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Stellungnahme des Sachverständigen Dr. Adrian Zenz
This is distressing. I hope @BrillPublishing realizes that we academics are taking note. We will not support or publish with a journal that acts like this.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 15. Mai 2019
Die Stellungnahmen der Sachverständigen sind nun auch verfügbar. Mit dabei: die Stellungnahme von @adrianzenz, der leider nicht persönlich vor Ort sein konnte.— Ssaman Mardi (@SsamanMardi) 10. Mai 2019
The architect of revamped legal education in India. I’ll never forget my NLS orientation, & how high Dr. Menon set the bar. Was privileged to be taught Torts- #Bhopal Union Carbide – by him, and to be awarded a gold medal in his daughters name. RIP Professor Menon & thank you.
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 8. Mai 2019
If industry can have 7,000 steps for ease of doing business why can’t India think of at least 5,000 steps for #EaseofDoingFarming. My article.
— Devinder Sharma (@Devinder_Sharma) 15. Mai 2019
“The World Bank risks complicity in government policies of discrimination, which contribute to the ongoing genocide of the Rohingya” Mark Farmaner, Director of Burma Campaign UK told Coconuts Yangon. via @coconutsdotco
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 15. Mai 2019
#News Lens: Pakistan: The Political Cost of Islamabad’s New IMF Loan
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 14. Mai 2019
#Bangladesh. Enquiry finds 88 travel agencies involved in migration via Mediterranean Sea. These people are criminals. They know well what is happening to their nationals in #Libya
— vincent cochetel (@cochetel) 15. Mai 2019
Fantastic news that Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo are free. Must not forget 300+ political prisoners in jail or facing trial. Aung San Suu Kyi has the power to free them and repeal repressive laws. Take action here.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 7. Mai 2019
As jailed Reuters journalists are freed, read the story that prompted the arrests: Massacre in Myanmar
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 7. Mai 2019
Brilliant news that jailed @Reuters journalists Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe Oo have been released in Myanmar today
BUT… do not forget they should never have been jailed in the first place & that Suu Kyi’s gov’t could have stopped their prosecution at any time. They chose not to
— Jerome Taylor (@JeromeTaylor) 7. Mai 2019
— Antoni Slodkowski (@slodek) 7. Mai 2019
Finally, @Reuters journalists Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe Oo have been released.
They should have never been arrested, much less imprisoned.
Crisis isn’t over; dozens of #Myanmar journalists & bloggers face baseless criminal charges for reporting about abuses & army or govt officials.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 7. Mai 2019
Wa Lone to media outside jail: „I’m really happy and excited to see my family and my colleagues. I can’t wait to go to my newsroom.“
— James Pearson (@pearswick) 7. Mai 2019
Here are some photos taken as Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo were released from a Yangon prison today. The common denominator: joy! Huge thanks to everyone around the world and inside Myanmar who fought so hard to
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 7. Mai 2019
Yeah! This is such good news: Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been released! #PressFreedom
— Frederik Obermaier (@f_obermaier) 7. Mai 2019
Congratulations to all students who passed exams
Congratulations to all students who excelled and those who passed the CBSE exams. Good wishes to your parents and good luck for all your future endeavours
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 2. Mai 2019
#Pentagon to end language funding for universities running
#ConfuciusInstitutes— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 2. Mai 2019
Das Professorenleben ist ein solches am Limit der Deadlines.
— Peter Bußjäger (@PeterBussjaeger) 2. Mai 2019
Peking university has added facial recognition scanners to its gate today. After 6 failed attempts to recognize me I gave up.
— China Law Translate (@ChinaLawTransl8) 2. Mai 2019
#China authorities are using a mobile app to carry out illegal mass surveillance & arbitrary detention of Muslims in #Xinjiang.
“monitoring every aspect of people’s lives”
Chilling new @HRW report:
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 2. Mai 2019
Come on voters for @RupaHuq its very close
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 30. April 2019
Thanks to @NevilleSouthall for letting us take over his account this evening.
