#Corruption + #arms = recipe for disaster: NEW @TIdefenceteam report on risks in #MENA



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Recent #Bulgaria #election had highest voter turnout in years, but also had 197 voting violations reported.

See map: http://diagrams.samizbiram.bg/?lang=en 

Just launched http://lobbyingtransparency.net  Great collab @anticorruption @Access_Info @SunFoundation @OKFN. Time to make bad lobbying history!

FIFA Chief Blames Platini, England, U.S. For Corruption Probe http://www.rferl.mobi/a/27332107.html 

Tell the @FIVBVolleyball if women can’t go, #Iran shouldn’t host. #Watch4Women #FIVBMensCWC http://bit.ly/1LYIAJv 


The @FIVBVolleyball has the power to open the gates for women in #Iran.Use it! #Watch4Women

Gerüchte über #Flüchtlinge haben Hochkonjunktur – häufig sind sie jedoch frei erfunden. 2145 #PanoramaARD @DasErste

http://daserste.ndr.de/panorama/archiv/2015/Diebe-Raeuber-Vergewaltiger-Geruechte-ueber-Fluechtlinge,geruechte100.html …

How The MIT Of #Iran Helps Create Silicon Valley Startups via @forbes http://onforb.es/1P7nq0e 

Falls jemand eine wirklich gute Geschichte über einen Politiker lesen will: Dringende Empfehlung!


Blind und ohne Hilfe von vertrauten Personen ist der Syrer Khaled Alkhaled nach Deutschland gekommen. http://fb.me/6QPddW05v 

For more than 20 years, Apple has provided innovative solutions for people with disabilities. Built into iOS,... http://fb.me/6V0HxNGLm 

Will all EU member states‘ leaders (and Obama) welcome #RaifBadawi’s #SakharovPrize ? Let us count those who do so @phensmans @LotteLeicht1