Nationalbibliothek Wien / James Joyce

The Austrian National Library (German: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, abbreviated „ÖNB“ and formerly Hofbibliothek ), is , with 7.4 million items in its collections, the largest library in Austria. The collections consist of: papyri (one or the greatest papyri collections, manuscripts, ancient and rare books, maps, globes, music, portraits, graphics, photographs, autographs and posters as well as works in and on Esperanto and other artificial languages are stored in the various collections and are available for scientific research. Read More: > HERE <

Pedanius Dioscorides (Greek: Πεδάνιος Διοσκορίδης; ca. 40-90 AD), a native of Anazarbus, Cilicia, Asia Minor, was, according to a recent manual of toxicology, „… an ancient Greek physician, pharmacologist and botanist who practised in ancient Rome at the time of Nero. He was a surgeon with the army of the emperor, so he had the opportunity to travel extensively seeking medicinal substances from all over the Roman and Greek world.“ Read More: > HERE <

The Vienna Dioscurides or Vienna Dioscorides is an early 6th-century illuminated manuscript of De MATERIA MEDICA by Dioscorides in Greek. It is an important and rare example of a late antique scientific text. The 491 vellum folios measure 37 by 30 cm and contain more than 400 pictures of animals and plants, most done in a naturalistic style.Read More: > HERE <

Das Thema der Begegnung verschiedener Kulturen hat seit den ersten Kontakten bis heute nichts an Aktualität verloren. Die immer wieder aufbrechenden Konflikte zwischen den unterschiedlichen Ethnien, Religionen und Weltanschauungen lassen leicht vergessen, welch große Bedeutung der interkulturelle Dialog für die Entwicklung der Zivilisationen hatte. Er wird getragen von Kräften, die das Streben nach sachlicher Erkenntnis und den Respekt vor den Errungenschaften der jeweils Anderen verbinden. Religiös motivierte Fragestellungen gaben vielfach den Anstoß für die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung.

Die Ausstellung im Prunksaal behandelt Bereiche, die besonders von diesem Austausch profitiert haben und stellt die seit der Antike viel diskutierten Themen Medizin, Astronomie und Astrologie in den Vordergrund. Mittelalterliche Handschriften und Drucke führen durch die beeindruckende Welt der Wissensgeschichte.

Juden, Christen und Muslime. Interkultureller Dialog in alten Schriften

7. Mai – 7. November 2010

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Wien, Austria

Die großen Schriftkulturen – Zur Einführung in den komplexen Themenbereich werden die großen Schriftkulturen, die griechische, arabische, hebräische und lateinische vorgestellt.

Orte der Begegnung – Zentren des Dialoges – Die für alle Seiten fruchtbaren Begegnungen fanden primär an den Schnitt- und Berührungspunkten innerhalb des mediterranen Raumes statt, etwa in Spanien und Süditalien. Dabei fungierten weltliche Einrichtungen wie die Kalifen- und Fürstenhöfe, Schulen und Universitäten ebenso als Schmelztiegel der Kulturen wie die kirchlichen Institutionen.

Zimelien der Medizin, Astronomie und Astrologie – Die Ausstellung bietet aber auch die Möglichkeit lange nicht der Öffentlichkeit präsentierte Kostbarkeiten zu bestaunen. Darunter befinden sich einzigartige Werke des > UNESCO-Weltdokumentenerbes < , wie einige Glanzlichter aus der Renaissance-Bibliothek des Matthias Corvinus (König von 1458–1490) und für kurze Zeit auch der Wiener Dioskurides, als eine der ältesten und kostbarsten Handschriften der Sammlungen dieses Hauses.

national bibliothek II

> James Joyce and Ulysses at the National Library of Ireland <

James Joyce verbrachte als junger Mann viel Zeit in der Nationalbibliothek. Sie widmet dem Werk „Ulysses“ eine eigene Ausstellung. > Dublin feiert James Joyce <

James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish writer and poet, widely considered to be one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Along with Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf, and others, Joyce was a key figure in the development of the modernist novel. He is best known for his landmark novel Ulysses (1922). Other major works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939). Although most of Joyce’s adult life was spent in continental Europe, his fictional universe is firmly rooted in Dublin and populated largely by characters who closely resemble family members, enemies and friends from his time there; Ulysses in particular is set with precision in the real streets and alleyways of the city. Shortly after the publication of Ulysses he elucidated this preoccupation somewhat, saying, „For myself, I always write about Dublin, because if I can get to the heart of Dublin I can get to the heart of all the cities of the world. In the particular is contained the universal.“ Read More: > HERE <

Ulysses is a novel by the Irish author James Joyce, first serialized in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920, then published in its entirety by Sylvia Beach on 2 February 1922, in Paris. One of the most important works of Modernist literature, it has been called „a demonstration and summation of the entire movement“. Read More: > HERE <

Prag, Tschechien, Nationalbibliothek im Klementinum

The Clementinum is mentioned in „The Secret Miracle“ by Jorge Luis Borges. The main character has a dream of the library of Clementinum where the librarians look for God in the books of the library. One of the librarians says: God is in one of the letters of one of the pages of one of the four hundred thousand books of Clementinum. My fathers and the fathers of my fathers have looked for this letter; I myself have gone blind looking for it. A reader enters and delivers an atlas for the main character, saying that this atlas is useless. The main character opens the book at random, and find a map of India, touching one of its minimum letters and, then, find God.

The Clementinum (Klementinum in Czech) is a historic complex of buildings in Prague. It is currently in use as the National Library of the Czech Republic. The history of the Klementinum dates from the existence of a chapel dedicated to Saint Clement in the 11th century. A Dominican monastery was founded in the medieval period, which was transformed in 1556 to a Jesuit college. In 1622 the Jesuits transferred the library of Charles University to the Klementinum, and the college was merged with the University in 1654. Read More: > HERE <

  • Manuscripts: The Book of Curiosities or A Medieval Islamic View of the Cosmos: This Islamic scientific manuscript contains an important and hitherto unknown series of colourful maps, giving unique insight into Islamic concepts of the world. The manuscript contains a highly illustrated treatise on astronomy and geography compiled by an unknown author in the first half of the 11th century using predominately 10th-century sources.
  • The Voynich manuscript is a mysterious, undeciphered illustrated book. Over its recorded existence, the Voynich manuscript has been the object of intense study by many professional and amateur cryptographers. Currently the Voynich manuscript is stored in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University (Ring a Bell?) as item „MS 408“.Here is the link to the Library.
  • (Hospital & University)