HHDL Clarification and Context of Remarks in a Recent BBC Interview
#DalaiLama institution may or may not exist but #Tibetannation will stay: DalaiLama
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 10. Juli 2019
Clarification and Context of Remarks Made by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in a Recent BBC Interview https://t.co/wxCKZ8GTSepic.twitter.com/S51tkATwu1
— Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) 2. Juli 2019
Education needs to be combined with a sincere, compassionate motivation. When intelligence and warm-heartedness are combined, individuals will be happier and more at peace with themselves, their families will benefit and as a result the wider community will benefit too.
— Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) 8. Juli 2019
The Best Birthday Gift – HHDL’s message on his 84th birthday from his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on July 6, 2019. pic.twitter.com/Bc5wNwDSbC
— Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) 6. Juli 2019
Fun fact of my day: Christine Lagarde signed #France’s 2007 Bilateral #Investment Treaty with #China.
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 20. Juni 2019
Liu Xiaoming, China’s UK ambassador: “there is no [Xinjiang family] separation…not at all. GIVE ME NAMES.”
Ambassador Liu: I do have the full list of 400+ children with double-detained parents: names, ID numbers, addresses, etc. I can back up every single claim in my report. https://t.co/2iSXK5IVn4
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
Cambodia urged to adopt 3rd Universal Periodic Review
„The govt‘ of #Cambodia must take concrete steps to promptly & meaningfully implement #UPR recommendations to restore #civicspace, which has been drastically undermined in recent years“ – Statement by @cchrcambodia@CIVICUSalliance@IFEX & Adhoc at #HRC41https://t.co/0MYWF4f8V6
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 6. Juli 2019
Cambodia received 198 recommendations from over 70 United Nations Member States on how to improve the human rights situation in line w/ Cambodia’s human rights obligations. Of 198 received recommendations, Cambodia accepted 173 & noted 25 recommendations. https://t.co/n7ZMNC3SWf
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 5. Juli 2019
As our Asia & Pacific Editor @mongster writes following the adoption of #Cambodia’s #UPR report, questions remain about the country’s commitment to fostering a free & enabling environment for civil society & media, but there has been encouraging progress: https://t.co/M7QaGGby3o
— IFEX (@IFEX) 5. Juli 2019
Thank you @KerryMP for raising the case of Aung Marm Oo with @MarkFieldUK – and we are looking forward to hear which representatives from Burmese civil society and media will be invited to the Global Conference for Media Freedom in London in July.https://t.co/lIDisUcWzm
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Juni 2019
Thread from our Director @MarkFarmaner on how UN agencies in Burma downplay human rights violations, creating a more enabling environment for human rights violations to continue. https://t.co/NOsXGHPbCL
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Juni 2019
CCHR releases its latest newsletter, covering June 2019. Read about the RFA journalists‘ case and upcoming hearing, responses to the ongoing harassment of former CNRP members in #Cambodia, and the National #Pride Dialogue. Read it here: https://t.co/icvVNGBlLb#HumanRightspic.twitter.com/EMRnlmfkcv
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 8. Juli 2019
Let’s begin! We are very excited that #TransparencySchool kicks off today! #Welcome#sveikiatvykÄ#mru#transparencyschool#TISI2019😉🤗pic.twitter.com/KCt0cMONID
— Transparency School (@YouthIntegrity) 8. Juli 2019
True to form, #China’s ambassador to the UK has denied that #Uighur Muslim children in western #Xinjiang are being systematically separated from their parents.
So why is China denying #UN Rights Chief unhindered access?
https://t.co/M0sXqJ5xsa— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 8. Juli 2019
Watch the numbers climb.📈
8 years of the war in Syria have led to millions displaced in and around the country. pic.twitter.com/QMSJWDbozd
— UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) 8. Juli 2019
Evidence for China’s Parent-Child Separation Campaign
Liu Xiaoming, China’s UK ambassador: “there is no [Xinjiang family] separation…not at all. GIVE ME NAMES.”
Ambassador Liu: I do have the full list of 400+ children with double-detained parents: names, ID numbers, addresses, etc. I can back up every single claim in my report. https://t.co/2iSXK5IVn4
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
.@adrianzenz argues #China has implemented the “weaponisation of education & social care systems” in order to cut off minority children from their roots. #Uighurs #EastTurkestan https://t.co/IjuAzi8Yqo
— Mobashra (@mobbiemobes) 8. Juli 2019
Fun fact of my day: Christine Lagarde signed #France’s 2007 Bilateral #Investment Treaty with #China.
