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Countries who added their signature to the letter supporting China
Read the latest report of the Cambodia Fundamental Freedoms Monitor which provides a comprehensive overview of the exercise
of freedom of association, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in Cambodia— IFEX (@IFEX) July 31, 2019
Important stuff!
— Jeff Crisp (@JFCrisp) July 31, 2019
Biometrics, the technology for measuring physiological characteristics such as the iris and fingerprints, has become the default method for registering refugee populations with UNHCR (2019)
Is this actually what it looks like: printed out (?!) biometric data of 25k Rohingya, provided by the Bangladeshi govt to the Myanmar government who committed genocide against the Rohingya?! (Also: what does “further verification” mean?) ht @BenParker140
— Zara Rahman (@zararah) July 30, 2019
New report from @ASPI_org indicates #Myanmar not ready for Rohingya #repatriation as satellite imagery shows no reconstruction efforts in #Rohingya settlements in the #Rakhine State but instead evidence of further destruction of Rohingya homes.
— (@xchange_org) July 30, 2019
Such a powerful moment to see this exhibition about #RomaHolocaust at the entrance of Auschwitz Museum. After many decades of ignorance #RomaGenocide was recognised in 2015. #2August
ps: found myself along with #Roma activists in the photo infront of @Europarl_EN— Matic Germovšek Ž. (@MGermovsek) July 31, 2019
Der #Bundesregierung liegen Erkenntnisse vor, wonach chinesische Behörden versuchen, sowohl chinesische Studierende und Wissenschaftler*innen in Deutschland als auch deutsche Wissenschaftler*innen, die zu #China forschen, in ihrem Handeln zu beeinflussen!
— GfbV (@GfbV) July 31, 2019
Friend just came back from Shanghai – said it’s possible to go anywhere in the city based just on your face and being able to scan QR codes to pay (including hotel room )
— Rob D (@dueckman123) July 31, 2019
#Tibet :The new „red guards“.A total of 2,307 #Chinese young cadres were selected from 105 central units and 17 provinces and municipalities by the Organization Department of the #Communist Party of #China Central Committee the cadres will spend 3 years in Tibet
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 31, 2019
Northwest China’s #Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region received about 75.9 million #visitors in the first half of this year, up 46 percent year on year, according to regional officials.
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 31, 2019
This is the second time that Chinese students tried to aggressively silence supporters of the #antiELAB movement on college campuses in western democratic countries. The incident reflects a growing and worrying trend regarding freedom of speech on college campuses.
— William Yang (@WilliamYang120) July 30, 2019
Latest for @dw_chinese – I was able to get in touch with Serena, the female student at @AucklandUni who was surrounded by three male students from #China and later assaulted by one of them when she tried to stop situation from escalating.
— William Yang (@WilliamYang120) July 30, 2019
OK, my last, last take: China’s success in framing intl law discourse can be seen in how it mobilized 50 countries to essentially endorse its Xinjiang policies. US, but also Europe, have offered no effective intellectual pushback.
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) July 30, 2019
Turkey will send an observation delegation to China’s Xinjiang region, Foreign Minister Mevlüt ÇavuşoÄlu said on Tuesday
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 30, 2019
L’infanzia di una rivoluzione
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 30, 2019
Since you mention homework @zlj517, may I suggest a summer reading for you: what China’s own documents say about brainwashing and police guards in Xinjiang’s vocational training internment camps. @ZaidZamanHamid
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 30, 2019
A Uyghur Detainee in the BBC Video Report on the Xinjiang Camps has been identified as a cultural official, who received multiple awards and speaks fluent Chinese and English.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 30, 2019
I recognize this is the government of Palestine, not the Palestinian people who believe this — but really?! Palestine supports China’s Uighur/Xinjiang policy. Of all places that should understand the importance of human rights. HT @adrianzenz
— Melissa Chan (@melissakchan) July 30, 2019
Learning Chinese from within an iron cage. I think this is a very effective way to ensure 100% class attendance, and to promote high class discipline.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 30, 2019
Precisely. China appears to have especially sought out the support of Muslim nations‘ governments, so that it can now say that the Muslim world finds no fault with its treatment of Muslims in Xinjiang.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 30, 2019
Countries who added their signature to the letter supporting China’s actions in Xinjiang:
Sri Lanka
Equatorial Guinea
Djibouti— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 29, 2019
Again I don’t know why anyone is surprised at the crass & callous behaviour of the Bangladesh Government. It has acted in this manner since 2009 but noone has wanted to see it. The Rohingya crisis was a convenient distraction for #SheikhaHasina that was bound to end at some point
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 28. Juli 2019
List of 50 countries that support China’s Xinjiang policies.
