Second part of the series „Asylum for sale“.
10. Second part of the series „Asylum for sale“. Whistleblowers say U.N. refugee agency does not always address corruption.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 8. April 2019
4. You can read more about the first part of the series here 👉
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 8. April 2019
2. This is the testimony of Gratien, a refugee #whistleblower from the Democratic Republic of Congo that reported corruption involving police and staff members of the UNHCR. >>
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 8. April 2019
UN spokesman on revocation of ICC prosecutor’s US visa: „We expect the United States to live up to the agreement to allow for the travel of ICC staff members to do their work here at the United Nations.“
— Balkees Jarrah (@balkeesjarrah) 6. April 2019
The False Premise Sustaining Israel’s West Bank Claim – Part II
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 8. April 2019
The False Premise Sustaining Israel’s West Bank Claim – Part I – By Victor Kattan
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 8. April 2019
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 7. April 2019
And as expected @DavidMalpassWBG was appointed new President of @WorldBank after the process was not „open, transparent nor democratic“
What will civil society demand from his presidency? Read our latest post:
— World Bank president (@worldbankpres) 8. April 2019
As the IMF and @WorldBank Spring Meetings start this week we publish our preview ‘2019 Spring Meetings Preamble: With ‚flood waters rising‘, World Bank & IMF answers to 21st century’s key challenges remain inadequate’
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 8. April 2019
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