As @ahmedshaheed’s latest report amply showed, world can’t let #Iran off the hook for human rts | Foreign Policy …

83% of company respondents say business is key player in respecting #humanrights. @TheEIU report backed by @URGthinktank, @GBIHR and others

URG in London today for launch of our new @TheEIU report „The road from principles to practice“ … #HumanRightsBiz

New report ‘The road from principles to practice:Today’s challenges for #business in respecting #humanrights … @TheEIU

What do we mean when we talk about a #humanrights based approach to drug control? … #ungass2016 @HRDP2

Must-read from @StatewatchEU: Remote access to computers: Time to go back to typewriter, carbon paper and Tippex? …

Earth has exceeded four of the nine limits for hospitable life, scientist claims 

 Ahmed Shaheed @shaheedsr   

During my presentation at #HRC28 I stated that #Iran’s high priority should be considering a moratorium on capital punishment.

#Iran should reconsider the use of the death penalty for acts not considered to be either criminal offenses or “most serious” crimes #HRC28

I applaud the efforts of indivudals inside and outside the goverment working to bring change in the situation of human rights in Iran #HRC28

ارایه گزارشم به شورای حقوق بشر پیرامون وضعیت حقوق بشر در جمهوری اسلامی ایران را از این لینک تماشا کنید:  #HRC28

این طولانی ترین گفتگوی تعاملی بود که درباره ایران داشتم- نشان از اینکه جامعه بین المللی هنوزبه شدت نگران وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران است #HRC28

Watch the presentation of my report on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran to #HRC28: 

2day I recommended in d interactive debate dat Iran use Prof Paul Hunt’s tripartite framework 2 Operationalise UPR commitments @EssexHRC

Former President Nasheed’s case was investigated NOT under terrorism law! …

On 27 March member states will vote for renewal of @ahmedshaheed’s mandate for a 5th consecutive year #Iran #HRC28 

This is d longest interactive debate I have held on Iran at HRC– evidence dat d world remains seriously concerned on HR situation in Iran.

Germany responding2 @ahmedshaheed’s latest report on #iran.Germany particularly concerned abt the no.of imprisoned journalists (30). #HRC28

#Russia, #Eritrea, #Belarus, #Venezuela, #Kazakhstan criticising report of #Iran SR @AhmedShaheed, shows he is doing something right #HRC28

#Iran’s delegate to the #HRC: do not look at the empty half of the glass!! @ahmedshaheed

.@ahmedshaheed’s report on HR in #Iran at the UNHRC starts in 5 minutes. Follow the conference live here: 

The @UN special rapporteur for HR in #Iran @ahmedshaheed is presenting his 4th report to the UNHRC – Watch it live: 

Waiting to start my press conference at Press Room 3 at UNOG. Starts at 11 am Geneva time.

The authorities hated him– they were afraid of his power; they were afraid of his love — Bob Dylan 1971 #FreeMohamedNasheed

Madam- Laila, you are such a strong women. May Allah reward you and kids 10 folds #BlessAll

Addressing d question of how d operational approach 2 human rights can create political will: #flickr

I shall be presenting my report on Iran at d HRC session starting at 12 noon today. First up Eritrea, followed by Iran.