#Syria: 100s of indiscriminate attacks since #UNSC Res condemning them
#Syria: 100s of indiscriminate attacks since #UNSC Res condemning them http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/02/24/syria-new-spate-barrel-bomb-attacks … … Impunity continues.
UN: Syria violence continues after 5 years of conflict http://bit.ly/1LS6ndK
Humanitarian #aid should never be politicized: #Syria|n gov’t expels two key UN humanitarian staffers http://owl.li/JJ7RS
The @MultifaithAid calls on #UN and int’l community to bring an end to crimes against humanity occuring in #Syria. http://nyti.ms/18pV8gr
Accountability for #torture in #Poland is a positive step, but US officials must be held to account as well http://owl.li/JJqhC #CIA
„My experience is that opposition to #vaccinations is rarely religious. It’s political.“ http://owl.li/JJeZ0 #polio #Pakistan
@suchskv on Medicapt, harnessing the power of tech to document sexual violence in conflict #crisismappers #iccm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPcGgV3Gne0 …
Syria Conflict #crisismap, @elise_baker from Physicians for Human Rights, on attacks on medical facilities @ #iccm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nXREZE6DF0&feature=youtu.be …
„Civil society ignores these crimes at its own peril.“ #DefendDoctors #Syria http://owl.li/JGYI3
24% of medical workers killed in #Syria conflict were executed or tortured to death– majority by gov’t http://owl.li/JA9Bv #DefendDoctors
D’après l’ONG @P4HR 569 professionnels de santé #Syrie|n ont trouvé la mort entre 2011 et 2014. #DefendDoctors http://info.arte.tv/fr/2014-annee-noire-pour-les-refugies#sthash.tLrKURYl.dpuf …
179 separate medical facilities have been attacked during #Syria conflict – w/ #Aleppo hardest hit http://owl.li/JA9xz #DefendDoctors
Total attacks on medical facilities during #Syria conflict are up to 228 – w/32 barrel bomb attacks http://owl.li/JA9uk #DefendDoctors
UN membership can be had for as little as $28k/year (ok, you have to be a country, too) http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=ST/ADM/SER.B/889 …
The utimate dunning list RT@denisfitz: 13 of 15 Security Council members yet to pay UN dues http://untribune.com/two-15-security-council-members-paid-2015-dues/ …
14-year-old boy killed by a policeman during an anti-government protest in #Venezuela http://owl.li/JE1F7
INCYMI: Good news! Unjust case in #Turkey against @ttborgtr doctors for treating #Gezi protesters has been dismissed. http://www.ttb.org.tr/en/index.php/tuem-haberler-blog/179-ttb/1268-atodava …
The #Syria|n gov’t dropped barrel bombs on hundreds of sites last year, violating a UN Security Council resolution http://owl.li/JDZac
„Siege is the most important enemy of our medical work“ @SyriaDirect on targeting of doctors in #Douma #DefendDoctors http://bit.ly/1BOM4xR
At least 4 separate medical facilities were attacked in #Syria in January– 3 by govt forces, 1 unknown http://owl.li/JA9pi #DefendDoctors
.@DeDeDunevant says, health workers must be allowed to perform their duties w/o worrying about retaliation http://owl.li/JByXw #Turkey
There can be no genuine security without human rights, says @amnesty’s @SalilShetty http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/opinion/unshackle-the-united-nations.html … #UN #Syria #Gaza

Still the black helicopters RT@voxdotcom: WORRIED about the UN taking over the Alamo? So is this Texas state senator http://vox.com/e/7868128?utm_campaign=vox&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter …
#Syria: 100s of indiscriminate attacks since #UNSC Res condemning them http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/02/24/syria-new-spate-barrel-bomb-attacks … … Impunity continues.
On @democracynow- Weaponizing Health Workers: How Medical Professionals Were a Top Instrument in U.S. Torture Program
@nattyray11 Thank you so much for joining us on our program. Video & transcript posted: http://owl.li/GlPuf @P4HR
Greetings to all people of #Japan on the #NationalDay!
