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MALC, Ruth Pfau – Flood Relief Pakistan


 Int. Website of Mary Ward Schools

Dr. Ruth Katherina Martha Pfau (born 1929) is a Pakistani-German nun and a member of the Society of Daughters of the Heart of Mary who has devoted the last 50 years of life to fighting leprosy in Pakistan. In 1996, Pakistan was declared by the World Health Organization to have controlled leprosy, one of the first countries in Asia to achieve this goal. Read More: > HERE <

Pakistan (Urdu: پاکِستان) officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکِستان) (also the Federation of Pakistan), is a country in South Asia. It has a 1,046-kilometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south, is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, and India in the east and China in the far northeast. Tajikistan also lies very close to Pakistan but is separated by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. Thus, it occupies a crossroads position between South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. The region forming modern Pakistan was at the heart of the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation and then later was the recipient of Vedic, Persian, Indo-Greek, Islamic, Turco-Mongol, and Sikh cultures. The area has witnessed invasions and/or settlements by the Indo-Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Mongols and the British.

While the Indian independence movement demanded an independent India, the Pakistan Movement (led by Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the All-India Muslim League) sought independent states for the majority Muslim populations of the eastern and western regions of British India as well.The British granted independence and also the creation of one Muslim majority state of Pakistan that comprised the provinces of Sindh, North-West Frontier Province, West Punjab, Balochistan and East Bengal. With the adoption of its constitution in 1956, Pakistan became an Islamic republic. In 1971, a civil war in East Pakistan resulted in the creation of Bangladesh. Read More: > HERE <

The German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association (DAHW), founded in 1957, is a non-profit organisation with headquarters in Würzburg, Germany. It has 62 members. The eight-person Board works on a voluntary basis. For 50 years, DAHW has been helping millions of sick and marginalised people in Africa, Asia, Central and South America. It supports more than 300 relief projects in about 40 countries. DAHW is politically and denominationally independent.

The priorities – The core activity of DAHW is to cure people affected by leprosy and tuberculosis. DAHW takes care also of people who have contracted HIV or who are suffering from AIDS. It combats forgotten diseases such as Buruli ulcer (an infectious disease, similar to leprosy, in Africa, that causes disfigurement, mainly in children), Chagas disease (transmitted by  assassin bugs in South and Central America; it causes damage to the nervous system, heart and gut) and leishmaniasis , Kala Azar(carried by phlebotomine sandflies in Asia and Africa; leishmaniasis affects the internal organs, skin or mucous membranes to varying degrees of severity). In places where DAHW has a good infrastructure, it also provides disaster relief, most recently in southern India following the tsunami of 26 December 2004, and in Kashmir, Pakistan, after the earthquake of 8 October 2005.


You Tube Channel DAHW Ruth Pfau  Gesten der Menschlichkeit, nicht politische Belehrungen, sind jetzt besonders gefragt“

MALC is working for Leprosy elimination, TB and Blindness control and Community Development for the last 54 years. It is a non profit, non sectarian organization registered under the Societies Act.

A well-knitted network of 157 control centres nationwide mostly in remote areas is functioning in close collaboration with provincial governments and providing services to the patients and communities free of charge. By the grace of Allah SWT and efforts of the team, Leprosy was controlled in 1996. After controlling Leprosy we are now making efforts for its elimination. MALC is also in the front to provide relief and rehabilitation to the poor and needy people affected by natural and man-made calamities and participates actively in the relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation activities in the earthquake and in various floods and draughts relief projects in the country.

The devastating floods in Pakistan – The already food insecure population where 77 million people go hungry in Pakistan while 36% of the population are afflicted by poverty. The situation in Pakistan has developed into a worse case scenario as the government has already declared it as the worst flood in the country’s history. The ravaging flood has moved towards south leaving behind approx 1,500 dead, 900 missing, and innumerable displaced and devastating damage to agriculture, houses and livestock. 250 houses in Kohistan have also been reported completely destroyed. Getting food supply is getting more and more challenging. In mountains due to broken road links, food supply is being transported on mules back and in some areas boats have come into action. Due to scarcity of potable water another emergency has developed for clean drinking water and relief efforts are also directed towards provision of water in containers.


