrlRFYMZGb
— Kris Olds (@GlobalHigherEd) 26. März 2019
SCOTUS also relied on the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations, which makes the premises of an embassy „inviolable,“ and the position of @StateDept when receiving notice of foreign lawsuits against the U.S. abroad.
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) 27. März 2019
1. The CCP United Front puts a million Muslims in concentration camps.
2. CCP United Front groups try to buy good publicity from New Zealand Muslims.
3. New Zealand Muslims: Hold my beer...https://t.co/AB5a9m3kF8
— Piping hot Canadian tea (@UFWD_YVR) 27. März 2019
Filling the Vacuum: #Syria and the International Criminal Court #ICChttps://t.co/4PteusTOWy … Important piece by @MarkKersten
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 26. März 2019
#Justice4Syria: Last week we hosted an event on the airstrike by the Anti-IS Coalition in #AlBadiya#IDP shelter in #Syria. Here is a summary by @delinagoxho who moderated the event https://t.co/OpY1NejW2h@EFADrones@airwars@MaikeAwater@FADELABDULGHANY@hrw@revahedor
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 25. März 2019
Happy to see that @Europarl_EN has adopted #TAX3 report on fairer and more effective taxation and tackling financial crimes, including money laundering and risky #GoldenVisa schemes. Read more below. https://t.co/JVjaGQPIli
— Transparency Int. EU (@TI_EU) 26. März 2019
#Philippine Justice, Lawmakers Express Concern over #Chinese Loan Details. #Beijing could take over Reed Bank if country fails to make payments, judge says.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 27. März 2019
Hard to fathom we’ve lost Tej Thapa, a brave, brilliant human rights advocate at @hrw. She improved the lives of many people, and made some bad people less comfortable. We will miss you. https://t.co/7xdw3XMv7y
— Sam Zarifi (@SZarifi) 27. März 2019
#News Lens: Exclusive: IADB cancels China meeting after Beijing bars Venezuela representative https://t.co/TJl4cHuBMk
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 26. März 2019
Two sisters who fled #SaudiArabia, but were turned back by #Australia & ended up hiding in #HongKong for the past 6 months, have finally been able to move on after being given humanitarian visa and asylum in a safe 3rd country. https://t.co/VhFw3QappV
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 25. März 2019
Vanessa Rodel & her young daughter Keana are finally safe, some 6 years after they opened the door to a scared young man who was seeking shelter in #HongKong. That man was Edward @Snowden.
Thank you #Canada, please save the other ‘Snowden Refugees’ too.https://t.co/yyjsViyZdl
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 27. März 2019
. @emilyrauhala on how academics might theoretically make a difference re Xinjiang issue: “mainstream this in your work.” If you work on tech, law, or politics in China – or China foreign relations – this is part of your story. Not a peripheral or solely “human rights” issue.
— Rian Thum (@RianThum) 23. März 2019
Come hear me talk about Explosive Urbanization on the Tibetan Plateau as part of a panel featuring Jarmila Ptackova and @AndrewM_Fischer at #UCLA next Monday, April 1st. 2-4pm in YRL pic.twitter.com/x9DvfDLODC
— Andrew Grant (@angrant_1) 26. März 2019
This seems to be the result of global pressure: „[Wang Yang] stressed the protection of fine traditional cultures of ethnic minorities and ensuring the needs of religious people are met and their customs respected.“ Also, note the adjective „fine“. https://t.co/3eWZeCCBbU
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 26. März 2019
Hi China scholars: if you’re not willing to condemn the detention of one million Uighurs in concentration camps — and you think people should not be held in concentration camps — then you are self-censoring. https://t.co/6yhOlNs65T
— Isaac Stone Fish (@isaacstonefish) 19. März 2019
Last week, campaign groups across Europe called on the European Union to change its approach to Burma. 🇪🇺🇲🇲
Click here to see their recommendations. 👉https://t.co/ynQIvLXwmZ
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 25. März 2019
Sorry for the weekend tease. My new post @opiniojuris is now up: „The ICC and the Deportation of Civilians from Syria to Jordan.” It raises what I think is an important question about the #Syria/#Myanmar deportation parallel. https://t.co/nnXqwkX3I5
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 25. März 2019
European Burma campaign groups are calling on the 🇪🇺 to:
💥 Sanction European companies doing business with military
💥 Support ICC referral or establish an ad hoc tribunal
💥 Repeal the 1982 Citizenship Law and grant the Rohingya citizenshipMORE HERE: https://t.co/ynQIvLXwmZ
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 22. März 2019
The 🇪🇺 approach to Burma is based on the flawed and outdated assessment that the country is transitioning to democracy.
