Retweeted الخارجية البريطانية (@FCOArabic): وزير شؤون الشرق الأوسط إلوود: هالني نبأ عملية التفجير في #بيروت أمس…. 


وزير شؤون الشرق الأوسط إلوود: هالني نبأ عملية التفجير في #بيروت أمس. سنقف إلى جانب شعب #لبنان في تصديه ل #الإرهاب.

Horrified to hear of bomb attack in Beirut yesterday. UK will stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of #Lebanon in fight against terror

سلمان العودة  ‏@salman_alodah 


بإذن الله سأكون بعد قليل تمام الساعة التاسعة بتوقيت مكة المكرمة على قناة الحوار في حلقة عن (دور الأمة في نصرة الشعب السوري). #سوريا

سلمان العودة  ‏@salman_alodah 

د. سلمان العودة » المقالات » قصة حلاق …

سلمان العودة  ‏@salman_alodah 




سلمان العودة  ‏@salman_alodah 

 Asylkoordination Österreich


Danke Andrew Colin Standen-Raz! 1.300 Euro kamen bei einer Benefiz-Aktion für die asylkoordination österreich zusammen.

Eine limitierte Auflage von 100 T-Shirts aus Fair Trade Jersey Baumwolle mit einem exklusiven Motiv des ägyptischen Street Artists Ganzeer waren in den letzten Monaten verkauft worden.

Die Aktion für die asylkoordination österreich wurde von Frame[o]ut Digital Festival (MQ), in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur des Films „ART WAR“ Marco Wilms, dem ägypt i schen St reet Ar t i s t Ganzeer und Dejan Dukic, auf Initiative von Andrew Colin Standen-Raz gestartet. 

 Asylkoordination Österreich

Danke an alle Ideengeber, Künstler, ProduzentInnen, KäuferInnen so wie Marlene Agreiter – AFA und Christian Krisper – MQ Point

 Asylkoordination Österreich

Asylkoordination Österreich's photo.
Obdachlosigkeit von Asylsuchenden dringend entgegensteuern
 Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbi


8yrs after the DH judgment #CzechRepublic must come up w/ a comprehensive desegregation plan …

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If concrete steps are not taken to desegregate schools, the ERRC is now ready to go to court. #Albania #education 

 Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbi
From this morning: Chefs from Sofil Catering preparing a delicious lentil kebbe at our stand! We’re here until 8pm…join us for more surprises!‪#‎fairtradelebanon‬ ‪#‎sofilcatering‬ ‪#‎beirutcookingfestival‬ ‪#‎whatscookingbeirut‬ 
 Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbi

 Asylkoordination Österreich

Today is the big day! Make sure to pass by our booth at the Beirut Cooking Festival and enjoy our daily live food sessions and wine tastings!‪#‎beirutcookingfestival‬ ‪#‎fairtradelebanon‬ ‪#‎whatscookingbeirut‬
 Asylkoor Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbidination Österreich

 Global Tax Justice ‏@GA4TJ  


Je tiens à présenter mes condoléances aux familles et aux proches des victimes de l’attentat qui a frappé Beyrouth

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Have you already voted? Unmask the corrupt!  new campaign by @anticorruption


Politicians leaving office 3x richer? #Salvadorans dig up alarming findings:  #RightToKnow

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¿Qué tienen en común la FIFA, Petrobras y Ben Alí? @JoseUgazSM presenta: 

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Bretton Woods Proj. ‏@brettonwoodspr  Nov 11

Read all about yesterday’s event with @JoseUgazSM launching the Unmask the Corrupt contest: 

Bretton Woods Proj. ‏@brettonwoodspr  Nov 11

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Bretton Woods Proj. ‏@brettonwoodspr  Nov 11

As #G20 meets @TransparencyUK study shows 8 of 20 states have BIG defense corruption risks 

Bretton Woods Proj. ‏@brettonwoodspr  Nov 11

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Bretton Woods Proj. ‏@brettonwoodspr  Nov 11

There are only 2,800 reception places for the 16,000 refugees and migrants currently on the island of Lesvos @UNHCRGreece @refugees


Thanks for your patience. We have published the full text of the Interpretative Notice on our website: …


„If this information is confirmed“, then Tajani & Bienkowsvaka „knowingly lied to the European Parliament“ #VWgate

This is very serious: German newspaper claims European Commission new of the Volkswagen cheating devices in 2011: …

BREAKING: #EFSA whitewash on #cancer risk from most used weedkiller  #glyphosate #Roundup

#EFSA report on #glyphosate & #cancer dismisses peer-reviewed evidence of harm, relies on unpublished industry data 


Sign the petition for a parliamentary inquiry into #VWgate, incl problem of car industry #lobbying power:  @wemoveEU

 Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbi Nov 11

 Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbi Nov 11
Check out our most recent newsletter!Parshat Toldot 5776 – Rabbi Berel Wein 

 Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbi
Disappoints are almost always based on the failure of people, technological gadgets or public policies to live up to expectations. Therefore, the higher the expectations are, the greater the disappointments. Because we invest so much confidence and hope in our political leaders, we are invariably doomed to disappointment and frustration when they turn out to be merely fallible human beings. We are always looking for that great leader, with the ability to justify our outsized expectations and hopes. The greater the electoral victory, the harder it will be for that victor to somehow justify one’s electoral success. So the best solution to ameliorate our frustrations and disappointments… 
 Rabbi Berel Wein ‏@historyrabbi Nov 11
This week’s Torah reading continually raises for us the unbelievable fact that two such divergent personalities and worldviews could have been raised in the house of Yitzhak and Rivkah. We can understand how a person such as Yaakov could have come from their home. After all, he is studious, serious and obedient to the wishes of his parents, especially to those of his mother. He is not an outdoorsman and prefers the study hall to that of the sports field and the hunt. Later on in life he will acquire the traits of a warrior, an entrepreneur, and a strong leader who will endure much but remain steadfast in his beliefs and way of life. However, it is very difficult for us to fathom…
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Il governo italiano finanzia il terrorismo islamico