Rohingya Deportation: Part 1
Rohingya Deportation: Part 1 – Whether Deportation and Forcible Transfer are a Single Crime is Irrelevant to ICC Jurisdiction via @jimgstewart
— Danya Chaikel (@DanyaChaikel) 1. August 2018
A striking example of reverse-engineering the interpretation of the Rome Statute to reach a desired legal end. Completely misunderstands the idea of an “essential element” (even as understood by the OTP).
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 1. August 2018
@jimgstewart and I argue that the @IntlCrimCourt does have jurisdiction over the deportation of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar to Bangladesh after all.
— SAIF (@vetoshield) 1. August 2018
New #Myanmar Commission supposedly to investigate atrocities in #Rakhine is not a criminal investigation, it is yet another effort to divert attention from #UN probe that will present findings in Sept.
The govt has a legacy of investigative whitewashing.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. August 2018
News Lens: Equity and quality in an education public-private partnership: A study of the World Bank-supported PPP in Punjab, Pakistan
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 2. August 2018
#UN probe that #Myanmar refused to cooperate with will present its findings in Sept.#EU shld lead effort to create an int’l, impartial, independent mechanism (similar to Syria #IIIM) to assist criminal prosecutions as recommended by @UNHumanRights Chief.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 2. August 2018
Regional River Watch Groups Forum for local and regional campaign planning to protect rivers and strength ecological child rights, joined by ethnic groups from Burma with other participants from Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
— KESAN (@KESAN_KAREN) 1. August 2018
Posting this again – please help me spread the word. Our little department is a great place to develop your research with autonomy – and I hope to get a highly talented new colleague on board! #academicjobs #academia #MiddleEastStudies
— Rasmus Elling (@rasmuselling) 2. August 2018
Opening event to mark World Day against Trafficking in Persons at #UN in Vienna #EndHumanTrafficking
— Yury Fedotov (@YuryFedotov) 30. Juli 2018
Ein Drittel der WienerInnen ist auf Grund des rigiden Staatsbürgerschaftsrechts bereits von demokratischer Partizipation ausgeschlossen, aber schnelle Promi-Einbürgerungen sollen geheim bleiben? Wir verlieren immer mehr das Maß.
— Oliver Scheiber (@OliverScheiber1) 1. August 2018
US Government opposes @IFC_org absolute immunity in Jam vs. IFC case. Want to learn more about this case? check out our last #ObserverSum18 ➡️
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 2. August 2018
Child #asylum seekers stuck on the #Greek islands are being denied access to medical care for months –– even kids who were officially assessed as seriously ill. @hrw
— billvanesveld (@billvanesveld) 2. August 2018
A must-watch for EU leaders. Maria’s actions should shame Europe’s politicians and voters to reactivate our compassion and solidarity.
— Jan Egeland (@NRC_Egeland) 2. August 2018
I am in Auschwitz-Birkenau for the commemoration of the Roma Holocaust during the 2d World War. As stressed in my speech, it’s our duty to remember, but also to combat persisting prejudices & hatred in today’s Europe. #2August #RomaGenocide #NaBister
— Commissioner for Human Rights (@CommissionerHR) 2. August 2018
Never again! #OpreRoma #Dikhhenabister #RomaHolocaustMemorialDay
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 2. August 2018
#Google reported to launch censored search engine in #China, marking shift in strategy . The #US internet giant’s modified search app will blacklist sites on human rights, democracy, religion and other issues deemed sensitive by the #Chinese government
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 2. August 2018
Honor to meet @CoE Commissioner for Human Rights @dunja_mijatovic at @DikhHeNaBister to remember the #RomaGenocide #2August #OpreRoma
— (((EUJS))) (@EUJS) 2. August 2018
Without sufficient integrity checks in place, #GoldenVisas schemes can be an easy back door for the corrupt to move their assets, evade sanctions and enjoy the proceeds of #corruption. Check out this overview from @MSN_Money.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 2. August 2018
2/3 August 1944 | The Germans liquidated the so-called Gypsy camp (Zigeunerlager – sector BIIe) of Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Around 4,200-4,300 children, women and men – the last Roma prisoners of the sector – were murdered in gas chambers.
— Auschwitz Memorial (@AuschwitzMuseum) 2. August 2018
News Lens: World Bank’s policy loans worth $900m fail to achieve goals
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 2. August 2018
#Afghanistan: Drei Ausländer in #Kabul entführt und ermordet. Sie stammen aus Indien, Malaysia und Mazedonien. Das Entführungsrisiko im Land ist zuletzt immer weiter gestiegen.
— gabor halasz (@gaborhalasz1) 2. August 2018
News Lens: Pakistan dismisses U.S. concerns about IMF bailout and China
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 2. August 2018
News Lens: U.S. government opposes “absolute” immunity for World Bank Group in brief to SCOTUS
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 2. August 2018
Dr. Swee Chai And now released from unlawful imprisonment in #Israel & returned to #London #UK confirms that 2 journalists from @AlJazeera still in prison today #DemandPressFreedom
— Freedom Flotilla (@GazaFFlotilla) 1. August 2018
After @TransparencyMV raised red flags, the #Maldives government now says it plans to re-introduce a clause in the country’s penal code to keep bribery of public officials a criminal offence. Questions remain over why it was ever being removed! >>
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 1. August 2018
Are you a #humanrights defender? Join 150+ delegations of HRDs and participate in the @HRDWorldSummit 2018, next October 29-31 in #Paris. Apply now! …
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 2. August 2018
.@Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have spent the past 233 days in jail after reporting on the massacre of 10 Rohingya Muslims. Join us in calling for their release: #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— PEN America (@PENamerican) 1. August 2018
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