Check out our thread – tracking our work holding the
army to account, fighting for political prisoners, exposing ‚Dirty List‘ companies like @tetleyuk and more.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 24. April 2019
After a very long and arduous semester, I have finally had time to update the signatories to our Concerned Scholars @XJscholars Statement on the mass internment of Turkic Muslims in China – presently 688 signatories from 42 countries – let’s get to 1,000
— Sean R. Roberts (@robertsreport) 2. Mai 2019
Soldier Self-Defense Symposium:
Via @opiniojuris „Given this evolution, can one consider that self-defence by UN peacekeepers is still sourced in domestic law or has it developed its own normative framework as a matter of international law?“
— INSCT (@INSCT) 1. Mai 2019
Stop the crackdown on workers in #Bangladesh:
Repeat with us: organizing is not a crime, workers have the right to demonstrate and strike to stand up for their rights. Stop the crackdown on workers in #Bangladesh: #FreedomSafetyLivingWage#MadeInBangladesh should NOT mean
— Clean Clothes (@cleanclothes) 1. Mai 2019
Come on voters for @RupaHuq its very close
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 30. April 2019
Within one year after the promulgation of the #LèseMajesté criminal offense in Feb 2018, two individuals have already been convicted for allegedly insulting the King on Facebook posts. Find out more with our new snapshot
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 30. April 2019
CCHR releases an infographic on how states must protect against human rights abuses by 3rd parties, including businesses. This requires steps to prevent, investigate, punish & redress. KH & ENG
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 29. April 2019
Happening now: rally of workers, communities, CSOs to commemorate Labor Day. Together we protect fundamental freedoms. We have petition detailing our demands and you could take part by signing this too
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 1. Mai 2019
Romani families are fighting back in the European Court of Human Rights against discrimination in the system for taking their children into care – we just intervened in a case before @ECHRPress against #Italy where racism was clear #terrnipe
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 30. April 2019
School segregation – #Albania has a case to answer before @ECHRPress for maintaining a school with only Romani and Egyptian children in #Korca We are representing, pushing for Albania to implement the desegregation plan they promised #sicljovipe
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 29. April 2019
On #InternationalLabourDay we stand with victims of #ForcedLabour in #Uzbekistan. We will continue to monitor and report on forced labour in the #cotton and #silk sectors in 2019 until this practice is eradicated. #LabourRights = #HumanRights#Solidarity
— Uzbek-German Forum (@UGFHumanRights) 1. Mai 2019
Complaints about safety in Bangladesh factories hit a high in 2018 | Canadian Occupational Safety
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 28. April 2019
Not only a #CETA tribunal but ANY #ISDS tribunal that makes a ruling that interferes with right of Union to set level of protection for regulation in public interest-the ruling would be invalid in the #EU, thus not enforceable there. @snlester@BrownColinM
— Rob Howse (@howserob) 30. April 2019
Thanks to @NevilleSouthall for letting us take over his account this evening.
Check out our thread – tracking our work holding the
army to account, fighting for political prisoners, exposing ‚Dirty List‘ companies like @tetleyuk and more.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 24. April 2019
Symposium on Soldier Self-Defense and International Law: Highlighting and Framing the Issue
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 29. April 2019
As predicted, law professors are expected to staff #CETA tribunals (#CJEU opinion para. 240 noting admission by EU Commission during oral hearing). Monthly retainer will provide a welcome supplemental income for a fortunate few. Guesses about whom? Discuss amongst yourselves.
— David Schneiderman (@d_schneiderman) 1. Mai 2019
In case anyone wondered how low #AungSanSuuKyi could go, she’s now on a trip to make common cause with #Cambodia dictator #HunSen. Our #Nobel prize winning democracy icon in action.
— Brad Adams (@BradMAdams) 30. April 2019
Before #LiuXia left #China, she recovered „an old photo album containing pictures of her husband … in their apartment’s piles of books & art. She brought it with her to #Germany, as a reminder, she said, that “I remain at the place I left behind.”“
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. Mai 2019
Trying to defend the silence of UN Secretary-General @AntonioGuterres on human rights, his spokesman highlights times when he speaks generically about human rights without mentioning a perpetrator. That doesn’t count. My critique:
— Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) 27. April 2019
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres raised the plight of Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region during a visit to Beijing , a U.N. spokesman said. He must be reading @EliLake
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) 30. April 2019
Pleased to share my new article with @WarOnTheRocks. Thanks to @ushasahay and editorial team for their work and also @JimMillward@adrianzenz and @dtbyler for comments on previous drafts
— Michael Clarke (@meclarke114) 25. April 2019
A fleet of U.S.-made satellites helps China’s government police its people, including the suppression of the 2008/09 riots in Tibet an Xinjiang; report by @WSJ
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 25. April 2019
New @hrw report reveals how #China#Xinjiang authorities’ mass surveillance system monitor people’s movements by tracing their phones, vehicles, and ID cards, and keeps track of people’s use of electricity and gas stations:
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. Mai 2019
“The forced closure of the Accord’s Dhaka office will cause brands to see the country as a far riskier place to produce,” said Laura Gutierrez of @4WorkerRights . “This will have grim consequences for workers and factory owners alike.”