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 20. Juni 2019
If corruption is not eliminated (SDG 16.5), all the money and resources invested to achieve the other SDGs might end in private pockets. https://t.co/TXkE33yskt
— Delia Ferreira (@DeliaFerreira) 8. Juli 2019
For more details or examples, please refer to the full report: https://t.co/B5KDj11fOP
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
2. The Xinjiang gov’t issued a directive to schools about how to deal with the school children of „double-detained parents“ (父母参加职ä技能培训的困境学生). Source: https://t.co/hvh7sDT3zF
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
Since Ambassador Liu might be unfamiliar with Xinjiang’s explicit policy towards the children of double-detained parents, along with the fact that the precise situation of such children is logged by the local authorities and a region-wide database, I will cite pertinent examples:
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
Then, a Uyghur girl, age 3 years 3 months, is kept full-time at a „kindness nursery“, father is in „vocational training“, mother is at a „training center“. In her instance, the nursery likely takes children under age 4, while the nearby preschool takes ages 4-6.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
4. A gov’t directive states that when both parents are interned (夫妻双方在教培ä心) & the family cannot pay their medical insurance bills, the insurance for them and for their children who are at school must be paid for by the local authorities. Source: https://t.co/3xMccx3VV1
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
Hong Kong protesters march to the high speed rail station to China.
One marcher had Uighur professor Ilham Tohti:
“He criticized China’s ethnic policy
He promoted ethnic reconciliation
He was accused of splitting the nation
and sentenced to life in prison.” pic.twitter.com/c4jvc4P2XU— Dake Kang 姜大翼 (@dakekang) 7. Juli 2019
If you don’t have the time to read the recent report by @adrianzenz then this 5 min summary by @CNN is a must watch.#CloseTheCamps in #EastTurkistanhttps://t.co/JYquJWkTeK
— nukinfo (@nukinfo) 7. Juli 2019
There aren’t many of them but some mainland Chinese tourists are looking at the huge protest in wonder. They just came to Hong Kong on holiday and hadn’t seen news about the protests because of media censorship. “It’s not legal for us to do anything like this!” #antiELABpic.twitter.com/tfuoukuSe3
— Joanna Chiu 趙淇欣 (@joannachiu) 7. Juli 2019
„#SaudiArabia has quietly directed tens of millions of dollars a year to American universities from M.I.T. to Northern Kentucky. What are the nation’s rulers getting out of it?“https://t.co/t0DJmpailp
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 6. Juli 2019
Instead of doing a thread on the details of my findings, I ask you to spend a moment in silence.
I just watched the video for the first time and am unable to continue this thread. Just read the report.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. Juli 2019
See also the related BBC piece with dramatic video footage. It will tear you apart. Xinjiang has become a living hell. https://t.co/zKPpe03V8l
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. Juli 2019
What next? Cut off fingers and toes, one by one? https://t.co/BuVVLNUYaS
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. Juli 2019
Coercive internment & political brainwashing: German researcher @adrianzenz has found new evidence revealing the true nature of #China’s internment camps where more than a million #Uigher Muslims are being detained.. He’s our guest on @RNBreakfast
— Linda LoPresti (@MsLindaLopresti) 4. Juli 2019
Cambodia and the Universal Periodic Review Process
Joint oral statement at #HRC41 on Cambodia’s #UPR & acceptance of all recommendations on #SOGIESC rights 🏳️🌈 https://t.co/PWLHCZN2N3
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 5. Juli 2019
Of 198 #UPR recommendations received, Cambodia accepts 173 recommendations and notes 25 recommendations. Find the full list here: https://t.co/e7D7Tvf1wg.#UPR32#HRC41pic.twitter.com/eGKHkvuvSm
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 5. Juli 2019
During UN Human Rights Council #HRC41 session taking place today & tomorrow, #Cambodia will announce which of the Universal Periodic Review recommendations received in January it chose to accept or note. Find out more about the #UPR process here: https://t.co/o08etgN6uQ#UPR32🇰🇭pic.twitter.com/1sNAVVRkmI
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 4. Juli 2019
Villagers in #Laos and #Thailand Suffer as #China Opens the Floodgates on #Mekong River Dams . Farmers, fishermen lose crops and catches as water levels swell as high as 3.7 meters.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 4. Juli 2019
Christopher Sidoti, a member of the #UN fact-finding mission into atrocity crimes against #Rohingya in #Myanmar, warns the crisis is far from over for the persecuted minority w 128,000 people forced from their homes now in camps in Rakhine & urban ghettos.https://t.co/a45zErnjaP
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 4. Juli 2019
„2017 flohen Hunderttausende Rohingya vor Verfolgung aus Myanmar nach Bangladesch. Als Unerwünschte haben sie sich im Nachbarland eine kaum menschenwürdige Existenz aufgebaut.“ https://t.co/3auCQk61cC @DLF#Rohingya#Myanmar
— GfbV (@GfbV) 2. Juli 2019
Thank you @KerryMP for raising the case of Aung Marm Oo with @MarkFieldUK – and we are looking forward to hear which representatives from Burmese civil society and media will be invited to the Global Conference for Media Freedom in London in July.https://t.co/lIDisUcWzm
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Juni 2019
Today, the #ICC Prosecutor requested the Court’s Judges to authorize an investigation into alleged crimes against humanity, namely deportation, other inhumane acts & persecution against #Rohingya from #Myanmar.https://t.co/0mbdXpdkb0
W/o justice, atrocity crimes will continue.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 4. Juli 2019
Thread from our Director @MarkFarmaner on how UN agencies in Burma downplay human rights violations, creating a more enabling environment for human rights violations to continue. https://t.co/NOsXGHPbCL
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Juni 2019
In commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of Kem Ley’s death, @cchrcambodia is releasing a series of his quotes to remember & honor his legacy. Today’s quote is: “I will speak what others won’t“. #KemLey#Cambodia#Impunity#NoImpunity#NeverForgetpic.twitter.com/U6n79lHHUK
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 4. Juli 2019
The #ICC prosecutor releases her report on her office’s preliminary investigation into the crime of enforced deportation of #Rohingya Muslims from #Myanmar to #Bangladesh. https://t.co/NZkVQF7cKt … pic.twitter.com/wOixZbLJ7c
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 4. Juli 2019
#ICC Presidency assigns Situation in Bangladesh/Myanmar to Pre-Trial Chamber III composed of Judges Fremr, Carbuccia & Henderson following notice by Prosecutor #FatouBensouda of intention to request an authorisation to open investigation: https://t.co/jhZo1sGpIV
— Int’l Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) 26. Juni 2019
“They are destroying the hospitals and clinics one by one. Soon there will be nothing left.“
Hospitals are #NotATarget, but since April, #Russia & #Syria govt forces have bombed 28 medical facilities.https://t.co/2fOmyxGvao
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 5. Juli 2019
#EU continues to support „the important mandate the CoI has in terms of shedding light on abuses & #IHL violations committed in #Syria. Together w the #IIIM, it plays a vital role in efforts to promote accountability & ensure that impunity does not prevail“https://t.co/qryEqcWlEBpic.twitter.com/QVoFIwWvbG
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 3. Juli 2019
„Our efforts for justice & accountability continue, as does our unwavering support for the CoI, IIIM & all courageous human rights defenders in #Syria … Because one day there must be justice..“
At #HRC41, Nordic states say no to impunity for war crimeshttps://t.co/SV0RlwCnQzpic.twitter.com/4CA5Oh7PlK
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 3. Juli 2019
“The young men and women of Hong Kong put the rest of the world to shame… The tanks of the People’s Liberation Army are within short trundling distance of their schools, workplaces and homes.” Strong piece from @dicklphttps://t.co/HtQAFo8zmR
— Alastair Gale (@AlastairGale) 3. Juli 2019
Opinion: Why is the UN ignoring China’s concentration camps? https://t.co/czIAxm7gdg
— Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) (@uyghurproject) 3. Juli 2019
Lots of significant new information worth highlighting in this paper, but for now let me just say that if you’re following the Xinjiang internment story you need to read it. https://t.co/NOMkBwr1bR
— Rian Thum (@RianThum) 3. Juli 2019
Good to see my new report featured on main German state TV evening news (Tagesthemen). More and more people are exposed to the reality of this atrocity.https://t.co/U2es2Z7T82pic.twitter.com/zauLcdoNTL
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 2. Juli 2019
#Beijing calls on #HongKong government to restore „social order“ as soon as possible.Central government condemns ransacking of Legco, calling it a direct attack on ‘one country, two systems’ principle.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 3. Juli 2019
BREAKING: my new paper on Xinjiang’s camps is packed with strongly incriminating evidence on the nature & extent of the internment campaign. Based on detailed gov’t sources, this should be enough to spark significant int’l action against these atrocities.https://t.co/U2es2Z7T82 pic.twitter.com/vrVbBZnfAQ
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
I’m sorry, Reuters, but „a controversial deradicalization scheme“ is not a good way to summarize 1 million plus people held in camps and an attempt to wipe out a culture. https://t.co/h6UuT5sr5U
— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) 2. Juli 2019
#Beijing calls on #HongKong government to restore „social order“ as soon as possible.Central government condemns ransacking of Legco, calling it a direct attack on ‘one country, two systems’ principle.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 3. Juli 2019
To investigate the Chinese #Fengcai surveillance app @sz teamed up with @nytimes@guardian@motherboard@josephfcox@zhonggg@HisMastersSight@NDRrecherche@sveckert. Long live collaborative journalism! https://t.co/wM1ULNXldM
— Frederik Obermaier (@f_obermaier) 2. Juli 2019
„#Chinese border police are secretly installing surveillance apps on the phones of visitors and downloading personal information as part of the government’s intensive scrutiny of the remote #Xinjiang region, the @Guardian can reveal.“ #Chinahttps://t.co/7K6fXhizox
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 2. Juli 2019
Here is Süddeutsche Zeitung’s piece [German]. After we obtained a sample of the malware, a member of the reporting team crossed the border to verify; yep, authorities planted the same malware on their phone too. https://t.co/cCfF00lXpi
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) 2. Juli 2019
“#AdmiraltyManifesto”: Statement of #HongKongers fighting for universal values and rule of lawhttps://t.co/eGkqdMr9kz
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 2. Juli 2019
New: collaboration between Motherboard, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Guardian, New York Times, and German broadcaster NDR has found tourists are being forced to install Android malware at a Chinese border. Takes texts, contacts, scans phone for 70k files https://t.co/YlGruNUjws
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) 2. Juli 2019
A terrible attack on schoolchildren and others in #Kabul today. A reminder that leaders have much more work to do for education, peace and stability. Children should be safe at school. https://t.co/29FYr7A6ZK
— Malala (@Malala) 1. Juli 2019
The terrible toll on children of the war in #Afghanistan.
Since 2016, children have accounted for roughly 30 percent of the estimated 11,000 civilian casualties every year.
Important piece by my @HRW colleague @pagossmanhttps://t.co/gRPvbg09Bw
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. Juli 2019
In commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of Kem Ley’s death, @cchrcambodia is releasing a series of his quotes to remember and honor his legacy. Today’s quote is: “If you speak, speak the TRUTH”. #KemLey#Cambodia#Impunity#NoImpunity#NeverForgetpic.twitter.com/7f9naJMuZd
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 1. Juli 2019
„Accountability is essential,“ says @amnesty’s @Hilary_Power_ at #HRC41 side event. „We share the concerns that @YangheeLeeSKKU shared at the beginning. It’s important that the international community step up its response.“ #Myanmar
— Physicians for Human Rights (@P4HR) 1. Juli 2019
Now at #HRC41: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in #Myanmar @YangheeLeeSKKU
🔴 Follow it live here: https://t.co/6y6YdHnBYR
— Universal Rights Group (@URGthinktank) 2. Juli 2019
„#Chinese border police are secretly installing surveillance apps on the phones of visitors and downloading personal information as part of the government’s intensive scrutiny of the remote #Xinjiang region, the @Guardian can reveal.“ #Chinahttps://t.co/7K6fXhizox
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 2. Juli 2019
Xinjiang’s Vocational Training Internment Camps
More ground-breaking research by @adrianzenz, an absolute must-read for understanding the evolving rationale, structure and terminology of China’s mass detentions in Xinjianghttps://t.co/tS5YNX6huO
— Michael Clarke (@meclarke114) 1. Juli 2019
Hong Kong’s leader is surprised that a gradual erosions of freedoms, ignoring the sentiments of record-breaking numbers of protesters, and the use of police violence eventually gives rise to violent responses by desperate young citizens. https://t.co/acNlGQFhGd
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 2. Juli 2019
The collapse of an obscure Inner Mongolian bank, Baoshang, which had $90 billion in assets and had seemed perfectly healthy, set off a domino effect in China’s interbank lending market. https://t.co/7wCjwtACoY
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 2. Juli 2019
China tries to portray Xinjiang camps as humane „boarding schools“, but its own govt documents plainly point to coercive internment and brainwashing
Important new research by @adrianzenz revealing true nature & extent (up to 1.5M detainees) of the campshttps://t.co/TDnhCpSyEv
— Nectar Gan (@Nectar_Gan) 1. Juli 2019
A key point. Many are pleased how the recent Vice report cut through Xinjiang’s closely guarded propaganda smokescreen by showing unprecedented first-hand reporting that cannot be obtained any other way. Reporting ethics were borderline, arguably partially justified by context. https://t.co/AWn2faA8GD
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 2. Juli 2019
Can someone please type out the original text? I cannot read this. Thanks. https://t.co/X8hiFljwuP
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
„…the total number of Uyghurs and other Turkic minorities who have gone through some form of extrajudicial internment since then appears to be very substantial.“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
“almost everything we thought we knew about contemporary China is wrong. And this has happened because the lenses through which we viewed this emerging superpower were distorted by arrogance, naivety, complacency, commercial greed and wishful thinking.” https://t.co/Q2fs4QTy2b
— Didi Kirsten Tatlow (@dktatlow) 30. Juni 2019
In new paper, @adrianzenz outlines how he reached his estimate of up to 1.5 mln ppl detained in Xinjiang, based on govt food subsidies for the centers https://t.co/nZ6qADg0Ga
— Eva Dou (@evadou) 1. Juli 2019
Nearly 49,000 young people in Xinjiang will „benefit from vocational education“ through a $50 million loan approved today by the World Bank!
Do they read the news? https://t.co/VZl9rYQe8b
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
Xinjiang camps: „Qira County’s 2018 budget shows that of a total of 2,619 assistant police officers, 810 were assigned to the county’s vocational training camp(s), representing 31% of the county’s entire assistant police force.“ (!) https://t.co/qaGbLElYoj
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
By spring 2019, the watchtowers and fencing had been removed from the facility.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
Stunning 3D computer model of a „vocational training“ camp, created by first-hand witness. Detainees caged in like animals. Han Chinese language teacher in police uniform. I verified the location, official title is a benign „Higher Level Vocational School“https://t.co/U2es2Z7T82pic.twitter.com/00XCmKHKqB
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
Coordinates: 43°59’52.5″N 87°31’00.8″E
Satellite footage from late 2018 shows watchtowers, high walls, trench next to the walls, tall wire fencing around each building. The eyewitness reported the presence of numerous police guards, incl. one right outside the classroom— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
And yes, the choice of hair color is certainly unfortunate, but that was done by the anonymous informant, not myself. 😃
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
A lead researcher on #Uyghur reeducation camps, @adrianzenz, here gives his rationale for increasing the estimate of #Uyghurs detained from 1.06 million to 1.5 million. In addition, he finds evidence for a classroom with an interior cage. @jpolriskhttps://t.co/24rvhXn70Rpic.twitter.com/QsVuk5xZNu
— Anders Corr, Ph.D. (@anderscorr) 1. Juli 2019
Finally, the article contains stunning 3D computer graphics that re-create the horrifying reality of an internment camp visited by an anonymous witness (who created these images using a 3D software).