One European country is on it: Serbia (poor, anti-Muslim).— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 29, 2019
#China detains 1million+ Muslims in #Xinjiang indoctrination camps, „Mosques have been shut. Men are forbidden to grow beards, women may not wear head coverings & children are barred from prayers.”
Why are Muslim countries & #OIC silent?
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) July 29, 2019
Belgian embassy calls in Chinese police to forcibly remove a Uyghur woman. After much criticism, Belgium promises to visit the woman in Xinjiang to check on her. Now, they finally went to Urumqi, but were not able to meet her!
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 29, 2019
#Russia: Moscow police used excessive force and set an ominous record on July 27, 2019 by arbitrarily detaining at least 1,373 people, incl about 25 children, during peaceful protests.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) July 29, 2019
Canadian court rules Israeli wine from settlements must be marked:
“One peaceful way in which people can express their political views is through their purchasing decisions”— Noa Landau נעה לנדאו (@noa_landau) 29. Juli 2019
„The UN has almost washed its hands of the whole [Syria] situation“
Surgeon David Nott says a multinational humanitarian negotiating team led by the UK needs to go „sit in Assad’s office & talk“. „I can’t watch 3M people being annihilated“ #r4today @NottFoundation @DrsUnderFire
— BBC Radio 4 Today (@BBCr4today) July 29, 2019
+++AKTUELL: morgen werden wieder Menschen aus #Deutschland nach #Afghanistan abgeschoben werden. Das Land ist nicht sicher – für niemanden. @amnesty_de hat mit einigen Abgeschobenen gesprochen. Wir fordern unverzüglich einen Abschiebungsstopp nach #Afghanistan.
— Franziska Vilmar (@FranziskaVilmar) July 29, 2019
I signed this petition calling on the University of Queensland to protect basic freedoms against violence and threats by ORC students that were condoned or possibly even sponsored by the Chinese state.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 29, 2019
On 29-31 July 2019, CCHR is organizing a training on #FairTrialRights & Trial Monitoring for university #students from across #Cambodia. A part of this event, students will visit courts for monitoring criminal trials in order to understand the real practice in domestic courts.
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) July 29, 2019
Baroness Hale, the UK’s most senior judge, has called on people to give money to the Personal Support Unit, a charity whose volunteers support those who become embroiled in civil court cases but cannot afford a lawyer.
— Shoaib M Khan (@ShoaibMKhan) 28. Juli 2019
The Govt of #Nepal has failed to fulfill its commitment to provide justice for the victims of the country’s decade-long armed conflict@amnesty, @ICJ_org, @HRW, and @Trial said today
Transitional justice laws and Commissioner appointments need restart.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) July 29, 2019
„In the English-speaking communities of #Cameroon hit by a prolonged conflict, some children have not been to school for three years.“
Cameroon: Kids bear the brunt as armed conflict continues@dwnews
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 29. Juli 2019
“Schengen-Informationssystems: Großbritannien kopierte Daten” Ob die britische Regierung annähernd versteht, welche Gefahr das für den britischen Wunsch darstellt, auch nach Brexit Flugpassagierdaten aus der EU übermittelt zu bekommen? #Datenmissbrauch
— Ulrich Kelber (@UlrichKelber) July 29, 2019
That’s HK protest !
— Joshua Wong 黃ä鋒 (@joshuawongcf) July 28, 2019
„This is an unprecedented internment campaign“
Gene’s contact is here:
See also— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 27, 2019
In 2012 the Communist Party of China forced cadres across the nation to watch a documentary on the collapse of the Soviet Union. Why did the Soviet Union fall, it asks?
Answer: Because America subverted its ideology and culture
— T. Greer (@Scholars_Stage) July 25, 2019
People who want to find info about specific Uyghur children, please send us:
1) their full ID number
2) their place of birth + date of birth + gender
We will search and let you know!
— Xinjiang Victims Database (@shahitbiz) 27. Juli 2019
Women activists protest arrest and deportation of refugees
Istanbul— Ruptly (@Ruptly) 27. Juli 2019
#Turkey claims it helps refugees voluntarily return to #Syria, but threatening to lock them up until they agree to return, forcing them to sign forms, & dumping them in a war zone is neither voluntary nor legal
Unlawful deportations shld stop immediately
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) July 27, 2019
#Tibet : Demolition Begins at #YachenGar#Tibetan#Buddhist Center . Authorities have begun a campaign of large-scale demolition at the Yachen Gar with #Chinese work crews tearing down over a hundred dwellings of nuns evicted from the complex in recent weeks.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 27, 2019
The first hearing in the trial of former #RFA reporters Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin just finished at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, the hearing will be continued on 9 August 2019.