Please donate generously to

MALC Emergency Relief Fund

Account No. 01-7423462-01

at Standard Chartered Bank

and help the poor families especially women and children. MORE…


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Who’s behind rising abduction cases in Bangladesh?

„Hands of Care and Hope“ can make their way out of the slums and take responsibility for their own own lives


Spielend aus der Armut


A slum, as defined by the United Nations agency UN-HABITAT, is a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security. According to the United Nations, the percentage of urban dwellers living in slums decreased from 47 percent to 37 percent in the developing world between 1990 and 2005.[1] However, due to rising population, and the rise especially in urban populations, the number of slum dwellers is rising. One billion people worldwide live in slums[2] and the figure will likely grow to 2 billion by 2030.[3]

The term has traditionally referred to housing areas that were once relatively affluent but which deteriorated as the original dwellers moved on to newer and better parts of the city, but has come to include the vast informal settlements found in cities in the developing world.[4]

Der Österreichische Regisseur Stephan Bruckmeier arbeitet seit drei Jahren in Kenias Hauptstadt Nairobi mit Jugendlichen in den Slums. Das Ergebnis seiner „kulturellen Entwicklungshilfe“ zeigt er erstmals auf einer Österreich-Tournee.

The Dream Of Getting A Job (c) Heike Schiller

Afrika – das bedeutet für die meisten entweder Abenteuer-Safari-Urlaub, tropischer Sandstrand oder schlechte Nachrichten aus dem Fernsehen. Eine bunte Theaterrevue, die Afrika einmal anders präsentieren soll – der Titel: „The dream of getting a job“ – „Der Traum, einen Job zu bekommen“. Der Regisseur hat das Stück gemeinsam mit den Burschen und Mädchen der Gruppe geschrieben, es erzählt von den Problemen, die junge Menschen in Kenia haben, wenn sie heiraten und selbstständig werden wollen – besonders dann, wenn sie aus sehr armen Verhältnissen kommen.

Das Ensemble (c) Heike Schiller

Das „Hope Theatre“ – wie sich die Gruppe nennt – ist eines von mehreren Projekten in den Slums von Nairobi, die versuchen, eine Zivilgesellschaft der Slumbewohner aufzubauen und so die Lebensbedingungen aus sich heraus zu verbessern. Bruckmeier arbeitet dabei unter anderem eng mit der Organisation „Hands of Care and Hope“ zusammen. Diese wiederum wird von der Caritas Kärnten unterstützt und der Südtiroler Ordensschwester Lydia Pardeller geleitet. Mehr als 1000 Kinder aus den Slums bekommen dort Schulunterricht – und eine warme Mahlzeit am Tag.

Der kultur.montag von den Proben in Nairobi über ein Afrika jenseits aller Klischee-Vorstellungen. TV-Beitrag: Gerhard Roßka


25. – 26. April 2012:

Carinthische Musikakademie(CMA), Ossiach

28. April 2012:

Kaisersaal in St. Johann i.T.

1. – 5. Mai 2012:

Theater an der Gumpendorferstraße(TAG), Wien

7. – 8. Mai 2012:

Orpheum Graz

Weiterführendes zum Thema:


INFO: „Hands of Care and Hope“
Projekt Nairo­bi-Kariobangi, Kenya



Aktuelles März 2012 Dandora Dumping Site – Eine Müllhalde inmitten der Stadt und einer der giftigsten Orte der Welt. The Worlds Most Polluted Places:

Toxic waste is waste material that can cause death, injury or birth defects to living creatures [1]. It spreads quite easily and can contaminate lakes and rivers and atmosphere. The term is often used interchangeably with “hazardous waste”, or discarded material that can pose a long-term risk to health or environment.