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 29. April 2019
Thanks so much to all the activists all around the world who took concrete action this week to make sure that the 1,134 people who died in Rana Plaza 6 years ago are not forgotten and who continued the struggle for better working conditions in their memory.
— Clean Clothes (@cleanclothes) 26. April 2019
The BoF Podcast: Activist @kalponaakter on Improving the Lives of Bangladeshi Garment Workers #RanaPlazaNeverAgain#FreedomSafetyLivingWage
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 26. April 2019
She made your clothes where she face #GBV.
— BCWS (@bcws1) 25. April 2019
Join us, @RAN, and @ILRF in D.C. May 2 as we examine the impacts of industrial agriculture and the impressive community organizing being done in the face of it! Free: knowledge, food, and drink!
— ActionAid USA (@ActionAidUSA) 25. April 2019
Today, CCHR releases an infographic to remember the death of #Cambodia’s foremost environmental & anti-logging #activist Chut Wutty. 7 years after his death, justice for Chut Wutty remains to be done #NeverForget#NoImpunity ENG KH
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 26. April 2019
Symposium: Vedanta v. Lungowe and Access to Justice
Vedanta v Lungowe Symposium Wrap Up
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 26. April 2019
Great news that Kachin political prisoners Lum Zawng and Zau Jat were released today! We must keep up the pressure for the release of all political prisoners in Burma and the repeal of the repressive laws that are used to imprison activists and journalists.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 26. April 2019
#China has 30-40 million more men than women, and this has driven demand for trafficked brides from across Asia, including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, North Korea & Vietnam. And now #Pakistan. Will @ImranKhanPTI and @zlj517 take this threat to women seriously?
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 26. April 2019
The Scope of the (Aborted) Afghanistan Investigation
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 27. April 2019
It’s a rare day for either of us to agree with anything #MorenoOcampo has to say but skim-reading he’s spot on
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 26. April 2019
Even the New York Times screws up sometimes. The US has signed but not ratified the Arms Trade Treaty. It cannot „pull out“ of something it has not entered. @nytimes@opiniojuris#media#ArmsTreaty#ArmsTradeTreaty
— Michael Byers (@michael_byers) 26. April 2019
Vedanta v. Lungowe Symposium: Foreign Direct Liability Cases in England After Vedanta
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 26. April 2019
The International Criminal Court Needs Fixing
— Zeid Raad Al Hussein (@raad_zeid) 24. April 2019
It’s a rare day for either of us to agree with anything #MorenoOcampo has to say but skim-reading he’s spot on
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 26. April 2019
Vedanta v. Lungowe Symposium: Vedanta v. Lungowe and Access to Justice
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 25. April 2019
I agree. This was the conclusion of my PhD dissertation this year.
— Meriya (@Meriya92140903) 25. April 2019
Pleased to share my new article with @WarOnTheRocks. Thanks to @ushasahay and editorial team for their work and also @JimMillward@adrianzenz and @dtbyler for comments on previous drafts
— Michael Clarke (@meclarke114) 25. April 2019
My question is: Will Putin be late?
— Curtis Melvin 커티스 멜빈 (@CurtisMelvin) 25. April 2019
To go to school.
To see my family.
To go back home.
To live with dignity.
To live in peace.This is what Syrians want for their future:
— ICRC (@ICRC) 24. April 2019
BRI: my thesis is that it is a long-term, strategic global influence operation with historic precedent.
Broadly speaking, there are some interesting parallels with the political-economic influence mechanisms employed by the Qing Empire. via @chinafile— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 25. April 2019
Check out our thread – tracking our work holding the army to account
Thanks to @NevilleSouthall for letting us take over his account this evening.
Check out our thread – tracking our work holding the
army to account, fighting for political prisoners, exposing ‚Dirty List‘ companies like @tetleyuk and more.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 24. April 2019
The United Nations says that doing business with the Burmese military is indefensible, but Tata, owners of Tetley Tea, are selling them equipment. Email Tata now telling them to stop supplying equipment to Burma’s military.