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) July 26, 2019
„My findings are very disturbing,“ says @adrianzenz, who helped expose China’s large-scale internment of Xinjiang residents, most from the Muslim Uyghur community. He says so many parents have been detained that record numbers of children are being kept in boarding schools.
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) July 26, 2019
The Chinese consulate in Brisbane is rumored to deploy facial recognition cameras at a planned University of Brisbane protest event for Hong Kong.
This is the university where Chinese student thugs attacked peaceful pro HK protesters.
Will the Australian gov’t investigate?
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 27, 2019
„This is an unprecedented internment campaign,“ researcher Adrian Zenz says of China’s treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. „It’s the largest incarceration of a particular ethnic minority since the Holocaust.“
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) 26. Juli 2019
FACT: European countries defend the Uighurs of Xinjiang, Muslim countries don’t @UyghurCongress@uyghurproject@VoiceUyghur@adrianzenz
— Nader Hashemi (@naderalihashemi) July 26, 2019
Yes. Every government should have overseas student thug units in reserve, ready to beat up dissenters on foreign soil.
They are not only cheaper than undercover agents; they also probably won’t be prosecuted.— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 26, 2019
/ — Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 25. Juli 2019
Well done to @YasminQureshiMP for launching the much needed APPG on religious freedom in #Xinjiang. The contributions from @dolkun_Isa, President of the Uyghur Congress highlighted the ongoing persecution #Uyghur Muslims experience.
I promise to continue raising these concerns.— Afzal Khan MP (@Afzal4Gorton) July 25, 2019
This morning, on 26 July 2019, the first hearing in the trial of Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin, two former #RFA reporters, is about to begin at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court.
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) July 26, 2019
Chinese police still questioning wife of Australian Uyghur man, despite promising to help, in an attempt to silence him.
But he won’t be silenced. via @abcnews
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 26, 2019
University of #Queensland faces heat for naming #Chinese diplomat as faculty member.The #Australian institution earlier this month named Xu Jie, Chinese consul-general in #Brisbane, to a post, with no public announcement
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 26, 2019
A few thoughts on Syria
I’m told the UN is monitoring arrests of refugees returning to Syria, but staying quiet about what it finds. I’ve been trying for months to get basic figures from @UNCHR and @IOM, contacting multiple press/media offices repeatedly without success.
— Louisa Loveluck (@leloveluck) July 26, 2019
Detention, torture, & being forced to inform on your relatives: this is a taste of what some of Syria’s refugees are experiencing upon return. It’s not happening to everyone, of course, but the problem is real, & happening in a near-information blackout.
— Louisa Loveluck (@leloveluck) July 26, 2019
A few thoughts on Syria
First off, apologies if I sound like a boring old fart banging away on the same old drum for the last eight years. I’m going to keep this brief, but hopefully get my point across.
— Paul Conroy (@reflextv) July 25, 2019
Rising civilian death toll resulting from ruthless #Syria govt & #Russia airstrikes on #Idlib met w „collective shrug“.
War crimes have fallen off the int’l radar, as #UNSC is paralyzed due to Russia #China vetoes.
W/o justice, atrocities will continue.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 26. Juli 2019
No rights, no games. Beijing’s policies in Xinjiang violate basic IOC principles
No rights, no games. Beijing’s policies in Xinjiang violate basic IOC principles. Please RT.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 24. Juli 2019
While tomorrow is scheduled for their hearings, we call for the dropping of all charges against them—Yeang Sothearin and Uon Chhin.
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) July 25, 2019
This is literally the party line on HK now. But where is the specific evidence? This “analyst” fails to cite any.
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) July 25, 2019
Reflections on the International Court of Justice Decision in the Jadhav Case (India v. Pakistan): Part II
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 25. Juli 2019
Reflections on the International Court of Justice Decision in the Jadhav Case (India v. Pakistan): Part I
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) July 25, 2019
Universities must accept #China’s directives on #ConfuciusInstitutes, contracts reveal
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 25, 2019
Two Cambodian journalists arrested, two others about to go on trial
— RSF in English (@RSF_en) July 24, 2019
Surprise of the day. Myanmar not ready for Rohingya refugee repatriation:
— Jeff Crisp (@JFCrisp) July 24, 2019
„It’s a simple act of humanity“
Over 100 people are missing, many feared drowned in the shipwreck. #MSF medical teams stabilized survivors with most urgent needs and referred 7 people for life-saving hospital treatment.