Contact group for #Ukraine meeting in #Minsk (starts 3pm Moscow time) http://tass.ru/en/world/768879 4 issues: http://24today.net/open/252198
I know it’s Christmas. But if you have some spare time read this: http://20committee.com/2014/12/23/beware-putins-special-war-in-2015/ … #Russia #Sanctions #SpecialWar
European Parliament votes to recognize #Palestine statehood http://on.rt.com/ag1kzs #FreePalestine #icc4israel
Deepest condolences to all families in Peshawar who lost loved ones today. Truly barbaric & cowardly act targeting children. Lost for words
NY Times calls for prosecutions: „No amount of legal pretzel logic can justify behavior“ detailed in #TortureReport. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/22/opinion/prosecute-torturers-and-their-bosses.html?smid=tw-share&_r=0 …
On @democracynow– Weaponizing Health Workers: How Medical Professionals Were a Top Instrument in U.S. Torture Program http://owl.li/Gm1q4
Examples in #TortureReport indicate ppl are going to be damaged psychologically for a very long time says @viacopino1 http://owl.li/GlzQR
.@hrw @ACLU also call for a special investigation into #CIA torture and call for prosecution http://owl.li/Glyhm #TortureReport
شيخي @salman_alodah #كليب_الحنين من أدائي وإخراج علي الغنيم @3Limg http://youtu.be/1hMMuRlhAv4 أرجوا أن يحوز على إعجابك
إِنَّهَا صَفِيَّة!

سلمان العودة » المقالات » إِنَّهَا صَفِيَّة! http://www.islamtoday.net/salman/artshow-28-203087.htm … #مقال
1 http://www.islamtoday.net/salman/artshow-28-186408.htm …
2 http://www.islamtoday.net/salman/artshow-28-186863.htm …
3 http://www.islamtoday.net/salman/artshow-28-187412.htm … #إغلاق_الأقصى
Video: Leader performing funeral prayer for Ayatollah #MahdaviKani #Farewell2aRevolutionary
آیتالله مهدوی پس از طرح شبههی تقلب، خطاب به فردی که پیش از انتخابات مدعی حمایت از نامزدی خاص بود گفتند: «دیدی آقا را قبول ندارد. رهبری ما یک نوع تقدس دارد. ایشان اگر مقام ولایت و مقام رهبری را قبول داشت، نتیجهی انتخابات را میپذیرفت و میرفت تا در دورههای بعد شرکت کند، ولی این کار را نکرد.»
Video: Leader performing funeral prayer for Ayatollah #MahdaviKani https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6ix0z1zxH0&list=PLP9XKFcmDYv4hmgwVEXplXrfnVeZQk-St … #Farewell2aRevolutionary
Assembly of Experts leadership race may hint at power balance in #Iran – http://www.iranpolitik.com/2014/10/23/analysis/assembly-experts-leadership-race-hint-balance-power-iran/ …
Photos of Ayatollah #MahdaviKani’s commemoration ceremony http://farsi.khamenei.ir/photo-print?id=28012 … #Iran
Leader expressed gratitude to disabled veterans & athletes who took part in the Asian #Paralympics in #Incheon. #Iran
از موفقیتهای افتخار آمیز شما عزیزان بسیار خرسند شدم. عزم و همت جوانان در همهی عرصهها چنین دستاوردهای با ارزشی را به همراه دارد. به یکایک شما عزیزان سلام میفرستم. ارتباط قلبی با معنویات را قدر بدانید.
خداوند یار و نگهدار شما باد.
سیدعلی خامنهای
پیام تقدیر از ورزشکاران جانباز و معلول ایرانی مسابقات پاراآسیایی اینچئون
مجموعهی صوتی ملت حماسه
حضرت امام خمینی: «این مجالس عزای سیدالشهداست و مجالس دعا و دعای کمیل و سایر ادعیه است که میسازد این جمعیت را اینطور، و اساس را اسلام از اول بنا کرده است به طوری که با همین ایده و با همین برنامه به پیش برود. و چنانچه، واقعاً بفهمند و بفهمانند که مسئله چه هست و این عزاداری برای چه هست و این گریه برای چه اینقدر ارج پیدا کرده و اجر پیش خدا دارد، آن وقت ما را «ملت گریه» نمیگویند، ما را ملت حماسه میخوانند.»
