





The Wu Xing (Chinese: ä行; pinyin: wǔxíng), or the Five Movements, Five Phases or Five Steps/Stages, are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device, in many traditional Chinese fields.

It is sometimes translated as Five Elements, but the Wu Xing are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device, hence the preferred translation of „movements“, „phases“ or „steps“ over „elements“. By the same token, Mu is thought of as „Tree“ rather than „Wood“.

The five elements are:

  • * Wood (Chinese: 木, pinyin: mù)
  • * Fire (Chinese: 火, pinyin: huǒ)
  • * Earth (Chinese: 土, pinyin: tǔ)
  • * Metal (Chinese: 金, pinyin: jÄn)
  • * Water (Chinese: 水, pinyin: shuǐ)

The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. It was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought, including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, music, military strategy, martial arts. Read More: > HERE <


Every medicine is a language, a vocabulary of concepts that expresses fundamental beliefs about the nature of reality. It is through this grid that we perceive and explain ourselves. Medical thinking defines human experience, from physiological process to human behavior and competence. It is medicine that determines how we are born and how we die, whether we are fit or disabled, intelligent or ignorant, healthy or ill.

Medicine is the cultural institution that defines when we are alive, valuable, and human. Ontology and pathology are always closely linked: how people get sick is inextricably tied to who they are. The ideas of Chinese medicine differ fundamentally from those of Western medicine, so identifying and solving problems within its context requires familiarity with its concepts, categories, and logic.

Western medicine emerges from the Cartesian model that pictures the world as a machine. Reality is located in what is tangible and material, that which can be measured, quantified, and reduced to smaller and smaller constituent parts. Descartes unequivocally separated mind from body because the existence of consciousness could not be verified by the instruments of science.

Where as modern medicine relies upon the Cartesian–Newtonian reductionist paradigm, Chinese medicine is embedded within the Daoist– Confucianist philosophy of holism. In the Eastern world view, a human being is a living microcosm, a fusion of cosmic and terrestrial forces, the offspring of Heaven and Earth. A person is recognized as a being with a self– aware mind embodied in physical form. The unseen and seen, psyche and soma, are mutually valid and cogenerative: the body provides a home for the mind, and the spirit, nestled securely within the body, animates physical life.

Chinese medical logic postulates that by observing patterns in the external world, the dynamics of human nature are known––as above, so below.

The world is a single, unbroken wholeness–– Dao––that exists without and within. This logic relies upon correspondence thinking: things that correspond to the same thing correspond to each other. Human physiology and identity in Chinese medicine proceed from the assumption that each person is a universe in miniature, so the same forces that shape the macrocosm swirl within each of us, organizing our interior.

Qigong (or ch’i kung) is an internal Chinese meditative practice which often uses slow graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques to promote the circulation of qi within the human body, and enhance a practitioner’s overall health. There are also many forms of qigong that are done with little or no movement at all, in standing, sitting and supine positions; likewise, not all forms of qigong use breath control techniques. Although not a martial art, qigong is often confused with the Chinese martial art of tai chi. This misunderstanding can be attributed to the fact that most Chinese martial arts practitioners will usually also practice some form of qigong and to the uninitiated, these arts may seem to be alike. There are more than 10,000 styles of qigong and 200 million people practicing these methods.

There are three main reasons why people do qigong: 1) To gain strength, improve health or reverse a disease 2) To gain skill working with qi, so as to become a healer 3) To become more connected with the „Tao, God, True Source, Great Spirit“, for a more meaningful connection with nature and the universe. Read More: > Here <

Willkommen auf den Webseiten des tao-chi:

  • www.tao-chi.info
  • mehr als 300 Seiten Bilder und Texte über unsere Schule für:
  • Kung-Fu
  • Tai-Chi Ch’uan
  • Qi-Gong
  • Meditation.

Tierstile sind Bewegungsformen (Formeln), die bereits in prähistorischen Zeiten von Menschen ausgeübt wurden, mit dem Ziel, sich durch Imitation Zugang zu natürlichen Kraftpotentialen zu verschaffen.

Der legendäre Arzt, > Hua-To ( Chinese Physician ) <, (190-265 u.Z.), gilt als Erfinder der “Kunst der fünf Tiere” (Wu Ching Shu), mit der die….“ 5 Elementaren Energien und Kräfte des Inneren gestärkt werden …” sollen und Langlebigkeit erreicht wird. Seine Kunst leitete er aus älteren Traditionen ab, die bis in das 2. Jahrtausend vorchristlicher Zeit zurückreichen.

Pai-Yu Feng war einer der ersten Meister der Shaolin-Schule, der Tierstile im Kung-Fu des Shaolin-Tempels entwickelte und einführte, weshalb sein Name in der Shaolin-Tradition in Ehren gehalten wird.


