The CCP at the UN: Redefining Development and Rights
New MERICS policy brief: China’s coercive policies in Xinjiang and what Europe should do about them
— Mareike Ohlberg (@MareikeOhlberg) 21. März 2019
The CCP at the UN: Redefining Development and Rights by @tingdc for @sinopsiscz
— China Digital Times (@CDT) 20. März 2019
A Chinese education company backed by U.S. investors is cracking down on how its Western teachers cover politically fraught topics
— Alessandra Colarizi (@AleColarizi) 21. März 2019
Xinjiang expert @adrianzenz warned:
“This would prove nothing and is only liable to be exploited for state propaganda”
“What is needed is an independent fact-finding mission by experienced experts who have unfettered access to a random sample of camps”
— William Nee (@williamnee) 21. März 2019
#NorthKorea Still Dispatching Workers to #China Despite #UN Sanctions .
Current workers must return home by June, but new workers are still being sent.— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 22. März 2019
Denmark, in remarkable U-turn, seems to have dropped Huaiwei in building its 5G network:
— Maya Wang 王松莲 (@wang_maya) 21. März 2019
Watching this left me in distress and shaken. This is a sophisticated, modern form of cultural/societal genocide, taking place in front of our very eyes. We might need to invent a new category of crime against humanity to conceptualize this.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 21. März 2019
More Bretton Woods Proj. Retweeted World Bank president
Why #Malpass presidency to the @WorldBank may end up hurting the US more than China.Read the blog:
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 21. März 2019
Challenging the #US#drone program through legal means: What should people know about #AliJaber vs #Germany#RamsteinAB? A Q&A by @OpenSociety w/ phantastic colleague @schueller_a who was in charge of the case
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 21. März 2019
China’s internment camps for Turkic Muslims — or „boarding schools“ as the Communist Party now describes them — are only the first part of the story in Xinjiang. A year after our initial reporting, @ClementBurge and I went back to the region. This is what we found:
— Josh Chin (@joshchin) 20. März 2019
Thank you. We feel that it is an extremely important development
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 21. März 2019
Writing in @thetimes on @GuernicaCentre recent Article 15 Communication to the @IntlCrimCourt on #ForcedDeportation of #Syrians into Jordan as the conflict enters its ninth year @reflextv@prisonlawyer66@almubernabeu@GuernicaGroup@GuernicaLaw37
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 21. März 2019
Make sure to read this important piece on the potential of the #ICC to investigate the deportation of Syrians to Jordan, by the people who might just make it happen: @prisonlawyer66 and @tobycadman#Syria
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 21. März 2019
Bei der Suche nach Todesfällen entlang der „Balkanroute“ ist Mohammed ein seltener Zeuge. Er berichtet der ARD von zwei syrischen Flüchtlingen, die Ende 2014 in Schlepperhand in #Nordmazedonien starben. #balkantote#balkanroute#ardwien#br24
— ARD Südosteuropa (@ARDstudioWien) 21. März 2019
Insightful and thoroughly depressing. The WSJ documents entire Uyghur neighborhoods devoid of Uyghur people, formerly vibrant communities razed to the ground and replaced with clinical high rise buildings. Former residents no longer recognize what used to be their home area.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 21. März 2019
#Myanmar & #China authorities look away while unscrupulous traffickers are selling Kachin women & girls into captivity & unspeakable abuse.
Women are easy prey for traffickers who have little reason to fear law enforcement on either side of the border.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 21. März 2019
Mehr zum Fall „Bin Ali Jaber gegen Deutschland“ und dem Urteil des OVG #Münster zur Rolle der US-Militärbasis #RamsteinAB bei #Drohnen-Angriffen im #Jemen:
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 22. März 2019
حسب تقديرات باحث ألماني في شؤون العرقيات @adrianzenz واستنادا إلى صور للأقمار الصناعية وشهادات الشهود فإن „عدد الإيغور المحتجزين في المعتقلات قد وصل إلى مليون ونصف“
والواقع ان هذا العدد يفوق الثلاثة ملايين، هناك قرى قرب مدينة بارين انقرض منها الرجال نهائيا.#تركستان_الشرقية
— تركستان تذبح بصمت (@turkistantuzbah) 22. März 2019
‘Give Us a Baby and We’ll Let You Go’: Trafficking of Kachin ‘Brides’ from #Myanmar to #China,”
New @HRW documents the selling by traffickers of women and girls from Kachin and northern Shan States into sexual slavery in China.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 21. März 2019
Here it is, our March Newsletter. Covering news & updates on #Drones #Yemen #RamsteinAB #Justice4Syria #Torture #Sweden #PushBacks #Spain #LawVsPower #Namibia #Germany #Genocide #ColonialRepercussions etc
Read online
And subscribe— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 20. März 2019
Here’s @HRW’s 12-point Code of Conduct for colleges and universities to adopt to respond to #China govt threats to the academic freedom of students, scholars, and educational institutions around the world.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 22. März 2019
. It’s dead. The UN Charter is dead. It makes zero sense if UN member states can grab each other’s territories by war. The whole post-World War II international order just died in theory. What can anyone say to Russia, China or others gobbling up whatever they want now? Nothing!
— Hussein Ibish (@Ibishblog) 21. März 2019
Sadly ironic that #Scotland has so much to showcase to Europe with their 2016 Land Reform Act and Good #Food Nation Bill, both of which could inspire the #EU #CommonFoodPolicy, just as they are threatened of exiting the EU.
— Olivier De Schutter (@DeSchutterUNSR) 20. März 2019
.@WorldBank An Open Letter on the 20th Land & #Poverty Conference Given the serious threat that the new land indicator poses, it is time to terminate the harmful #EnablingAgriBiz NOW
— Oakland Institute (@oak_institute) 21. März 2019
#News Lens: How the World Bank can stop funding disaster
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 21. März 2019
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