Hazardous wastes are poisonous byproducts of manufacturing, farming, city septic systems, construction, automotive garages, laboratories, hospitals, and other industries. The waste may be liquid, solid, or sludge and contain chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, dangerous pathogens, or other toxins. Even households generate hazardous waste from items such as batteries, used computer equipment, and leftover paints or pesticides..[2]

Peter Quendler (Cari­tasverband Kärnten) und Otto Hirsch beabs­ichtigen, auf ein schon beste­hendes geför­dertes Projekt in Nairobi aufzu­bauen und die Franz­iskanersch­wester Lydia Pardeller in ihrem Kampf gegen Hunger und Not zu unter­stützen.
In einem der größten Slums von Nairobi, Kario­bangi, hat Peter Quendler in der Missi­ons-schwester Lydia Pardeller eine Partnerin gefunden, die sich unerm­üdlich um ca. 1000 eltern- und chanc­enlose Kinder sorgt, damit sie koste­nfrei und mit täglicher Verpf­legung die Schule besuchen und absch­ließen können. Wenn die Kinder zur Schule gehen, können und müssen sie nicht nach Essbarem auf dem Müll suchen und betteln. Schwester Lydia hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Straßen- und Waise­nkinder heran­zubilden, damit sie fähig sind, ein mensc­henwürdiges Leben zu führen und in die Gemei­nschaft integ­riert werden können. Eine Schul- bzw. Beruf­sausbildung sind die Vorau­ssetzungen für den Ausstieg aus dem Elend.

„Hands of Care and Hope“ (HCH) ist eine Organ­isation, die im Jahre 2006 von Schwester Lydia Pardeller gegründet wurde. Mit bewun­dernswerter Kraft erfüllt sie mit diesem Projekt eine außer­gewöhnliche Mission:

• Aufbau von 4 Grund­schulen für Straßen- und Waise­nkinder
• 1000 Kinder und Jugen­dliche werden unter­richtet, täglich mit einer warmen Mahlzeit versorgt und durch eine Sozia­larbeiterin betreut
• Aufbau von Wohn- und Wasse­rprojekten
• Gründung eines Jugen­dzentrums – Einri­chtung und Organ­isation einer Beruf­sausbildung – Zukun­ftschance für derzeit 37 Jugen­dliche
• Betrieb einer Armen­küche – Aussp­eisung für alte Menschen und Unter­stützung Kranker und Allei­ngelassener in den Slums
• Eröffnung eines Selbs­thilfezentrums für an AIDS erkrankte Frauen

Um nun eine wirts­chaftliche Grundlage zur Weite­rführung der Projekte und die Finan­zierung der Ausbi­ldung dieser Kinder zu sichern, wird als erstes der Aufbau einer Bäckerei im Oktober 2011 begonnen, ab Jänner 2012 soll die duale Bäcke­rausbildung starten.

Die Fa. Backa­ldrin wird danke­nswerterweise die Einri­chtung der Bäckerei unter­stützen. Geplant sind zwei Backs­tuben, eine für die Ausbi­ldung, die zweite für die Verka­ufs-produk­tion. Es werden vorerst etwa 10 Kinder eine Lehre beginnen, für die zwei Ausbi­ldner zuständig sind. Diese beiden Ausbi­ldner werden von öster­reichischen Bäckern train­iert.
In weiterer Folge sind die Lehrb­erufe Bauar­beiter, Kunst­stofftechniker sowie Haus- und Solar­techniker geplant. Damit werden rasch und nachh­altig Arbei­tsplätze für diese Jugen­dlichen aus Schwester Lydias Obhut gesch­affen.

Parallel zum Aufbau der Lehrb­erufe wird mit der Aufst­ockung der beste­henden St. Clare´s Primary School begonnen, um dort eine Secondary School einri­chten zu können. Dadurch wird den Schülern die Mögli­chkeit geboten, nach Abschluss dieser Secondary School eine Unive­rsität zu besuchen.

Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, möglichst vielen Kindern durch eine gute Ausbi­ldung „the way out of the slums“ zu ermög­lichen, damit sie Zukun­ftsperspek­tiven haben, sich am Arbei­tsmarkt integ­rieren können und Veran­twortung für ihr eigenes Leben übern­ehmen. The right to housing is the economic, social and cultural right to adequate housing and shelter. It is recognised in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


#video Center for Economic and Social Rights


Previous related #articles #videos:

Jabulani – a self help project in Mariannhill
San Damiano Foundation & Village to Village
MALC, Ruth Pfau – Flood Relief Pakistan


The Fair Trade Footballs of Pakistan



KS3 Citizenship – Fair Trade Video

Sialkot (Urdu: سیالکوٹ) is a city situated in the north-east of the Punjab province in Pakistan at the foothills of the snow-covered peaks of Kashmir near the Chenab river. It is the capital of Sialkot District and, formerly, it has been the winter-capital of the State of Kashmir. The city is about 125 km (78 mi) north-west of Lahore and only a few kilometres from Indian controlled Jammu. The recorded history of Sialkot covers thousands of years. Sialkot has, since its foundation, changed hands from Hindu, Buddhist, Persian, Greek, Afghan, Turk, Sikh and British rule to that of present-day Pakistan. Read More: > HERE <

Fair Trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries obtain better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement advocates the payment of a higher price to producers as well as social and environmental standards. It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries, most notably handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey, cotton, wine, fresh fruit, chocolate and flowers. Read More: > HERE <

An innovative company with history – SELECT Sport is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of hand-sewn balls and produces approx. 2 million balls a year. SELECT Sport is recognised as an innovator in quality balls and is represented by its own sales network or distributors in large parts of the world. We export to a total of more than 50 countries.

SELECT’s head office is located in Glostrup near Copenhagen. Our balls are produced in Pakistan by Anwar Khawaja Industries (AKI). We have never used child labour to produce our balls. SELECT’s workers and their families receive free medical assistance and medication through our SAHEP programme. This programme also provides education and schooling for all of the workers’ children.


A short look at how footballs are really made.

FIFA standard balls are hand-stitched in Pakistan for Fair Kick Soccer. In a size 5 ball, there are 690 stitches. As each of the five-sided pieces of polyurethane artificial leather are stitched to the others, the ball’s sphere gradually closes. The last stitches are done ‘blind’. That is, they use a pair of long needle-pullers, threading between stitches that they have already made, because they cannot get their hands inside the ball. At the same time, they have to be careful that they do not puncture the butyl air bladder inside. ><

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KALA AZAR – Save One Life with One Dollar

kala azar

Doctors without Borders/kala azar

Nonprofits Work to Treat Rare Diseases too, –  in Third World


“ India is not a country of the Hindus only. It is a country of the Muslims, the Christians and the Parsees too. The country can gain strength and develop itself only when the people of the different communities in India live in mutual goodwill and harmony .It is my earnest hope and prayer that this centre of life and light which is coming into existence, will produce students who will not only be intellectually equal to the best of their fellow students in other parts of the world, but will also live a noble life, love their country and be loyal to the Supreme ruler. ~ Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya“ ( > Information Maha Mana Pandit  Folder < ) .

Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoan parasites that belong to the genus Leishmania and is transmitted by the bite of certain species of sand fly (subfamily Phlebotominae). Although the majority of the literature mentions only one genus transmitting Leishmania to humans (Lutzomyia) in the Americas, a 2003 study by Galati suggested a new classification for the New World sand flies, elevating several subgenera to the genus level. Elsewhere in the world, the genus Phlebotomus is considered the vector of leishmaniasis. Read More: > HERE <

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), also known as kala-azar, black fever, and Dumdum fever,  is the most severe form of leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoan parasites of the Leishmania genus. It is the second-largest parasitic killer in the world (after malaria), responsible for an estimated 500,000 cases each year worldwide. Read More: > HERE <

Largely unknown in the developed world, leishmaniasis is a tropical, parasitic disease caused by one of over 20 varieties of Leishmania and transmitted by bites from certain types of sandflies. The most severe form, visceral leishmaniasis, is also known as kala azar, Hindi for black fever. Over 90 per cent of cases occur in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Nepal and Sudan. Without treatment, this form of leishmaniasis is fatal in almost 100 per cent of cases.

