The words #refugee and #migrant are not interchangeable. Here the UNHCR describes the difference and why it matters 

Find out the crucial legal difference between a #refugee and #migrant: 

 Lotte Leicht ‏@LotteLeicht1  

After demolition, #Israel Adm left 127 men, women&children at mercy of August sun. … @haaretzcom

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 Judy Dempsey ‏@Judy_Dempsey  

Good and pragmatic leader in #Economist on #Europe’s #refugees influx 

Flüchtlinge beziehen Caritas Quartier im Stift Rein in der Steiermark. 

Austrian Minister @Mikl_Leitner says Europe needs to find safe ways for refugees to seek protection

#Refugees #migrants #Mediterranean Sea crossings exceed 300,000, including 200,000 to #Greece. says #UNHCR @Refugees 

Desperate #refugees #migrants & #Europe’s shame. Looking back at a depressing & deadly week. …

Lotte Leicht ‏@LotteLeicht1  

#Passau has emerged as „the German #Lampedusa“ for #refugees #migrants. By @ConnollyBerlin …

No @worldbank development approach to #Uzbekistan can be serious if it ignores forced labor, civil society crackdown …

We can address migrant crisis if we act together – my interview at CNN’s @camanpour, conducted by Trevor Phillips …

FM #Steinmeier: Never before we have received so many #refugees in #Germany, but also never before have we seen so much readiness to help.

Deine Meinung interessiert uns: möchtest du von nur Infos, die fûr Blinde Smartphone- und… 

Norbert Moser ‏@NorbertMoser2  

Deine Meinung interessiert uns und ist wichtig! Nimm an der Kurzumfrage hier 

 Jeffrey Goldberg ‏@JeffreyGoldberg  

The bond between U.S. and Israel „grows out of family ties, and bonds that stretch back generations and shared values and commitments…“

Golnaz Esfandiari ‏@GEsfandiari  3m3 minutes ago

Obama: We are not normalizing relations with #Iran here. #Irandeal

Obama: We don’t trust #Iran, it is antagonistic to U.S., it is anti-Semitic,it has denied Holocaust …But #Irandeal does not rely on trust.

Golnaz Esfandiari ‏@GEsfandiari  7 minutes ago
Obama: We’re all pro-#Israel. We’re all family. #IranDeal
7 minutes ago
Obama: When you have a regime that denies the Holocaust who have to take that seriously. #Iran#IranDeal

Golnaz Esfandiari ‏@GEsfandiari  3m3 minutes ago

Obama: We are not normalizing relations with #Iran here. #Irandeal

Golnaz Esfandiari @GEsfandiari

Obama: Do I hope that the character of the ‪#‎Iran‬ regime changes? Absolutely, but I’m not counting on it. ‪#‎IranDeal‬

Golnaz Esfandiari @GEsfandiari

Obama: I’m less interested in what #Iran SL Khamenei says about me, I’m more interested in what happens on the ground. #IranDeal

Obama: If we rejected this deal, we wd be putting Iran in driver’s seat. They would be able to isolate US & Israel as reason deal fell thru

With 415 people from 20 different nationalities on board, #Phoenix’s decks look like a very crowded refugee camp

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 Klaus Schwertner

Kein Bild kann dieses Verbrechen beschreiben (via @loulorenz-dittlbacher)

Klaus Schwertner's photo.

“Recommitting to the UN Philosophy” #UN70 video by @UNESCO Special Envoy for Peace & Reconciliation @ForestWhitaker 

A new shameful #EU flag? Cartoonist @PatChappatte’s take. © Chappatte #Refugees #migrants @eu_eeas @EU_Commission

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 Lotte Leicht ‏@LotteLeicht1  

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Interesting post on legal avenues for redress for Flight #MH17 @opiniojuris

t-post-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh17-possible-legal-avenues-for-redress-part-1/ …

Another 100+ refugees confirmed dead & hundreds more still missing. The international community must act. 

PHR ‏@P4HR  9m9 minutes ago

#Assad’s declarations of amnesty have led to arrest & detention of many who accepted the offer  #Syria @SyriaDeeply

EILT #APA Flüchtlinge – Libysche Küstenwache meldet rund 200 Tote =

71 Flüchtlinge sterben in einem LKW, hunderte Flüchtlinge obdachlos. Aber hauptsache Mitterlehner und Merkel wollen „Kontakte vertiefen“

Ich kann solche Worthülsen echt nicht mehr hören. Wen bitte soll das beeindrucken?

Yilmaz Gülüm added,
cariklaus ‏@KlausSchwertner 

#Iran ’s Culture Ministry Spox says Daniel Barenboim is not allowed to conduct in Iran due to his #Israeli citizenship.

RIP Kremlin’s „What? Me,worry?“ talking points about US visa bans‪#‎sanctions‬ …

Wir müssen #helfen! Einfacher gehts nicht .. … #RefugeesWelcome #Flüchtlinge in #Germany

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Muschelschloss☕ ️ ‏@Muschelschloss  

Beste Titelseite heute. Danke @nachrichten_at – Unglaublich: @krone_at druckt ein Bild der toten Flüchtlinge im Lkw

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 Christoph Schlemmer ‏@schlemmer 

.@GissiSim of #BuyPens has raised $42,000 for Abdul, Syrian refugee seen in pic selling pens by the road in #Beirut

Mediterranean migrant crossings top 300,000 in 2015: UN 

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 Martin Speer ‏@martin_speer
.@AuswaertigesAmt Danke! Bewegendes Dokument! Denn im Herbst 89 waren wir selbst Flüchtlinge in Prag. Bots. @MiRoSPD …

.@martin_speer Bericht ist echt! Haben in unserem Archiv das Original gefunden. #Flüchtlinge #Solidarität @MiRo_SPD

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1989: Syrer spendet an dt. #Botschaft Monatsgehalt für DDR #Fluechtlinge feat. @unoflucht @AuswaertigesAmt @MiRo_SPD

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Find out the crucial legal difference between a #refugee and #migrant:
Find out the crucial legal difference between a #refugee and #migrant: