Jabulani – a self help project in Mariannhill
Jabulani (IsiZulu) „Be Happy“
The greatest good we do to others is not to give them our own wealth but to show them their own. – ( Kardinal Suenese)
The Origins of Jabulani – Jabulani opened officially on the 4th of January 1988. At that time many people came to Mariannhill Mission for help after becoming homeless in the heavy floods in 1987. However, it was impossible to reach the poorest people. Thus the Sisters of the Precious Blood decided to open a centre for those affected.
Sr. Marco Gneis agreed to establish the project together with Mrs. Audrey. Prior to founding Jabulani the two nurses had been teaching mothers coming to St. Mary’s Hospital how to grow vegetables at home in an attempt to combat malnutrition, visiting different areas within a wide radius of the hospital with a mobile clinic.
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The Jabulani School Report – In the early days of Jabulani many people had to flee their homes and seek new shelter. This caused many problems, especially for the children involved. The local schools were overcrowded so that some of these children were refused admission. The arguments used revolved around the bad influence these children from allegedly criminal areas would have on the other pupils. The outcome was that a large number of children could not go to school that particular year. So Bhekani Mzobe started to teach the children of different grades at Jabulani.
Who comes to Jabulani every day? – About 140 women and 15 men from the surrounding townships are working at Jabulani. These people cannot find work on the open job market because they lack education or qualifications or because their family situation does not allow it. At Jabulani they have the chance to earn a small salary with which they can feed their families and offer their children a better future. The day starts at 7.30 am and ends around 3.30 pm, teatime and lunchtime included.
Jabulani Projects – Many projects in Jabulani were established within a very short space of time, including the gardening, sewing, embroidery, candle-making, bakery and weaving projects. Unfortunately some of these projects had to be stopped in the course of time due to the economic situation. The sewing project was restarted again later when it was decided to sew clothes for the Jabulani people themselves. Thus school uniforms, cushion covers, children’s clothes were made in addition to products for tourists.
Jabulani and Religion – In Jabulani one finds Catholic symbols alongside Zionist symbols, demonstrating that Jabulani is open for everyone, whether Christian, Zionist or Muslim. In Jabulani the different cultures and religions exist not only alongside one another, but also together with one another. And in the little meditation room all groups can practice their faith.
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