The review into UN operations in Burma must be transparent.
The UN described doing business with the Burmese military as ‚indefensible‘.@Newtec_Satcom must have missed that memo because they’ve been caught filling the pockets of Burma’s generals. Click here to demand they stop. 👇
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 29. März 2019
„You would think that imposing sanctions stopping companies doing business with the military would be a no-brainer, but not a single country has done so,“ said @MarkFarmaner.
— Joshua Carroll (@JershCarroll) 28. März 2019
The review into United Nations operations in Burma must be transparent.
Along with 18 other orgs, @burmacampaignuk have written to UN Secretary General @antonioguterres demanding the review’s findings are made public. You can read the open letter here:
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 26. März 2019
#HRD Alert (Update): 1 staff & 1 former staff from NGO @ponlokkhmer & 7 community members received summons for 2d time to appear in Court over Dec 2014 events associated with the Prame commune land dispute #LandDisputes#BizHumanRights#Cambodia
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 26. März 2019
.@WorldBank Your Research shows that communal land rights are more effective, yet #EnablingAgriBiz enables #landgrabs.
Time to listen to your experts & end the land indicator. Read more @KGeorgieva at— Oakland Institute (@oak_institute) 25. März 2019
Today, Myanmar’s Supreme Court can correct a serious miscarriage of justice and free our jailed colleagues Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, says @Reuters editor-in-chief @stephenjadler. „They are honest, admirable journalists who did not break the law.“
— Andrew RC Marshall (@Journotopia) 26. März 2019
The families of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have traveled to the capital for today’s hearing. 7-month-old Thet Htar Angel took her first plane ride to support her dad at Myanmar’s Supreme Court
— Simon Lewis (@Simondlewis) 26. März 2019
Re-education „lite“ in Tibet
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 27. März 2019
Yet another terrible news story that begs the question ‘why won’t world university rankers factor in academic freedom?’
— Kris Olds (@GlobalHigherEd) 26. März 2019
SCOTUS also relied on the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations, which makes the premises of an embassy „inviolable,“ and the position of @StateDept when receiving notice of foreign lawsuits against the U.S. abroad.
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) 27. März 2019
1. The CCP United Front puts a million Muslims in concentration camps.
2. CCP United Front groups try to buy good publicity from New Zealand Muslims.
3. New Zealand Muslims: Hold my beer...
— Piping hot Canadian tea (@UFWD_YVR) 27. März 2019
Filling the Vacuum: #Syria and the International Criminal Court #ICC … Important piece by @MarkKersten
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 26. März 2019
#Justice4Syria: Last week we hosted an event on the airstrike by the Anti-IS Coalition in #AlBadiya#IDP shelter in #Syria. Here is a summary by @delinagoxho who moderated the event
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 25. März 2019
Happy to see that @Europarl_EN has adopted #TAX3 report on fairer and more effective taxation and tackling financial crimes, including money laundering and risky #GoldenVisa schemes. Read more below.
— Transparency Int. EU (@TI_EU) 26. März 2019
#Philippine Justice, Lawmakers Express Concern over #Chinese Loan Details. #Beijing could take over Reed Bank if country fails to make payments, judge says.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 27. März 2019
Hard to fathom we’ve lost Tej Thapa, a brave, brilliant human rights advocate at @hrw. She improved the lives of many people, and made some bad people less comfortable. We will miss you.
— Sam Zarifi (@SZarifi) 27. März 2019
#News Lens: Exclusive: IADB cancels China meeting after Beijing bars Venezuela representative
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 26. März 2019
Two sisters who fled #SaudiArabia, but were turned back by #Australia & ended up hiding in #HongKong for the past 6 months, have finally been able to move on after being given humanitarian visa and asylum in a safe 3rd country.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 25. März 2019
Vanessa Rodel & her young daughter Keana are finally safe, some 6 years after they opened the door to a scared young man who was seeking shelter in #HongKong. That man was Edward @Snowden.
Thank you #Canada, please save the other ‘Snowden Refugees’ too.
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 27. März 2019
. @emilyrauhala on how academics might theoretically make a difference re Xinjiang issue: “mainstream this in your work.” If you work on tech, law, or politics in China – or China foreign relations – this is part of your story. Not a peripheral or solely “human rights” issue.
— Rian Thum (@RianThum) 23. März 2019
Come hear me talk about Explosive Urbanization on the Tibetan Plateau as part of a panel featuring Jarmila Ptackova and @AndrewM_Fischer at #UCLA next Monday, April 1st. 2-4pm in YRL
— Andrew Grant (@angrant_1) 26. März 2019
This seems to be the result of global pressure: „[Wang Yang] stressed the protection of fine traditional cultures of ethnic minorities and ensuring the needs of religious people are met and their customs respected.“ Also, note the adjective „fine“.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 26. März 2019
Hi China scholars: if you’re not willing to condemn the detention of one million Uighurs in concentration camps — and you think people should not be held in concentration camps — then you are self-censoring.
— Isaac Stone Fish (@isaacstonefish) 19. März 2019
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