Asylum for sale: Refugees say some U.N. workers demand bribes for resettlement
🔴 Breaking: @sallyhayd’s latest reports for @NBCNews detail allegations of widespread #corruption at UN @refugees camps in #Kenya + #Uganda. (Thread)
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
9. And for a practical guide, here’s our handbook on Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations >>
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
7. Anti-corruption policies like #whistleblower mechanisms need to be applied through leadership, training and implementation measures, and adapted to the context. Direct reporting to senior management and HQ should be available.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
5. Some national agencies, such as @NRC_Norway, are setting an example by taking a more honest and proactive approach.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
3. Currently, there are 68.5m displaced people – more than at any other time. This global crisis creates major integrity and accountability challenges for everyone involved.
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 7. April 2019
Thank you @ma_jose_romero & @GinoBrunswijck @Eurodad for your contribution to our #ObserverSpring19.
„The IMF and PPPs: A master class in double-speak“
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 5. April 2019
30 April – 3 May in Geneva: Designated Expert on institutional arrangements + compliance procedures to draft a legally binding instrument on the right to development at 20th WG Session, UN OHCHR. Regulatory challenges to RTD in trade, finance, investment.
— ProfDrDianeDesierto (@DianeDesierto) 6. April 2019
Will Naomi Osaka Pick Japanese Citizenship or American? Her Deadline to Choose Is Looming –
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 7. April 2019
🔴 Breaking: A seven-month investigation across five countries with significant refugee populations has found reports of widespread exploitation of #refugees in UNHCR camps. (Thread)
— International Anti-Corruption Conference (@IACCseries) 6. April 2019
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