Soil Association annual conference 2012

Facing the future: Innovation in food and farming

Royal Horticultural Halls, London
02 March 2012

The Soil Association’s Conference 2012 will celebrate innovation in food and farming today. We will explore this through the two major themes of our strategy: Facing the Future, which explores the exciting scientific and technical progress being made in organic and low-input farming systems; and Good Food for All, which contributes to the important debate about food, public health and social justice.

The future of our food is in flux. According to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture (UNFAO) special Rapporteur, Olivier de Schutter, ‘keeping blindly on the track of industrial agriculture is clearly unsustainable.’ If this is the case, then we need to galvanize the finest thinkers, technologists, scientists, farmers, entrepreneurs and teachers to develop new and sustainable ways of feeding a growing world population now and in the future.

In addition, the growing challenge of diet-related ill-health, in the UK and internationally, means that we need to explore the relationship between food production and its consumption. With a world that has approximately 1 billion people malnourished and 1 billion obese, there is a powerful case for bringing public health and nutritional expertise to the farming and food production table, to innovate joined-up solutions for our food future.


Navdanya means nine seeds (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.

Navdanya is a network of seed keepers and organic producers spread across 16 states in India.

Navdanya has helped set up 65 community seed banks across the country, trained over 5,00,000 farmers in seed sovereignty, food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture over the past two decades, and helped setup the largest direct marketing, fair trade organic network in the country.

Navdanya has also set up a learning center, Bija Vidyapeeth (School of the Seed) on its biodiversity conservation and organic farm in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand, North India.

2011 marked Earth University/Bija Vidyapeeth’s 10 year anniversary. Located on Navdanya’s Biodiversity and Conservation Farm, Navdanya offers celebrated courses for students to partake in from all over the world.


Our Vision

Vision Statement

“Navdanya’s vision is to accomplish such a development that all beings have a healthy environment to live, should have enough healthy food to eat and also have equal right to live, grow and evolve to their full potential through their self organisation”.


Article 25 of United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights –

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of themselves and their family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond their control.


Was wären die Schwaben ohne ihre Linsen?

>>> Traditional Food, Medicine & Biodiversity

>>> The Coming Famine: The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid It

Previous #articles #videos on #foodsecurity #agriculture #biodiversity


The coming famine: risks and solutions for global food security


Speaking at a public seminar held by the CSIRO Alumni, guest presenter, Professor Julian Cribb talks about his latest book, The Coming Famine, which predicts a global food shortage that threatens to hit by mid-century.

Recorded on 16 August 2011 at CSIRO Discovery, ACT.

Julian Cribb
Saturday, 17 April 2010

Growing scarcities of water, land, oil and
nutrients will combine with climate change
to create a serious threat to global food
security in coming decades. These could
result in major regional famines, wares
and refugee crises, Julian Cribb warns.
Image: richardmasoner, Flickr

Please click on the
images to enlarge.


In The Coming Famine, Julian Cribb lays out a vivid picture of impending planetary crisis–a global food shortage that threatens to hit by mid-century–that would dwarf any in our previous experience. Cribb’s comprehensive assessment describes a dangerous confluence of shortages–of water, land, energy, technology, and knowledge–combined with the increased demand created by population and economic growth. Writing in brisk, accessible prose, Cribb explains how the food system interacts with the environment and with armed conflict, poverty, and other societal factors. He shows how high food prices and regional shortages are already sending shockwaves into the international community. But, far from outlining a doomsday scenario, The Coming Famine offers a strong and positive call to action, exploring the greatest issue of our age and providing practical suggestions for addressing each of the major challenges it raises.

ComingFamine @ComingFamine

Headline issues on global food security and sustainability. If you eat or know someone who does, this concerns you…

Canberra, Australia ·

Food news now

Headline issues on the global food crisis and how to avoid it. If you eat or know someone who does, this concerns you…!/ComingFamine

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