








Paracelsus (born Phillip von Hohenheim, 11 November or 17 December 1493 in Einsiedeln, Switzerland – 24 September 1541 in Salzburg, Austria) was a Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist. Born Phillip von Hohenheim, he later took up the name Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim, and still later took the title Paracelsus, meaning „equal to or greater than Celsus“, a Roman encyclopedist, Aulus Cornelius Celsus from the first century known for his tract on medicine.He is also credited for giving zinc its name, calling it zincum and is regarded as the first systematic botanist



Paracelsus was born Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim.

He was a contemporary of Martin Luther and > Nicolaus Copernicus <.  He adopted his pseudonym based on his assertion that he was a better physician than Celsus, the first century C.E. Roman author on medicine acclaimed in Renaissance Europe (he was „Para-Celsus,“ or beyond Celsus).

His self-promotion as „The Most Highly Experienced and Illustrious Physician … “ has given us the word „bombastic,“ derived from his birth name.

Paracelsus gained his early medical knowledge from his father, who was a physician. He followed this education with formal medical training at the University of Ferrara in Italy. Finding his formal training disappointing, Paracelsus embarked on a life of travel and study combined with medical practice. According to Paracelsus, he collected medical knowledge anywhere he could find it without regard to academic authority.

He acknowledged his consultations with peasants, barbers, chemists, old women, quacks, and magicians. Paracelsus developed his notions of disease and treatment away from any established medical faculty and promoted the idea that academic medical training had reached a state deeply in need of reform.

Paracelsus believed in the four „Aristotelian“ elements of earth, air, fire, and water. His medical theory was based on the notion that earth is the fundamental element of existence for humans and other living things. Paracelsus believed that earth generated all living things under the rule of three „principles“: salt, sulfur, and mercury. He therefore believed these substances to be very potent as chemical reactants, as poisons, and as medical treatments. Read More about Aristoteles: >HERE <



Mahabhutas in Sangita-Sastra

With Special Reference to Yoga and Ayurveda

Prem Lata Sharma

The five elements have been said here to be the manifestation of Siva, the Supreme Being.

An enquiry into the role of Mahabhutas in Music is essentially a quest for the relationship between the ‚outer‘, ‚inner‘, and what is beyond the two. Roughly, the human organism is the ‚inner‘, whatever is outside the body is the ‚outer‘ and both are closely interrelated. 

That which permeates both of them and is yet intangible is beyond them. In understanding the ‚inner‘, both Yoga, and, Ayurveda have made a deep study of the psycho-physical centres in the human body as well as the physiological structure of the body in terms of the Mahabhutas.

The unity of the ‚inner‘ and the ‚outer‘ has been established by expounding that the sense-organs, their objects and their functions are all manifestations of the Mah¡bh£tas. The following passage from Sa´g¢ta-Ratn¡kara makes this very clear.

The Sangita-Ratnakara (1.2.56c-71b) describes the structure and functions of the human body in terms of the five Mahabhutas as follows: >>> H E R E <<<


…“ Education: Proposed PhD on the Panca Mahabhuta or Primordial Elements in Indian Traditions under Professor Dr.Ria Kloppenborg of the Department for Religious Studies, Faculty of Theology of the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands. This PhD could not be completed because of the untimely passing away of Professor Kloppenborg (2002-2004)…“


“ The mahabhutas in cidambaram and ancient temples „


MahÄbhūta is Sanskrit and PÄli for „great element.“ In Hinduism, the five „great“ or „gross“ elements are ether, air, fire, water and earth. In Buddhism, the „four great elements“ (Pali: cattÄro mahÄbhūtÄni) are earth, water, fire and air.

In Hinduism’s sacred literature, the „great“ or „gross“ elements (mahÄbhūta) are fivefold: space (or „ether“), air, fire, water and earth.

For instance, the TaittirÄya Upaniṣad describes the five „sheaths“ of a person (Sanskrit: puruṣa), starting with the grossest level of the five evolving great elements:

From this very self (Ätman) did space come into being; from space, air; from air, fire; from fire, the waters, from the waters, the earth; from the earth, plants; from plants, food; and from food, man…. Different from and lying within this man formed from the essence of food is the self (Ätman) consisting of lifebreath…. Different from and lying within this self consisting of breath is the self (Ätman) consisting of mind…. Different from and lying within this self consisting of mind is the self (Ätman) consisting of perception…. Different from and lying within this self consisting of perception is the self (Ätman) consisting of bliss….

In Buddhism, the four Great Elements (Pali: cattÄro mahÄbhūtÄni) are earth, water, fire and air. MahÄbhūta is generally synonymous with catudhÄtu, which is PÄli for the „Four Elements.“ In early Buddhism, the Four Elements are a basis for understanding and for liberating oneself from suffering. They are categories used to relate to the sensible physical world, and are conceived of not as substances, but as sensorial qualities.

In the Pali canon, the most basic elements are usually identified as four in number but, on occasion, a fifth and, to an even lesser extent, a sixth element may be also be identified.

Read Full Text: > HERE <


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