Stop the crackdown on workers in #Bangladesh:
Repeat with us: organizing is not a crime, workers have the right to demonstrate and strike to stand up for their rights. Stop the crackdown on workers in #Bangladesh: #FreedomSafetyLivingWage#MadeInBangladesh should NOT mean
— Clean Clothes (@cleanclothes) 1. Mai 2019
Come on voters for @RupaHuq its very close
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 30. April 2019
Within one year after the promulgation of the #LèseMajesté criminal offense in Feb 2018, two individuals have already been convicted for allegedly insulting the King on Facebook posts. Find out more with our new snapshot
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 30. April 2019
CCHR releases an infographic on how states must protect against human rights abuses by 3rd parties, including businesses. This requires steps to prevent, investigate, punish & redress. KH & ENG
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 29. April 2019
Happening now: rally of workers, communities, CSOs to commemorate Labor Day. Together we protect fundamental freedoms. We have petition detailing our demands and you could take part by signing this too
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 1. Mai 2019
Romani families are fighting back in the European Court of Human Rights against discrimination in the system for taking their children into care – we just intervened in a case before @ECHRPress against #Italy where racism was clear #terrnipe
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 30. April 2019
School segregation – #Albania has a case to answer before @ECHRPress for maintaining a school with only Romani and Egyptian children in #Korca We are representing, pushing for Albania to implement the desegregation plan they promised #sicljovipe
— ERRC (@ERRCtweets) 29. April 2019
On #InternationalLabourDay we stand with victims of #ForcedLabour in #Uzbekistan. We will continue to monitor and report on forced labour in the #cotton and #silk sectors in 2019 until this practice is eradicated. #LabourRights = #HumanRights#Solidarity💪
— Uzbek-German Forum (@UGFHumanRights) 1. Mai 2019
Complaints about safety in Bangladesh factories hit a high in 2018 | Canadian Occupational Safety
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 28. April 2019
Not only a #CETA tribunal but ANY #ISDS tribunal that makes a ruling that interferes with right of Union to set level of protection for regulation in public interest-the ruling would be invalid in the #EU, thus not enforceable there. @snlester@BrownColinM
— Rob Howse (@howserob) 30. April 2019
Thanks to @NevilleSouthall for letting us take over his account this evening. 👏
Check out our thread – tracking our work holding the 🇲🇲 army to account, fighting for political prisoners, exposing ‚Dirty List‘ companies like @tetleyuk and more. 👇
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 24. April 2019
Symposium on Soldier Self-Defense and International Law: Highlighting and Framing the Issue
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 29. April 2019
As predicted, law professors are expected to staff #CETA tribunals (#CJEU opinion para. 240 noting admission by EU Commission during oral hearing). Monthly retainer will provide a welcome supplemental income for a fortunate few. Guesses about whom? Discuss amongst yourselves.
— David Schneiderman (@d_schneiderman) 1. Mai 2019
In case anyone wondered how low #AungSanSuuKyi could go, she’s now on a trip to make common cause with #Cambodia dictator #HunSen. Our #Nobel prize winning democracy icon in action.
— Brad Adams (@BradMAdams) 30. April 2019
Before #LiuXia left #China, she recovered „an old photo album containing pictures of her husband … in their apartment’s piles of books & art. She brought it with her to #Germany, as a reminder, she said, that “I remain at the place I left behind.”“
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. Mai 2019
Trying to defend the silence of UN Secretary-General @AntonioGuterres on human rights, his spokesman highlights times when he speaks generically about human rights without mentioning a perpetrator. That doesn’t count. My critique:
— Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) 27. April 2019
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres raised the plight of Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region during a visit to Beijing , a U.N. spokesman said. He must be reading @EliLake
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) 30. April 2019
Pleased to share my new article with @WarOnTheRocks. Thanks to @ushasahay and editorial team for their work and also @JimMillward@adrianzenz and @dtbyler for comments on previous drafts
— Michael Clarke (@meclarke114) 25. April 2019
A fleet of U.S.-made satellites helps China’s government police its people, including the suppression of the 2008/09 riots in Tibet an Xinjiang; report by @WSJ
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 25. April 2019
New @hrw report reveals how #China#Xinjiang authorities’ mass surveillance system monitor people’s movements by tracing their phones, vehicles, and ID cards, and keeps track of people’s use of electricity and gas stations:
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 1. Mai 2019
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