U.S. Supreme Court revives India power plant lawsuit
#News Lens: U.S. Supreme Court revives India power plant lawsuit https://t.co/O4ogJwZkkp
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 27. Februar 2019
So, a logical outcome in the current context for these highly over-leveraged industrialisation strategies, and it makes sense that some of the first casualties are in places like Qinghai given its heavy reliance on resource sector, hence highly susceptible to cycles, etc. 6/6
— Andrew M. Fischer (@AndrewM_Fischer) 27. Februar 2019
They claim it was a technical difficulty, but could there be underlying financial stress in this strategic minority region?
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 27. Februar 2019
In 2019, 10 years on, they will run AI checks on the last 50 million GPS co-ordinates stored in your personal movement profile, along with your purchase patterns and social media usage, to predict that you are likely to go there and take that photo, and intercept you on the way. https://t.co/iUCtJh637I
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 28. Februar 2019
Yes. I can totally picture my kids spontaneously singing love songs to our key technology company, and that „our homegrown chips are the most valuable ones“. Using small kids in the propaganda drive for technological supremacy is so touching. https://t.co/URano9y1iF
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) 27. Februar 2019
Congratulations @EarthRightsIntl!
For the first time, a group challenging international institutions‘ absolute immunity won a case, paving the way for more accountable institutions https://t.co/Xh5oeg1KBL
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 27. Februar 2019
For those worried about the @UN’s immunities, fear not! US courts seem to treat the Convention on Priv and Immunities of UN as a self-executing treaty and have maintained the UN’s absolute immunity in US courts. But watch out IMF!
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) 27. Februar 2019
In theory, Congress could amend the federal law to give intl orgs like the World Bank absolute immunity again, but don’t hold your breath. Maybe WB considers relocating to Geneva?
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) 27. Februar 2019
Correction: 5 members of #SriLanka parliament from across party lines have published their declarations of assets and liabilities in the public domain. An earlier tweet included 6 MPs and their photographs.https://t.co/Fq2OZrVC6fpic.twitter.com/XlcvXumPA0
— Transparency Int’l (@anticorruption) 28. Februar 2019
@barandbench interviewed me on the rights of #POWs and the #GenevaConventions, relating to the capture of Wing Commander #Abhinandan. Also good to remember – you can’t cherry pick, and the convention protections apply in #Kashmir. #NoWarhttps://t.co/25yShMK0Bk
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 27. Februar 2019
Not sure about the use of force yet could easily be a border skirmish..we don’t have full picture/data only news reports
— Enrico Cossidente (@falleninlaw) 27. Februar 2019
Pakistan already violated Art 13 GC III by tweeting a picture, rank, and name of the captured pilot
— Ralph Janik (@RalphJanik) 27. Februar 2019
BREAKING: Today’s #SCOTUS decision affirms abusive corporations, governments, and banks are not above the law, no matter where they operate. The power of people and the law will prevail wherever @IFC_org and @WorldBank threaten lives and natural resources. https://t.co/E8pgKQbMvRpic.twitter.com/rjZXCDbGRX
— EarthRights Intl. (@EarthRightsIntl) 27. Februar 2019
White House press corps, which has been whingeing about losing their press area at Melia hotel due to North Korean demands, have themselves now had many non-WH credentialed journalists (inc NKNews) pushed out of their seats to make way for their hallowed presence here in Hanoi! pic.twitter.com/ZX5rTl4U2I
— Chad O’Carroll (@chadocl) 27. Februar 2019
Shea Cotton: ENDING THE KOREAN WAR (via peace treaty or unilateral POTUS declaration). https://t.co/87whnWFIqf
— Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 28. Februar 2019
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