Fórum Social Sul da Ásia, 18 e 22 de novembro, Bangladesh
Shared coverage of the World Social Forum, Senegal, 2011
Fórum Social Sul da Ásia, 18 e 22 de novembro, Bangladesh
The World Social Forum: Another World Is Possible!
19 November – Photos of The Inauguration Of The South Asia Social Forum 2011
In line with the spirit of World Social Forum process from Brazil since 2001, there were several events in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan organized by the activists opposing imperialist globalization. For instance, in India the Asian Social Forum in Hyderabad in January 2003, World Social Forum in Mumbai in January 2004 and Indian Social Forum in Delhi in November 2006, where activists from other countries have participated in numbers. The idea of holding first South Asia Social Forum in Nepal was discussed during Bali Climate Summit in 2007. Eventually, the WSF IC expansion meeting in Casablanca held in March, 2010 endorsed the proposal to organize South Asia Social Forum in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The January 2011, SASF preparatory meeting in Dhaka finally decided to organize the forum during November 18-22, 2011.
In line with the WSF, South Asian Social Forum is also characterized by plurality and diversity, is non-confessional, non-governmental and non-party. It proposes to facilitate decentralized coordination and networking among organizations engaged in concrete action towards building another South Asia, but it does not intend to be a body representing South Asian civil society.
The ultimate goal of the forum is to create a New South Asia free from poverty and hunger caused by exploitation, deprivation, discrimination and oppression, and establish a common humanity based on equality, freedom and justice. The present context of South Asia is characterized by the crises manifested in the form of militarism, communal and ethnic conflicts, exclusion and ecological disasters caused by corporate domination and neo-liberal atrocities. Thus the role of the SASF is perceived as to counter the unjust and hegemonic neo-liberal development policies by mobilizing the South Asian social movements into a common platform against hegemonic globalization, political and social conflicts and to create an open space to exchange ideas of each other and build strategies for action.
Here is our contact info:
South Asia Social Forum Bangladesh Secretariat
3/5 (Ground Floor), Block-G, Lalmatia Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh
E-mail: info@wsfsouthasiabd.org
Telephone: +880-2-9145673
Fax: +880-2-9145673
Mobile Phone Number: +880-1711806054
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