— Anna Roberts (@anna_c_roberts) 24. April 2019
Interesting how all the hardline #Brexiteers who are unable to be elected in their own constituencies are happy to campaign for election to the #EuropeanParliament and claim #BrexitBetrayal and the death of #Democracy
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 24. April 2019
Day 5 of the #Vedanta symposium at @opiniojuris: we switch gears from discussion of the duty of care to consider how the SC dealt with jurisdiction. I talk about FNC making a comeback, pitfalls for prospective claimants and the inherent sense of forum necessitatis @ICJ_org
— Gabrielle Holly (@Gabriellellell) 24. April 2019
This is a great thread! #Prohibition v #protection in #IHL, specifically in relation to the historical context of #sgbv in the #GenevaConventions – notions of ‘honour’ & protection, so prevalent in domestic law as well.
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 24. April 2019
The US position on rape in war is especially despicable this time. They could have let the resolution pass & done nothing, as usual (they allowed similar language to pass before). But Trump made sure to tell victims of #CRSV that they aren’t even worth an empty platitude.
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 24. April 2019
Absolutely devastating news from #Afghanistan.
According to the #UN pro-govt and int’l forces were responsible for more civilian deaths than Taliban and IS this year.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 24. April 2019
#Bangladesh itself can take measures to prevent radicalisation. Chief among them is allowing provision of primary and secondary education in the camps for several hundred thousand children & youth who fear their hope for a future is dashed.#lostgeneration
— LaetitiavandenAssum (@lvandenassum) 24. April 2019
More than 200k Hungarians live in Germany and 1860 Hungarian children were born in Germany last year – that’s more than in several Hungarian counties.
— VKJudit (@VKJudit) 24. April 2019
Summer School in Limnology at the Lake Constance and the Danube river, Germany 21 – 25 July 2019. Study at two different universities along Lake Constance: the Pedagogical University of Weingarten and the excellence University of Constance. Info:
— European Water Association (@water_ewa) 24. April 2019
Join US Friday April 26 #mainstreamingstoires
— Timothy Grose (@GroseTimothy) 24. April 2019
The Sinophone internet is awash with short videos promoting Han-Uyghur inter-marriage. This one asserts that Xinjiang has long been a mixed race region and is now safe and home to many beautiful and eligible Uyghur women who will appreciate a doting Han husband
— James Leibold (@jleibold) 23. April 2019
Exporting the technology of authoritarianism: China has been selling its surveillance to the world. In Ecuador, where a camera and phone-tracking system was supposed to be used by police, we found a feared domestic intelligence agency also had access:
— Paul Mozur (@paulmozur) 24. April 2019
„I feel honored.“ A first reaction from our jailed Reuters colleague Wa Lone to winning a Pulitzer Prize for his brave reporting on Myanmar’s crackdown on the Rohingya. Congratulations to you and Kyaw Soe Oo! #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 24. April 2019
How Apparel Brand Purchasing Practices Drive Labor Abuses
#Bangladesh unions call for @banglaccord to continue on 6th anniversary of #RanaPlaza. #RanaPlazaNeverAgain#ProtectProgress@uniglobalunion@cleanclothes
— IndustriALL (@IndustriALL_GU) 24. April 2019
Important thread by my @HRW colleague @ajkashy related to our new report:
‘Paying for a Bus Ticket and Expecting to Fly’: How Apparel Brand Purchasing Practices Drive Labor Abuses
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 24. April 2019
Today marks since years since the #RanaPlaza collapse, the deadliest disaster in the history of the modern garment industry. The collapse killed 1,138 workers and injured many more, all of which could have been prevented.
— WSR Network (@WSRNetwork) 24. April 2019
#RanaPlazaNeverAgain! To that end, the Accord trains labour-management Safety Committees to identify safety hazards & help prevent them, and informs workers about workplace safety & safe evacuation. Safety program running at >1,000 #RMG factories
— Bangladesh Accord (@banglaccord) 24. April 2019
On the 6th anniversary of the #RanaPlaza building collapse, we’re calling on the government of Bangladesh to cease attempts to expel the @banglaccord & to increase safety efforts for the buildings already under their oversight:
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 24. April 2019
What is the real price of the clothes you wear?
New @HRW report identifies practices by clothing companies that fuel abusive cost-cutting methods by factories that harm workers.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 24. April 2019
Have you not read our #ObserverSpring19 yet?
This edition analyses IMF double discourse on #PPPs, by @eurodad, @WorldBank Medupi nightmare, its new land indicator to access community-owned land, by @oak_institute, and much more. Don’t miss it!
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 24. April 2019
Outcry at #UN plans to consolidate #Syria aid operations in #Damascus
Today in the #UNGA, one state after the other stress the importance of justice for war crimes in #Syria, & refer to the pivotal role of the #IIIM, as Catherine Marchi Uhel -the head of the mechanism- presents her report to #UN members.
