Xinjiang’s Vocational Training Internment Camps
More ground-breaking research by @adrianzenz, an absolute must-read for understanding the evolving rationale, structure and terminology of China’s mass detentions in Xinjiang
— Michael Clarke (@meclarke114) 1. Juli 2019
Hong Kong’s leader is surprised that a gradual erosions of freedoms, ignoring the sentiments of record-breaking numbers of protesters, and the use of police violence eventually gives rise to violent responses by desperate young citizens.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 2. Juli 2019
The collapse of an obscure Inner Mongolian bank, Baoshang, which had $90 billion in assets and had seemed perfectly healthy, set off a domino effect in China’s interbank lending market.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 2. Juli 2019
China tries to portray Xinjiang camps as humane „boarding schools“, but its own govt documents plainly point to coercive internment and brainwashing
Important new research by @adrianzenz revealing true nature & extent (up to 1.5M detainees) of the camps
— Nectar Gan (@Nectar_Gan) 1. Juli 2019
A key point. Many are pleased how the recent Vice report cut through Xinjiang’s closely guarded propaganda smokescreen by showing unprecedented first-hand reporting that cannot be obtained any other way. Reporting ethics were borderline, arguably partially justified by context.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 2. Juli 2019
Can someone please type out the original text? I cannot read this. Thanks.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
„…the total number of Uyghurs and other Turkic minorities who have gone through some form of extrajudicial internment since then appears to be very substantial.“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
“almost everything we thought we knew about contemporary China is wrong. And this has happened because the lenses through which we viewed this emerging superpower were distorted by arrogance, naivety, complacency, commercial greed and wishful thinking.”
— Didi Kirsten Tatlow (@dktatlow) 30. Juni 2019
In new paper, @adrianzenz outlines how he reached his estimate of up to 1.5 mln ppl detained in Xinjiang, based on govt food subsidies for the centers
— Eva Dou (@evadou) 1. Juli 2019
Nearly 49,000 young people in Xinjiang will „benefit from vocational education“ through a $50 million loan approved today by the World Bank!
Do they read the news?
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
Xinjiang camps: „Qira County’s 2018 budget shows that of a total of 2,619 assistant police officers, 810 were assigned to the county’s vocational training camp(s), representing 31% of the county’s entire assistant police force.“ (!)
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
By spring 2019, the watchtowers and fencing had been removed from the facility.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
Stunning 3D computer model of a „vocational training“ camp, created by first-hand witness. Detainees caged in like animals. Han Chinese language teacher in police uniform. I verified the location, official title is a benign „Higher Level Vocational School“
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
Coordinates: 43°59’52.5″N 87°31’00.8″E
Satellite footage from late 2018 shows watchtowers, high walls, trench next to the walls, tall wire fencing around each building. The eyewitness reported the presence of numerous police guards, incl. one right outside the classroom— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
And yes, the choice of hair color is certainly unfortunate, but that was done by the anonymous informant, not myself. 😃
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
A lead researcher on #Uyghur reeducation camps, @adrianzenz, here gives his rationale for increasing the estimate of #Uyghurs detained from 1.06 million to 1.5 million. In addition, he finds evidence for a classroom with an interior cage. @jpolrisk
— Anders Corr, Ph.D. (@anderscorr) 1. Juli 2019
Finally, the article contains stunning 3D computer graphics that re-create the horrifying reality of an internment camp visited by an anonymous witness (who created these images using a 3D software).
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
4. In 2018, the Xinjiang government gave about 1.6 billion RMB in VTIC food subsidies to its minority regions, enough to feed several hundred thousand or more persons. Overall, the author suggests a new upper limit estimate of 1.5 million.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
2.Specifically, those interned in VTICs are called „detained re-education persons“. Numerous gov’t documents make clear that these „trainees“ are in involuntary detention.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
1. According to numerous Xinjiang government websites, Vocational Training Internment Camps (VTICs) „wash clean the brains“ of those interned in them. Those subjected to such coerced brainwashing are referred to as „re-education persons“.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
#Tibetans in Liechtenstein and #Switzerland carried out a peaceful protest at the ongoing 41st Session of #HumanRightsCouncil taking place in #Geneva
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 30. Juni 2019
BREAKING: my new paper on Xinjiang’s camps is packed with strongly incriminating evidence on the nature & extent of the internment campaign. Based on detailed gov’t sources, this should be enough to spark significant int’l action against these atrocities.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 1. Juli 2019
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