Last week, campaign groups across Europe called on the European Union to change its approach to Burma. 🇪🇺🇲🇲
Click here to see their recommendations. 👉
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 25. März 2019
Sorry for the weekend tease. My new post @opiniojuris is now up: „The ICC and the Deportation of Civilians from Syria to Jordan.” It raises what I think is an important question about the #Syria/#Myanmar deportation parallel.
— Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) 25. März 2019
European Burma campaign groups are calling on the 🇪🇺 to:
💥 Sanction European companies doing business with military
💥 Support ICC referral or establish an ad hoc tribunal
💥 Repeal the 1982 Citizenship Law and grant the Rohingya citizenshipMORE HERE:
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 22. März 2019
The 🇪🇺 approach to Burma is based on the flawed and outdated assessment that the country is transitioning to democracy.
Click to see why Burma campaign groups across Europe are calling for an urgent review into the EU’s approach. 👉
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 21. März 2019
Two @Reuters journalists have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 466 days. See full coverage:
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 22. März 2019
A classic example of the EUs illogical and contradictory approach to Burma. The government’s human rights record is so bad the EU considers withdrawing EBA, and at the same time hands over hundreds of millions of euros to the government
— Mark Farmaner (@MarkFarmaner) 21. März 2019
„Major changes in EU Burma policy needed“ – Members of the European Burma Network call for a review into the EU’s approach to Burma. 🇪🇺
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 21. März 2019
„Economic development is essential, but it isn’t talking about human rights problems which undermines economic development, it is failing to tackle human rights problems.“ @MarkFarmaner reports back from the Myanmar investment conference.
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 20. März 2019
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