„This is an unprecedented internment campaign“
Gene’s contact is here: https://t.co/3CuA7Qd5ep
See also https://t.co/abv6e3abiL— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 27, 2019
In 2012 the Communist Party of China forced cadres across the nation to watch a documentary on the collapse of the Soviet Union. Why did the Soviet Union fall, it asks?
Answer: Because America subverted its ideology and culture https://t.co/T5ICGvZZ1u
— T. Greer (@Scholars_Stage) July 25, 2019
People who want to find info about specific Uyghur children, please send us:
1) their full ID number
2) their place of birth + date of birth + gender
We will search and let you know! https://t.co/kYRRouK6hI
— Xinjiang Victims Database (@shahitbiz) 27. Juli 2019
Women activists protest arrest and deportation of refugees
Istanbul #Turkeypic.twitter.com/CRDsUfe9NI— Ruptly (@Ruptly) 27. Juli 2019
#Turkey claims it helps refugees voluntarily return to #Syria, but threatening to lock them up until they agree to return, forcing them to sign forms, & dumping them in a war zone is neither voluntary nor legal
Unlawful deportations shld stop immediatelyhttps://t.co/VimvChZtiW
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) July 27, 2019
#Tibet : Demolition Begins at #YachenGar#Tibetan#Buddhist Center . Authorities have begun a campaign of large-scale demolition at the Yachen Gar with #Chinese work crews tearing down over a hundred dwellings of nuns evicted from the complex in recent weeks. pic.twitter.com/qKqHW9ZJ0v
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 27, 2019
The first hearing in the trial of former #RFA reporters Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin just finished at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, the hearing will be continued on 9 August 2019. #PressFreedom#Cambodia#journalists#FreedomofExpressionpic.twitter.com/ivtV5TsB4j
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) July 26, 2019
„My findings are very disturbing,“ says @adrianzenz, who helped expose China’s large-scale internment of Xinjiang residents, most from the Muslim Uyghur community. He says so many parents have been detained that record numbers of children are being kept in boarding schools. pic.twitter.com/xBs7GXtrPD
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) July 26, 2019
The Chinese consulate in Brisbane is rumored to deploy facial recognition cameras at a planned University of Brisbane protest event for Hong Kong.
This is the university where Chinese student thugs attacked peaceful pro HK protesters.
Will the Australian gov’t investigate? https://t.co/lcvA00hNxS
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 27, 2019
„This is an unprecedented internment campaign,“ researcher Adrian Zenz says of China’s treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. „It’s the largest incarceration of a particular ethnic minority since the Holocaust.“ pic.twitter.com/QvZ747FRrS
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) 26. Juli 2019
FACT: European countries defend the Uighurs of Xinjiang, Muslim countries don’thttps://t.co/IppU5dZY9g @UyghurCongress@uyghurproject@VoiceUyghur@adrianzenz
— Nader Hashemi (@naderalihashemi) July 26, 2019
Yes. Every government should have overseas student thug units in reserve, ready to beat up dissenters on foreign soil.
They are not only cheaper than undercover agents; they also probably won’t be prosecuted. https://t.co/wRYsFyvYlA— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 26, 2019
/www.singaporeconvention.org/ — Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 25. Juli 2019
Well done to @YasminQureshiMP for launching the much needed APPG on religious freedom in #Xinjiang. The contributions from @dolkun_Isa, President of the Uyghur Congress highlighted the ongoing persecution #Uyghur Muslims experience.
I promise to continue raising these concerns. pic.twitter.com/nJUS7f3N8g— Afzal Khan MP (@Afzal4Gorton) July 25, 2019
This morning, on 26 July 2019, the first hearing in the trial of Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin, two former #RFA reporters, is about to begin at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. #Cambodia#PressFreedom#journalists#FreedomofExpressionpic.twitter.com/30esD4URmH
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) July 26, 2019
Chinese police still questioning wife of Australian Uyghur man, despite promising to help, in an attempt to silence him.
But he won’t be silenced. https://t.co/dUyv9KvcKT via @abcnews
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) July 26, 2019
University of #Queensland faces heat for naming #Chinese diplomat as faculty member.The #Australian institution earlier this month named Xu Jie, Chinese consul-general in #Brisbane, to a post, with no public announcement
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) July 26, 2019
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