Öffentlich geteilt – 12:36
فیلم اقامهی نماز بر پیکر آیتالله مهدوی کنی
پاسخ به سوالات شرعی مخاطبان درباره احکام عزاداری اهل بیت علیهمالسلامپرسیده اند نظر آقا در مورد برهنه شدن در عزاداری چیست؟ اگر فیلمبرداری نشود و زنان نیز نبینند چطور؟ آیا از نظر فقهی، ایشان حرام میدانند این کار را؟
در پاسخ به این سوال باید عرض کنیم حضرت آقا توصیه فرمودند به برخی از مداحان که در عزاداریها برهنه نشوند. اما این به عنوان یک فتوای فقهی نیست که ما بگوییم حرام است. خب اگر نامحرمانی نیستند، اگر مسئله سویی بر آن مترتب نیست، دشمنان سواستفاده نمیکنند خب ممکن است بگوییم حرام هم نباشد؛ مثلا یک جمع محدودی هستند فیلمبرداری هم نمیکنند، فقط مردان هستند حالا پیراهن را از تن درآوردند و سینه میزنند؛ اما به طور کلی توصیه ایشان این هست – به عنوان یک توصیه – که در عزاداریهای مردها برهنه نشوند. چرا؟ چون ممکن است هم در معرض دید نامحرمان باشند و هم دشمنان باز از این مسئله سواستفاده کنند برای تبلیغ علیه مکتب اهلبیت علیهمالسلام.
همچنین به همین مناسبت مجلس بزرگداشتی از سوی رهبر انقلاب اسلامی در روز شنبه سوم آبانماه ساعت ۱۵:۳۰ در حسینیهی امام خمینی رحمهالله برگزار خواهد شد.پخش مستقیم مراسم از شبکه یک و شبکه قرآن
رهبر انقلاب بر پیکر حضرت آیتالله مهدوی کنی اقامه نماز

In the whirlwind cascade of events that fill this opening parsha of the Torah, one can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer number of subjects discussed. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, after they exercised their free will to disobey God’s commandment, is an important issue to dwell upon and discuss. What life was like within the Garden of Eden is pretty much an unknown to us. It is obvious that human nature was different there and that the prevalence of shame and tilttelating sexual desire was absent – certainly in a way that our world cannot countenance. But once driven from the Garden and apparently prevented from ever…
Parshat Bereshith 5775 – Rabbi Berel Wein #constantcontact http://conta.cc/1vtkUcr
Faith and Fate Film Premiere/ Dessert Reception Nov 16, 2014 – 7:00 PM – Call to reserve NOW #constantcontact http://conta.cc/1tXzN0L
A Portrait of Shtetl Life http://goo.gl/fb/18ghN
http://www.sztetl.org.pl/en/ #News
Please note that in mid-2014 the Virtual Shtetl portal will be thoroughly restructured and modernised. The ongoing maintenance works may prevent some texts or photographs from publishing online. It may also cause them to be displayed only in part as a working version. We apologise for any inconvenience.
https://www.facebook.com/JuedischesMuseumWien #Museum
https://www.facebook.com/ojmEisenstadt #Museum
Thx and FF @HRB_Austria @ERRCtweets @RomaAllianceCoE @yadvashem @ADL_National @AJCAccessNY @VaHolocaust @jmberlin
Lies: http://www.ojm.at/blog/2014/10/05/weltkriegslyrik
Hörtipp: Läuft derzeit: Orte jüdischer Kultur 1 – jüdischer Friedhof und Synagoge in #Regensburg #Tagesgespräch #Bayern2 via @JMFranken
Das Psychosoziale Zentrum ESRA wird 20 http://bit.ly/1vyDMXw
Rabbi Berel Wein @historyrabbi
OHCHR calls for authorities to allow deployment of #UN human rights officers
Alarmed at ongoing #Egypt violence, OHCHR calls for authorities to allow deployment of #UN human rights officers http://bit.ly/14yMUts #R2P
#Egypt: UN human rights office alarmed at the continuing violence and echoes the Secretary General’s strong condemnation of the ambush in the Sinai peninsula and also his call for investigation into deaths of 36 prisoners.
We again urge the Egyptian authorities to allow us to deploy #HumanRights officers.