Patients are in shock and suffer from their nearly drowning— MSF Sea (@MSF_Sea) July 25, 2019
Terrible! While we don’t have all details; -if #Europe would have had a search & rescue mission in the #Mediterranean, & if NGO rescue efforts wouldn’t be frustrated & criminalized, these people probably wld be alive today. And, survivors wouldn’t be returned to abuse in Libya
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) July 25, 2019
Another day of death in the Mediterranean Sea. Nobody there to rescue them but still they came. The argument that NGOs act as a pull factor is sadly and ironically “dead in the water”
— Brendan Woodhouse (@BrendanWoodhous) July 25, 2019
#MSF is resuming search and rescue operations in the #Mediterranean in response to the worsening situation in #Libya and #EU’s inaction. #BackAtSea
„It’s a simple act of humanity“
— MSF Sea (@MSF_Sea) July 23, 2019
A shameless betrayal that foreshadows the Chinese regime
A shameless betrayal that foreshadows „what int’l affairs will look like if the Chinese regime of Xi Jinping realizes its global ambitions: a world where most states meekly submit to Beijing’s dictates and endorse its crimes.“ @SophieHRW@UyghurCongress
— Farida Deif (@FaridaDeif) July 22, 2019
Beijing wants to build public-transit systems world-wide, but American lawmakers are keen to shut China out of the U.S. market
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) July 23, 2019
NEW: First response from Moscow: Russia’s Defense Ministry says Russian strategic bombers did not violate airspace of other countries. Says South Korean military planes carried out unprofessional maneuvers alongside Russian bombers – TASS
— Josh Smith (@joshjonsmith) July 23, 2019
Now China responds: Foreign ministry says South Korea air defence zone is not territorial airspace, all countries enjoy freedom of movement there
— Josh Smith (@joshjonsmith) July 23, 2019
Cambodian PM repeats denial of plans for a Chinese military base after WSJ reports secret deal with Beijing. China cites Cambodian denial, but dodges question of whether it, too, disputes report. We’ve updated our story
— Jeremy Page 裴杰 (@JNBPage) July 22, 2019
The Thugs of Mainland China – good background read for understanding CCP use of thug violence to get jobs done that police wish they could do, but dare not.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 22, 2019
Chaos and bloodshed in #HongKong district as hundreds of masked men assault protesters, journalists, residents.The group used bamboo sticks and other weapons to attack people injuring #DemocraticParty lawmaker #LamCheuk-ting, who was seen bleeding from his mouth
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 22, 2019
On 18 July 2019, @cchrcambodia @Adhoccam & @SolidarityCntr launched the 3rd annual report of the #Cambodia Fundamental Freedoms Monitor (April 2018-March 2019). EN & KH #freedomofexpression #freedomofassembly #freedomofassociation
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) July 22, 2019
Keiner #Menschenrechtsorganisation ist es bisher gelungen, die Aufenthaltsorte Ilham Welis und seiner Kollegen ausfindig zu machen. Und sie wären nicht die Ersten, die in Chinas Umerziehungslagern für #Uiguren buchstäblich verschwinden. @gfbv_ch@GfbV
— Mihriban Memet (@MihribanMemet) July 19, 2019
In the secretly recorded video, private sector middlemen are seen to openly brag about successfully processing #goldenvisas applications of suspicious individuals. They convince the purported client he’s in the clear once he opens a #UK bank account.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) July 23, 2019
Über 2000 #Uiguren heimlich in Gefängnisse von Henan verlegt
Werden somit isoliert, gefoltert und anschließend zum #Organhandel @MargareteBause @GfbV @gfbv_ch @henrikehahn
Es muss dringend gehandelt werden!!!— Mihriban Memet (@MihribanMemet) July 23, 2019
.@LamYikFei, who has photographed so many incredible images during these protests, was everywhere last night too. He shot this image of riot police chatting with two men in white shirts with sticks/metal bars. Police said they made no arrests and found no one with weapons
— Austin Ramzy (@austinramzy) July 22, 2019
University of Excellence! Again!
University of Excellence! Again! 🎉@dfg_public + @WissRat announced the University of Konstanz’s big success in the German #ExStra. Nationwide, only six universities have been continuously funded as a University of Excellence since 2007.
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) July 19, 2019
Last Friday @dfg_public and @WissRat announced the University of Konstanz’s #ExStra success: #unikonstanz will keep the „University of Excellence“ status! Watch first reactions on the descision and impressions of the after party: @EXCInequality@CBehav
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) July 23, 2019
Zu was ausgewählte #DFG-geförderte #Exzellenzcluster u.a. @UniBonn, @UniCologne, @unikonstanz, @TUBerlin, @HumboldtUni, @WZB_Berlin, @WWU_Muenster, @kieluni, @unibt, @FU_Berlin in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften forschen, zeigt dieses Dossier:
— DFG public (@dfg_public) July 23, 2019
Spot on analysis on cultural wars and ideology in #Hungary. Actually, the list is longer: centralization of school books, introduction of so-called “national education” and the takeover of the Petőfi Literary Museum…
— Viktória Serdült (@viktoriaserdult) July 25, 2019
Universitätenkonferenzen kritisieren Akademie-Gesetz in #Ungarn – das ungarische Parlament hat Anfang Juli auf Initiative der Orbán Regierung ein Gesetz angenommen, mit dem die Politik ihren Einfluss auf die wissenschaftliche Forschung ausweitet.
