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Watch @CTVW5 investigation on #Nestle water-takings & sign our petition to #Boycott Nestle https://t.co/zedYKSY8Wf & https://t.co/selWgQ02gu
— Brent Patterson (@CBrentPatterson) 13. November 2016
It looks like the #TPP has been derailed, but #RCEP, #FTAAP & #TiSA are on the horizon! Those acronyms explained at https://t.co/Aanw0Mj60j pic.twitter.com/WVxp72NBHy
— Brent Patterson (@CBrentPatterson) 12. November 2016
Good post by @rights_info on ‚What a Trump Presidency Could Mean For Human Rights‘. https://t.co/71tqR9i5ee — Euro Rights Blog (@eurorights) 10. November 2016
Lego ends promotional deal with the Daily Mail following its divisive approach to migrant issue https://t.co/l6NkAkK5nt — Toby Cadman (@tobycadman) 13. November 2016
Terrifying. …If Le Pen wins in France next year, these would be the five leaders in control of the UN Security Council... https://t.co/3MRduZIuTS — Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) 12. November 2016
Opinio Juris has started to outline what a Trump presidency means for PIL https://t.co/UrLpzCO2BU @opiniojuris — OUP Internat’l Law (@OUPIntLaw) 12. November 2016
New Post: Homage to California? (More on What Calexit Teaches Us About Secessionist Movements) https://t.co/LaOwBhVM3m by @Chris_Borgen — Opinio Juris (@opiniojuris) 12. November 2016
#Yoga can help our spiritual & mental well-being & #GlobalGoals, as our video shows: https://t.co/qmlWUw4YD0 #Yoga4SDGs #SDGs #SDG3 — UN Vienna (@UN_Vienna) 12. November 2016
News Lens: Tanzania: 100 health centres set for upgrade in Sh84 billion plan https://t.co/e6vM1I839N
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 11. November 2016
News Lens: Uganda judgement on the closure of Bridge International Academies must signal a move towards fulfilling… In this context, the organisations signing this statement are very concerned that BIA’s shareholders, among them high profile investors such as Mark Zuckerberg, Omidyar, Novastar, the World Bank Group, the British development agency and the U.S. Government’s development finance institution could be failing on their due diligence obligations and responsibilities, which might have legal implications. Human rights practice, domestic legislation in several countries and various companies’ codes of practice require shareholders to strive to prevent any violation of the law by the company they invest in, and the UK has already been told twice by human rights bodies to refrain from funding commercial schools, which would include BIA. The organisations signing this statement call on BIA investors to ensure that BIA immediately complies with the law wherever it operates and that it remedies parents, children or other stakeholders where it has failed do so, including by reimbursing parents who may have to leave BIA schools due to the company’s failure to meet the law. https://t.co/a9HwdFjO3l
— Bretton Woods Proj. (@brettonwoodspr) 11. November 2016
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