Ex-Peruvian prosecutor named new head of Transparency International
Read the press release about our elections and resolutions: José Ugaz elected chair of Transparency International http://bit.ly/1upAjF8
Ex-Peruvian prosecutor named new head of Transparency International http://www.trust.org/item/20141019172015-z2zbg/?source=shtw … via @TR_Foundation Here’s TI’s new leadership
and last but not least Mercedes De Freitas @soymerchy. Congratulations to them all #TIconnect #pt (2/2)
Announcing our new board members: Jeremy Carver, Sion Assidon, Emile Carr @emilecarr, Elisabeth Ungar @eungar1, Mark Mullen @TxTbUk (1/2)
Our chairman .@JoseUgazSM: “The corrupt need to see @anticorruption as their biggest fear. Nobody is above the law” #TIconnect
Congratulations to @anticorruption new chair .@JoseUgazSM and vice chair .@panfilova #TIconnect
It’s official: Jose Ugaz and Elena Panfilova are the new chair & vice chair leading TI in the global fight against corruption #TIconnect
We are now choosing our future leadership to shape our global movement’s direction in fighting corruption – stay tuned #TIconnect
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