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
4. In 2018, the Xinjiang government gave about 1.6 billion RMB in VTIC food subsidies to its minority regions, enough to feed several hundred thousand or more persons. Overall, the author suggests a new upper limit estimate of 1.5 million.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
2.Specifically, those interned in VTICs are called „detained re-education persons“. Numerous gov’t documents make clear that these „trainees“ are in involuntary detention.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
1. According to numerous Xinjiang government websites, Vocational Training Internment Camps (VTICs) „wash clean the brains“ of those interned in them. Those subjected to such coerced brainwashing are referred to as „re-education persons“.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
#Tibetans in Liechtenstein and #Switzerland carried out a peaceful protest at the ongoing 41st Session of #HumanRightsCouncil taking place in #Geneva
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 30. Juni 2019
BREAKING: my new paper on Xinjiang’s camps is packed with strongly incriminating evidence on the nature & extent of the internment campaign. Based on detailed gov’t sources, this should be enough to spark significant int’l action against these atrocities.https://t.co/U2es2Z7T82pic.twitter.com/vrVbBZnfAQ
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
Reeducation Returns to China
Chinese authorities have been rapidly increasing restrictions on religious practice. @adrianzenz considers how measures used to suppress dissent in Xinjiang could be applied across the country:https://t.co/x7TxJP2Gnr
— Foreign Affairs (@ForeignAffairs) 25. Juni 2019
Calls Grow For an Independent Probe Into Police Violence During #HongKong Protests.The government cancels a scheduled cabinet meeting as professional and religious groups join the chorus of calls for an independent inquiry.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 26. Juni 2019
Check out my interview with @AOMConnect on how demographic dissimilarity shapes absenteeism behavior of newcomers over time. For details see @ProfKunze and my recent #AMJ article. Interview and article 👉https://t.co/e0dzD74A0G@unikonstanz@EXCInequality@AOM_OB@HR_Div_AoM
— Max Reinwald (@max_rwald) 26. Juni 2019
Talk of #trade at the upcoming #G20OsakaSummit tends to focus on #tariffs and competition, particularly between #USA and #China. But what about #corruption? (New thread!👇) 1/5
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 26. Juni 2019
U.S. judge finds 3 big Chinese banks in contempt in N. Korean sanctions and money laundering probe, triggering for first time Patriot Act penalty that could cut one off from the U.S. financial system at the demand of the Atty Gen or Treasury Secretary. https://t.co/vO2Iv23RI3
— Spencer Hsu (@hsu_spencer) 24. Juni 2019
May I write an op-ed for @globaltimesnews that expresses my concerns over the situation in Xinjiang? Here’s a bonus: I will use only Chinese (primary) sources to inform my analysis.
— Timothy Grose (@GroseTimothy) 26. Juni 2019
Thank you @KerryMP for raising the case of Aung Marm Oo with @MarkFieldUK – and we are looking forward to hear which representatives from Burmese civil society and media will be invited to the Global Conference for Media Freedom in London in July.https://t.co/lIDisUcWzm
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Juni 2019
Crackdown on #China’s Folk Religions: 6,000 Temples Destroyed . Active for generations, places of worship for indigenous religions are being demolished throughout the country, authorities claiming that they are illegal.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 26. Juni 2019
#China : Party-Glorifying Songs Replace #Buddhist Chants.Even dances and aerobics for seniors to traditional Buddhist music are prohibited in public spaces, for fear of the spread of religion.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 26. Juni 2019
China’s Panchen made head of Tibet Buddhist gov’t body | Tibetan Review https://t.co/kmDFUydsdo
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 26. Juni 2019
#Tibet : #China has decorated the replacement 11th #PanchenLama it appointed back in 1995 in place of the one recognized by the #DalaiLama with a third title: the president of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Branch of the Buddhist Association of China.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 26. Juni 2019
#Tibet : Rare Photos Show Evidence of Monks, Nuns Evicted From #Tibetan #Buddhist Center
Authorities have forced nearly 3,500 monks and nuns from the #YachenGar Tibetan Buddhist Center. pic.twitter.com/ZVQjziGlb4— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 25. Juni 2019
India has again refused to endorse Belt and Road Initiative
Why Indonesia’s muted response to China’s Xinjiang Uyghur internment camps is in stark contrast to anger over Rohingya crisis
Chinese diplomatic appeasement efforts seem to have paid off https://t.co/9zDViT8GFI— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 24. Juni 2019
Note especially: „It is the view of the board of ESCAS that the actions taking place in Xinjiang puts international academic cooperation with Chinese institutions and scholars into jeopardy and raises profound moral questions for foreign academics…“
— Jo Smith Finley (@j_smithfinley) 25. Juni 2019
No joke: 1st speaker to address UN Human Rights Council tomorrow is Chinese Communist Party’s vice-governor of Xinjiang province, where they’ve detained 1 million Muslims in camps.
