Burma Campaign UK’s evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee on sanctions
French firm pulls out of Myanmar dam projecthttps://t.co/ZJzednmB2c
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 1. Februar 2019
#News Lens: World Bank and Tata Group must take urgent action to address long-standing health and safety concerns on their tea plantations in India https://t.co/uCWIuLhKaG
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 29. Januar 2019
Another successful fundraiser on behalf to the Chingari Trust from Assist Bhopal with their Bollywood Dance Workshop fundraiser.
Our thanks go to everybody helping and taking part. https://t.co/Eo62iVIXxh
— BhopalMedicalAppeal (@BhopalMedAppeal) 28. Januar 2019
They should use the higher figues for dead and injured but it is still a step in the right direction https://t.co/UIkasnnAPl
— BhopalMedicalAppeal (@BhopalMedAppeal) 31. Januar 2019
THIS IS BIG! Today the Supreme Court ruled oil companies cannot walk away from project clean-up.
Next we need to implement the @ReclaimAlberta plan to create jobs and make sure polluters are fully on the hook to pay for clean-up.
Read more here: https://t.co/tWVeNUh7lDpic.twitter.com/YiaMgi2t0Z
— Council of Canadians (@CouncilofCDNs) 31. Januar 2019
Rohingya Crisis – UN Special Envoy Should Drop ‘Appalling’ Support For NVC Process. “…There is no need and no time left for the NVC process. It is nothing more than a delaying tactic to avoid giving citizenship to the Rohingya…“ @MarkFarmaner BCUK https://t.co/dBlJK0cs1y
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 31. Januar 2019
We welcome the recommendations made during #UPR32, incl on #civicspace#HRDs#LGBTIQrights🏳️🌈, & encourage the govt of Cambodia to accept the recs received & ensure effective implementation of accepted recs in coming years to ensure full protection of all #humanrights in #Cambodiahttps://t.co/ssIdrkuaAu
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 31. Januar 2019
Campaign success! French multinational energy company Engie is pulling out of upper Yeywa dam project, after being placed on a ‘Dirty List’ by Burma Campaign UK https://t.co/aBU74hoAEd
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 30. Januar 2019
We will also be stepping up pressure on Gruner, the Swiss company which is the parent company of Stucky, to end their involvement in dams in Burma.”
Burma Campaign UK’s evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee on sanctions has been published here –https://t.co/amRDHEWYzI @CommonsForeign
— Burma Campaign UK (@burmacampaignuk) 28. Januar 2019
CCHR co-submitted several reports ahead of the 3rd #UPR of #Cambodia, on topics including #CivicSpace#FundamentalFreedoms#AccesstoJustice#Womensrights & #LGBTIQrights. Find all the submissions by civil society here: https://t.co/LXzKU6JGlL #UPR32#UPR32KH
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 29. Januar 2019
My post @opiniojuris on #statelessness & the legal linkages to #massatrocities – an overlooked connection perhaps? Drawing from the #Myanmar#FFM report, a few preliminary thoughts and areas for future exploration… https://t.co/FpWXFosOyL
— Priya Pillai (@PillaiPriy) 28. Januar 2019
Let’s hope #SheikhHasina will be leading by example by heeding her own advice to the medical profession and will be promptly tendering her own resignation https://t.co/Bzedy9qoln
— Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 27. Januar 2019
The 3rd Universal Periodic Review (#UPR) of #Cambodia will take place tomorrow, on 30 January 2019, at 8:30pm-midnight (Cambodia time), you can watch it live here:https://t.co/d1QnL55IWT#UPR32#UPR32KHpic.twitter.com/tuoYY6yhYn
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 29. Januar 2019
#News Lens: World Bank and Tata Group must take urgent action to address long-standing health and safety concerns on their tea plantations in Indiahttps://t.co/uCWIuLhKaG
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 29. Januar 2019
1/2 Fall des #Dammbruchs in #Brasilien zeigt wieder einmal: #Audits & #Zertifizierungen sind nicht verlässlich und taugen nicht, um Sicherheitsstandards zu garantieren. Es braucht ein #Sorgfaltpflichtengesetz, das rechtliche Haftung regelt https://t.co/j1DaSUyTVE#TüvSüd#NAPWiMR
— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 29. Januar 2019
DC folks, this is unacceptable and you can take action on this TODAY! Half an hour of your time to stand in solidarity with Bangladeshi garment workers:https://t.co/lOQ3ikvBUz@cleanclotheshttps://t.co/iB3gZb2oLA
— Labor Rights Forum (@ILRF) 29. Januar 2019
Friends in DC! Please make your lunch break tomorrow purposeful and join the @ILRF at the embassy of Bangladesh at 12:30PM! Workers in Bangladesh have been facing violence for protesting for living wages. This action is part of a week of solidarity with workers from Bangladesh. https://t.co/RVw370cMEk
— Penelope Kyritsis (@_penelopeCK) 29. Januar 2019
.@seawatchcrew lodged an urgent complaint with #ECHR against Italy while #SeaWatch 3, having 47 rescued people onboard, has been unable to make land for over a week. #SafePassage #united4med #defendsolidarity #PortOfSafety
https://t.co/z0kpLArR6S— ECCHR (@ECCHRBerlin) 29. Januar 2019
“Eight years after the start of the conflict in #Syria, there are still 2.5 million Syrian #refugee children living in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. Demand for services such as health and education far outstrips the existing capacities“, informs @UNICEF. pic.twitter.com/RAkoaQQdGq
— UN Geneva (@UNGeneva) 29. Januar 2019
Civil society can also participate in the #UPR process, as illustrated by our infographic: https://t.co/pzl62RCbwb #UPR32#Cambodia#UPRKHpic.twitter.com/HwIJjTjr2z
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 29. Januar 2019
Find out more about the #UPR process through our infographic: https://t.co/pzl62RCbwb. 3 key documents form the basis of the review under the UPR mechanism, find these documents for #Cambodia here: https://t.co/NTeOLhsQqB#UPR32#UPR32KHpic.twitter.com/jhGKnS1p0b
— CCHR Cambodia (@cchrcambodia) 29. Januar 2019
.@NZUNGVA @NLinGeneva @SLOtoUN @MisionGinebra @SwedenGeneva @swiss_un @UKMissionGeneva @USAmbGVA make recommendations to #Cambodia at #UPR32 on strengthening the rights of #HRDs, political opposition, and #journalists in practicing freedom of expression, association, and assembly
— UPR Info (@UPRinfo) 30. Januar 2019
About 60 countries by this time offered recommendation to Cambodia to improve its human rights status ranging protection of fundamental freedoms, hrd & oppositions, interestingly many offered the respect & actions to LGBTIQ 🏳️🌈 (same sex marriage & anti discrimination law). pic.twitter.com/SQZYYW7DxJ
— Sopheap Chak (@sopheapfocus) 30. Januar 2019
On 30 Jan. #Cambodia’s human rights record will be reviewed in the context of the Universal Periodic Review (#UPR).
Watch the meeting live on https://t.co/okTlObgiMq from 20:30 to 00:00 (Phnom Penh time).
Fact Sheet on the UPR here: https://t.co/0ib7VyHFPGpic.twitter.com/uHVm16vHgt— OHCHR Cambodia (@OHCHR_Cambodia) 25. Januar 2019
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