Click to see why Burma campaign groups across Europe are calling for an urgent review into the EU’s approach. 👉https://t.co/VUU9IZpI1B
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 21. März 2019
Two @Reuters journalists have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 466 days. See full coverage: https://t.co/oEIk9hmJllpic.twitter.com/rwmYCnTRHQ
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 22. März 2019
A classic example of the EUs illogical and contradictory approach to Burma. The government’s human rights record is so bad the EU considers withdrawing EBA, and at the same time hands over hundreds of millions of euros to the government https://t.co/S1fETS6laz
— Mark Farmaner (@MarkFarmaner) 21. März 2019
„Major changes in EU Burma policy needed“ – Members of the European Burma Network call for a review into the EU’s approach to Burma. 🇪🇺https://t.co/VUU9IZpI1B
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 21. März 2019
„Economic development is essential, but it isn’t talking about human rights problems which undermines economic development, it is failing to tackle human rights problems.“ @MarkFarmaner reports back from the Myanmar investment conference. https://t.co/qQ2nG1eEEV
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 20. März 2019
The CCP at the UN: Redefining Development and Rights
New MERICS policy brief: China’s coercive policies in Xinjiang and what Europe should do about themhttps://t.co/li2ePdq1vW
— Mareike Ohlberg (@MareikeOhlberg) 21. März 2019
The CCP at the UN: Redefining Development and Rightshttps://t.co/S1Bi0x9zsY by @tingdc for @sinopsiscz
— China Digital Times (@CDT) 20. März 2019
A Chinese education company backed by U.S. investors is cracking down on how its Western teachers cover politically fraught topics https://t.co/i8wCQjrqt1
— Alessandra Colarizi (@AleColarizi) 21. März 2019
Xinjiang expert @adrianzenz warned:
“This would prove nothing and is only liable to be exploited for state propaganda”
“What is needed is an independent fact-finding mission by experienced experts who have unfettered access to a random sample of camps”https://t.co/XB1EkDvCPv
— William Nee (@williamnee) 21. März 2019
#NorthKorea Still Dispatching Workers to #China Despite #UN Sanctions .