W/o justice, atrocity crimes will continue.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 23. April 2019
List of things that are apparently now „controversial“ & „divisive“ at the UN Security Council:
1. Mentioning sexual & reproductive health in a Res
2. Discussing POC, R2P or ICC
3. Suggesting a draft Res on the Rohingya genocide or crisis in Cameroon
4. Human rights— Simon Adams (@SAdamsR2P) 23. April 2019
„Outcry at #UN plans to consolidate #Syria aid operations in #Damascus„
So hand over total control to the #Assad regime, that has committed atrocity crimes & denied civilians life saving aid in the past
Important piece by @BenParker140 & Annie Slemrod
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 23. April 2019
Belfast support incl. access to education for Rohingya children
Tomorrow at 7pm, @burmacampaignuk will be taking over Welsh legend @NevilleSouthall’s account to talk about the fight for human rights in Burma.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 23. April 2019
On April 23, Myanmar’s Supreme Court in Naypyidaw rejected imprisoned Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo’s appeal and confirmed their conviction. Reuters Chief Counsel Gail Gove issued the following
— PR Team at Reuters (@ReutersPR) 23. April 2019
Great to be at the teachers trade union @NASUWT conference in Belfast this weekend. Lots of support for our campaign, including access to education for Rohingya children.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 20. April 2019
My blog @opiniojuris Vedanta v Lungowe symposium focusing on the #UKSC’s duty of care analysis in the parent-subsidiary context and considering its potential extension to #supplychain relationships #bizhumanrights#corporateaccountability
— Anil Yilmaz (@anil_yv) 23. April 2019
Such a shame: Myanmar’s highest court ruled against two Reuters reporters, upholding their conviction for violating a state secrets law after they uncovered a military massacre.
— Frederik Obermaier (@f_obermaier) 23. April 2019
#Burma:10,000 residents protested on Monday to call for a halt to the #Myitsone dam project. Construction of the #Chinese-backed project has stalled since 2011 because of concerns over flooding & other environmental impacts and anger that electricity would be exported to China
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 23. April 2019
#Cambodian opposition leaders and supporters wrapped up a gathering in #SouthKorea with a call for a concerted effort to restore democracy to #Cambodia and an appeal for support from signatories of the #Paris Peace Agreement, which reestablished elections there
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 23. April 2019
Third #Mongolian Writer Held in #SouthernMongolia.The detention comes amid ongoing protests from herding communities over loss of access to land and resources.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 23. April 2019
They should never have been arrested, much less prosecuted, for doing their jobs as investigative journalists. #Myanmar’s military & civilian govt seem determined to extinguish any ability to question their misrule & rights abuses.
Journalism is NOT a crime. #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 23. April 2019
“We are already .. identifying perpetrators, not just physical perpetrators but those who orchestrated, assisted or condoned the commission of crimes. Does it give a prospect of justice a better chance? Yes”
Catherine Marchi-Uhel, head of #UN#Syria#IIIM
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 23. April 2019
Catherine Marchi-Uhel today in #UNGA debate on IIIM Report: #Syria #IIIM is a reality, it provides a novel model to ensure #accountability and embodies the will of the #UNGA that there can be no #SustainablePeace without #justice
— Liechtenstein UN (@LiechtensteinUN) 23. April 2019
#News Lens: Global education community clashes over GPE private sector strategy specifics
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 23. April 2019
These two jailed journalists had just won the Pulitzer for their important reporting. Myanmar has seriously damaged even the pretense of a transition to democracy. We appeal for their immediate freedom. @pressfreedom@UNESCO
— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) 23. April 2019
Some Additional Thoughts On Appeal Strategies for the OTP in Relation to the Afghanistan Decision
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 23. April 2019
New @opiniojuris: excellent thoughts on an #Afghanistan appeal by @dovjacobs. #ICC
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 23. April 2019
The government of #Egypt is being accused of #bribery and vote-buying in the referendum on constitutional amendments.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 23. April 2019
Tragic news on #EasterSunday in #SriLanka with scores killed. Condolences to the families of the victims of such a senseless and brutal act #EasterSundayAttacksLK
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 21. April 2019
JUST IN: UNICEF spokesman Christophe Boulierac says 45 children among those killed in Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday bombings
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 23. April 2019
#Srilanka en ce lundi de #Pâques une immense tristesse devant de telles scènes d’horreur. Les chrétiens une nouvelle fois pris pour cible dans un attentat d’une rare cruauté.
