Watch brave Israeli soldiers handcuff & blindfold a mentally disabled 11yo Palestinian boy as racist settlers cheer …

If those that coordinated the campaign of terror won contracts to rebuild Sarajevo&Srebrenica we’d be outraged. Gaza should be no different

‚israel‘ shd pay for reconstruction, financially & criminally, not place conditions! Hamas re PA failure in Gaza

@tobycadman v @intifada Under guise of reconstruction UN to help Israel gain more intrusive control over Palestinians

Treasury Sanctions a Syrian Official Responsible for Human Rights Abuses in Syria and Syrian… 

Toby Cadman @tobycadman 

Gaza is to become ground zero for disaster capitalism, profiting from the suffering and incarceration of an entire population.

This is the Gaza Siege 2.0. And it is brought to the Palestinian people with the full complicity of the UN, the Palestinian Authority and the so-called “international community.”

Toby Cadman @tobycadman 

Relationships in the Middle East …Who Likes Whom in The Middle East? Key players & Notable relationships | Information Is Beautiful
Photo: Relationships in the Middle East ...</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Who Likes Whom in The Middle East? Key players & Notable relationships | Information Is Beautiful

#UN docs „alarming rise“ in use of death penalty in #Iraq. 177 hangings in 2013. 60 executed (34 in one day) in 2014 Iraq Body Count maintains the world’s largest public database of violent civilian deaths since the 2003 invasion, as well as separate running total which includes combatants.

A map of every car bomb explosion in Baghdad since 2003.

Where? When? How? RT @PressTV : #BREAKING Press TV correspondent Serena Shim killed ”

#BREAKING Press TV @PressTV Istanbul correspondent Serena Shim killed on the #Turkey #Syria border

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#Iran’s @PressTV says its reporter „killed in Turkey in „suspicious“ accident  #SerenaShim

Press TV reporter in Turkey killed in car accident

#EU’s #Ashton says she’ll remain as P5+1 (P3+3) nuke mediator with #Iran „til it’s done“ after handing over High Rep post to @FedericaMog

Impunity! Unaccountable Pres #Sisi & #Bashir(an #ICC fugitive)pledge help 2 train unaccountable #Libya forces 2 fight unaccountable militias

In the past 10 months, at least 17 Iraqi journalists have been executed by ISIS. …

#UN reports an alarming rise in executions by gov’t of #Iraq 

Gershman @nedemocracy: Democracy must come from within; it can’t be exported or imposed, but Int’l solidarity matters. #democracymatters

Carl Gershman: western powers have been weak in response to new authoritarianism #DemocracyMatters

„We feel responsible to document these war crimes in a professional way.“ – doctor from #Syria. #torture #SGBV @P4HR

#EU For Mins press #UNSC to refer #Syria to #ICC & repeat their call on #Iraq to join the Court to counter impunity. …

.@LarryDiamond: If we want to see democracy in Arab World, we should invest heavily in #Tunisia; same goes for #Ukraine #democracymatters


.@LarryDiamond Once a country achieves or renews democracy, we should do everything we can to lock it in & consolidate it #democracymatters

Credit Suisse Allegedly Favored Oligarch in Oil Field Sale  via @BloombergNews

About time! After years of #Assad’s indiscriminate & deadly air raids #EU imposes export ban on jet fuel to #Syria. …

„The global overuse of pre-trial #detention is one of the most overlooked human-rights crises of our time.“