China sits on the UNHRC, which has never adopted a single resolution on that regime’s abuses. pic.twitter.com/WYRjnlRimN
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) 24. Juni 2019
“I fear for all civilians there,” @UN special rapporteur @YangheeLeeSKKU raises alarm: #Myanmar’s army may be committing gross human rights violations under cover of a mobile phone blackout in parts of Rakhine and Chin states, https://t.co/dHNegCxCpy
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 25. Juni 2019
If you also believe in the power of #democracy, #freedom, and #ruleoflaw, I urge you to show solidarity for #HK by contributing to our fundraising effort. We are aiming to raise awareness by placing ads in newspaper around the world during #G20summithttps://t.co/Gbtv5y8nhA
— Joshua Wong 黃ä鋒 (@joshuawongcf) 25. Juni 2019
Former US representative Penpa Tsering deported from Nepal despite travelling on US passport with valid visa – Tibet Express https://t.co/38iqGiIiKD
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 25. Juni 2019
Fun fact of my day: Christine Lagarde signed #France’s 2007 Bilateral #Investment Treaty with #China.
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 20. Juni 2019
#India has again refused to endorse Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), #China’s ambitious global interconnectivity plan at the #Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit’s Bishkek declaration on Jun 14.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. Juni 2019
Initial reports of police in Beijing/Shanghai checking phones of passers-by and installing gov’t spyware apps on them.
This was pioneered in Xinjiang. https://t.co/5m6ia36htt
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 20. Juni 2019
Even after 2 million HKers have taken to the streets, the gov has not responded positively to our demands: Withdraw the extradition bill, stop defining peaceful protests as ‘riots’ and cease prosecution. Tomorrow morning, I urge people to gather around the gov headquarters!
— Joshua Wong 黃ä鋒 (@joshuawongcf) 20. Juni 2019
#HongKong protests go global as marchers take to streets in #US, #Europe ,#Canada ,#Taiwan and #Australia in show of solidarity
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 18. Juni 2019
#Nepal schools make #Mandarin compulsory after #China offers to pay teachers’ salaries
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 17. Juni 2019
#News Lens: Education advocates claim ‘groundbreaking’ victory on latest GPE decision https://t.co/BB2Bt5ORHz
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 18. Juni 2019
Hello world and hello freedom. I have just been released from prison. GO HONG KONG!! Withdraw the extradition bill. Carrie Lam step down. Drop all political prosecutions!
— Joshua Wong 黃ä鋒 (@joshuawongcf) 17. Juni 2019
Cafe-Gespräch am 18.6. mit Shri Sarvabhavana in Berlin-Tiergarten
Liebe Vedic-Guide Freunde,
wir freuen uns, Sie über die kommende Veranstaltung in Berlin zu informieren und einzuladen:
Die Themen dieser Vortragsreihe befassen sich mit allen Facetten und Nöten unserer häufig verworrenen und richtungslosen Existenz in der heutigen, modernen Zeit. Shri Sarvabhavana gibt uns Antworten, die auf den Weisheiten der altindischen, vedischen Schriften basieren. Er vermittelt uns auf eine eindeutige und geradlinige Weise, wie wir diese ewig gültigen Prinzipien verstehen und leben können.
Eintritt auf Spendenbasis
Health service is always dedicated to the patients.
China’s second Tiananmen? https://t.co/jGYH4JVRo0
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. Juni 2019
#TYC President : People will overthrow #Chinese #Communist government.
150 members from 45 regional chapters of the #Tibetan Youth Congress have congregated in #Dharamshala to attend their six-day discourse and to elect new executive members.— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 12. Juni 2019
Thank you @KerryMP for raising the case of Aung Marm Oo with @MarkFieldUK – and we are looking forward to hear which representatives from Burmese civil society and media will be invited to the Global Conference for Media Freedom in London in July.https://t.co/lIDisUcWzm
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Juni 2019
Health service is always dedicated to the patients.
I, therefore, appeal to all to restore normal healthcare services to the patients without any further delay.
My Facebook post: https://t.co/oOrHMzti8Epic.twitter.com/xeTetT1uN7
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 13. Juni 2019
Today is World #BloodDonorDay. Blood donation is a noble cause that helps save lives. The #Bangla Govt recently launched an app named ‘Jeevan Shakti’ that will provide information regarding the availability of blood in government blood banks across Bangla
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 14. Juni 2019
Since 2016, the UN Independent Expert on SOGI has assisted States to better protect people from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This work can’t stop now: join us in asking the #HRC41 to #RenewIESOGIhttps://t.co/YMIiT82XB0
— ILGA World (@ILGAWORLD) 12. Juni 2019
#EU Court of Justice Advocate Gen says illegal #Israeli settlement products must be labeled as such „just as many European consumers objected to the purchase of South African goods in the pre-1994 apartheid era .. consumers may object on similar grounds“https://t.co/szWf4d9nZg
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 13. Juni 2019
But, after yrs of #Russia/#China vetoes &#UNSC failure to refer #Syria to the #ICC, the #UNGA took action and created the #IIIM that is gathering & analyzing evidence of atrocity crimes, assisting criminal prosecutions e.g. by nat’l prosecutors exercising universal jurisdiction. https://t.co/idcUVPXqAd
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 12. Juni 2019
Die Gründungsfeier findet im Rahmen des ersten Internationalen Bodensee-Symposiums „Frühe Kindheit“ statt, das heute (14. Juni) beginnt – Live-Berichterstattung via @fruehekindheit#lasttweet#unikonstanz#SympFKhttps://t.co/uFm4NW3y7A
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 14. Juni 2019
Hier sind zB auch mehr #NMS Lehrer_innen. Auch thematisch mehr dazu als zB zur #Matura. Sag’s nur. 😘
— Daniel Landau (@LandauDaniel) 14. Juni 2019
Why Did the Presidency Assign Judge Aitala to the Afghanistan PTC? https://t.co/w387wyGOKXpic.twitter.com/fqiIpm5mXv
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 13. Juni 2019
North Korea’s prison camps have operated twice as long as the Soviet gulags and 13 times as long as the Nazi death camps.
