Endlich Friede! Bitte…
#News Lens: Teacher unions against privatisation of public education https://t.co/XsRAzny9nu
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 1. März 2019
A man convicted of recruiting smugglers who left 71 migrants to die in 2015 was sentenced to almost 5 years in prison. The migrants, including 4 children, were found dead inside a locked truck on an Austrian highway.
4 of the smugglers were sentenced to 25 years last year. pic.twitter.com/olNrgsP36K
— AJ+ (@ajplus) 27. Februar 2019
If you are in #Berlin, you don’t want to miss this event:
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Syrian Archive and the Visual Documentation of Human Rights Violations
Bard College Berlin Lecture Hall, Platanenstr. 98a, Berlin – PankowPresented by Hadi Khatibhttps://t.co/UWdEO0cNaqpic.twitter.com/p3ooYRaArd
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. März 2019
Concerning allegations of chemical weapons use in #Douma#Syria, April 2018, the @OPCW finds „reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon has taken place on 7 April 2018. This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine.“ https://t.co/VhZE9q55Ns
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. März 2019
Today is the first day of Women’s History Month.
Lets not forget about the jailed Saudi women like @LoujainHathloul who pushed for years for the right to drive, and are now being tortured: https://t.co/eZz7w2UZUw
— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) 1. März 2019
Check out the piece by our colleague #VeraWriedt: „The Rights of Minors: #UN Condemns #Spain’s #PushBacks and Demands Legal Amendments“https://t.co/9G6iYdKCYI#FronteraSur#DevolucionesIlegales#StopPushBacks@f_raices@MXPichl@koppeu1@ProAsyl@BorderlineEuropehttps://t.co/hyCUm0JKU9
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 1. März 2019
Yeah 🎉: Unter den #Hochschulwettbewerb-Gewinnern ist ein 60-köpfiges Studierendenteam der Universität Konstanz, der @HTWG und der Musikhochschule Trossingen: https://t.co/elSviVKbCc@wissimdialog@w_jahr@Stadt_Konstanz@bv_hkom#unikonstanz#KünstlicheIntelligenzhttps://t.co/3JcNAmx2af
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 28. Februar 2019
Had a great meeting on #FakeNews with experts from @dw_innovation@IES_Brussels visiting @coe today. FakeNews bears a risk to #humanrights and democracy. I’m more and more convinced the best response is education and #digitalliteracy. https://t.co/RNZ2g8kCBU
— Daniel Holtgen (@CoESpokesperson) 28. Februar 2019
The UN Commission of Inquiry on the 2018 Gaza protests says that „Israeli soldiers committed violations of international human rights and humanitarian law“ that „may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity.” https://t.co/J5UVZLrjFy
— Simon Adams (@SAdamsR2P) 28. Februar 2019
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has ruled the Criminal Code article 368/2 on illegal enrichment unconstitutional, which may effectively invalidate the entire anti-corruption reform in Ukraine. More: https://t.co/Jgjdi3olTfpic.twitter.com/s8mBf57g2t
— TI Ukraine (@TI_Ukraine_eng) 27. Februar 2019
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