RAM NAWAMI IN ‘INDIA’, Prof. Chitralekha Singh
Rama (IAST: rÄma, DevanÄgarÄ: राम; Lao: ພຣະຣາມ; Malay: Megat Seri Rama; Tagalog: Rajah Bantugan; Thai: พระราม) or Ramachandra रामचंद्र is the seventh avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism,and a legendary king of Ayodhya in ancient Indian mythology.
Rama is one of the many popular figures and deities in Hinduism, specifically Vaishnavism and Vaishnava religious scriptures in South and Southeast Asia.Most of the details of Rama’s life come from the Ramayana, one of the two great epics of India. Born as the eldest son of Kausalya and Dasharatha, king of Ayodhya, Rama is referred to within Hinduism as Maryada Purushottama, literally the Perfect Man or Lord of Self-Control or Lord of Virtue. Rama is the husband of Sita, whom Hindus consider to be an avatar of Lakshmi and the embodiment of perfect womanhood. Read More: > HERE <
Rama Navami (DevanÄgarÄ: राम नवमी) also known as Sri Rama Navami is a Hindu festival, celebrating the birth of Lord Rama to King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya of Ayodhya. Rama is the 7th incarnation of the Dashavatara of Vishnu. The festival falls in the Shukla Paksha on the Navami, ninth day of the Chaitra month of Hindu calendar. Thus it is also known as Chaitra Masa Suklapaksha Navami, and marks the end of nine-day Chaitra-Navratri celebrations.
In the epic Ramayana, Dasharatha, the Emperor from Ayodhya, had three wives named Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi in the Treta Yuga, which follows the Satya Yuga and is succeeded by Dwapara Yuga. Their greatest worry was that they had no children, and so they had no heir to the throne in the Ikshvaku Kula or royal lineage of great, pious, wonderful Emperors. Rishi Vasistha suggests him to perform Puthra Kamesti Yagna, through which he can have a desired child.
Among the incarnations of the Supreme Being, that of Rama & Krishna are considered very significant for humanity as it was possible for human beings to relate to him in person. In the Ramavatar (Incarnation of Ram) hsis auspicious qualities were manifest and he set an example to mankind by his adherence to Dharma (Religion). Rama’s matchless prowess as a warrior and his valorus deeds have lent the name ‘Mahavira Vaibhav’. Kalyan Guna (Welfare to humanity) is the main evident of Lord Rama.
It was his Kalyan Guna that he condoned the faults in others even when they had caused harm to him. The most important instance was when Ravana stood helpless without arms in the battlefield it would have been very easy to finish him off if the feeling of revenge on the one who had abducted his wife and kept her under captivity had over ridden, his sence of Dharma in warfare. His propriety and his inborn trait of pardoning others faults came to the tore in this critical juncture. The other Quality which was singular in Rama was his easy accessibility to everyone because of his innate affability (Sausilya). He was not only the supreme being incarnate but also the prince-regent, heir to the emperor of the mighty kingdom of Ayodhya.
Rama endeared himself to one and all by his noble qualities during his exile in the forest, the manner in which Rama addressed Guha, touched by his service by declaring that he was indeed his brother. These are few examples of his holy and piousness.
In Ramayan 16 outstanding qualities of Lord Rama is referred as ‘Krishna’ he performed the very delecate task of proceedings as an envoy of the Pandava’s to explore whether peace could be ensured. In several ways he saved the Pandava’s.
Rama was a prince and as such he could not be assigned the job of an ambassador, however there was an occasion when he admired such a task by another and he felt sorry. He was denied a similar privilege and so in his next manifestation he himself volunteered to do this service. All Gods incarnation are identical in bringing out his concern for those who place their faith in him. Lord descended on the earth protect the pious and thereby revealed his easy accessibility the destruction of wicked men was also his concern but this could have been accomplished by his will.
‘Thyagraja’ the great writter has emphasised that Sri Rama is unique. He said that Rama is ‘Parabrahama’ he is his ‘Ishtadevta’ – He has written many songs in the praise of Lord Rama in ‘Harikambhojit Kirtana’ – He said “Rama is the one and only God. Oh Mind! why do you dissipate?” ‘He is Brahma, Siva, Indra, permanent and the antar yamin in all beings.’
„Hey Ram – Hey Ram“, is a great Devotional prayer sung in the praise of Hindus God Rama. A beautiful bhajan by Jagjit Singh. http://gita-blog.blogspot.com/
Rama is the character who is delighted and grateful even by one act of help by anyone and never entertains in his mind any hostility to one who has done him enormous harm.
Balmiki’s Ramayana is revered as the essence of the vedas itself and ‘Rama’ portrayed as the very passonification of dharma. The purpose of studying scriptured texts like ‘Ramayana’ is to the divine level. One can make his life sublime by a word of comfort to help another in distress. The script of Ramayana desist one from turning proud, when by divines grace one is placed is a high position or is intellectually superior. Ramayana is an epic of Moral values of human being, great source of in spiration to the whole of humanity. India as Ramayana’s birth place is well known and Ramayana has been part and parcel of the Indian way of life from time immemoriel.
Tulsidas has also witten’ Ram Charit Manas’ the history and the great story of ‘Rama’ as an epic which is very popular as it is described in a very simple manner to apporach to the heart of human being-.
Ramnawami is a great day when Rama was born in the Kingdom of Ayodhya King Dashratha & Kaushalya. Today her all incarnation a Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chaudraghante, Kushmanda, Skandhamata, Katyayni, Kalratri, Mahagauri, Siddhidarti and on the last day on Nawami this year on 23rd March everybody celebrates the birthday of Sri Ram in all its gay mood wearing new clothes, meeting & greeting each other worshipping their Ishta Dev/Devi and congratulates each other.
Article by Prof. Chitralekha Singh
Dean: Institute of Visual, Performing Arts & Research, Mangalayatan University, Beswan, Aligarh.
Visit at: www.artistchitralekha.com
e-mail: chitralekha@artlover.com mob . 91 9319103482
- Ramayana or Ramkatha, NEWS on Festival of Ramkatha <
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- VEDA, SMRITI, SRUTI on Dharma <
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- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma –
- www.ramayoga.net
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- According to the various Indian religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, beings that live in accordance with Dharma proceed more quickly toward dharma yukam, moksha or nirvana (personal liberation). The antonym of dharma is adharma meaning unnatural or immoral.
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