Kala azar attacks the immune system, causing fever, weight loss, anaemia and an enlarged spleen. There are considerable problems with existing diagnostic tests, which are either invasive or potentially dangerous and require lab facilities and specialists not readily available in resource-poor settings. Treatment requires painful, daily injections of drugs for 30 days.

The drug most widely used to treat kala azar, sodium stibogluconate (SSG) was developed in the 1930s, is relatively expensive and causes a toxic reaction in some patients.

Bhanwartola Madhepura

> Blanket Distribution, Food Relief Camp <,

KALA AZAR & AIDS MULTIPLY….. Co-infection of leishmaniasis and HIV is emerging as a growing threat, as both diseases attack and weaken the immune system. Infection with one of these diseases makes a person less resistant to the other and treatment becomes less effective. MSF through its Access to Essential Medicines campaign is urging for more research into suitable diagnostic techniques and affordable drugs to treat this neglected disease. Leishmaniasis (kala azar): > International Activity Report, 2007 <

Bericht zu meiner Perureise, Freundeskreises Peru Amazonico e.V. war dessen Gründungsmitglied Eugen Bruder (ehemaliger DED-Entwicklungshelfer in Peru) im Februar in Peru und besuchte die Projekte. Näheres auch im Internet unter

Glucantime/Leishmaniose – Seit etwa 10 Jahren liefern wir das Medikament Glucantime gegen die tropische Krankheit Leishmaniose nach Peru. Damals waren wir von einer befreundeten Peruanerin aus Huanuco (östliches Andengebiet, Richtung Urwald) gebeten worden, dieses Medikament zu besorgen, da es in Peru knapp und teuer sei. Leishmaniose, in Afrika und Asien in seiner viszeralen (= innerkörperlichen) Form als „Kala Azar“ (= schwarzer Tod) bekannt, tritt in Mittel- und Südamerika als Erkrankung der Haut und Schleimhäute auf (kutane und mukokutane Form). Gefährlich ist vor allem die mukokutane Form, da dort die Schleimhäute von Nase, Mund und Rachen befallen werden und grässliche Verstümmelungen zur Folge haben können, weshalb die krankheit auch weiße Lepra ( „the white leprosis“ ) genannt wird.


Kala Azar: „A Disease of the Poorest of the Poor“

Drugs against Kala Azar costs in developed countries only 1 dollar, in third lands 10 dollars ( people their earn this in one month or year or none) , so found the Peru Rainforest Friends a efficient and cheap legal  Drug Air Port Delievery Help to keep the friends in Peru healthy: – Wir haben eine sehr günstige und effektive Form des Medikamententransports nach Peru gefunden: Reisende, die nach ein paar Kilo „Luft“ im Gepäck haben, nehmen es freundlicherweise mit nach Peru. Ich hatte über 20 kg Glucantime dabei. Die 1.900 Ampullen gingen ohne Probleme durch den Zoll (ich hatte „grün“ an der Ampel). In Cusco wartete man dringend auf das Glucantime.

Ich hatte 1.400 Ampullen mitgenommen (die restlichen 500 Ampullen gingen nach Huanuco). Gerade als ich das Glucantime im Hospital Antonio Lorena übergeben hatte, kam ein 24-jähriger Mann mit einer offenen Wunde an jedem Arm. Bei ihm war gerade Leishmaniose diagnostiziert worden. Er kam aus dem Distrikt Acomayo und war ein paar Monate als Holzfäller (Wood Logger) im Urwaldgebiet Puerto Maldonado, wo er durch einen Mückenstich infiziert worden war. Zu Hause hat er einen kleinen Bauernhof, aber da das Geld nicht reicht, macht er diesen Holzfällerjob. Während früher die meisten Leishmaniosekranken sich als Goldwäscher infiziert hatten, sind es jetzt zunehmend Holzfäller (Wood Logger) . Die meisten können sich das Medikament nicht leisten. Eine Ampulle kostet in der Apotheke etwa 10 Dollar (während wir es hier für 1 Dollar kaufen – hier sieht man die menschenverachtende Preispolitik der Pharmamultis). Quelle:











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