— Gérard Larcher (@gerard_larcher) 22. April 2019
According to #Interior #Ministry of #Libya, #Haftar’s 4 sons have officially applied for Cyprus #citizenship. Hello #Cyprus #GoldenVisas scheme. Any idea as to why, considering they are all #US #citizens. @Christodulides @CyprusMFA @Petrides_C @MinInteriorCY #EU #Europe #passport
— Bricor Lau (@BricorLau) 23. April 2019
#News Lens: Report finds World Bank’s coal divestment pledge not stringent enough
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 23. April 2019
Our new information update on the ongoing starvation of detainees (21 in total thus far!) in the transit zones in #Hungary is just out- case summaries, legal explanation and key conclusions:
— HunHelsinkiCommittee (@hhc_helsinki) 23. April 2019
„It became a matter of getting me out so that the candidate of the Trump administration wins by not having any opponent,“ said Lebanon’s Ziad Alexandre Hayek, who also put his name in to lead the World Banks but says he was pressured to withdraw.
— E&E News (@EENewsUpdates) 22. April 2019
This morning @BBCr4today kept referring to Luxembourg as an ‚international financial centre‘. It’s not. There’s no major stock exchange there or anything. Luxembourg is a tax haven. Could the BBC please drop this euphemism? @sarahsands100@LuxFinance @alexcobham
— Juliette Garside (@JulietteGarside) 23. April 2019
#USA threatens to veto #UNSC resolution on combating rape as a weapon of war because it includes language on victims’ support from family planning clinics.
US, #China & #Russia also oppose the establishment of a mechanism to monitor & report atrocities.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 23. April 2019
Now in English, too. A great investigation done by our Taiwanese colleagues „Commercial Academic Publishing Preying on Taiwan“
— Peter Hornung (@ph_reporterpool) 23. April 2019
Vedanta v. Lungowe Symposium: Potential Implications of the UKSC’s Decision for Supply Chain Relationships
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 23. April 2019
Demain c’est la journée internationale des luttes paysannes.
Si je suis élu, je m’engage évidemment à me consacrer à la fonction à 100%. L’Europe est à un tournant, et l’urgence environnementale et sociale est réelle. Il n’est plus possible malheureusement de rester en retrait.
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 17. April 2019
L’alimentation low-cost, alibi commode du système agroalimentaire industriel, n’est une solution pour personne, même pas pour les ménages aux revenus les plus faibles.
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 23. April 2019
Cette enquête lance un signal encourageant: les Belges veulent un net changement de trajectoire. Le temps est venu d’écouter les demandes de nos et de se donner les moyens de construire une société écologique, solidaire, juste & ouverte @HARTBOVENHARD1
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 23. April 2019
Ce soir grand débat à Molenbeek-SJ sur l’avenir de notre #alimentation. L’alimentation durable: un levier pour améliorer la #santé, l’#environnement, et une opportunité pour l’économie locale. On vous attends nombreux avec Malika Hamza & @bricmontsaskia
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 22. April 2019
Un effet pervers de la politique agricole commune et des subventions à l’hectare: il faut que la #PAC soit chapeautée par une véritable politique alimentaire qui permette l’arrivée d’une nouvelle génération d’agriculteurs-trices
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 9. April 2019
La mobilisation de la société civile, plus indispensable que jamais face à l’inertie des gouvernements. #RepubliqueDesPollueurs
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 19. April 2019
En 2017, les pesticides à base de #glyphosate ont étés réautorisés dans l’UE, au mépris de la santé, malgré l’avis du @WHO. Triste de voir qu’à présent, le @Europarl_FR endosse le #PrincipeDInnovation pour contrecarrer le #PrincipeDePrécaution: nous ne sommes pas des cobayes
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 18. April 2019
Il faut accélérer le changement de cap, en puisant dans l’énergie de la société civile et dans son imagination politique: c’est le sens de mon engagement“.
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 17. April 2019
Comme scientifique, j’ai tout essayé: des rapports au parlement européen, parfois suivis d’effets, des contributions scientifiques, plus ou moins influentes, des tribunes et des appels…
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 17. April 2019
Grande victoire dans la lutte contre l’impunité des sociétés transnationales: les victimes zambiennes des activités de #Vedanta peuvent agir en réparation devant les tribunaux britanniques. La prochaine étape: un traité international sur les entreprises et les droits humains.
