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In the whirlwind cascade of events that fill this opening parsha of the Torah, one can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer number of subjects discussed. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, after they exercised their free will to disobey God’s commandment, is an important issue to dwell upon and discuss. What life was like within the Garden of Eden is pretty much an unknown to us. It is obvious that human nature was different there and that the prevalence of shame and tilttelating sexual desire was absent – certainly in a way that our world cannot countenance. But once driven from the Garden and apparently prevented from ever…

Parshat Bereshith 5775 – Rabbi Berel Wein #constantcontact http://conta.cc/1vtkUcr



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Lies: http://www.ojm.at/blog/2014/10/05/weltkriegslyrik



Hörtipp: Läuft derzeit: Orte jüdischer Kultur 1 – jüdischer Friedhof und Synagoge in #Regensburg #Tagesgespräch #Bayern2 via @JMFranken

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