Current workers must return home by June, but new workers are still being sent.— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 22. März 2019
Denmark, in remarkable U-turn, seems to have dropped Huaiwei in building its 5G network: https://t.co/xdyF35rNrF
— Maya Wang 王松莲 (@wang_maya) 21. März 2019
Watching this left me in distress and shaken. This is a sophisticated, modern form of cultural/societal genocide, taking place in front of our very eyes. We might need to invent a new category of crime against humanity to conceptualize this. https://t.co/g9KVwqfCsK
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 21. März 2019
More Bretton Woods Proj. Retweeted World Bank president
Why #Malpass presidency to the @WorldBank may end up hurting the US more than China.Read the blog: https://t.co/HpXta4Y7Xbhttps://t.co/3tMcC3BZYu
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 21. März 2019
Challenging the #US#drone program through legal means: What should people know about #AliJaber vs #Germany#RamsteinAB? A Q&A by @OpenSociety w/ phantastic colleague @schueller_a who was in charge of the casehttps://t.co/H8YQUYHJJ4
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 21. März 2019
China’s internment camps for Turkic Muslims — or „boarding schools“ as the Communist Party now describes them — are only the first part of the story in Xinjiang. A year after our initial reporting, @ClementBurge and I went back to the region. This is what we found: https://t.co/YdJMSdesAw
— Josh Chin (@joshchin) 20. März 2019
Thank you. We feel that it is an extremely important development https://t.co/vLL1qVyhD5
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 21. März 2019
Writing in @thetimes on @GuernicaCentre recent Article 15 Communication to the @IntlCrimCourt on #ForcedDeportation of #Syrians into Jordan as the conflict enters its ninth year https://t.co/igdh6T1qqf @reflextv@prisonlawyer66@almubernabeu@GuernicaGroup@GuernicaLaw37
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 21. März 2019
Make sure to read this important piece on the potential of the #ICC to investigate the deportation of Syrians to Jordan, by the people who might just make it happen: @prisonlawyer66 and @tobycadman#Syriahttps://t.co/NaQdKCkRAf
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 21. März 2019
Bei der Suche nach Todesfällen entlang der „Balkanroute“ ist Mohammed ein seltener Zeuge. Er berichtet der ARD von zwei syrischen Flüchtlingen, die Ende 2014 in Schlepperhand in #Nordmazedonien starben. #balkantote#balkanroute#ardwien#br24https://t.co/lBQWNacUbJ
— ARD Südosteuropa (@ARDstudioWien) 21. März 2019
Insightful and thoroughly depressing. The WSJ documents entire Uyghur neighborhoods devoid of Uyghur people, formerly vibrant communities razed to the ground and replaced with clinical high rise buildings. Former residents no longer recognize what used to be their home area. https://t.co/fpuxbZGrP2
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 21. März 2019
#Myanmar & #China authorities look away while unscrupulous traffickers are selling Kachin women & girls into captivity & unspeakable abuse.
Women are easy prey for traffickers who have little reason to fear law enforcement on either side of the border.https://t.co/Q9r73aedsp pic.twitter.com/lE7KSPNUBG
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 21. März 2019
Mehr zum Fall „Bin Ali Jaber gegen Deutschland“ und dem Urteil des OVG #Münster zur Rolle der US-Militärbasis #RamsteinAB bei #Drohnen-Angriffen im #Jemen: https://t.co/muEcVy1g9i https://t.co/9bGcw4igLE
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 22. März 2019
حسب تقديرات باحث ألماني في شؤون العرقيات @adrianzenz واستنادا إلى صور للأقمار الصناعية وشهادات الشهود فإن „عدد الإيغور المحتجزين في المعتقلات قد وصل إلى مليون ونصف“
والواقع ان هذا العدد يفوق الثلاثة ملايين، هناك قرى قرب مدينة بارين انقرض منها الرجال نهائيا.#تركستان_الشرقية pic.twitter.com/fLCzCc4tkx
— تركستان تذبح بصمت (@turkistantuzbah) 22. März 2019
‘Give Us a Baby and We’ll Let You Go’: Trafficking of Kachin ‘Brides’ from #Myanmar to #China,”
New @HRW documents the selling by traffickers of women and girls from Kachin and northern Shan States into sexual slavery in China.https://t.co/Q9r73aedsp
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 21. März 2019
Here it is, our March Newsletter. Covering news & updates on #Drones #Yemen #RamsteinAB #Justice4Syria #Torture #Sweden #PushBacks #Spain #LawVsPower #Namibia #Germany #Genocide #ColonialRepercussions etc
Read online https://t.co/PhegaYZO5Y
And subscribe https://t.co/2vN2yXqZGqpic.twitter.com/nhfMA3B7Or— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 20. März 2019
Here’s @HRW’s 12-point Code of Conduct for colleges and universities to adopt to respond to #China govt threats to the academic freedom of students, scholars, and educational institutions around the world.https://t.co/a2quhCFUjC
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 22. März 2019
. It’s dead. The UN Charter is dead. It makes zero sense if UN member states can grab each other’s territories by war. The whole post-World War II international order just died in theory. What can anyone say to Russia, China or others gobbling up whatever they want now? Nothing!
— Hussein Ibish (@Ibishblog) 21. März 2019
Sadly ironic that #Scotland has so much to showcase to Europe with their 2016 Land Reform Act and Good #Food Nation Bill, both of which could inspire the #EU #CommonFoodPolicy, just as they are threatened of exiting the EU.
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterUNSR) 20. März 2019
.@WorldBank An Open Letter on the 20th Land & #Poverty Conference https://t.co/KjFbWqXw2r Given the serious threat that the new land indicator poses, it is time to terminate the harmful #EnablingAgriBiz NOW @Mittaloak@brettonwoodspr@cfa_ind@WBG_Agriculture@christensenfundpic.twitter.com/C2X5U0ySPp
— Oakland Institute (@oak_institute) 21. März 2019
#News Lens: How the World Bank can stop funding disaster https://t.co/aGfEWuOCNP
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 21. März 2019
„British govt officials, Burmese govt officials, companies from Burma and British companies in Burma get together and avoid talking about one of the main factors influencing investment in Burma, human rights.“@MarkFarmaner on the Myanmar investment conf.https://t.co/qQ2nG1wg3v
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 20. März 2019
“I live in fear that the Tatmadaw will permanently confiscate my land. All of our work will be in vain. Our lives will be shattered.” In Southeast #Myanmar, land confiscations by armed actors have serious consequences for local communities. See our report: https://t.co/kCpbO5sNBApic.twitter.com/IeIW1iDyeI
— KHRG (@khrg) 13. März 2019
During March 9-10, 2019, an attack by over 400 Burma Army troops and two helicopter gunships against a strategic post of the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) on Pang Kha mountain, southern Hsipaw township, pic.twitter.com/HBFfHxE9dk— SHRF (@shanhumanrights) 20. März 2019
My blog on Mondays Myanmar investment conference:
The investment summit and the elephant in the room https://t.co/4vUfaAkYP4— Mark Farmaner (@MarkFarmaner) 20. März 2019
Sadly ironic that #Scotland has so much to showcase to Europe with their 2016 Land Reform Act and Good #Food Nation Bill, both of which could inspire the #EU #CommonFoodPolicy, just as they are threatened of exiting the EU.
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterUNSR) 20. März 2019
👇 You can find out all about these risks in our report with @Global_Witness>> https://t.co/GJNEb5dF4w#goldenvisas#OECDIntegrityhttps://t.co/Gj3naFjqKX
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 20. März 2019
Rohingya ‚lost generation‘ struggle to study in #Bangladesh camps
„I feel sad that they used to study with us, but they have to stop now“: Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya students are being expelled from Bangladeshi schools. pic.twitter.com/G0gDf4gRqN
— DW News (@dwnews) 19. März 2019
“Our headmaster called us into his office & told us that there’s an order that #Rohingya students have no rights to study here anymore. We went back home crying”
They fled #Myanmar. Now Rohingya ‚lost generation‘ struggle to study in #Bangladesh campshttps://t.co/lKzTzQEuKh
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 19. März 2019
Controversial land law threatens #Myanmar ethnic communities.