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 10. April 2019
Demain c’est la journée internationale des luttes paysannes. Refusons le libre échange et mettons en place des accords de commerce durable, exigeons une autre #PAC en la chapeautant avec une politique alimentaire commune. Redonnons à nos paysans et paysannes l’espoir en un futur
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 16. April 2019
Même si la prise de conscience citoyenne est un élément positif, on ne peut plus s’en tenir à un discours qui responsabilise le consommateur individuel: il faut changer l’environnement dans lequel ce dernier est amené à faire ses choix
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterO) 16. April 2019
#ICYMI As we got back from IMF & @WorldBank Spring Meetings 2019 we published our Wrap up and analyses of communiques & press releases. Access the content, including notes we just published from different CSPF sessions
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 23. April 2019
Vedanta v. Lungowe Symposium:
Day 3 of the #Vedanta symposium at @opiniojuris: Doug Cassel calls the judgment “the most important judicial decision in the field of business and human rights since the jurisdictional ruling of the United States Supreme Court in Kiobel”
— Gabrielle Holly (@Gabriellellell) 19. April 2019
Day 2 of the @opiniojuris symposium on #Vedanta: @InclusiveLaw notes the legal obligation to make disclosures on enviro and human rights matters under the UK Company Act, and the SC’s finding that a parent may owe a duty on the basis of a representation made in such a disclosure
— Gabrielle Holly (@Gabriellellell) 18. April 2019
Vedanta v. Lungowe Symposium: Beyond Vedanta–Reconciling Tort Law with International Human Rights Norms
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 19. April 2019
Today President Win Myint granted amnesty to more than 9,500 people but decided to keep political prisoners like Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo in jail. Aung San Suu Kyi has once again failed to respect human rights and release all political prisoners in Burma.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 17. April 2019
„The proportion of
aid spent on humanitarian aid, which helps refugees and internally displaced people, has fallen, and now makes up just
percent of the budget“ @MizzimaNews reports on @burmacampaignuk’s @DFID_UK action.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 13. April 2019
Support and retweet
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 20. April 2019
#Syria sanctioned cash, Assad family in London. And then we’re told that the UK has no leverage over the conflict, even considers bombing – claiming all other avenues to change Assad behaviour exhausted. Are they? #Londongrad#NoKleptocracy#MagnitskyAct
— Anna Chernova (@chernova1978) 19. April 2019
Quoted in a piece by @mikeives and #DharishaBastians in the @nytimes on a new attempt to hold perpetrators of the #SriLankan conflict accountable being #innovation where #criminaljusticeprocess fails #victims
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 19. April 2019
Symposium: Duty of Care of Parent Companies
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 18. April 2019
Must read: UK Supreme Court judgment on #Vendanta v Lungowe
Timely and fascinating online seminar on #UK Supreme Court’s recent Vedanta decision allowing a parent corporation to be sued for responsibility for a subsidiary’s harm to human rights and environment in another country@BizHumanRights@IPietropaoli@ProfSuryaDeva@saliltripathi
— Sam Zarifi (@SZarifi) 17. April 2019
Great introduction to Vedanta online symposium by @CarlosLopezGVA
— Robert McCorquodale (@InclusiveLaw) 17. April 2019
Take action to free Wa Lone, Kyaw Soe Oo and all Burma’s political prisoners here:
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 17. April 2019
#Myanmar President says 9,535 local prisoners & 16 foreigners, have been pardoned.
2 @Reuters journalists -who won a Pulitzer Prize for revealing the army’s execution of #Rohingya Muslim men- were not among those pardoned & released.#FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 17. April 2019
About time that we all send an email to Volkswagen China with relevant links on the Xinjiang camps. Maybe start a petition. Volkswagen has consistently chosen profit over ethics in the past few years.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 17. April 2019
#Tourism figures in #Turkey in 2018#Russia#Germany#Bulgaria#UnitedKingdom#Georgia
Tourism Week 15-22 April 2019#tourist— Burak Sansal (@allaboutturkey) 16. April 2019
How much longer? How much longer is it OK for people in positions of power and influence to claim they *know nothing* about something that has been major news for MONTHS as Uighur and Kazakh refugees risk their safety and freedom to get people to pay attention?