More: http://sm.ohchr.org/17GSkVm
#previous #articles #videos #Navanethem Pillay
Egypt court bans Muslim Brotherhood http://bit.ly/1fu1pqr
Our 2nd blog post in the series #Itbelongstoyou: @sabaeayman with a new diagnosis for the #Egyptian health system http://bit.ly/1eQbZdg
#Egypt: arrest of Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad raises concerns about #freedomofexpression : http://shar.es/iS8sa
Egypt rights council condemns violence against Christians http://bit.ly/188NHnt
Egypt extends state of emergency for two months http://bit.ly/18cqRJz
#EU High Rep’s #Egypt speech to the European Parliament: Sounds like a „prayer“ at times… „we believe…“: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/EN/foraff/138727.pdf … #EP
Ashton’s #EU #Egypt prayer:We believe in a constitution supporting democracy.We believe in RuleofLaw&Justice.We believe in respect f rights.
Morsi charged with insulting judiciary, jailed additional 4 days http://bit.ly/1aVxW8r
Al Jazeera takes legal action against Egypt military government http://bit.ly/1aFyn7y
Egypt detains journalist for publishing false information – http://cpj.org/x/56de
Verhaftungswelle #Ägypten geht über Muslimbrüder hinaus. Einer der wenigen Kollegen in Nordsinai wurde festgenommen http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_268777/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Su9iAkM9 …
There is real urgency on #Egypt. Longer US, EU, others wait to use their leverage, the more entrenched new autocratic order will be.
Endowments Minister vows to ban begging near mosques http://ow.ly/2zH3Hv
Journalist, lawyer arrested in Egypt, raising concerns over extent of military-backed government’s crackdown: http://apne.ws/165xpNo -JM
Acc. to AVAED documented cases of disappearance of girls since Jan 2011 exceed 500. All under 18 years old http://www.minorityvoices.org/news.php/en/1483/egypt-international-day-of-the-victims-of-enforced-disappearances … #Egypt
.@USIP Prevention Newsletter covers #Kenya, #Egypt, #EU efforts and more – http://ow.ly/oyR32
20 questions Morsy refused to answer during interrogation http://ow.ly/2zCfK8
Military court continues crackdown on opposition with life sentences http://ow.ly/2zCfK9
Morsi supporters sentenced to prison for assaulting army troops http://bit.ly/19fcIhN
Egypt court orders closure of four media outlets http://bit.ly/18A79Iu
The coup is two months old and only 5 countries have recognised the coup – Israel, Saudi Arabia, United Arab… http://fb.me/1w6jTs9Js
Egypt prosecutors charge Morsi with ‚incitement to murder‘ http://bit.ly/19cyanD
#Egypt authorities deport three Al Jazeera reporters http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/80514.aspx via @ahramonline
Deposed Egyptian President Morsi to stand trial on charges of inciting murder of protesters – @Reuters, @AFP
RT: @Nervana_1 Who’s Who: #Nominees for Egypt’s 50-member #constitution committee http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/80519.aspx via @ahramonline #Egypt
Egypt bans Al-Jazeera, detains journalists, raids outlets – http://cpj.org/x/56cc
Brotherhood’s Beltagy flashing Rabaa sign after being arrested http://bit.ly/16YloFz pic.twitter.com/JT8iU6Napp
Muslim Brotherhood’s Beltagy arrested http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/muslim-brotherhood-s-beltagy-arrested …
Egypt authorities detain more than 60 people associated with Muslim Brotherhood http://bit.ly/1ckmXDh
Analysis: With Brotherhood out, old order shapes Egypt’s future http://fb.me/TXISOSbY
UNESCO director condemns killing of Egypt journalists http://bit.ly/1fepNcH
Mubarak appears in court for retrial http://bit.ly/1aFTLsn
Egypt police arrest 5 employees of a religious website for the crime of describing the military takeover as a coup http://nyti.ms/17buXFd
Mubarak placed under house arrest http://bit.ly/153WALJ
How can #Egypt have an“inclusive democratic transition“when Muslim Bros is criminalized, shut down &members detained ?http://trib.al/ONWqzNe
Army blocking entrance to #Tahrir #Cairo ahead of Friday prayers #egypt pic.twitter.com/oaiIFpLK3J
Why take action against the arms fair? https://www.facebook.com/events/1406612642887333/ … #occupydsei # bahrain #egypt pic.twitter.com/0fRP6qr2EA
Christians, other minorities in #Syria fear ‚ethnic cleansing‘ http://1.usa.gov/1f5caMB via @starsandstripes #R2P
Journalists under threat in #Egypt as authorities crack down on pro #Morsi supporters – at least 5 killed this week! http://bit.ly/1auzJku
on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 PROGRAMME:
#previous #articles #videos #ramakrishna
العودة: دمج الإسلاميين في السياسة كسب للمجتمع ولهم
http://islamtoday.net/albasheer/artshow-12-181780.htm مشجعا قبول الجماعات الإسلامية الاحتكام للصناديق. سلمان العودة:اندماج الإسلاميين في السياسة كسب للمجتمع ولهم الأهرام
صدر بفضل الله كتابي (كيف نختلف) بالإنجليزية „How to Disagree „. وبإذن الله ترونه في مكتبات #معرض_الرياض_الدولي_للكتاب
English Page @Salman_Al_Odah
My Book „How to Disagree “ is now availible in English. #معرض_الكتاب pic.twitter.com/aSuTSPiuLa
facebook.com/IGGIÖ – Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich
facebook.com/JIGGiÖ – Jugendrat der Islamischen Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich
#previous #articles #videos #SalmanAlodah
محاضرتي في محافظة (صبيا) بعنوان (شاب داعية)..

