New Xinjiang white paper:
A fascinating but risky opportunity and a strategic propaganda move by Beijing, which is now obviously confident enough to show off select Xinjiang camps to a more discerning audience, after having done so with several more palatable groups.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 20. März 2019
This is how arrests work in Xinjiang:
– „We can’t tell the specific charge“
– His lawyer cannot meet him
– Family has not been in contact with him since his arrest
– The authorities are not responding to media requests for comment— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 19. März 2019
An amazing ‚Diversity in #Law‚ event organised by @sam_louwers, @NoelleQuenivet1& @UWELS_. #Bristol peeps, please register on Eventbrite for evening event – 3 April 2019.
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 19. März 2019
China’s ‘missing’ photographer Lu Guang arrested in Xinjiang
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 19. März 2019
Next Dalai Lama could come from India, exiled spiritual leader says
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
CCP „Exterminating Buddha“ by Destroying Large Statues
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
#China : Six Local Church Leaders Given Heavy Prison Sentences
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
Xinjiang white paper on the camps: „In accordance with the law, the centers adopt a policy of separating education and religion. Trainees may not organize and participate in religious activities at the centers.“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 18. März 2019
Tibetan Youth Congress | TYC organizes 3-day campaign in Delhi to commemorate 60 years of Resistance
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 18. März 2019
BREAKING: Palestinians move to intervene in case Israeli settlers brought against AirBnB to assert claims of discrimination, war crimes incl transfer/forcible transfer & crimes against humanity-persecution arising out of illegal settlement enterprise MORE:
— Katherine Gallagher (@katherga1) 18. März 2019
„The centers are equipped w/ indoor & outdoor sports & cultural facilities and regularly hold such activities. The centers fully respect & protect the customs & habits of trainees of different ethnic groups, care for their mental health, offer psychological counseling services.“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 18. März 2019
Fantastic. @mehdirhasan is not letting the Chinese side get away easily with false pretenses and brushing away facts about Xinjiang.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 18. März 2019
Accord launches its 1st aggregate report of 2019, showing detailed remediation progress & the status of workplace programs at #RMG factories in #Bangladesh covered under 2018 #TransitionAccord. Download it here –
— Bangladesh Accord (@banglaccord) 18. März 2019
Workers‘ rights are at risk under May’s current Brexit plans, I explain to @BMcLoughlin93 of the @dailyexpressuk. EU law protects some basic rights, like those of part-time workers. May is not offering the same protections after Brexit & wants to scrap the EU rights charter.
— Clive Baldwin (@cliveabaldwin) 18. März 2019
Labor and Human Rights Groups Urge Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Business Associations in the Apparel Sector to Adopt Transparency Requirements
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 18. März 2019
#Bangladesh: Fair Action reports that Nordic banks fail to hold H&M and other brands accountable to living wage promises: @BHRRC@FairActionSwe#LivingWageNow
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 16. März 2019
United Nations Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan points to oil companies’ complicity in gross human rights abuses
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 15. März 2019
It’s one thing for the U.S. to decline to join an international institution.
It’s another for the U.S. to institute a travel ban to directly undermine an international institution supported by all of its major allies. via @opiniojuris
— James DeWolf Perry (@JDeWPerry) 18. März 2019
Just spoke to a Brit at the boarding gate in Berlin. When he learned that I am researching China he told me that last week he was refused entry to mainland China (in Shenzhen). The reason? He had travelled to Turkey before. It’s linked to the imprisoned Uyghurs in #Xinjiang
— Andreas Fulda (@AMFChina) 17. März 2019
Malaysia and Singapore agree to revert to original port limits [TODAY Online]
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 18. März 2019
My take on Article 62 – ‚Geoffrey Cox has no grounds to change his mind on the Northern Ireland backstop‘
— Philippe Sands (@philippesands) 18. März 2019
Plans to waive checks on goods crossing the Irish border under a no-deal Brexit would violate international law, according to the @wto’s former chief judge.
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 18. März 2019
Nordea said all their shady customers were in Denmark. We found forty shell companies with Nordea accounts in Finland that should have raised red flags, including new Mossac Fonseca companies. #ylemot#troikalaundromat#panamapapers
— Minna Knus-Galán (@minnaknus) 17. März 2019
.@Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 462 days. Follow updates on the case:
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 18. März 2019
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