
Welcome to start the new year with us in the Abbey of Heiligenkreuz.

We start at 9 pm with praise and prayer, to 10.30 pm Holy Mass is rhythmically designed by young people. At midnight the Eucharistic blessing in the new year. Everything in the Church of the heated cross, where it is of course quite closely… After Midnight Blue Danube Waltz on the square in front of the pen and then is – by-free donation goulash soup and sparkling wine in the Kellerstüberl celebrated… Accommodation is possible in a sleeping bag and camping mat in college. Welcome to young and old. The entire programme for the next few days HERE

Wonderful and important contribution of Christian Zechner through our STIFT Heiligenkreuz. ORF – broadcast ‚Theme‘ to the look: http://tvthek.orf.at/ With Abbot Maximilian Heim, father Karl Wallner, Fr. Johannes Paul Chavanne and brother Timothy WERZ.


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Dringender Aufruf: 10-jr Mädchen Samar aus Ramallah benötigt Gehirnchirurgie um ihr Leben zu retten info v.@pcrftweets //57% of FUNDRAISER 4 BRAINSURGERY of 10yr old Samar from #Ramallah reached! Help Donate to #SaveSamar http://www.pcrf.net/ OR → RT


a non-political, non-profit organization dedicated to fighting the medical and humanitarian crisis facing children in the Middle East.

Please help us to save the life of 10-year-old Samar Maree from Ramallah. In early December, she was discovered with a tumor in her brain through a visiting mission led by pediatric neurosurgeon, Prof. Lorenzo Genitori at the Kuwaiti Hospital in Ramallah.

Unfortunately, the tumor could not be operated on in Palestine, so we are asking your kind help to donate so we can send her urgently to the Meyer Pediatric Hospital in Florence, Italy, where Dr. Genitori will operate on her in an effort to save her life. In 2010, Dr. Genitori performed a similar surgery at his hospital for 4-year-old Ola Abu Jamous, who was also found to have a brain tumor through a PCRF mission. In November 2010, she had surgery and radiation therapy and is now fully recovered.

The costs to send Samar with her aunt to Italy for life-saving care is roughly 16,000 Euros, so we’re asking for your kind and generous support this holiday season to help us save her life by donating any amount that you can, and spreading the word of this appeal. Your donation will go towards the costs of the her surgery, airfare, and travel expenses for Samar and her aunt. Please make a contribution today and help us save Samar’s life.

PCRF @pcrftweets US


Some Further Sources on Palestine & Middle East:







United Nations Human Rights


http://bit.ly/sY9DG7 20 December at 11:29

UN expert urged the authorities of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory to lift all restrictions to freedom of expression, stressing that “truly democratic societies are measured by their respect of human rights, and in particular the right to freedom of expression as a ‘facilitator’ of all other rights.”