Must read: UK Supreme Court judgment on #Vendanta v Lungowe
Timely and fascinating online seminar on #UK Supreme Court’s recent Vedanta decision allowing a parent corporation to be sued for responsibility for a subsidiary’s harm to human rights and environment in another country@BizHumanRights@IPietropaoli@ProfSuryaDeva@saliltripathi
— Sam Zarifi (@SZarifi) 17. April 2019
Great introduction to Vedanta online symposium by @CarlosLopezGVA
— Robert McCorquodale (@InclusiveLaw) 17. April 2019
Take action to free Wa Lone, Kyaw Soe Oo and all Burma’s political prisoners here:
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 17. April 2019
#Myanmar President says 9,535 local prisoners & 16 foreigners, have been pardoned.
2 @Reuters journalists -who won a Pulitzer Prize for revealing the army’s execution of #Rohingya Muslim men- were not among those pardoned & released.#FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 17. April 2019
About time that we all send an email to Volkswagen China with relevant links on the Xinjiang camps. Maybe start a petition. Volkswagen has consistently chosen profit over ethics in the past few years.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 17. April 2019
#Tourism figures in #Turkey in 2018#Russia#Germany#Bulgaria#UnitedKingdom#Georgia
Tourism Week 15-22 April 2019#tourist— Burak Sansal (@allaboutturkey) 16. April 2019
How much longer? How much longer is it OK for people in positions of power and influence to claim they *know nothing* about something that has been major news for MONTHS as Uighur and Kazakh refugees risk their safety and freedom to get people to pay attention?
— Megha Rajagopalan (@meghara) 16. April 2019
How could the @OTPICC@IntlCrimCourt appeal the Pre-Trial Chamber’s refusal to authorize the #Afghanistan investigation? Thoughts on the #ICC by @kevinjonheller via @opiniojuris
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 17. April 2019
The International Commission of Jurists has vacancies for an International Legal Advisor in #Nepal & #Myanmar. Two amazing countries experiencing transitions with significant #HumanRights challenges.@SZarifi@FrederickRawski@AbbottKingsley
— Kevin Chang 🌏⚖️ (@KevinCChang) 17. April 2019
I’m very disappointed no one has commented on the irony that two scholars who are usually so critical of the #ICC — me and @dovjacobs — are busily strategising how the OTP should appeal the #Afghanistan decision…
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 17. April 2019
New @opiniojuris: a long post on how the @OTPICC might appeal the #Afghanistan decision. Highly technical, but I hope readers find it interesting. Thanks to @_polinalevina for encouraging me to write it. #ICC
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 17. April 2019
Instead of that, perhaps #Palestine should simply refer the situation in #Afghanistan to the #ICC…
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 16. April 2019
#Israel portrays self as region’s lone democracy, but is set to deport @hrw official for work calling on companies to stop facilitating abuses in settlements.
Court decision to uphold deportation sends chilling msg that rights defenders/critics not welcome— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 16. April 2019
Small States and the UN Security Council
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 17. April 2019
For information on @ICJ_org’s own ongoing project on indigenous and other traditional or customary justice systems, see:
— Matt Pollard (@mattdpollard) 17. April 2019
Starting now! Online Symposium on the legal and policy implications of the #vedanta judgment. Watch this forum for articles by R. McCorquodale @InclusiveLaw Anil Yilmaz @anil_yv Doug Cassel, G. Holly @Gabriellellell L. Roorda @LRoordaLaw@clairerabright
— Carlos Lopez (@CarlosLopezGVA) 17. April 2019
Panei Mon, the wife of Pulitzer Prize-winning @Reuters reporter Wa Lone: “Since we got married, he has been telling me about Pulitzer prizes. He dreamed of receiving the highest prize in journalism.” Wa Lone and colleague Kyaw Soe Oo are still behind bars. #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 16. April 2019
Congratulations to the staff of @Reuters, including @walone4 and Kyaw Soe Oo.
— The Pulitzer Prizes (@PulitzerPrizes) 15. April 2019
Two @Reuters journalists have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 492 days. Follow updates on the case:
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 17. April 2019
Must read if interested in #bizhumanrights: UK Supreme Court judgment on #Vendanta v Lungowe
— Amy Man (@_Amy_Man) 10. April 2019
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