Ani Choying Dolma's Photos - Losar Celebration at Arya Tara School



Her actual name is Ani (which means nun or sister) Choying Drolma. Ani Choying Drolma is an exceptional singer, admired by fans all over the world. People are moved to tears by the plaintive purity of her voice, and the haunting melodies of her ancient songs and hymns, passed from master to pupil for many centuries.

Ani Choying has always believed that nuns have a great desire and potential to make the world a better place, if only given equal opportunities. In 2000 she opened the Arya Tara School. The school aims to equip nuns to help and to serve their communities in a professional and humanitarian capacity. With a fully developed and realized potential, she believes that her nuns will be able to not only help themselves, but also to help others.


In brief, Arya Tara School aims to help young nuns bring their compassion into fruition, actively, effectively, skillfully and meaningfully. Traditionally, says Ani Choying, women’s education is neglected in Asia. “most of the girls at my nunnery are from rural areas either in Tibet, India or Nepal, patriarchal cultures where women are expected just to cook, clean and bear children. Even in the nunnery, they are taught to read classical Tibetan in order to do the religious practice, but many cannot write their own names.”

Her school would educate them in Literacy, Maths, Science, Medical and Nursing skills, and Buddhist philosophy.

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