Dr. Moses Momoh





Traditional African medicine is a holistic discipline involving indigenous herbalism and African spirituality, typically involving diviners, midwives, and herbalists. Practitioners of traditional African medicine claim to be able to cure various and diverse conditions such as cancers, psychiatric disorders, high blood pressure, cholera, most venereal diseases, epilepsy, asthma, eczema, fever, anxiety, depression, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract infections, gout, and healing of wounds and burns.

Diagnosis is reached through spiritual means and a treatment is prescribed, usually consisting of an herbal remedy that has not only healing abilities, but symbolic and spiritual significance. Traditional African medicine, with its belief that illness is not derived from chance occurrences, but through spiritual or social imbalance, differs greatly from Western medicine, which is technically and analytically based. In the 21st century, modern pharmaceuticals and medical procedures remain inaccessible to large numbers of African people due to their relatively high cost and concentration of health centres in urban centres. In recent years, African medical practitioners have acknowledged that they have much to learn from traditional medical practice. Read More: > HERE <

PAX HERBAL CLINIC & RESEARCH LABORATORIES was established in 1996 as a Catholic centre for the promotion, development and proper utilization of African medicine. Some of its objectives are:

  • To serve as a centre for genuine African holistic healing that blends the physical and the spiritual aspects of the human person together.
  • To serve as a research centre for scientific identification, conservation, utilization and development of African medicinal plants.
  • To become a model comprehensive health care centre where the western/’orthodox’ and traditional systems of healing are creatively blended together.
  • To be a truly indigenous centre of healing that is based on genuine African-Christian Spirituality. To this effect, PAX HERBAL CENTRE has made unprecedented efforts in correcting the negative attitudes of African Christians towards African medicine, and promoted a sense of pride in African medicine.
  • Dissemination of knowledge of the health benefits of African medicinal plants through publications, seminars and workshops.
  • To build a standard laboratory for intensive research into herbal medicine for rapid development of African medicine.

The Business Of Paxherbals – PAX HERBAL CENTRE is into the business of life. We are into the business of promoting human dignity and human health. Salvation is holistic. It concerns all aspect of the human person: body, mind and soul. PAX HERBAL CENTRE is into the business of redeeming the whole person. Note the name is PAX HERBAL CENTRE, not just a clinic. It is a center of healing, of love, of service.

At PAX HERBAL CENTRE, our mission is to promote human health and human dignity, not just the eradication of pain which infact is an essential aspect of being human That is what we are up to. That is our business.

Ewumonks and Herbs – The monks of Ewu have over the years have been involved in intensive research on how to use what providence has given to further the course of man as best as they could knowing fully well that the way to self discovering and good living is through nature and encountering God in nature. Good or God living happen to be a concept that has suffered destructive interpretation that many now equate the attainment of good living as acquisition, possessions, material wealth, gluttony and so on.

Many see also, that it is okay to indulge in unwholesome habits and when this lead them to disastrous health consequence, the hospitals will be good to put things right again. Many times that turns out to be just a dream that never comes true.

With this in mind, Paxherbals, through the work of Ewumonks is not just about making available natural and wholesome ways to restore health to the sick; it is also about the business of helping those who are not sick to stay healthy. Paxherbals is about everything that keeps the spirit, body, mind and soul in harmony.

So, before drugs, there is good food, and together with balance diet, there should be healthy lifestyle. This is paramount and all these for the major part can be seen in Paxherbals’ effort to make the knowledge available through its publications.

It is for these and other reason that many are turning to Paxherbals for their need to be health both in mind and body.

The aim of Pax Herbal Magazine is to re-assimilate, re-understand and re-express ancient African philosophy [indigenous knowledge] in light of modern, scientific knowledge [exogenous knowledge]. African Medicine, that is, the science of life, is at the centre of African philosophy. Life, for the African, is indeed the ultimate value. By exploring the multi-faceted dynamism of healing in Africa, Pax Herbal Magazine is championing a medical revolution that is all-embracing, holistic, African and global.

The Science – After years of repudiating ancient wisdom, science is now validating the wisdom of the ancients. Discoveries in quantum physics, radiology and electromagnetic force have changed the way scientists look at the world. The human body is made up of electronic vibrations. Each atom, element, organ or organism has its own energy field or electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of life. Our bodily tissues are fed by oxygen, glucose and chemical nutrients as well as by higher vibrational energies which endow the physical form with the properties of life and creative expression. The idea of the body as dense matter has given way to a new vision of the human person as dynamic, energetic and spiritual. Modern medicine has now recognized this fact, and so have developed energy methods of treatment. Therapeutic radiation to treat cancer, electricity to halt pain, and electromagnetic fields to stimulate healing of fractures are new developments in medicine based on the fact that we are energy beings. The human person is unique and special. We are not aimless wanderers in this world but people with a purpose. Healing happens when we know what our purpose in life is. Healing is not just about pain relief or avoidance of suffering. Healing is a transformation of worldviews.

The Monastery of St. Benedict at Ewu is a foundation of an Irish Monastery named Glenstal Abbey. The Irish Monks came to a place called Eke in Enugu state and started a monastery there. That was in 1975. However, for a number of reasons which included infertile farmland, the monks finally moved to Ewu-Esan in the old Bendel state. That was on July 11, 1979 .

The community at that time was composed of five Irish monks and one Nigerian Monk who later became the first Nigerian Benedictine Monk and Priest. Today, in the year 2004, this small community of monks has grown to thirty-two monks, representing fourteen Nigerian tribes and one from Togo , a situation unique in any African Monastery. The monks of Ewu are trained in different fields of discipline such as engineering, farming, philosophy, theology, agriculture animal husbandry and many others.

Apart from the herbal clinic, the monastery of Ewu has a flourishing bakery that specializes in baking wheat bread, prepared under strict hygienic conditions and free of any chemical or addictives. They also run a candle factory, a crafts and gifts shop, poultry, a fish pond, a vegetable garden and a large farm.

Who are Monks? Monks are a group of people, either men or women, who have individually decided to live a life of contemplation, solitude and community in imitation of a particular saint. Just as we have Christian monks, so also there are Buddhist, Hindu and Chinese Monks. Christian monks are those men and women who dedicated their life to a life of continuous contemplation and imitation of Christ, who offered his life for the sake of humanity. Christian monks live together in community, carrying out their Christian obligations in peace and harmony.