“There is not a comparable situation anywhere in the world, past or present.” Navi Pillay (fmr. UN HC for HR).
They are more crucial to Kim than his nukes. https://t.co/aCJKUfO75n
— 🇰🇷Edward Oh🇺🇸 (@EdwardHBOh) 13. Juni 2019
‚Dow volunteers pull their own weight in waterways cleanup.‘ Trumpets article in Plastics News.
But, Dow is one of the world’s largest producers of plastics. Go figure…
https://t.co/dkit02B00h#plasticfreepic.twitter.com/5o3kV21UQh— BhopalMedicalAppeal (@BhopalMedAppeal) 10. Juni 2019
Every 2 weeks we collect the most relevant news on the @WorldBank and the @IMFNews in our #News Lens. Here’s the latest one from 13 June: https://t.co/2KkutBP0JY
You can get it straight to your inbox by signing up here: https://t.co/2J7OosENUvpic.twitter.com/XhVBnwLtIO
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 14. Juni 2019
We are happy to see this historic resolution adopted.
Families deserve answers. https://t.co/OzkL5Sn6zO
— ICRC (@ICRC) 12. Juni 2019
Facebook: Close Burma Military Facebook Pages
[#Cambodia] JOINT STATEMENT: CSOs express serious concern and call for a stop to the ongoing judicial harassment of former Cambodia National Rescue Party membershttps://t.co/D7hIfkmT6d#freeexpression#FOE#humanrightspic.twitter.com/7s0jQ5CtFa
— SEAPA (@seapa) 4. Juni 2019
For more than two hours on Thursday, June 6, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through the infrastructure of China Telecom (!!!) https://t.co/l6MuxataAT
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 10. Juni 2019
Facebook: Close Burma Military Facebook Pages – More Than 25 Pages Still Hosted https://t.co/122SlyLpLB
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 5. Juni 2019
Arrests & detentions for being a member of the political opposition in #Cambodia. Over 70 civil society organisations call on the government to cease the harassment and attacks against members of the Cambodia National Rescue Party. https://t.co/a74mfsRptopic.twitter.com/UJxL0sPbwE
— CIVICUS (@CIVICUSalliance) 4. Juni 2019
The Han student informant believes that the constant negative talk about Uyghurs by the Han seems to justify the ongoing atrocities.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 6. Juni 2019
#China : #Buddhist and #Taoist Temples Sealed Off and Altered . Under the CCP’s religious crackdown, Buddhist and Taoist temples are being demolished
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 6. Juni 2019
„Positive representation looks less like a #Muslim woman in an H&M advertisement and more like Muslim garment workers in Bangladesh and Indonesia leading movements to end gender-based violence in @HM’s factories.“ – @hodakatebihttps://t.co/Zo70HQ7eGN
— Global Labor Justice (@GLJhub) 5. Juni 2019
Aung San Suu Kyi finds common ground with Orbán over Islam | Aung San Suu Kyi | The Guardian https://t.co/CHuEHZid3U
— Dunja Mijatovic (@Dunja_Mijatovic) 6. Juni 2019
Kuwait | Parliament member Al Mutiri told me that #China should ’stop slaughtering Chinese Muslims‘ in #Xinjiang, or Silk City talks could be put on hold. On a personal note, I am grateful to write my first @AlMonitor piece on such an important topic. https://t.co/CY8M26LHIP
— Sebastian Castelier (@SCastelier) 5. Juni 2019
What I learned about freedom in Xinjiang
Cycling through China’s police-state province reveals an unsettling reality, by @geordie_stewarthttps://t.co/v2ZdKqiKa7 @unherd— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 5. Juni 2019
Join us @Heritage this Friday, June 7th at 10:30 am to hear from @IRF_Ambassador, @nuryturkel, @adrianzenz & myself outline next steps to address the crisis in #Xinjiang. This event is timely given that this week is the 30th anniversary of Tiananmen. https://t.co/Dc02vR9s1K
— Olivia Enos (@OliviaEnos) 4. Juni 2019
Xinjiang satellite images reviewed by @AFP and @EarthriseAlly show mosques and religious sites have been torn down or had their domes and corner spires: https://t.co/ijU0UEbTFa
See 6 of the sites in this @AFP interactive presentation: https://t.co/PQUTmaOIbTpic.twitter.com/ppSLoAimQK
— AFPgraphics (@AFPgraphics) 6. Juni 2019
Take action to free the student activists arrested in Burma
CCHR joins hundreds of NGOs worldwide in expressing deep concern regarding the critical funding gap affecting the #UnitedNations#humanrights mechanisms and the #OHCHR. #StandUp4HumanRightshttps://t.co/1SMS0Xxdpl
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 30. Mai 2019