Millions of people face the possibility of having no legal rights over their land https://t.co/vuLQUyyzKQhttps://t.co/RuMlljTMo3
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 19. März 2019
@tobycadman and I explain in greater depth our recent Article 15 communication with the OTP at the #ICC, concerning #jurisdiction for #Syria and the implications of a preliminary examination being opened @GuernicaCentre@GuernicaLaw37https://t.co/2sEzq9N8G3
— Carl Buckley (@prisonlawyer66) 19. März 2019
I think the Cambodia example is particularly important because it is post-Charter. I agree with @TomRuys_Law
that we have to be careful when we rely on pre-Charter examples, because we cannot simply assume that they are picked up by the “inherent” right of self-defence.— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 19. März 2019
New @opiniojuris: the Nixon administration’s invocation of “unwilling or unable” in #Cambodia during the #VietnamWar. Massive hat-tip to @bryancuddy5’s fantastic work. https://t.co/JqzUo133mZ #jusadbellum@OConnell_IntLaw@samuelmoyn
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 19. März 2019
CCHR releases its latest newsletter, covering the possible temporary suspension of the #EBA, the next steps for #CSOs after the 3rd #UPR of #Cambodia, and the responsibility of businesses to protect human rights #bizhumanrights. Read it here: https://t.co/6ktBP6ktzspic.twitter.com/uhF306mkhq
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 18. März 2019
TAKE ACTION: Email the British government now calling on them to commission an independent review and evaluation of British aid and support for the peace process. https://t.co/4yAXi96g3p
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 14. März 2019
Vor ihrem Wechsel an die Universität Konstanz hat Humboldt-Professorin Dr. Anke Hoeffler mit ihrer Familie in Oxford gelebt. Beitrag via @suedkurierkn: #unikonstanz#Brexithttps://t.co/RQa1ivsSnc
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 19. März 2019
#Stellenangebot: Wir haben im Fachbereich Literaturwissenschaft ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine 75%-Stelle im wissenschaftlichen Bereich zu besetzen – Voraussetzung ist eine abgeschlossene Promotion in der Neueren Deutschen Literatur: https://t.co/4ppgZtJe48 #unikonstanz
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 18. März 2019
Bosnian Higher Education is in the Jaws of Politicians | Balkanist https://t.co/2mgLObBCVS
— Dunja Mijatovic (@Dunja_Mijatovic) 19. März 2019
#American universities cutting ties to #Huawei and #ConfuciusInstitute .The University of #Minnesota ends programmes with both.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
#News Lens: Gender scorecard and analysis of AIIB projects: a documentary review https://t.co/owQZaARZZD
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 19. März 2019
Don’t miss this session with Laure Brillaud from @TI_EU on #GoldenVisas at the #OECDintegrity Forum. Tomorrow at 14:30 👇https://t.co/6GwmOsKG7h
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 19. März 2019
An important court decision https://t.co/d80fHIZDo4
— Anthony Clark Arend (@arenda) 19. März 2019
A great honour to speak The the United Nations Human Rights Council today. Our panel, organized by the International Commission of Jurists, was on justice for international crimes in… https://t.co/GflrfDKYr7
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 19. März 2019
New Xinjiang white paper:
A fascinating but risky opportunity and a strategic propaganda move by Beijing, which is now obviously confident enough to show off select Xinjiang camps to a more discerning audience, after having done so with several more palatable groups. https://t.co/ZvgdYrZlnJ
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 20. März 2019
This is how arrests work in Xinjiang:
– „We can’t tell the specific charge“
– His lawyer cannot meet him
– Family has not been in contact with him since his arrest
– The authorities are not responding to media requests for comment pic.twitter.com/fWrZ8wTXJ3— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 19. März 2019
An amazing ‚Diversity in #Law‚ event organised by @sam_louwers, @NoelleQuenivet1& @UWELS_. #Bristol peeps, please register on Eventbrite for evening event – 3 April 2019. https://t.co/Gp0YF9iolF
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 19. März 2019
China’s ‘missing’ photographer Lu Guang arrested in Xinjiang https://t.co/SaFYGHqx3D
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 19. März 2019
Next Dalai Lama could come from India, exiled spiritual leader says https://t.co/lmj1OBmpCr
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
CCP „Exterminating Buddha“ by Destroying Large Statues https://t.co/6SxCn5MaO9