Mishras 2012 Europen Musical tour
Dear Friends,
We are in Varanasi now and wish all of you. We are happy to inform you that our tour for Europe this year will be in October/ November 2012. So we are starting now for booking the Concert dates of Europe and just like to inform you that if you want to book any concert of us then please contact us soon as now we are booking the dates.
We are coming three musician Pandit Shivnath Mishra, myself Deobrat Mishra on Sitar and Prashant Mishra on Tabla. So please contact us soon for any information you need.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours, Deobrat Mishra
Sitar Artist.
Contact us at: mishramusic@hotmail.com
Website: www.music-of-benares.com
Cell: 0091-9451586700
Note: we are also sending you a attachment of recent concert photos and Video Link on youtube we did with 108 Sitar players in Varanasi to save holy River Ganges. Please have a look. You can see more picture of it on my facebook account: Deobrat Mishra
My father Pandit. Shivnath Mishra made a history in Varanasi-India to conduct a orchestra of 108 sitar players. Total musician where 151 including Tabla players and Flute players.
Varanasi (Sanskrit: वाराणसी ) is a city situated on the banks of the River Ganges in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, 320 kilometres (199 mi) southeast of state capital Lucknow. It is regarded as a holy city by Buddhists and Jains, and is the holiest place in the world in Hinduism (and center of earth in Hindu Cosmology). It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and probably the oldest of India. The Kashi Naresh (Maharaja of Kashi) is the chief cultural patron of Varanasi and an essential part of all religious celebrations.The culture of Varanasi is closely associated with the River Ganges and the river’s religious importance. The city has been a cultural and religious centre in North India for several thousand years.
The Benares Gharana form of Indian classical music developed in Varanasi, and many prominent Indian philosophers, poets, writers, and musicians resided or reside in Varanasi, including Kabir, Ravidas Their Guru Swami Ramanand, Trailanga Swami, Munshi Premchand, Jaishankar Prasad, Acharya Shukla, Ravi Shankar, Girija Devi, Hariprasad Chaurasia, and Bismillah Khan. Tulsidas wrote Ramacharitamanas here, and Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath located near Varanasi (Kashi). Varanasi is home to four universities: Banaras Hindu University, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies and Sampurnanand Sanskrit University. Residents mainly speak Hindi and Kashika Bhojpuri, which is closely related to the Hindi language. People often refer to Varanasi as “the city of temples”, “the holy city of India”, “the religious capital of India”, “the city of lights”, and “the city of learning.”
Mishras Press release:
Very rare to see three generation master musician’s on same stage.
From their home city of Benares, an ancient spiritual centre of traditional music and Indian culture, “The Mishras” are bringing classical North Indian Ragas and meditative music to the world audience, gifting the audience with a fabulous performance and a spiritual experience. Join this father and son duet of two of the worlds finest Sitar Artist and Prashant Mishra on Tabla grandson of Pandit Shivnath Mishra as they inspire one another to new levels of loving interplay.