— Megha Rajagopalan (@meghara) 16. April 2019
How could the @OTPICC@IntlCrimCourt appeal the Pre-Trial Chamber’s refusal to authorize the #Afghanistan investigation? Thoughts on the #ICC by @kevinjonheller via @opiniojuris
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 17. April 2019
The International Commission of Jurists has vacancies for an International Legal Advisor in #Nepal & #Myanmar. Two amazing countries experiencing transitions with significant #HumanRights challenges.@SZarifi@FrederickRawski@AbbottKingsley
— Kevin Chang
(@KevinCChang) 17. April 2019
I’m very disappointed no one has commented on the irony that two scholars who are usually so critical of the #ICC — me and @dovjacobs — are busily strategising how the OTP should appeal the #Afghanistan decision…
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 17. April 2019
New @opiniojuris: a long post on how the @OTPICC might appeal the #Afghanistan decision. Highly technical, but I hope readers find it interesting. Thanks to @_polinalevina for encouraging me to write it. #ICC
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 17. April 2019
Instead of that, perhaps #Palestine should simply refer the situation in #Afghanistan to the #ICC…
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 16. April 2019
#Israel portrays self as region’s lone democracy, but is set to deport @hrw official for work calling on companies to stop facilitating abuses in settlements.
Court decision to uphold deportation sends chilling msg that rights defenders/critics not welcome— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 16. April 2019
Small States and the UN Security Council
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 17. April 2019
For information on @ICJ_org’s own ongoing project on indigenous and other traditional or customary justice systems, see:
— Matt Pollard (@mattdpollard) 17. April 2019
Starting now! Online Symposium on the legal and policy implications of the #vedanta judgment. Watch this forum for articles by R. McCorquodale @InclusiveLaw Anil Yilmaz @anil_yv Doug Cassel, G. Holly @Gabriellellell L. Roorda @LRoordaLaw@clairerabright
— Carlos Lopez (@CarlosLopezGVA) 17. April 2019
Panei Mon, the wife of Pulitzer Prize-winning @Reuters reporter Wa Lone: “Since we got married, he has been telling me about Pulitzer prizes. He dreamed of receiving the highest prize in journalism.” Wa Lone and colleague Kyaw Soe Oo are still behind bars. #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 16. April 2019
Congratulations to the staff of @Reuters, including @walone4 and Kyaw Soe Oo.
— The Pulitzer Prizes (@PulitzerPrizes) 15. April 2019
Two @Reuters journalists have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 492 days. Follow updates on the case:
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 17. April 2019
Must read if interested in #bizhumanrights: UK Supreme Court judgment on #Vendanta v Lungowe
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 10. April 2019
Tell DFID to help victims of military abuses in Burma
Why is
aid money being spent on economic development whilst the Burma army hounds ethnic minorities out of their homes and into temporary camps?
Tell @DFID_UK to send our
to the people in need — victims of military abuses.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. April 2019
British aid for Burma is almost £90 million a year, but not enough of it is reaching people from ethnic minorities who have fled attacks by the Burmese military. Please tell DFID to increase funding for victims of military abuses in Burma. Thank you!
— Zoya Phan (@zoyaphan) 12. April 2019
Must read if interested in #bizhumanrights: UK Supreme Court judgment on #Vendanta v Lungowe
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 10. April 2019
Happening today!!
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 12. April 2019
#News Lens: New report casts doubt on World Bank ‘billions to trillions’ agenda
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 12. April 2019
Today’s must read: Oxfam report on WBG, Education and PPPs – False promises via
— PPP Papers (@PPP_Papers) 11. April 2019
CCHR releases its latest newsletter, covering the celebration of International Women’s Day #IWD2019, discussions on risks and opportunities of netizens in #Cambodia at #OpenCyberTalk, & campaigns for #ZeroDiscriminationDay & #TDOV Read it here:
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 12. April 2019
#CATU, sent a letter to H&M requesting to stand by their public positions and ensure that workers who have worked more than two years at Roo Hsing Garment Co., Ltd. receive unspecified duration contracts.
— CATU Cambodia (@CATUCambodia) 12. April 2019
#China’s Shame:
Thank you @WomenintheWorld for tackling tragedy unfolding in #Xinjiang, where a million Uighurs+other Muslims—men, women and children—are incarcerated in “re-education” camps.
Watch @ZainabSalbi interview with RFA’s @GulchehraHoja
— Minky Worden (@MinkysHighjinks) 11. April 2019
Is tit still standing or is this one of the mosques that has been bulldozed by Chinese regime. ?
— Kortig Tepe (@KortigTepe) 9. April 2019
To avoid backsliding, politicians need to accept criticism as a given in a democratic society & take heed of their vibrant civil society’s expert input in much-needed reforms.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 12. April 2019
Concise and highly recommended read on the BRI – by one of the leading experts on it. Very insightful.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. April 2019
#News Lens: Rebuilding the world: the hubris behind the global infrastructure agenda
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 12. April 2019