OHCHR calls for authorities to allow deployment of #UN human rights officers
Alarmed at ongoing #Egypt violence, OHCHR calls for authorities to allow deployment of #UN human rights officers http://bit.ly/14yMUts #R2P
#Egypt: UN human rights office alarmed at the continuing violence and echoes the Secretary General’s strong condemnation of the ambush in the Sinai peninsula and also his call for investigation into deaths of 36 prisoners.
We again urge the Egyptian authorities to allow us to deploy #HumanRights officers.
More: http://sm.ohchr.org/17GSkVm
#previous #articles #videos #Navanethem Pillay
Egypt court bans Muslim Brotherhood http://bit.ly/1fu1pqr
Our 2nd blog post in the series #Itbelongstoyou: @sabaeayman with a new diagnosis for the #Egyptian health system http://bit.ly/1eQbZdg
#Egypt: arrest of Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad raises concerns about #freedomofexpression : http://shar.es/iS8sa
Egypt rights council condemns violence against Christians http://bit.ly/188NHnt
Egypt extends state of emergency for two months http://bit.ly/18cqRJz
#EU High Rep’s #Egypt speech to the European Parliament: Sounds like a „prayer“ at times… „we believe…“: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/EN/foraff/138727.pdf … #EP
Ashton’s #EU #Egypt prayer:We believe in a constitution supporting democracy.We believe in RuleofLaw&Justice.We believe in respect f rights.
Morsi charged with insulting judiciary, jailed additional 4 days http://bit.ly/1aVxW8r
Al Jazeera takes legal action against Egypt military government http://bit.ly/1aFyn7y
Egypt detains journalist for publishing false information – http://cpj.org/x/56de
Verhaftungswelle #Ägypten geht über Muslimbrüder hinaus. Einer der wenigen Kollegen in Nordsinai wurde festgenommen http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_268777/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Su9iAkM9 …
There is real urgency on #Egypt. Longer US, EU, others wait to use their leverage, the more entrenched new autocratic order will be.
Endowments Minister vows to ban begging near mosques http://ow.ly/2zH3Hv
Journalist, lawyer arrested in Egypt, raising concerns over extent of military-backed government’s crackdown: http://apne.ws/165xpNo -JM
Acc. to AVAED documented cases of disappearance of girls since Jan 2011 exceed 500. All under 18 years old http://www.minorityvoices.org/news.php/en/1483/egypt-international-day-of-the-victims-of-enforced-disappearances … #Egypt
.@USIP Prevention Newsletter covers #Kenya, #Egypt, #EU efforts and more – http://ow.ly/oyR32
20 questions Morsy refused to answer during interrogation http://ow.ly/2zCfK8
Military court continues crackdown on opposition with life sentences http://ow.ly/2zCfK9
Morsi supporters sentenced to prison for assaulting army troops http://bit.ly/19fcIhN
Egypt court orders closure of four media outlets http://bit.ly/18A79Iu
The coup is two months old and only 5 countries have recognised the coup – Israel, Saudi Arabia, United Arab… http://fb.me/1w6jTs9Js
Egypt prosecutors charge Morsi with ‚incitement to murder‘ http://bit.ly/19cyanD
#Egypt authorities deport three Al Jazeera reporters http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/80514.aspx via @ahramonline
Deposed Egyptian President Morsi to stand trial on charges of inciting murder of protesters – @Reuters, @AFP
RT: @Nervana_1 Who’s Who: #Nominees for Egypt’s 50-member #constitution committee http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/80519.aspx via @ahramonline #Egypt
Egypt bans Al-Jazeera, detains journalists, raids outlets – http://cpj.org/x/56cc
Brotherhood’s Beltagy flashing Rabaa sign after being arrested http://bit.ly/16YloFz pic.twitter.com/JT8iU6Napp
Muslim Brotherhood’s Beltagy arrested http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/muslim-brotherhood-s-beltagy-arrested …