Pandit Shivnath Mishra was born on the 12th of October 1943, in Varanasi (North India). Also known as “Legend of the Sitar”, he is the 10th generation of the prominent Benares Gharana lineage of top class singers including Pandit Bade Ramdas Mishra and Panditji Great Grand Father. Since childhood, his highly musical family could see signs of a masterful musician in him. When Panditji was five years old, he began studying vocal music with his father, Badri Prashad Mishra, and his uncle-guru, Pandit Mahadev Prashad Mishra. However, when he was eight his musical inclination led him to study the sitar. In a family of great classical Indian vocalists, he was the first one who mastered the sitar.
Due to the vocal influence from his family as well as the Benares Gharana tradition, he is one among few artists in Contemporary India who ‘sing inside’ while playing a musical instrument. His lively, powerful and unique style has praised him with innumerous titles by the most representative authorities and institutions of music in and outside India. In 1966, when he was only twenty-three, he received a gold medal in the All India Music Conference, in Calcutta.
1979 marks the beginning of his performances abroad. Sine then, he has been constantly on tour in many foreign countries, among them Germany, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Holland etc. In 1999, he gave his first concert in the USA and Canada. During his tours, he has performed with several international jazz artists such as John Handy, Paul Horn, David Freezen, Ben Conrad, Berred Kworrase, George Figgler Aimester among others. Moreover, he participated in many conferences and recitals including the Condolence Metal of Late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, in Germany. He also took part in programs broadcast by the BBC Television and the German Radio.
Being one of India’s premiere sitar artists of all times, Pandit Shivnath Mishra was the Head of the Music Department at the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University of Benares, in Varanasi, for 36 years. At this time, in 1994, he formed the “Music of Benares” which consists of a group of North Indian (Hindustani) classical musicians whose aim is to familiarize audiences all over the world with Hindustani music in general and the Benares Gharana in particular. What is characteristic of the Benares Gharana is exactly the singing of the Thumri, a light Indian classical music that is highly ornamental and thus very emotional and expressive. At a time when many different Gharanas mix with each other, the “Music of Benares” group keeps this ancient tradition alive.
Incorporation of this style with the “Jugalbandi” presentation, in which there are two solo artists sharing the stage, has created a unique synthesis of classical and folk that appeals to audiences everywhere. But this is not just Jugalbandi, this is a duet between a Guru and his Shishya (disciple) and, in this case, between father and son. Seeing this special interaction on stage is no doubt an unforgettable and mesmerizing experience.
Deobrat Mishra – biography
Deobrat Mishra is no doubt one of the most energetic and innovative sitar artists of India. Selectivity, melody and rhythmic complexity are typical features in his lively playing style.
Born in 1976, he represents the 11th generation of the Benares Gharana tradition. As a young child he studied tabla with his mother, Pramila Mishra, who is the granddaughter of the well-known tabla player Pandit Baiju Mishra. He started by studying vocal music with his father at the age of five and began his sitar lessons a year later. That same year, after only six months of studying the sitar, he gave his first public performance on stage. Five years later, he performed for the first time on the All India Radio.
Since 1994 he has been touring throughout Europe with his father. In the same year he was chosen to receive the award of the best young sitar player of India. In 2000 he received the “Jewels of Sound Award” in Mumbai. His many projects include music workshops, solo performances for radio and television as well as world music programs with Indian and European artists. Moreover, he is the one in charge of cultural events and music lessons provided by the Academy of Indian Classical Music, the school he founded along with his father, Pandit Shivnath Mishra, in 2006.
Recently, he received a Masters degree in sitar from the Prayag Sangit Samiti in Allahabad. Among many other projects, the Mishras performed and recorded their music with the Western Symphony Orchestra of Italy in 2005. Nowadays, they fully dedicate their art to similar projects including annual tours around the world.
Above all, the Mishras (father and son) serve as two of India’s leading cultural ambassadors of our times
Prashant Mishra is one of the best young Tabla player of benares music tradition. When he was five he started to learn tabla with the family member of Biru Mishra of Varanasi also studying Tabla presently with Mr.Chakkan lal Mishra(Student of Great Tabla player Anokhelal Mishra..
Soon after few years of hard practice with his grandfather Pandit Shivanath mishra and uncle Deobrat mishra he was able to perform with Mishras His skills beautifully compliment and support the Mishras in their concerts.
In 2004 he won first prize in Tabla competition organized by Sangeet Natak Academy Uttar Pradesh India. He received many awards for his tabla playing at many different places. The Mishras tour will help to support the Academy Of Indian Classical Music School in Varanasi, India.