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
#China : Six Local Church Leaders Given Heavy Prison Sentences https://t.co/Tuiibkylm3
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
Xinjiang white paper on the camps: „In accordance with the law, the centers adopt a policy of separating education and religion. Trainees may not organize and participate in religious activities at the centers.“ https://t.co/zwfKjv27wb
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 18. März 2019
Tibetan Youth Congress | TYC organizes 3-day campaign in Delhi to commemorate 60 years of Resistance https://t.co/8uCc5KTVTY
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 18. März 2019
BREAKING: Palestinians move to intervene in case Israeli settlers brought against AirBnB to assert claims of discrimination, war crimes incl transfer/forcible transfer & crimes against humanity-persecution arising out of illegal settlement enterprise MORE: https://t.co/8iVfBwLZPv
— Katherine Gallagher (@katherga1) 18. März 2019
„The centers are equipped w/ indoor & outdoor sports & cultural facilities and regularly hold such activities. The centers fully respect & protect the customs & habits of trainees of different ethnic groups, care for their mental health, offer psychological counseling services.“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 18. März 2019
Fantastic. @mehdirhasan is not letting the Chinese side get away easily with false pretenses and brushing away facts about Xinjiang. https://t.co/Hx7mKpDCdT
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 18. März 2019
Accord launches its 1st aggregate report of 2019, showing detailed remediation progress & the status of workplace programs at #RMG factories in #Bangladesh covered under 2018 #TransitionAccord. Download it here – https://t.co/hRfSBp02wEpic.twitter.com/PjM7r6a9JZ
— Bangladesh Accord (@banglaccord) 18. März 2019
Workers‘ rights are at risk under May’s current Brexit plans, I explain to @BMcLoughlin93 of the @dailyexpressuk. EU law protects some basic rights, like those of part-time workers. May is not offering the same protections after Brexit & wants to scrap the EU rights charter. https://t.co/l7bM1q3JAK
— Clive Baldwin (@cliveabaldwin) 18. März 2019
Labor and Human Rights Groups Urge Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Business Associations in the Apparel Sector to Adopt Transparency Requirements https://t.co/OHMJjgwo6I
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 18. März 2019
#Bangladesh: Fair Action reports that Nordic banks fail to hold H&M and other brands accountable to living wage promises: https://t.co/qAcezFD1N3 @BHRRC@FairActionSwe#LivingWageNow
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 16. März 2019
United Nations Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan points to oil companies’ complicity in gross human rights abuses https://t.co/dLeYtclZVr
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 15. März 2019
It’s one thing for the U.S. to decline to join an international institution.
It’s another for the U.S. to institute a travel ban to directly undermine an international institution supported by all of its major allies. https://t.co/aws95hhKjk via @opiniojuris
— James DeWolf Perry (@JDeWPerry) 18. März 2019
Just spoke to a Brit at the boarding gate in Berlin. When he learned that I am researching China he told me that last week he was refused entry to mainland China (in Shenzhen). The reason? He had travelled to Turkey before. It’s linked to the imprisoned Uyghurs in #Xinjiang
— Andreas Fulda (@AMFChina) 17. März 2019
Malaysia and Singapore agree to revert to original port limits [TODAY Online] https://t.co/gQScQfduxo
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 18. März 2019
My take on Article 62 – ‚Geoffrey Cox has no grounds to change his mind on the Northern Ireland backstop‘ https://t.co/eDjzSGJWHn
— Philippe Sands (@philippesands) 18. März 2019
Plans to waive checks on goods crossing the Irish border under a no-deal Brexit would violate international law, according to the @wto’s former chief judge.https://t.co/L8r4KdWK1E
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 18. März 2019
Nordea said all their shady customers were in Denmark. We found forty shell companies with Nordea accounts in Finland that should have raised red flags, including new Mossac Fonseca companies. #ylemot#troikalaundromat#panamapapershttps://t.co/sJRO3I9yUa
— Minna Knus-Galán (@minnaknus) 17. März 2019
.@Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 462 days. Follow updates on the case: https://t.co/c6RBQmidro pic.twitter.com/8rL0ADJLKN
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 18. März 2019