— Nagashi (@dieNagashi) July 22, 2019
2007, 2012, 2019: University of excellence in #Konstanz @unikonstanz@WissRat@dfg_public#ExcellenceStrategy
— Research in Germany (@ResearchGermany) July 22, 2019
#China : Relentless Crackdown on #Taoist Temples Continues
Was this part of Erdogan’s deal with China during his recent visit? If yes, then a human rights disaster could be in the making.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 20, 2019
That is the VERY argument for robust confrontation on all levels, rather than the kind of naive, patient collaboration that allows Beijing to slowly but surely build a global axis of authoritarianism.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 20, 2019
#China’s official demographic figures seriously misrepresent the country’s real population landscape. The real size of China’s population could be 115 million fewer than the official number, putting China behind #India in terms of population.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 21, 2019
#China’s neighbours boost coastguards as tensions rise in #SouthChinaSea
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 21, 2019
[Manifesto of HK Protesters] It was for the first time HKers articulated a manifesto in city’s legislature. This was not merely a milestone; it showed how determined we could be in defense of freedom and in pursuit of democracy, even in the worst of times.
— Joshua Wong 黃ä鋒 (@joshuawongcf) July 21, 2019
Grandpa Chan, who has been on hunger strike, chanting with social workers in the march.
“Hongkongers, add oil”
“Social workers, add oil”— Eric Cheung (@EricCheungwc) July 21, 2019
#China : Temples Ordered to Conceal Hundreds of Outdoor #Buddhist Statues.
In some temples of eastern provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang: CCP directed to cover them up “to block the spread of religion.”— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 21, 2019
#China : Relentless Crackdown on #Taoist Temples Continues. Since last year, #Taoism, long considered as China’s traditional religion, suffered the most severe crackdown since the Cultural Revolution.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 21, 2019
#Taiwan’s government has pledged assistance to #HongKong protesters on humanitarian grounds, offering a haven for dissidents against the CCP. #China
— Victims of Communism (@VoCommunism) July 20, 2019
In Pictures: ‚Free Hong Kong; democracy now‘ – Thousands protest extradition bill, amid security lockdown #antiELAB#HongKong#china#NoToChinaExtradition@krislc@SiuSinGallery
— Hong Kong Free Press (@HongKongFP) July 21, 2019
„Beijing seeks to weaken the role of Western democratic norms within the global order. But it is not seeking to overturn vital economic…components of that order from which China itself has benefited…“
Of course not. And that is precisely the problem.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 20, 2019
‘This Kind of Attempt to Assimilate Typically Backfires’: Adrian Zenz
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 20, 2019
#NorthKorean Authorities Arrest Seven Teenagers for Watching #SouthKorean Movies.Parents are looking to borrow money for bribes to bail out their children.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 20, 2019
#China : CCP Censors Textbooks for Children Making #Uyghurs and #Buddhists Disappear
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 20, 2019
#China : #Tibetan #Buddhism Suppressed , Lamas Closely Monitored, Temple Destroyed . Two temples in Shanxi were subjected to crackdowns: authorities have taken full control over one of them, while the other has been turned into ruins, lama arrested
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 19, 2019
#Tibet : Thousands More Expelled From #YachenGar #Buddhist Center . Authorities have moved ahead with removals from the Yachen Gar Tibetan Buddhist study and meditation center, evicting a further 3,600 monks and nuns in recent days.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 19, 2019
Five #UN independent experts have questioned #China’s use of its anti-separatism law to suppress freedom of expression, religion, assembly and association and the cultural rights of the #Tibetan people.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 21, 2019
“And it offers an augur of what international affairs will look like if the Chinese regime of Xi Jinping realizes its global ambitions: a world where most states meekly submit to Beijing’s dictates and endorse its crimes.” @hrw_chinese @hrw
— Sophie Richardson (@SophieHRW) July 21, 2019
Top Myanmar generals barred from entering US over Rohingya atrocities
I don’t why people are surprised. We are talking about a Government that has no concern for anything other than its own interests.
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) July 19, 2019
The fact they posted a job advert seeking a Myanmar-English translator just seven days ago was probably a sign they weren’t exactly keeping to the schedule.
— Timothy McLaughlin (@TMclaughlin3) July 18, 2019
Meanwhile Mark Farmaner, director of Burma Campaign UK, said the ban would have little effect and more needed to be done to hold those guilty of atrocities to account.