Additionally, the Mishras support their Academy of Music in Benares, India where they keep alive the tradition of their music amongst young musicians. Every January and February, the Academy is open to international students of all ages and skill levels. These study tours to India are a cultural experience combining ashram style living and intensive music instruction in one of the world’s oldest cities.
Visit: www.benaresmusicacademy.co
For more information, contact Deobrat Mishra: mishramusic@hotmail.com
Visit our website: www.music-of-benares.com
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Note: Mishra or Misra (Hindi: „मिश्र“ „मिश्रा“) is a Hindu Brahmin surname found mostly in the northern and central parts of India. It is one of the most widespread Brahmin surnames in the fertile Gangetic plain region and in the Indian states of Delhi, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Orissa, Assam and West Bengal. It is also found in countries such as Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago under the anglicized version of Misir, due to migration owing to agricultural/plantation employment. The surname is also found in Nepal, Fiji and Mauritius, as well as in other Indian diaspora communities.
In Hinduism, Brahmin refers to the class of educators and preachers. It is the highest class in the caste system. There are many references in the Ramayana and Mahabharata about the importance of a Brahmin. In the Vedic period, the Brahmins preferred isolation and solely dedicated their life to propagating knowledge and Dharma. However Misras have historically been martial Brahmins and in earlier years, many were drafted into the army.

32th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 27 May – 1 June 2012 | Porto, Portugal
IAIA12 Energy Future: The Role of Impact Assessment
Porto, Portugal 27 May – 1 June 2012
UPDATE : IAIA’s statement to Rio+20
An environmental impact assessment is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_assessment
The Equator Principles (EPs) are a voluntary set of standards for determining, assessing and managing social and environmental risk in project financing.
Project financing, a method of funding in which the lender looks primarily to the revenues generated by a single project both as the source of repayment and as security for the exposure, plays an important role in financing development throughout the world (See http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs118.pdf). Project financiers may encounter social and environmental issues that are both complex and challenging, particularly with respect to projects in the emerging markets.
The Equator Principles in full can be found at:
Equator Principles Financial Institutions (EPFIs) commit to not providing loans to projects where the borrower will not or is unable to comply with their respective social and environmental policies and procedures that implement the EPs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equator_principles
The 32nd annual conference of the International Association For Impact Assessement, Energy Future: The Role of Impact Assessment will take place in Porto, Portugal from 27 May – 1 June 2012.
A defining issue throughout human history has been how societies have pursued the supply and management of energy. Our view of the world and the world economy over the last 3-4 human generations has been shaped by assumptions of infinite energy supplied primarily by fossil fuels. Impact assessments have scrutinized thousands of energy projects, but few have considered the long-term future supply and sources of non-renewable and renewable energy as critical to decision-making. Now, however, the basic principle of limitless energy is under challenge.
Impact assessment has proven to be a powerful evolving tool able to incorporate environmental, social and health concerns, among others, in decision-making processes. More integrated approaches are being tested for biodiversity and climate change. Understanding the future of energy must also be one of the highest priorities for impact assessment professionals.
What is the role of impact assessment on future global, national and local energy decisions and choices? How can we tackle the environmental and social risks that will appear as a result of our quest for the development, production and management of new energy sources?
IAIA is a forum for advancing innovation, development, and communication of best practice in impact assessment. For more information about what we do, visit http://www.iaia.org .
Can’t attend IAIA12? Follow the tweet stream at #iaia12.
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Themenabende im Monat Mai / Juni mit Shri Sarvabhavana
Wir laden herzlich ein zu den Vorträgen und Veranstaltungen mit Shri Sarvabhavana im Monat Mai/ Juni VORTRÄGE in BERLIN / DRESDEN & PIRNA
The Bhagavad Gita (pronounced: [ˈbʱəɡəʋəd̪ ɡiːˈt̪aː] ( listen)), also referred to as Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the ancient Sanskrit epic Mahabharata. Due to its presence in the epic, it is classified as a Smṛiti text. However, those branches of Hinduism that give it the status of an Upanishad also consider it a Śruti or „revealed text“.[1][2] As it is taken to represent a summary of the Upanishadic teachings, it is also called „the Upanishad of the Upanishads.“[3] HERE
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