Evidence for China’s Parent-Child Separation Campaign
Liu Xiaoming, China’s UK ambassador: “there is no [Xinjiang family] separation…not at all. GIVE ME NAMES.”
Ambassador Liu: I do have the full list of 400+ children with double-detained parents: names, ID numbers, addresses, etc. I can back up every single claim in my report. https://t.co/2iSXK5IVn4
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
.@adrianzenz argues #China has implemented the “weaponisation of education & social care systems” in order to cut off minority children from their roots. #Uighurs #EastTurkestan https://t.co/IjuAzi8Yqo
— Mobashra (@mobbiemobes) 8. Juli 2019
Fun fact of my day: Christine Lagarde signed #France’s 2007 Bilateral #Investment Treaty with #China.
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 20. Juni 2019
If corruption is not eliminated (SDG 16.5), all the money and resources invested to achieve the other SDGs might end in private pockets. https://t.co/TXkE33yskt
— Delia Ferreira (@DeliaFerreira) 8. Juli 2019
For more details or examples, please refer to the full report: https://t.co/B5KDj11fOP
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
2. The Xinjiang gov’t issued a directive to schools about how to deal with the school children of „double-detained parents“ (父母参加职ä技能培训的困境学生). Source: https://t.co/hvh7sDT3zF
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
Since Ambassador Liu might be unfamiliar with Xinjiang’s explicit policy towards the children of double-detained parents, along with the fact that the precise situation of such children is logged by the local authorities and a region-wide database, I will cite pertinent examples:
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
Then, a Uyghur girl, age 3 years 3 months, is kept full-time at a „kindness nursery“, father is in „vocational training“, mother is at a „training center“. In her instance, the nursery likely takes children under age 4, while the nearby preschool takes ages 4-6.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
4. A gov’t directive states that when both parents are interned (夫妻双方在教培ä心) & the family cannot pay their medical insurance bills, the insurance for them and for their children who are at school must be paid for by the local authorities. Source: https://t.co/3xMccx3VV1
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 8. Juli 2019
Hong Kong protesters march to the high speed rail station to China.
One marcher had Uighur professor Ilham Tohti:
“He criticized China’s ethnic policy
He promoted ethnic reconciliation
He was accused of splitting the nation
and sentenced to life in prison.” pic.twitter.com/c4jvc4P2XU— Dake Kang 姜大翼 (@dakekang) 7. Juli 2019
If you don’t have the time to read the recent report by @adrianzenz then this 5 min summary by @CNN is a must watch.#CloseTheCamps in #EastTurkistanhttps://t.co/JYquJWkTeK
— nukinfo (@nukinfo) 7. Juli 2019
There aren’t many of them but some mainland Chinese tourists are looking at the huge protest in wonder. They just came to Hong Kong on holiday and hadn’t seen news about the protests because of media censorship. “It’s not legal for us to do anything like this!” #antiELABpic.twitter.com/tfuoukuSe3
— Joanna Chiu 趙淇欣 (@joannachiu) 7. Juli 2019
„#SaudiArabia has quietly directed tens of millions of dollars a year to American universities from M.I.T. to Northern Kentucky. What are the nation’s rulers getting out of it?“https://t.co/t0DJmpailp
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 6. Juli 2019
Instead of doing a thread on the details of my findings, I ask you to spend a moment in silence.
I just watched the video for the first time and am unable to continue this thread. Just read the report.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. Juli 2019
See also the related BBC piece with dramatic video footage. It will tear you apart. Xinjiang has become a living hell. https://t.co/zKPpe03V8l
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. Juli 2019
What next? Cut off fingers and toes, one by one? https://t.co/BuVVLNUYaS
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 4. Juli 2019
Coercive internment & political brainwashing: German researcher @adrianzenz has found new evidence revealing the true nature of #China’s internment camps where more than a million #Uigher Muslims are being detained.. He’s our guest on @RNBreakfast
— Linda LoPresti (@MsLindaLopresti) 4. Juli 2019
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