> ZAYA AFRICA is a Non Profitable Agency <
ZAYA AFRICA is a Non Profitable Agency that campaigns for, promotes, support and care for children, youth as well as elderly in communities and has creates platforms for solidarity with those children of school going age who do not have access to Education and desire assistance.
ZAYA works closely with > Phoenix Voyage African Project < in united effort to mobilize financial, technical and materials resources for sending orphans and vulnerable children [ OVC] to school and is committed to accomplish this as success story of all times.
It welcomes pledges for support in any amount small or big. The organization also brings peoples and cultures together as well as mobilizes and sensitizes them in fighting poverty besides delivering essential social services to disadvantaged group and communities who need health care facilities. ZAYA lobbies governments as well as other global stakeholders to help sponsor as many children to schools and ensure that these get the best education as possible.
The Loving Examples Children’s Project School in Katoogo Mukono District, Central Uganda is a model orphanage established and being sponsored. It is designed to encourage visits and exchange by volunteers, supporters, friends and partners and has space for expansion as fully equipped center in a conducive quite rural environment.
> Meet Zaya the loving Example children´s Center at facebook <
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