Top Myanmar generals barred from entering US over Rohingya atrocities— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) July 18, 2019
The ICC is „an independent judicial institution… to bring justice to victims wherever our jurisdiction is met, by establishing the truth of what happened and holding accountable those individuals most responsible for the crimes.“ Statement in Bangladesh:
— Sean Bain (@seanjbain) July 19, 2019
A behind the scenes analysis of China’s influence operation surrounding the UN letter signed by 37 nations supporting its Xinjiang policies.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 19, 2019
#Myanmar filmmaker charged over Facebook posts about military
Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi, who runs a human rights film festival, was detained three months ago after a complaint from an army officer that listed 10 of his Facebook posts.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) July 19, 2019
ICYMI @4Corners was able to confirm the demolition of one of the largest mosques in Hotan #Xinjiang thanks to @planetlabs The mosque was destroyed just weeks ago, sometime between June 16- 22nd 2019
— Sophie McNeill (@Sophiemcneill) July 19, 2019
Whereas in actual fact, the letter mainly talks about policy in Xinjiang:
„Faced with the grave challenge of terrorism and extremism, China has undertaken a series of … measures in Xinjiang, including setting up vocational education and training centers”— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 19, 2019
#US president has first public meeting with anyone from #Uygur community, and makes first remarks on their internment . Action needed on #China, he is told as he also meets #FalunGong practitioner and #Tibetan #Buddhist at gathering of victims of religious persecution
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 18. Juli 2019
#China : Fearing the Spread of #Buddhism, CCP Bans Popular Master’s Teachings.
Books and DVDs by Venerable Master #ChinKung, revered around the world for propagating multicultural and interfaith harmony, have been labeled as illegal— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 18. Juli 2019
Obliteration of #Buddhist Heritage Continues: Two Ancient Temples Shattered in Northern #China . Both spanning a history of nearly a millennium and a half, one of the temples was demolished, the other was converted into a #communist propaganda center.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 18. Juli 2019
Thanks for having me at the White House today.
— Jewher.Ilham (@JewherIlham) July 17, 2019
Did Pakistan violate Vienna Convention on Consular Relations?
Pakistan foreign minister welcomes ICJ verdict
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 18. Juli 2019
Beyond the Hurrahs, Eight Takeaways from the ICJ Ruling on Kulbhushan Jadhav –
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 18. Juli 2019
MULTIMÉDIA: photos et vidéos de la lecture de l’arrêt de la #CIJ sur le fond dans l’affaire Jadhav (#Inde c. #Pakistan) disponibles ici
— CIJ_ICJ (@CIJ_ICJ) 17. Juli 2019
PRESS RELEASE: the #ICJ finds that Pakistan has acted in breach of the obligations incumbent on it under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations in the Jadhav case (#India v. #Pakistan)
— CIJ_ICJ (@CIJ_ICJ) 17. Juli 2019
A Primer on the Jadhav Case at the International Court of Justice
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 17. Juli 2019
Finally, the impact of an ICJ decision can have consequences on treaties entered into by states. For instance, the U.S. withdrew from the Optional Protocol of the VCCR in 2009, in part as a result of cases at the ICJ. Furthermore, the decision of the court impacts consular relations between the two states, as well as for nationals of other third-party states.
And last, but certainly not least, this case has implications in regard to an individual who has been sentenced to death, the gravest of penalties.
1. Tomorrow, the International Court of Justice will give its decision in the #Jadhav case
Amidst all the noise about this case, it’s important to remember the key question before the Court:
Did Pakistan violate Art. 36(1) of the VCCR by denying consular access to Jadhav?
— Reema Omer (@reema_omer) 16. Juli 2019
#News Lens: IMF Approves USD 6 billion Loan For Pakistan With Tough Conditions
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 9. Juli 2019
Dirty list of companies continue to do business with the military in Myanmar
You can view the current edition of the ‚Dirty List‘ here:
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) July 19, 2019
Meanwhile Mark Farmaner, director of Burma Campaign UK, said the ban would have little effect and more needed to be done to hold those guilty of atrocities to account.
Top Myanmar generals barred from entering US over Rohingya atrocities— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 18. Juli 2019
The government of #Cambodia this week placed 6 #EU parliamentarians on a list to be refused visas to enter the country, citing the group’s statements of support for the banned #CambodiaNationalRescueParty and its exiled leader, who has vowed to return to Cambodia
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 18. Juli 2019
„It is the military as an institution which needs to be targeted,“ Mark Farmaner, director of the advocacy group Burma Campaign UK,
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 17. Juli 2019
Mark Farmaner, director of Burma Campaign UK:
“Essentially this is a holiday ban. Limiting Min Aung Hlaing’s holiday options is not a proportionate response to genocide.”— Anna Roberts (@anna_c_roberts) 17. Juli 2019
Today Burma Campaign UK notified 10 companies, from USA, Germany, Ukraine, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore that they would be placed on the next edition of the ‚Dirty List‘ for working with the military or links to human rights violations.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 16. Juli 2019
With the ICJ’s Verdict on Kulbhushan Jadhav Near, How Will India and Pakistan React? –
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 16. Juli 2019
Delegation from #ICC, led by Deputy Prosecutor James Stewart, is visiting #Bangladesh to discuss the possible investigation into atrocities committed against the #Rohingya. Delegation will also visit Rohingya camps.
