Health service is always dedicated to the patients.
China’s second Tiananmen?
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 12. Juni 2019
#TYC President : People will overthrow #Chinese #Communist government.
150 members from 45 regional chapters of the #Tibetan Youth Congress have congregated in #Dharamshala to attend their six-day discourse and to elect new executive members.— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 12. Juni 2019
Thank you @KerryMP for raising the case of Aung Marm Oo with @MarkFieldUK – and we are looking forward to hear which representatives from Burmese civil society and media will be invited to the Global Conference for Media Freedom in London in July.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 12. Juni 2019
Health service is always dedicated to the patients.
I, therefore, appeal to all to restore normal healthcare services to the patients without any further delay.
My Facebook post:
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 13. Juni 2019
Today is World #BloodDonorDay. Blood donation is a noble cause that helps save lives. The #Bangla Govt recently launched an app named ‘Jeevan Shakti’ that will provide information regarding the availability of blood in government blood banks across Bangla
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) 14. Juni 2019
Since 2016, the UN Independent Expert on SOGI has assisted States to better protect people from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This work can’t stop now: join us in asking the #HRC41 to #RenewIESOGI
— ILGA World (@ILGAWORLD) 12. Juni 2019
#EU Court of Justice Advocate Gen says illegal #Israeli settlement products must be labeled as such „just as many European consumers objected to the purchase of South African goods in the pre-1994 apartheid era .. consumers may object on similar grounds“
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 13. Juni 2019
But, after yrs of #Russia/#China vetoes &#UNSC failure to refer #Syria to the #ICC, the #UNGA took action and created the #IIIM that is gathering & analyzing evidence of atrocity crimes, assisting criminal prosecutions e.g. by nat’l prosecutors exercising universal jurisdiction.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 12. Juni 2019
Die Gründungsfeier findet im Rahmen des ersten Internationalen Bodensee-Symposiums „Frühe Kindheit“ statt, das heute (14. Juni) beginnt – Live-Berichterstattung via @fruehekindheit#lasttweet#unikonstanz#SympFK
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 14. Juni 2019
Hier sind zB auch mehr #NMS Lehrer_innen. Auch thematisch mehr dazu als zB zur #Matura. Sag’s nur. 😘
— Daniel Landau (@LandauDaniel) 14. Juni 2019
Why Did the Presidency Assign Judge Aitala to the Afghanistan PTC?
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 13. Juni 2019
North Korea’s prison camps have operated twice as long as the Soviet gulags and 13 times as long as the Nazi death camps.
“There is not a comparable situation anywhere in the world, past or present.” Navi Pillay (fmr. UN HC for HR).
They are more crucial to Kim than his nukes.
— 🇰🇷Edward Oh🇺🇸 (@EdwardHBOh) 13. Juni 2019
‚Dow volunteers pull their own weight in waterways cleanup.‘ Trumpets article in Plastics News.
But, Dow is one of the world’s largest producers of plastics. Go figure…— BhopalMedicalAppeal (@BhopalMedAppeal) 10. Juni 2019
Every 2 weeks we collect the most relevant news on the @WorldBank and the @IMFNews in our #News Lens. Here’s the latest one from 13 June:
You can get it straight to your inbox by signing up here:
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 14. Juni 2019
We are happy to see this historic resolution adopted.
Families deserve answers.
— ICRC (@ICRC) 12. Juni 2019
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