Egypt authorities detain more than 60 people associated with Muslim Brotherhood http://bit.ly/1ckmXDh
Analysis: With Brotherhood out, old order shapes Egypt’s future http://fb.me/TXISOSbY
UNESCO director condemns killing of Egypt journalists http://bit.ly/1fepNcH
Mubarak appears in court for retrial http://bit.ly/1aFTLsn
Egypt police arrest 5 employees of a religious website for the crime of describing the military takeover as a coup http://nyti.ms/17buXFd
Mubarak placed under house arrest http://bit.ly/153WALJ
How can #Egypt have an“inclusive democratic transition“when Muslim Bros is criminalized, shut down &members detained ?http://trib.al/ONWqzNe
Army blocking entrance to #Tahrir #Cairo ahead of Friday prayers #egypt pic.twitter.com/oaiIFpLK3J
Why take action against the arms fair? https://www.facebook.com/events/1406612642887333/ … #occupydsei # bahrain #egypt pic.twitter.com/0fRP6qr2EA
Christians, other minorities in #Syria fear ‚ethnic cleansing‘ http://1.usa.gov/1f5caMB via @starsandstripes #R2P
Journalists under threat in #Egypt as authorities crack down on pro #Morsi supporters – at least 5 killed this week! http://bit.ly/1auzJku
Read our latest ListServ! Includes sections on #Syria chem weapons attack, crisis in #Egypt, & #UNSC POC debate http://bit.ly/1asNGiZ
Minya residents to @HRW: following Morsy’s removal, someone spray-painted a black X on Coptic stores http://ow.ly/o9Bme #Egypt
Head of the Minya security directorate to @HRW: “groups simultaneously attacked police stations and some churches“ http://www.hrw.org/node/118194
@ebuderdaeyboglu @hrw We don’t „make“ the news – we report and analyse them, based on witness testimonies and other evidence
2 boat restaurant employees, a Copt and a Muslim, died when mob set it on fire. @hrw re attacks on Christians http://ow.ly/o9B20 #Egypt
Priest in Minya, #Egypt to @HRW: called police multiple times while mobs burned his church, but no one came. http://ow.ly/o9AnK
.@hrw spoke with 43 witnesses: attacks on 42 churches, also Christian institutions, schools, business, homes. #Egypt http://bit.ly/13SSrea
@atteeef @ddknyt this is just pathetic. Have you seen the previous statement by chance?! Learn to read, then comment http://bit.ly/13SSrea
MB must tell followers to stop inciting violence by insinuating that Copts r responsible for crackdown #Egypt @hrw http://www.hrw.org/node/118194
Dozens of churches are smoldering ruins; Christians are hiding, fearing for their lives. @HRW http://www.hrw.org/node/118194 pic.twitter.com/IiHfBkP9fO
#Egypt: Mass Attacks on Churches; Christians Say Pleas for Protection Fell Largely on Deaf Ears @hrw http://www.hrw.org/node/118194
In #Egypt attackers torched & looted scores of churches & Christian property,leaving at least 4people dead.@HRW video http://youtu.be/UYVr4FzEb_A
#Egypt: @HRW documents attacks on Christian churches,schools,business &homes. Pleas f protection were largely ignored http://bit.ly/13SSrea
#Egypt: Powerful and grim pics by @taratw showing attacks on churches: http://tinyurl.com/lssw87c #Egypt http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2013/08/20/world/middleeast/20130821-CHRISTIANS-9.html … …
#EU Foreign Mins „suspend export licenses to #Egypt of any equipment which might be used for internal repression“ http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/EN/foraff/138599.pdfpression …
Here’s the #EU’s background note on #Egypt relations ahead of today’s emergency meeting of EU Foreign Ministers http://bit.ly/1d0B98g
Jurist @CherifBassiouni recs national, independent & impartial inquiry into #Egypt violence/crackdown or #UN Inquiry. http://www.mcherifbassiouni.com/media/Egypt_Update_No._22.pdf …
Court: no legal ground to hold Mubarak but the general prosecutor has 48 hours to challenge that order. He is not leaving custody today.
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