Take action to free the student activists arrested for telling jokes about the military in Burma. Satire is not a crime. https://t.co/sGuAnrQs8Q
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 30. Mai 2019
Read the Khmer version of the joint statements by 73 CSOs & communities, including #CCHR, expressing serious concern & calling on the #Cambodian Govt‘ to cease judicial harassment of former CNRP members & take concrete measures to restore #civicspacehttps://t.co/fvdNZgLG7Z [KH] pic.twitter.com/W1oy2eRAXV
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 1. Juni 2019
Thanks friends pic.twitter.com/n5UHSkBAfM
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 1. Juni 2019
Weekend reading? 🙂 My quick take @opiniojuris on #enforceddisappearances, the practice of “short-term” disappearances, and legal interpretation by the Human Rights Cmtt, UN Wkng Gp & Cmtt on ED. https://t.co/1rdWTfaHno
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 31. Mai 2019
SOS-Kinderdörfer warnen vor Bildungskatastrophe: In den #Rohingya-Flüchtlingslagern in #Bangladesch habe die Mehrheit der rund 600.000 Kinder keine Chance auf #Schulbildung. @soskinderdorfhttps://t.co/ugvqEVKHi6
— bildungsklick (@bildungsklick) 31. Mai 2019
Fast 2 Jahre nach der gewaltsamen Vertreibung der #Rohingya aus #Myanmar sitzen im benachbarten #Bangladesch immer noch rund 600.000 #Kinder in Flüchtlingslagern fest! Wir helfen vor Ort. #Bildung #Flüchtlinge
Mehr Infos: https://t.co/88463rhnCCpic.twitter.com/XbFeRN0hsD— SOS-Kinderdörfer (@soskinderdorf) 31. Mai 2019
Calling for Remedy
Today marks the 6th anniversary of the signing of the original Bangladesh Accord. The Accord has transformed safety across Bangladesh’s garment industry, leading to over 100,000 safety repairs across 1,600+ covered factories @banglaccord
— WRC (@4WorkerRights) 15. Mai 2019
6 years ago, apparel brands & unions established the @banglaccord to make factories safer in Bangladesh. Find out how workers have used its complaint mechanism to address safety hazards & secure remediation: https://t.co/SlFlWngNQ8 #ProtectProgress#RanaPlazaNeverAgain pic.twitter.com/pzlHMmrnA0
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 16. Mai 2019
Today, on the 6th anniversary of the signing of the @banglaccord, we applaud all that this unprecedented program has done to save garment workers‘ lives. Learn what the below chart means for workers, in their words, in our new report: https://t.co/KK52WcKpKl #RanaPlazaNeverAgain pic.twitter.com/FO3xC1fsFP
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 15. Mai 2019
Stellungnahme des Sachverständigen Dr. Adrian Zenz
This is distressing. I hope @BrillPublishing realizes that we academics are taking note. We will not support or publish with a journal that acts like this. https://t.co/xcXO2Koi7U
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 15. Mai 2019
Die Stellungnahmen der Sachverständigen sind nun auch verfügbar. Mit dabei: die Stellungnahme von @adrianzenz, der leider nicht persönlich vor Ort sein konnte.
https://t.co/PE2kDG6qm5— Ssaman Mardi (@SsamanMardi) 10. Mai 2019
The architect of revamped legal education in India. I’ll never forget my NLS orientation, & how high Dr. Menon set the bar. Was privileged to be taught Torts- #Bhopal Union Carbide – by him, and to be awarded a gold medal in his daughters name. RIP Professor Menon & thank you. https://t.co/VEp6TmDUfK
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 8. Mai 2019
If industry can have 7,000 steps for ease of doing business why can’t India think of at least 5,000 steps for #EaseofDoingFarming. My article. https://t.co/Dj7w7E4CUs
— Devinder Sharma (@Devinder_Sharma) 15. Mai 2019
“The World Bank risks complicity in government policies of discrimination, which contribute to the ongoing genocide of the Rohingya” Mark Farmaner, Director of Burma Campaign UK told Coconuts Yangon. https://t.co/prz1qhLNLY via @coconutsdotco
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 15. Mai 2019
#News Lens: Pakistan: The Political Cost of Islamabad’s New IMF Loan https://t.co/eJ5WxbjTVt
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 14. Mai 2019
#Bangladesh. Enquiry finds 88 travel agencies involved in migration via Mediterranean Sea. These people are criminals. They know well what is happening to their nationals in #Libyahttps://t.co/lQTfwWUvWT
— vincent cochetel (@cochetel) 15. Mai 2019