Take action to free the student activists arrested in Burma
CCHR joins hundreds of NGOs worldwide in expressing deep concern regarding the critical funding gap affecting the #UnitedNations#humanrights mechanisms and the #OHCHR. #StandUp4HumanRightshttps://t.co/1SMS0Xxdpl
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 30. Mai 2019
Take action to free the student activists arrested for telling jokes about the military in Burma. Satire is not a crime. https://t.co/sGuAnrQs8Q
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 30. Mai 2019
Read the Khmer version of the joint statements by 73 CSOs & communities, including #CCHR, expressing serious concern & calling on the #Cambodian Govt‘ to cease judicial harassment of former CNRP members & take concrete measures to restore #civicspacehttps://t.co/fvdNZgLG7Z [KH] pic.twitter.com/W1oy2eRAXV
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 1. Juni 2019
Thanks friends pic.twitter.com/n5UHSkBAfM
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 1. Juni 2019
Weekend reading? 🙂 My quick take @opiniojuris on #enforceddisappearances, the practice of “short-term” disappearances, and legal interpretation by the Human Rights Cmtt, UN Wkng Gp & Cmtt on ED. https://t.co/1rdWTfaHno
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 31. Mai 2019
SOS-Kinderdörfer warnen vor Bildungskatastrophe: In den #Rohingya-Flüchtlingslagern in #Bangladesch habe die Mehrheit der rund 600.000 Kinder keine Chance auf #Schulbildung. @soskinderdorfhttps://t.co/ugvqEVKHi6
— bildungsklick (@bildungsklick) 31. Mai 2019
Fast 2 Jahre nach der gewaltsamen Vertreibung der #Rohingya aus #Myanmar sitzen im benachbarten #Bangladesch immer noch rund 600.000 #Kinder in Flüchtlingslagern fest! Wir helfen vor Ort. #Bildung #Flüchtlinge
Mehr Infos: https://t.co/88463rhnCCpic.twitter.com/XbFeRN0hsD— SOS-Kinderdörfer (@soskinderdorf) 31. Mai 2019
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