” Tierstile im Kung-Fu und Qi-Gong “ des Ch’an Shaolim Si Tao“

REFERENCE BOOK: > THE ROOT OF CHINESE QI GONG  < : Secrets of Health, Longevity, & Enlightenment: Secrets for Health, Longevity and Enlightenment (Taschenbuch)

“ Qigong befaßt sich mit dem Studium unseres „Energiefeldes“ und hat einen direkten Bezug zu unserer physischen, emotionalen, mentalen und geistigen Gesundheit. Sowohl in den östlichen als auch in den westlichen Geistesschulen sucht man nach Mitteln, um die körperliche Energie positiv zu beeinflussen, entweder indirekt über geistige und emotional wirksame Techniken oder durch direkte Steuerung des Bewusstseins.

In den östlichen Lehrsystemen ist man sich jedoch mehr als im Westen darüber bewusst, welchen Einfluß die Energie (Chi) auf Körper und Geist hat. So arbeitet die TCM (Traditionelle chinesische Medizin) mit Akupunktur und Kräuterheilkunde, mit Moxa und Qigong, um das Chi im inneren zu bewegen und so die Organe zu kräftigen. Im Qigong beginnst Du, ähnlich wie im Yoga mit der körperlichen Übung, bewegst die Energie in Deinen Energiebahnen (Meridiane), bringst Ordnung in Deine Gedanken und erreichst schließlich geistige Klarheit, das Ziel der Meditation.“

Qigong ist demnach der Sammelbegriff für verschiedene Übungsformen, welche ihre Anwendung finden in der Kampfkunst und der Meditation, in der Heilkunst und der Gesundheitspflege. Die Übungen dienen der Stärkung von Körper, Geist und Lebenskraft.

In unserer Tao-Chi Schule für Qi-Gong & Tai-Chi Ch’uan lernen Sie das Qigong-Yangsheng aus dem Lehrsystem von Prof. Jiao Guorui „Das Spiel der 5 Tiere“ (Wu-Chin-Hsi, Wu Xing Gong),Freihandübungen der Shaolin, sowie Handgriffe (Tui-Na, An-Mo) und traditionelle Übungsreihen aus der daoistischen Schule im Rahmen des Tai-Chi Ch’uan-Unterrichtes.

Lao Tse

> 81 Verse des Alten Meisters Lao-Tze <

Laozi (Chinese: 老子; pinyin: Lǎozǐ; Wade-Giles: Laosi; also Lao Tse, Lao Tu, Lao-Tzu, Lao-Tsu, Laotze, Lao Zi, Laocius, and other variations) was a philosopher of ancient China and is a central figure in Taoism (also spelled „Daoism“). Laozi literally means „Old Master“ and is generally considered an honorific. Laozi is revered as a deity in most religious forms of Taoism. Taishang Laojun is a title for Laozi in the Taoist religion, which refers to him as „One of the Three Pure Ones“.

According to Chinese tradition, Laozi lived in the 6th century BC. Historians variously contend that Laozi is a synthesis of multiple historical figures, that he is a mythical figure, or that he actually lived in the 4th century BC, concurrent with the Hundred Schools of Thought and Warring States Period.

A central figure in Chinese culture, both nobility and common people claim Laozi in their lineage. Throughout history, Laozi’s work was embraced by various anti-authoritarian movements.

Laozi is traditionally regarded as the author of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing), though its authorship has been debated throughout history. Read More: > HERE <


Lao-Tze – der alte Meister
Tao-Te King (67)

81 Schriften aus dem Buch über den Weg und die Kraft
in der Übersetzung von
(Ron Hogan)

01. Everywhere I go, people tell me,
02. „Tao is so powerful, so immense,
03. it’s inconceivable!“

04. But it’s only powerful
05. because it’s inconceivable.
06. If we could wrap our minds around it,
07. Tao would be just another thing.

08. The three most important qualities in life
09. are compassion,
10. or showing kindness and mercy to others,
11. moderation,
12. or knowing what a thing is worth,
13. and modesty,
14. or knowing your place in the world.

15. Courage stems from showing
16 .kindness and mercy to others.
17. Generosity starts with knowing
18. what a thing is worth.
19. True leadership begins with knowing
20. your place in the world.

21. But these days,
22. I see everyone trying to act courageous
23. without any trace of compassion.
24. They try to be generous
25. but they don’t practice moderation
26. in their own lives.
27. They act like leaders,
28. but they have no sense of modesty.
29. No good can come of this.
30.  If you want to get ahead,
31. show people compassion.
32. When other people attack you,
33. defend yourself with compassion.
34. It’s the most powerful force in the universe.