AUTHENTIC SUFI WAY – International Qadiriya Foundation *~ a sholar from the Quadiri Sufi Order *
Sayyid Muhammad Efendi of Istanbul
(photo: Sayyid Muhammad Efendi with his sufis)
A great sufi story from the time of prophet David! – By Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Efendi
The story of a lazy person and a butcher
A lazy person was praying without getting fed up and without giving up saying „O my Lord! I want sustenance from you without difficulty and suffering. As it is observable that, the creatures with feet search for food, but, you bring the food to the ones without feet.“ Allah almighty has accepted the prayer of this person due to his continuous persistence. One day while this person was praying, an ox has come to his garden. The man has thought „Allah almighty has accepted my prayer“ and cut the ox and run to bring the butcher to skin it. The real owner of the ox was the butcher, when he had seen the ox he had lost was cut by this person of poverty, he had got hold of his collar saying „why have you cut my ox“. Despite that poor person saying „Allah has accepted my prayer and sent this ox to me“, the butcher had pulled and brought the poor person to prophet David (Dawood) AS saying „if posessions were obtained thorugh prayers, all the beggers would have been people of posessions“.
The general public had gathered to listen to the the arguments between this poor person and the butcher. Prophet David AS after listening to the butcher and the poor person had asked: „O poor person! do you have an evidence that can be accepted by the religious commandments? Is this ox a donation to you, or have you inherited it? If you don’t have an evidence acceptable by the religious law, pay your debt to this man.“ The poor person had pleaded with Allah almighty upon the jurisdiction of prophet David AS, he had shed tears and prayed saying „O my Lord! give a light to the heart of David!“. Upon this, David AS had said to the butcher who is the claimant: „Give me respite for today so that I go into seclusion, pray and I give jurisdiction on your case tomorrow.“ and sent them home.
Prophet David has been into seclusion that night and he had learned the inner secret of the matter. The public had gathered together in the morning. The butcher comes there ans says haevy words to the poor person. When prophet David comes out he says to the butcher: „O butcher! abonden this claim of yours and donate the ox to this Muslim, and get away from here, as God almighty had covered your secret. Be thankful to Him for this reason.“ The butcher disagrees with the words of the prophet and said harsh words: „O David! your justice is spread over the West and the East. What kind of jurisdiction is this while you justice is filling the earth and the haevens, you have been cruel to me.“ The public also sides with the butcher and start criticizing the prophet. Allah almighty had been hurt by the ciriticizing words of the butcher to His prophet and He reveals the inner reality of the event to the public.
Thus, prophet David says his jurisdiction to the public as: „Go to this place, you will see a tree there. This man has killed his owner and buried under that tree. He had also left the knife he had used for killing next to him. This man was a slave of that person. He came together with a female slave of his owner and killed him. He then had claimed his posessions and goods. This poor person is the son of that man. Despite Allah almighty covering it, this ungrateful man has opened that cover veil himself, and show his sin himself. There will be retrubution for the butcher. His wife and children are the slaves of this poor person. And all the posessions and the goods of him belong to thid poor person, as the posessions of a slave belong to the owner.“
Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (Persian: عبد القادر گیلانی,Urdu: عبد القادر آملی گیلانی AbdolqÄder GilÄni) (also spelled Abdulqadir Gaylani, Abdelkader, Abdul Qadir, Abdul Khadir – Jilani, Jeelani, Gailani, Gillani, Gilani, Al Gilani, Keilany) (470–561 AH) (1077–1166 CE) was a Persian Islamic preacher who is highly esteemed by Sunni scholars. Among followers in Pakistan and India, he is also known as Ghaus-e-Azam. He was born on a Wednesday the 1st of ramadan in 470 AH, 1077 CE south of the Caspian Sea in what is now the Mazandaran Province of Iran.
Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Efendi
A scholar , spiritual master from the Qadiri Sufi Order
The Muhammadiya Way is an authentic Sufi Path of Islam.
Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in Arabic, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or spiritual dimension of Islam.
The Sufi surrenders to God, in love, over and over; which involves embracing with love at each moment the content of one’s consciousness (one’s perceptions, thoughts, and feelings, as well as one’s sense of self) as gifts of God or, more precisely, as manifestations of God.
The Muhammadiya Way Begins with the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) coming through imam Ali (kv) and the four Sufi Order Shaykhs Maulana Rumi, Ahmad Rufai (ks), Naqschibandi (ks) and our Murshid Pir Gavsul Azam Abdulqadir Jilani(ks). A Khalifa of pir Abdulqadir Jilani Muhammad Qadiri has developed the Sufi Order with the name „Muhammadiya Way“.
The Muhammadiya Way consists of these four Sufism Order:
Muhammadiya, Abhariya, Khalidi (Naqshi) and Maulawi.
The Murshid of the Muhammadiya Way lives in Istanbul and is called Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad.
Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad was born in 1928 in the city of Kayseri, Turkey, his training had already began at 5 years of age, at first from his father Sayyid Osman, then from many other scholars, in both Islamic Sciences and Sufism.
From his father Sayyid Osman, he received the Qadiri, from Chorakchizade Haji Hussayin the Abhariye and from Saidi Nursi the Maulawi permission.
The holy Quran Chapter Nisa verse 103
103. „When ye pass (Congregational) prayers, celebrate Allah’s praises (zikr), standing, sitting down, or lying down on your sides; but when ye are free from danger, set up Regular Prayers: For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times.“
The daily Zikr and prayer formula of the Muhammediya Way:
A’uzubillahi mina shaytanir radjiim Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim
100 x Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim ( „(In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful“)
100 x Astahfirullah („I seek forgiveness from Allah“)
100 x Allahumma Salli alaa Sayyidina Muhammad (greetings at our prophets Muhammad)
500 to 1000 x Laa ilahe IL Allah (the faith confession: „There is no God except Allah“)
500 to 1000 x Allah
500 x Yaa Latif (one of Allah’s 99 beautiful names meaning beatiful, giver of good things etc)
Depending on, a Sheikh can change the number of the Zikr, from person to person, when desired.
The prayer:
I donate all the good form this zikr, first to your prophet, our dearest Muhammad (sav), then all other prophets, then his family, closest firends , Imam Ali (kv), Imam Hasan and Hussayin, and his descendants. Please accept this from me, my God.
Also our highest master and rescuer Abdulkadir Jilani, all illuminated one and holy one, martyr and his assistant, Sayyid Burhanattin, Kuddusi, Saidi Nursi, Ibrahim Tannuri, Haji Hussayin Aksakal, Sayyid Osman, everyone from the Qadiri and all the followers of the Order that passed into the the other world, and our Murshid Sayyid Muhammad. Please accept this from me, my God. (Amen)
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