
> Yoga Mudras <



> LIFE POSITIVE – Gracefull Gestures <


A mudrÄ [muːˈdrɑː] (help·info) (Sanskrit: मुद्रा, lit. „seal“) is a symbolic or ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism. While some mudrÄs involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers. A mudrÄ is a spiritual gesture and an energetic seal of authenticity employed in the iconography and spiritual practice of Indian religions and traditions of Dharma and Taoism. Read more: > HERE <

The Hasta Mudra Project

A Collaboration of Tanjore Performing Arts and Chocolate Media.

The presentation of research and documentation included on this website is only the beginning of a larger project that will unveil connections between the use of hasta mudras in various traditional healing and performing arts and linking them to modern day usage today. The ultimate goal is to develop a documentary film that is visually pleasing and yet offers depth of research and content into the subject matter. Achieving this requires travel to India and other destinations where video footage will be shot on location at various temples and sites, interviews of scholars and practitioners around the world, as well as a variety of technical equipment and expertise.

The content within this website is derived of excerpts from an ongoing research project on hasta mudra as they are utilized in Bharata Natyam classical dance of India. The literal translation of the Sanskrit hasta mudra is hand (hasta) symbol (mudra), though hasta mudra can be interpreted in English as hand gestures or sign language. The broader scope of this project encompasses the ancient art of hand symbols as found in all the arts, including fine arts, performing arts, ritual arts, and healing arts.

Drawing connections within movement and myth, life and art, this project aims to provide insight into the world of hand symbolism through examining written and visual examples. We start with a brief historical overview and then proceed to analyze the usage of hasta mudras in dance. Technical nuances in their significance are examined as well as important artistic and stylistic qualities. This study’s analysis is offered from the point of view of an experienced practitioner of the art and is supported by several ancient texts, lending it both a personal as well as scholarly perspective.

Please consider being a part of this valuable project by contributing your expertise or funds. The project is in need of seed money to take it off the ground and into the next phase of production. If you have suggestions or would consider including this project into your funding or research plans, please contact us.

Anu Naimpally or Russ Smith


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