Rohingya ‚lost generation‘ struggle to study in #Bangladesh camps
„I feel sad that they used to study with us, but they have to stop now“: Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya students are being expelled from Bangladeshi schools.
— DW News (@dwnews) 19. März 2019
“Our headmaster called us into his office & told us that there’s an order that #Rohingya students have no rights to study here anymore. We went back home crying”
They fled #Myanmar. Now Rohingya ‚lost generation‘ struggle to study in #Bangladesh camps
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 19. März 2019
Controversial land law threatens #Myanmar ethnic communities.
Millions of people face the possibility of having no legal rights over their land
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 19. März 2019
@tobycadman and I explain in greater depth our recent Article 15 communication with the OTP at the #ICC, concerning #jurisdiction for #Syria and the implications of a preliminary examination being opened @GuernicaCentre@GuernicaLaw37
— Carl Buckley (@prisonlawyer66) 19. März 2019
I think the Cambodia example is particularly important because it is post-Charter. I agree with @TomRuys_Law
that we have to be careful when we rely on pre-Charter examples, because we cannot simply assume that they are picked up by the “inherent” right of self-defence.— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 19. März 2019
New @opiniojuris: the Nixon administration’s invocation of “unwilling or unable” in #Cambodia during the #VietnamWar. Massive hat-tip to @bryancuddy5’s fantastic work. #jusadbellum@OConnell_IntLaw@samuelmoyn
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 19. März 2019
CCHR releases its latest newsletter, covering the possible temporary suspension of the #EBA, the next steps for #CSOs after the 3rd #UPR of #Cambodia, and the responsibility of businesses to protect human rights #bizhumanrights. Read it here:
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 18. März 2019
TAKE ACTION: Email the British government now calling on them to commission an independent review and evaluation of British aid and support for the peace process.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 14. März 2019
Vor ihrem Wechsel an die Universität Konstanz hat Humboldt-Professorin Dr. Anke Hoeffler mit ihrer Familie in Oxford gelebt. Beitrag via @suedkurierkn: #unikonstanz#Brexit
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 19. März 2019
#Stellenangebot: Wir haben im Fachbereich Literaturwissenschaft ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine 75%-Stelle im wissenschaftlichen Bereich zu besetzen – Voraussetzung ist eine abgeschlossene Promotion in der Neueren Deutschen Literatur: #unikonstanz
— Universität Konstanz (@unikonstanz) 18. März 2019
Bosnian Higher Education is in the Jaws of Politicians | Balkanist
— Dunja Mijatovic (@Dunja_Mijatovic) 19. März 2019
#American universities cutting ties to #Huawei and #ConfuciusInstitute .The University of #Minnesota ends programmes with both.
— claudio tecchio (@DossierTibet) 19. März 2019
#News Lens: Gender scorecard and analysis of AIIB projects: a documentary review
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 19. März 2019
Don’t miss this session with Laure Brillaud from @TI_EU on #GoldenVisas at the #OECDintegrity Forum. Tomorrow at 14:30 👇
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 19. März 2019
An important court decision
— Anthony Clark Arend (@arenda) 19. März 2019
A great honour to speak The the United Nations Human Rights Council today. Our panel, organized by the International Commission of Jurists, was on justice for international crimes in…
— Mark Kersten (@MarkKersten) 19. März 2019
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