Will those responsible for atrocities in #Syria be brought to justice?
Where Will the Money to Rebuild Syria Come From? – The Atlantic https://t.co/5sMNohW57Z
— Steven Heydemann (@SHeydemann) 16. März 2019
Pursuing Syrian regime war criminals, could @GuernicaLaw37 secure a breakthrough with the International Criminal Court, following an earlier breakthrough on Myanmar and the Rohingyas. @tobycadman speaks to #abcPM@abcnewshttps://t.co/fPNGMWyU23
— Linda Mottram (@LindaMottram) 7. März 2019
1/2 Will those responsible for atrocities in #Syria be brought to justice? @tobycadman at @GuernicaCentre explains the case for jurisdiction by the @IntlCrimCourthttps://t.co/ZNpfJ9TwWO via @radiofm4
— Joanna Bostock (@joannabostock) 11. März 2019
It is truly appalling that we are entering the ninth year of the Syrian conflict. With half the pre-war population killed or displaced we now must call on the @IntlCrimCourt to ensure #justice to the millions of Syrians and ensure we say #neveragain now @GuernicaCentre
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 15. März 2019
Very hard to fathom what’s happening in the world from #Syria to #Myanmar from the brutality of #Sisi to #MBS and now the numbness of yet another pointless terror attack resulting in loss of life #ChristchurchMosqueShooting what are we leaving for our children
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 15. März 2019
Man sollte vielleicht noch dazu sagen, dass der Berichterstatter im Europaparlament, der die jetzt so kritisierten Details der #Urheberrechtsreform maßgeblich ausgehandelt hat, der CDU-Politiker Axel Voß ist. https://t.co/erGfDlQUmZ
— Birgit Schmeitzner (@BSchmeitzner) 16. März 2019
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