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 16. Juli 2019
#HongKong professional groups and university student unions urge #US politicians to pass bill on city’s democracy and rights
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 17. Juli 2019
The US sanctions four top #Myanmar military officials for atrocity crimes against the #Rohingya population in Rakhine State
High time for the #EU to add Min Aung Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar’s Armed Forces, to its sanctions list too.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 17. Juli 2019
Aung Marm Oo is a journalist currently in hiding from Burma’s notorious Special Branch police, fearing arrest and up to five years in jail. Tell Min Aung Hlaing, the head of the Burmese military, to drop the charges against Aung Marm Oo.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 16. Juli 2019
Cambodian police arrested several activists and prevented a public commemoration of the third death anniversary of prominent political analyst Kem Ley
— IFEX (@IFEX) 16. Juli 2019
Civilian rule resumed in #Thailand on Tuesday, at least nominally, when King Maha Vajiralongkorn formally swore in the cabinet of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, the former coup leader who now leads a coalition of several parties after March’s disputed election.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 17. Juli 2019
#Australia calls on #China to let Uighur mother and son leave via @AFP@SMusapir#TellTheWorld
— Sophie McNeill (@Sophiemcneill) 17. Juli 2019
„The party’s current re-education drive is an upgraded version of the Cultural Revolution. This campaign, too, seeks to achieve ideological control by eradicating alternative ideological and belief systems.“ …always wondered why it took so long for someone to mention.
— marc hofer (@marchofer) 16. Juli 2019
This chart explains why Erdogan ist selling his Uyghur brothers.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 16. Juli 2019
Silicon Valley investor #PeterThiel said on Sunday that Alphabet’s #Google unit was working with the #Chinese government instead of the #US military and called for the #FBI and #CIA to investigate the company.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 17. Juli 2019
Indeed. Tourism is also a form of securitization.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 16. Juli 2019
China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has won the support of dictators for the mass detention of Uyghurs. 22 countries signed a letter condemning abuses in northwest China’s Xinjiang region, while 37 countries signed a separate letter supporting China’s actions.
— Erkan Kadir (@YY56936953) 16. Juli 2019
Chemical weapons in Syria – German and Belgian companies complicit?
Chemical weapons in #Syria – #German & #Belgian companies complicit?
Prosecutors are looking into complaints filed. Investigations will hopefully reveal whether companies did circumvent #EU sanctions, a small but vital step in closing the impunity gap.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 15. Juli 2019
To mark #InternationalJusticeDay@GuernicaCentre is today filing its Second Submission on the #ForcedDeportation of more than a million #Syrian civilians into neighbouring
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 17. Juli 2019
Unwanted, exploited & abused: Tens of thousands of children in Al-Hol camp and several parts of #Syria in limbo amid dire humanitarian needs.
„@UNICEF reminds all concerned that these are children, not perpetrators. They have the right to be safeguarded“
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 17. Juli 2019
Companies are suing governments in secret for measures taken to protect the climate, health, workers’ rights and more. Join the movement to #EndCorporateCourts. Sign the petition and #StopISDS!
— BhopalMedicalAppeal (@BhopalMedAppeal) 3. Juli 2019
LIVE | Tell the World: Exposing how China is creating the world’s largest prison.
The great heartache for me in this is the knowledge that this all will NOT end with the camps. The trauma is there to stay and be perpetuated, perhaps for generations.
When we thought that this will eventually pass, we were wrong. The trauma is not over with camp releases.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 15. Juli 2019
For people overseas asking how they can watch, you can view live here on our @4corners Facebook in 40 minutes from now we will also put the link up on YouTube ASAP
— Sophie McNeill (@Sophiemcneill) 15. Juli 2019
China’s concentration camps for children. How much longer will the world look away? The @washingtonpost@PostOpinions. Based on the outstanding work of @adrianzenz in @jpolrisk
— Louisa Coan Greve (@LouisaCGreve) 15. Juli 2019
Tune in on Monday for a devastating documentary of what is happening to the wife and child of a family friend and hundreds of other Uyghurs in Australia, it will feature analysis from @adrianzenz, @jleibold, as well as myself.
