A Conversation with Rabbi Wein and Rabbi Allen Schwartz

A Conversation with Rabbi Wein and Rabbi Allen Schwartz Nov 11th at Cong Ohab Zedek NYC #constantcontact http://conta.cc/1tFaGTj

„WEIN“ tastings at http://www.RabbiWein.com  #constantcontact http://conta.cc/1ti4tcn

A Portrait of Shtetl Life http://goo.gl/fb/18ghN

Rabbi Berel Wein @historyrabbi 

http://www.sztetl.org.pl/en/ #News

Please note that in mid-2014 the Virtual Shtetl portal will be thoroughly restructured and modernised. The ongoing maintenance works may prevent some texts or photographs from publishing online. It may also cause them to be displayed only in part as a working version. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Rabbi Berel Wein @historyrabbi 

Anti-Semitism in contemporary Hungary
– by the anti-Semitism monitoring team at the Federation for the Jewish Communities of Hungary (Magyarországi Zsidó Hitközségek Szövetsége)
Enar Webzine – Anti-Semitism in contemporary Hungary www.enargywebzine.eu
As Hungary is frequently in the spotlight of international governmental and non-governmental organisations, it is time to put perceptions aside and to give a clear…
„Als junger Jude sehe ich mich mit einer seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg beispiellosen Eskalation des Antisemitismus konfrontiert.“ – Milán Rózsa
Anlässlich des plötzlichen und tragischen Todes des politischen Aktivisten Milán Rózsa bringen wir einen Artikel des Wina – Das jüdische Stadtmagazin

https://www.facebook.com/mazsihisz (Magyarországi Zsidó Hitközségek Szövetsége)


https://www.facebook.com/JuedischesMuseumWien #Museum

https://www.facebook.com/ojmEisenstadt #Museum



Rabbi Berel Wein @historyrabbi 



#previous #articles #RabbiBerelWein