— Darren Byler (@dtbyler) 13. Juli 2019
No words come to mind after reading this report by Adrian Zenz…just 💔 for #Xinjiang’s children and their parents … we must spread the word … @mattjtucker55
— Grace Wong (@_gracewong_) 14. Juli 2019
Well spotted. Indeed, the number of Muslim majority nations who actively approve of China’s atrocities in Xinjiang is 15.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 13. Juli 2019
Amid ongoing tensions, #Canada says #China has detained another of its citizens
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 14. Juli 2019
#UN ambassadors from 37 countries released a letter Friday defending #China’s treatment of #Uighur and other minorities in #EastTurkestan, in direct response to Western criticism earlier this week.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 14. Juli 2019
Note to intl firms still operating in #Xinjiang: “We didn’t know what was happening” ceased to be a credible explanation about a year ago. And once @4corners@Sophiemcneill start calling… via @abcnews@PearsonElaine@hrw@hrw_chinese
— Sophie Richardson (@SophieHRW) 14. Juli 2019
All eyes on Hague court – ICJ ruling on Kulbhushan Jadhav slated for July 17 –
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 14. Juli 2019
China is brainwashing Uighur children. How much longer will the world look away?
— Jonathan Schanzer (@JSchanzer) 14. Juli 2019
37 countries have defended China’s internment camps in Xinjiang.
It was a show of the growing diplomatic clout that China can muster.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 13. Juli 2019
Of Statelessness, Detention Camps and Deportations:
I started rage writing this for @opiniojuris. And then my blood ran cold…
Read whats happening in #India – a process to #detain and exclude upto 2 million from #citizenship in #Assam through a legal process, culminating on 31 July 2019. #statelessness#detentioncamps#NRC
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 12. Juli 2019
The searches triggered criticism, with Jaising, several opposition party leaders and the International Commission of Jurists. „This raid seems designed to harass and intimidate two tireless advocates,” said Sam Zarifi, secretary-general of the ICJ.
— Maitreyi Gupta (@GuptaMaitreyi) 11. Juli 2019
In yet another flare-up in bilateral border tensions between #India and #China in eastern #Ladakh, #Beijing objected to some #Tibetans and villagers celebrating the #DalaiLama’s birthday in the Demchok sector close to the Line of Actual Control last week.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 13. Juli 2019
Myanmar, FIFA face human rights criticism over bid for U-20 World Cup:
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 9. Juli 2019
Myanmar’s army is waging a new war in Rakhine, vast swathes now offline after an unprecedented internet shutdown. @thuttag, @annwphoto and I traveled there to investigate allegations of abuses including a series of villagers dying in army custody.
— Poppy McPherson (@poppymcp) 12. Juli 2019
Cambodia: Three years and still no effective investigation into Dr. Kem Ley’s killing
Joint statement – CSOs, including #CCHR, call for immediate release of 2 #activists arrested in relation to their activities commemorating the 3rd anniversary of #KemLey’s killing & the dropping of all charges against
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 12. Juli 2019
UPDATE: 2d youth activist charged & sent to pre-trail detention
Suong Neakpoan was questioned by investigative judge at Phnom Penh Municipal Court this morning. He was charged of “Incitement to Commit a Felony” (Art. 494 and 495 of Criminal Code) & sent to pre-trial detention.— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 12. Juli 2019
Authorities detained seven people for marking the third anniversary of Kem Ley’s death#Cambodia#KemLey#3anniversarydeath#Justice
— LICADHO | លីកាដូ (@licadho) 10. Juli 2019
On 3rd anniversary of the killing of Dr. #KemLey, 24 CSOs incl. #CCHR renew calls on the #Cambodian government to establish an independent & impartial Commission of Inquiry to conduct a thorough and effective investigation into his killing. #NoImpunity
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 9. Juli 2019
In commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of Mr. Kem Ley’s death, @cchrcambodia re-broadcasts the video “Kem Ley: His Life’s Journey”, describing his life, his work, and his legacy. Watch it here: #KemLey#Cambodia#Impunity#NoImpunity#NeverForget
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 10. Juli 2019
Although the West is picking an unwinnable battle… the division between Old and New Europe (minus Baltic States) is troubling. Certainly won’t help to alleviate concerns about the 17+1.
— Michael Kolakowski 米豪 (@Kolakowski_M) 10. Juli 2019
Myanmar, FIFA face human rights criticism over bid for U-20 World Cup:
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 9. Juli 2019
“Kem Ley was a true man of the people. He was unshaking in his commitment to the truth, & always continued to speak out against the corruption & injustice…Three years after his death, his legacy continues to live in the hearts of Cambodian people.”
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 9. Juli 2019